
Wizi in the diary

December 29, 2012

Today, major stores began a New Year's Day promotion, and Camel and I went shopping with two girls.

Sure enough, even girls studying science are irrational when shopping. However, we saw a "superman" flying in the air on the street. After that, we went to investigate and found that this was not street magic. Although we were not observers in the research institute, we still recorded the incident. Come down.


December 30, 2012

Unexpectedly, I really didn't expect that there have been no more than ten similar supernatural phenomena across the country, all of which have occurred in the past week. Camel and I are not the only witnesses.

According to the above, we need to organize an investigation team. As far as the current situation is, the camel and I can't run away from the list of the investigation team.


January 21, 2013

There have been many supernatural events, and the superior finally decided to organize an investigation team. Sure enough, the names of me and the camel are on it. What does it mean that people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong?

12 members of our investigation team are going to go to Zhejiang. This supernatural phenomenon was first discovered in Zhejiang, and the most happened in Zhejiang. It seems that this year is not going well. Bosses said that this matter was clear and gave us a one-month long vacation. Do you think I will believe it?


February 17, 2013

It has been a month since I came to Zhejiang. There has been no substantial progress except for finding a large group of "powers". Isn't it inappropriate to call them "powers"? Beijing hasn't said that it was named after me.

However, today we found a discovery that we found a power and set a new record for the earliest appearance of power. His ability first appeared on December 22 last year, the day after the Mayans predicted the end of the world.

If the so-called "doomsday" refers to the sudden evolution of human beings, and new human beings replace the original human beings, resulting in the "destruction" of the original human beings in disguise, then I think this is the "doomsday" way that people most want to see, right?


March 18, 2013

Today, the dragon group's documents finally officially admitted the existence of superpowers and opened a separate archive for them. Is this the result of our two months?

I found that I have the talent to name, which is much better than that heavenly master. The name given to this group of people by the dragon group is actually the same as me, and they are also "powers". In the future, you can ask me to name them for 20.


Tianshi saw a few black lines on his head, and Li Qi, who was beside him, had to immediately turn his diary to the next page.

March 28, 2013

I was really scared to death today.

We stayed in Zhejiang for two months and finally returned to Beijing with a large group of powers.

Can you imagine? The plane flew in mid-air and suddenly a face appeared outside the window! That's a girl!

I watched her lying outside the plane, and she also looked at me. It took me for a long time to realize and asked someone to pull her in from the outside.

The girl is very beautiful, but she rarely talks. When we ask her something, she either shakes her head or nod, and there is no response, like a... Fool?

The weather is very cold, and the girl's clothes are very thin. Well, if that's still clothes, there is only a piece of cloth all over her body. Although we didn't see her trembling, we still put some clothes on her.

Sure enough, this girl is a supernatural person. She seems to be able to suspend objects and generate and control wind. I think that's why she can lie outside the cabin safely?


March 29, 2013

The girl finally spoke. Well, in fact, she didn't say anything yesterday, but there was no substantive content. Today, she finally asked me where she was, who she was and who I was.

This means that she is not a fool, but seems to have lost her memory?

It seems that she did lose her memory. How should we ask, she only answered that she didn't know or didn't remember.

It's not my heart, but we still let a person who seems to be able to read the mind read the girl's thoughts. She didn't lie.

The camel asked me to give her a name. Looking at her penniless appearance, I'd better not charge her for her name.

I want to think about what to name tonight.


March 30, 2013

I met her on March 28. I put these three numbers into the nine-panel keyboard of the mobile phone and found three nice words, "Fan Caoting". Everyone said the name was good. In fact, whether others think it is good or not is secondary. The key is that the parties themselves are satisfied, so I will succeed.


April 4, 2013

Fan Caoting officially moved into my house, which is what I asked for. Well, I admit that I do have a good impression on her. Maybe it's because of amnesia. I feel that she is very different from ordinary girls.

For example, today she entered my study and actually picked up a pde book and began to read it. She was very engaged in reading it, and I casually asked a few high-level questions and could answer me. Was she still a genius before she lost her memory?

However, what attracted me was not only that she was a genius, but more importantly, her behavior was very free, focused, and wise.

I really don't know how to describe it. Anyway, she is very different.


May 11, 2013

Damn, what are those old men thinking? Of course, the powers can be controlled, but there is no need to lock them up like pets, right? Isn't it better for the military to hire them? Even those martial artists with strong martial arts can serve the country to get a normal life. Why can't they do it? Can't we study it for the time being because of the mechanism of the power?

Now there are hundreds of superpowers found across the country, and there will definitely be more in the future. Are so many people imprisoned in the laboratory? Or are they all frozen? Or are they all locked up? Among other things, the powerman who can penetrate the wall can't be closed! In case it causes the resistance of the power, it will be even more difficult. What are these old men thinking? Even if the power is dangerous, the power... ( The following a thousand words are omitted)


May 20, 2013

Well, Fan Caoting still left and lived in the research institute, but fortunately, at least I can still see her in the research institute, at least she will not be dissected.

Damn, I really don't understand those who are leaders, aren't they afraid of power to rebel? Why waste your power in the infighting? Isn't it a good thing to let the power to serve the country? Even if the power may be uncontrollable, the power is also a rational person! It seems that they will be lawless because they have powers. I think these old men should have more contact with real powers. They can't just look at the data on the file, otherwise they will look at them one by one*.

But those old men don't know how much Xiaoshi, a young man who is known as a very dangerous person who absorbs moonlight energy, actually loves his parents. How can such a person slaughter civilians as said in the plan?! ( The following two thousand words are omitted)

No, I'm looking for an opportunity to talk to Team Leader Yang.


May 22, 2013

So Team Leader Yang also thought so! And he also thought of a lot of things that I didn't expect. He is worthy of being the old team leader. Listening to his words is better than reading for ten years!

Team leader Yang said that there must be more and more powers, and it will only become more and more difficult to restrain in the future, and as time goes by, these powers will become stronger and stronger. When one day those leaders realize that the value of powers is greater than danger, they will no longer lock up these powers like prisoners.

When I was at work, I told Cao Ting this, and she also felt very reasonable.


June 26, 2013

Nothing happened today, but Cao Ting's test report came out. In addition to her own quality more than ten times that of ordinary people, there are actually two powers, one is to control the air, and the other is to disrupt people's bioelectricity.

Bioelectricity? That's terrible. A few seconds of bioelectric disorder is enough to cause myocardial infarction. At my request, she solemnly assured me that she would not abuse this ability.


July 2, 2013

Finally, the first power man** broke out. A power man finally couldn't stand it. He killed a guard with an air knife and tried to escape. As a result, he was subdued and put into infinite anesthesia.

Team leader Yang is worthy of the older generation. He looks far away. Just as we are still regretting these two people, he is worried that this incident will become a reminder, reminding those powers that they still have a way to escape. If hundreds of powers are in trouble together, it is difficult to imagine what will happen, at least This research institute will be turned to the bottom.


August 10, 2013

Team Leader Yang was temporarily suspended and became an ordinary scientific researcher, because he put forward the fourth proposal for the freedom of power, and I also felt it was a little more frequent, but he told me that only by constantly reminding those leaders that there is still such a way at any time can they have no way to go. Take this road. At the same time, this is also a reminder that some people are constantly fighting for power for them, which is a kind of comfort for them.

Fortunately, although the acting team leader is at peace with team leader Yang, he is also an advocate of the libertualism of power. I think he will continue to help the power of power.


September 18, 2013

Today is 918, but the meaning of today is more than that.

Today, four unknown powers forcibly entered the research institute, saying that they would "take away all their compatriots". A total of 12 soldiers died in the line of duty, and I heard that five researchers died.

At the same time, the two US reconnaissance aircraft were in a no man's land and circled a few times above the research institute. I don't believe it.

However, Cao Ting had a long face today and flew directly to the side of the reconnaissance plane. I don't know what she had done. Both planes crashed.

According to her, she cramped the two pilots all over her body.

Although she is a soldier in another country, I still feel a little cruel. Cao Ting seems to be afraid that I will be angry with her and comforted me.

However, Team Leader Yang still understood that he seemed to be very happy about today's events, saying that he was blessed by misfortune.

I went home and thought about it. What shocking news it is that power can shoot down reconnaissance planes from other countries. I think those leaders should notice that the value of power people is not just mice, right?
