
Between the three wars

Chen Liling's belt dance is very good - this is also certain. If you want to join the dragon group, you can't be too old, and you also need to have many particularly excellent abilities. Either you have very practical powers, or you have martial arts skills that are very high among your peers, or you have excellent performance in special forces or the National Security Bureau. .

If these are not good at it, how can they enter the dragon group's combat organization, an organization with only 500 seats in the country?

If you met an ordinary martial artist, Chen Liling would have won long ago - but the opponent is also an elite member of Danqing Palace. The two daggers are hidden somewhere on his body. They can't be seen at all, as if they don't exist at all, but they can always cut off Chen Liling's tape at a critical moment.

However, this belt is also magical. No matter how many times it is cut, it has not been shortened. Even so, she can keep putting the ribbon out, and more and more. The flexible figure of the old tree keeps dodging the attack of the ribbon, but the upper limit of the length that Chen Liling can control seems to be very high, making the old tree There is almost no way to hide.

The old tree changed its tactics, changed its flexible body, and moved at a very high speed.

Chen Liling's heart was horizontal and released all the ribbons. In an instant, the ribbon covering the sky and the sun covered the scene. No matter where the old tree was, she had covered his whole body.

Seeing this scene, Meng Renjun secretly shouted that he had won. As long as the old tree could not move quickly, Chen Liling could deal with him no matter what he wanted.

But the valley split sighed: "Another one died..."

"What?" Although Meng Renjun heard his words clearly, he didn't know what he meant, "What are you talking about?"

"I said, another of our companions died."

Meng Renjun was stunned.

At this time, the white ribbons have fallen. Strangely, they are all slowly laid on the ground. Obviously, there is no one under the ribbon.

Meng Renjun suddenly shouted, "Be careful!"

Chen Liling was also surprised to see the old tree suddenly run out of her back, her sleeves stroked between her throat, and felt a faint coldness and numbness in her throat, and then the world went away from her.

Chen Liling knelt down, and drops of blood fell on the white ribbon. Her beautiful eyes slowly lost their brilliance. The slight shaking of her lovely eyelashes may be the last action of her life.

"Oh, roar!!! Lao Shu, you really don't know how to pity and cherish jade that you killed her directly..." Youshan let out her signature laugh again, "What a beautiful way to die. From this perspective, I can't see any change at all. I want to die like this in the future... However, if it is poisoned or strangled, it is also possible to achieve this effect, especially strangled, which is even more pleasant. With the continuous swing of the limbs, the struggle slowly weakens, becomes convulsions, and then droops feebly, showing incomparable softness. The weakness of women like water is revealed at that moment..."

"The master and I have the same opinion!" The old tree retreated to Youshan and licked his lips excitedly, staring straight at Chen Liling, who was kneeling on the ground.

Youshan smiled and said, "Heroes see the same! It's really hard to find a bosom friend, and it's hard to find a fellow. In ancient times, there was his son's period, and now there is my old tree!"

"Hmm, teacher... Father," Xiaoyi coughed and pushed his master - but because she is too perverted now, the word "master" of his "master" can't be called out, so he has to call him "Master". "Can you look at the occasion and feel life again?"

Youshan said nervously, "I don't need to understand that life is different from different occasions. If you say so, you obviously lack the spirit of learning."

Xiaoyi didn't know how to answer, so he shrugged his shoulders and said nothing.

"Don't say it," Youshan looked at Meng Renjun as if she was looking at a food. "Handsome brother, you are the next one!"

Meng Renjun doesn't want to be remembered by a pervert.

Youshan said, "Men should die stronger. I prefer to see men who are cut by thousands of knives and then die seriously injured, or die with a hole in their chest."

It seems that I have already remembered... Meng Renjun wanted to come forward to get Chen Liling's body, but was stopped by Xiaoyi's sound power: "Although I don't like the teacher's bad taste, since it's what they like, how can it be so easy for you to take away?" Speaking of this, he looked carefully at Chen Liling, who was kneeling on the ground, and suddenly felt that "although it is a corpse, it is also quite beautiful".

Xiaoyi shivered: How could he have such a perverted idea?! He decided to stay away from the master and the old tree in the future.

Seeing the expression of benefits, Youshan certainly guessed what he was thinking, so she smiled and said to him, "Xiaoyi, you were lazy for a while just now. Is it time to go now?"

Xiaoyi trembled: "It should be, it should be, who should be, should you fight with me?"

Meng Renjun frowned. Was he afraid of death? He did not consider his life and death from the first day he joined the National Security Bureau. Later, it was even more so after joining the dragon group. However, Meng Renjun is very worried about the current situation. If he also dies, does Gu Rift have the ability to dismantle the nuclear bomb? Although it seems unlikely, if Youshan goes back on his point, can the Valley crack cope with it?

Xiao Yi looked at Meng Renjun's pace: "It seems to be a special forces soldier? You haven't learned internal skills, have you? This fight makes me feel too favored!"

Meng Renjun took out a saber: "That's not necessarily. Don't think you are warriors. It's still a tragedy to stab them with a knife, right?"

Xiaoyi held his own piano and was a little embarrassed: "You use a dagger, but my only weapon is the piano, and I use the piano to deal with the dagger... Isn't it a little too big?"

"Otherwise, you can do it empty-handed."

Yang Yang said, "That way you have no chance of winning. I don't want to do this."

Meng Renjun was puzzled: "If I have no chance of winning, wouldn't I be even more helpless if you hold the weapon?"

Xiaoyi squinted at him: "Idiot... When you fight with people, do you prefer to be empty-handed or hold a stone?

“...... I understand." Meng Renjun said, "Since you are willing to be humble, let's start!"

After saying that, he ran quickly and stabbed the knife in his hand. Xiaoyi blocked it in front of him with a piano, but the sharp saber did not pierce it. It seems that this piano is not an ordinary thing.

Meng Renjun's saber was cut down crazily, and Xiaoyi dodged left and right between his blades without any danger. Although he was one round younger than Meng Renjun, the scene was like an adult bullying a child.

Finally, Xiaoyi grabbed a flaw, pressed the saber with the strings, and then flicked his finger, and the saber came out of his hand.

Meng Renjun quickly jumped away, quickly took out a pistol from his underwear, and shot at Xiao Yi without any hesitation.

Xiaoyi hurriedly danced the piano body into a circle, and two bullets hit the piano and turned it into a play around.

While dancing in the circle, Xiaoyi shouted angrily, "Why are there still guns! You are naughty! Can this martial arts competition still be used*?

Meng Renjun said, "If you can use nuclear bombs, can't we use guns?"

Xiaoyi put away his angry expression, changed his color seriously, and held the piano in one hand. "Master, please give me some advice."

Meng Renjun's arm danced quickly, danced into the air, and shot out, as if he were a gunfight. Xiao Yi simply raised the piano a few centimeters, and the bullet from top to bottom hit the edge of the piano body, and then he stroked the strings with one hand. Meng Renjun seemed to have been hit by something invisible. , fly backwards out.

When he got up, Xiao Yi was still in that posture. Meng Renjun shot again. Xiao Yi simply turned the piano 90 degrees, blocked it down, and then hit Meng Renjun a few meters away again.

"Damn! One is more perverted!" Meng Renjun spit out something that he didn't know whether it was blood or bile or blood mixed with bile, "This can block bullets. Why don't you go to war?! Pretting to be terrorists here?"