
Yihai Valley Crack in Wuhan

Jiang Hongbo asked directly, "Where is the address?" Do you know?"

Valley hook finger: "Come with me."

A large number of people followed the valley crack, and the valley split actually stopped at the door of a public toilet outside the airport: "In a while, we will have a fierce battle. It should be tough. You have to poop and pee quickly and keep yourself in your best state."

Seeing everyone looking at their speechless expression, Gu Ri directly ignored it: "It's convenient for me if you are inconvenient." After saying that, he walked into the toilet without a master's intuition.


"Jiang Hongbo, don't look at me like that. I know, I can't go into the men's toilet with you." Yan Ziqi said to Jiang Hongbo, who was holding him.

Jiang Hongbo looked at the people around him with great embarrassment and apomment: "I'm really sorry, that's what she is."

Yan Ziqi jumped into Chen Liling's arms angrily, "Chen Liling, let's go to the toilet."

"..." In the pitiful and mocking eyes of the crowd, Jiang Hongbo walked into the toilet.

While the men stood and urinated, Valley said, "Are all the people who came this time ready not to go back?"

Jiang Hongbo was silent for a while: "I can't say it clearly. Ask them yourself."

Meng Renjun also stood on the steps of the urinal and said, "The people who joined the group have long been ready to go back, and those who participated in this operation are all voluntary. If they really can't go back, they will die."

After everyone excreted all the things that should be excreted, everyone concentrated at the door of the toilet again. Jiang Hongbo contacted a friend of the local National Security Bureau and got a few cars. Because these members of the dragon group acted privately, the friend could only help with personal relations and could only borrow a few cars. And a few drivers give it to them.

Valley cracked sat in the front row of the first car and showed the driver the address. He kept remembering Luo Binghong's instructions that the fewer people knew the address before he arrived at the place.

When everyone went to a shopping mall, Qian Pei has found that there are many supernatural reactions underground. This should not be an ordinary underground mall, but I'm afraid there is a hole below.

The mall is full of people, and people are frantically buying all the goods on the shelves. It seems that Danqing Palace is a good choice. In this case, the enemies should not only attack them, even if they want to enter the mall quietly.

"Damn, there are so many people, how can we get in?" Lao Yi asked.

Jiang Hongbo dragged a fireball in his hand: "Don't worry, I'm here, where can't I go?"

The three "disciples" of Valley Rift are very puzzled, but those members of the dragon group obviously know what he means.

Jiang Hongbo winced Yan Ziyi. Yan Ziyi lowered his fingers, and a thin ice crystal hung down from his fingers, then turned into a small ice snake and climbed in from the crowd. At the same time, the other end formed a mirror on the back of her hand, which showed the scene of the small ice snake.

At first, the screen was full of people, but it wasn't long before the ice snake entered a vent, and then entered a hall full of goods from the vent, which was the warehouse of this mall.

"Ye, there's no one here. Let's stop here." Jiang Hongbo made the fireball smaller and quickly flew in from the top of the crowd to the route corresponding to the ice snake. "Hold my hand!"

According to everyone's words, after everyone's limbs came into contact with each other, Jiang Hongbo disappeared with everyone with a flash of fire.

They appeared in that warehouse.

How's it going? Qian Pei?"

Qian Pei looked around: "They are at our feet!"

Yan Ziqi put his hand on the floor. Before long, a layer of ice slowly formed on the ground, but he found that it was full of cement underneath. The cold moon knife was useless. The cracked cold moon knife came out of its sheath. With a knife, it broke the steel and cement like destruction and the decay, and made a big hole in the floor. The warriors of the dragon group on one side were stunned. .

Everyone jumped from their openings and entered an empty but foggy hall. After falling to the ground, the hole above their heads quickly closed, as if their skin had healed, which was extremely strange.

The hall was full of white fog, and the visibility was extremely low. As soon as Jiang Hongbo fell, he found that he could not see his companion. He looked down and was shocked. Yan Ziyi in his arms actually disappeared and was replaced by a big hockey.

Jiang Hongbo quickly threw away the hockey and shouted his companion's name: "Qian Pei! Master Xuming! Crack Brothers! Where are you?"

No one responded to him. He thought for a while, condensed four flames and bypassed the ring around him. In this way, as long as someone saw the fireball, he could roughly judge the center of the trajectory by the flame flight, and almost found his position. This is his old trick. Maybe they don't know much about it, but the colleagues of the dragon group must know it.

At this moment, the mutiny suddenly condensed a strange face in the white fog in front of him. He bit him with his teeth and claws. He retreated repeatedly, and the fireball in his hand flew out, but he could not dispel the grimace of the white fog. The grimace bit his shoulder, and there was a sharp pain, and countless blood flowed down. , which surprised Jiang Hongbo. Is this fog still the entity? Only then did he remember that he had sent out a lot of fireballs, which could be avoided by teleportation. Shit, it seemed that even the reaction speed had slowed down in the fog.

When the second grimace hit, Jiang Hongbo decisively teleported to a fireball not far away, but saw another grimace immediately condensed on the side. He also gritted his teeth. This time, he bit his arm and bit directly into the bone.

Jiang Hongbo relieved his pain with complaints: "Damn! What's going on? Can someone on the other side control the fog?"

He kept moving, but every time he moved, he saw the fog condensed into several grimace and bite him, and more and more grimace, and the cohesion was getting faster and faster. After a while, he felt that he was in the ocean of ghost faces. Each face made his hair stand upright and creepy, but there was nothing he could do, because No matter where he moved, there were so many faces waiting for him, and every time he saw him, he rushed up like a wolf.

A careless face bit him, and then the second and third... Each face needed a piece of meat on his body before leaving, and then another face took its place. Jiang Hongbo felt as painful as being chewed in his mouth, and a little like the 3600 knives in ancient times. Even the bitten meat seemed to be connected to his god. With the severe pain, Jiang Hongbo's consciousness slowly blurred.

At this moment, a mirror composed of ice crystals rose in front of him. Jiang Hongbo finally saw a glimmer of hope. It seemed that Yan Ziqi's ability had arrived, but where was she?

The mirror image of Master Minglai appeared in the mirror, and he whispered to the mirror, "A surprised!"

A clever man passed through Jiang Hongbo's head. He turned his head and saw that there was no ghost face, and his whole body was intact. Those pains were as if they were intact, but there were indeed some red marks in the place where he was bitten. The only real thing was white fog, but they were also very light.

"This is... Illusional powers?" Jiang Hongbo said suspiciously, "That's awesome! Danqing Palace is really stronger than the Dragon Group!"

"Kword three!" Suddenly, a low drink came from nowhere, and the knife wind swept away and blew away all the white fog.

The original appearance of the hall is revealed. This is just a hall, an ordinary hall. Everything in the hall is white, with nothing but white walls, ceilings and floors - of course, there are several ice crystal mirrors standing among them.

Most of the people were still there when they came in, but some of them lay on the ground and became corpses.

The second brother with the weakest skills, as well as Qian Pei, are already dead. Lao San and Meng Renjun are also on the ground, but they are not dead. Lao San is in a coma, and Meng Renjun seems to be conscious and struggling.

Xu Ming walked up and helped them get out of danger.

Jiang Hongbo secretly congratulated that if Yan Ziyi's mirror appeared a little later, he would be like Lao San. If it was later, he would be a corpse.

By the way, Jiang Hongbo found a problem - what about Yan Zixuan? She is gone...