
Gong Yin's First Battle

Fan Jing stopped the space seal, "The Lord finally appeared?"

Everyone showed their bodies. Li Qi shouted and asked, "Luo Binghong, Liu Wei, what are you two doing?" Why stop?!"

Luo Binghong looked at Liu: "He said he wanted to stop."

Liu Go: "In fact, this battle has nothing to do with us. It should be a battle between them. We just need to live."

Fang Bingtao walked to Fan Jing floating in the air: "Let them go."

Fan Jing nodded: "Yes, we will fight fairly. No one will intervene. Is that okay?" Speaking of this, he didn't look at Li Qi and his party, but looked at Lv Qingqing. Lv Qingqing nodded slightly to show the same.

Fang Bingtao looked around, walked aside, picked up the broken blade of the cold moon knife, and suddenly inserted it into his arm.

At first, it was a sharp pain, but as the blade deepened, the pain disappeared.


"This is a way for me to exercise my intuition." Fang Bingtao said to Luo Binghong, "My biggest problem is how smart I am, how much I guessed, and how much I think is right."


Fang Bingtao was looking at the distant sea. He didn't know what had happened, but he knew what must have happened.


Fang Bingtao lifted the quilt, and Fan Jing had left his bedroom. He just intuitively told him that he must not open his eyes.


Yu Weiming stared at Fang Bingtao's eyes affectionately and frowned doubtfully: "There is light in your eyes."


The little crazy goddess of evolution looked at Fang Bingtao: "Why do I think you are so strange?"

Lin Feng said, "I also think he is strange, and I can't say anything strange."


Ma Yu said to Bingtao, "My power is invalid for you. You are not a human!"

Fang Bingtao: "I'm a human."

"Then you have no heart!"

"I have a heart, and I'm still beating!"


Luo Ke's ability is that the "intangible body" can be immune to all targeted abilities, including the ability to explore, can not be excluded by any body, can * any organ, and perform organ transplantation with anyone's body, even including the skin. Luo Ke is also a good person who has done this kind of transplant operation.


Fan Fu said to Luo Ke, "Camel, if you want to prevent Cao Ting from finding our daughter, we have to deal with it a little..."


What did An Yanyan suddenly think of? What is the best way to hide a person? Changing the name and surname is easy to find, and changing the appearance may also be found. Changing the age is already difficult to think of. If the gender is changed, almost no one can find it, right?


"In fact, I knew it as early as when I entered the dragon group, no, maybe earlier," Fang Bingtao tore off his clothes, then removed the layer of skin and skin on his body, pulling the connective tissue, which was very painful.

Lv Qingqing reached out to help him. She took out some wire-like things from Fang Bingtao's joints, and then Fang Bingtao felt that the pain from his skin had disappeared and was replaced by a feeling of wearing a layer of leather clothes. It seemed that it should be some kind of substance that conveys feelings.

Fang Bingtao took a piece of bloody meat and threw it on the ground. "It's really powerful, invisible, coupled with the magic work of the main knifeman, even the person concerned did not know that he had been transplanted by an organ... But that's right. I grew up with this feeling, and it's normal for me not to realize it - although sometimes I feel that I'm not myself.

Luo Binghong stared at his friend who had been playing since childhood to tear off the skin and flesh: "Xiao Tao, you... Really? If so, it means..."

Fang Bingtao nodded, pulled the skin transplanted on his body, and said to Fan Jing above his head, "What should I call you?" Brother? Do you think Dad and Uncle Luo separated after they disappeared? How come? Uncle Luo has been watching me grow up. He should be worried about my 'coat', right?

Fan Jing asked Luo Binghong, "Luo Ke is chasing your father?"

Luo Binghong replied a little dullly, "I didn't inherit his constitution. It should be adopted by him, right?"

Fang Bingtao gently circled around his neck with the cold moon blade, and then pulled a few handfuls. He felt something pressing on his throat fall down. He coughed and felt that his voice was much thinner. He turned his head and asked Lv Qingqing, "Really?" It's really not a male voice.

Lv Qingqing replied, "No, Miss Land envoy is really Luo Ke's own, but she has no genetic ability, because her deficiency is zero, which is also very common. Just like you, you don't have the ability to explore.

Fang Bingtao nodded and took off the last piece of skin and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. For more than 20 years, his skin was exposed to the air for the first time and felt very **. He tried to control the airflow around him to make himself feel better. Fortunately, his eyes have always been these eyes and have not covered. Otherwise, Yu Weiming would not have seen the light of power in his eyes.

Although he was naked at this time, he was covered with blood and some residual skin, and he didn't let people see anything that he shouldn't see.

Lv Qingqing didn't know where to get a set of clothes: "Put it on, don't freeze."

Fang Bingtao didn't care about the blood stains on his body and put on his clothes. Strangely, the clothes were not stained red by blood stains. After wearing the clothes, his body trembled. Several red thin lines shot out of the cuffs and trouser legs and flowed on the ground without staining the clothes at all.

Fan Jing frowned. Of course, he saw what was going on. It was the skill of controlling the airflow to control the body to remove stains. Although he was a genius, he had been practicing for a long time. And my sister actually did it on the first day when she used the "flowing gas" ability.

Fang Bingtao wiped a handful on the top of his head without a hair. There is nothing he can do. He does not have the ability to promote the growth of the body. The growth of his hair before should have been suppressed by Luo Ke in some way. I don't know if he will grow hair in the future.

"It is done with medicine, which is still effective now, but you don't have to worry about it in the future." Lu Qingqing answered his question.

Fang Bingtao said with a wry smile, "You are equivalent to predicting my defeat."

Lv Qingqing: "It's not what you think. You just need to do your best."

Fang Bingtao slowly floated to the same height as Fan Jing: "Although you are my biological brother, after all, my father died because of you. I don't have the reason like Yu Weiming. I will want revenge."

Fan Jinggang wanted to say, "As long as you and I go, my father can be resurrected." But when this sentence came to his mouth, he couldn't say it. Of course, he knew why, so he could only say some other words: "can probe, flow gas, perception, bioelectricity, space replacement, ability enhancement. I have the first five abilities, and you have the last five. Let me tell you, lest you say that I bully the small.

Fang Bingtao put his left hand on his right hand and tested it: "Why is the ability enhancement ineffective?"

Fan Jing replied: "Because of ability enhancement, you can't use it for yourself."

Fang Bingtao suddenly realized: "No wonder! I understand. So, there are only four abilities that we can use in actual combat, right?

Fan Jing replied, "Yes, it's fair."

Fang Bingtao finally tried his "perception" ability. After raising all perceptions to the extreme, his intuition became sensitive, and he felt that the whole world had slowed down. Without thinking about it, he knew that his reaction had become faster. This should greatly reduce the possibility of being attacked. However, the first five senses were not too big. The strengthening of

He has never had this state before, and his intuition has been so sensitive early in the morning. It seems that the "intangible body" does not prevent him from strengthening his own powers.

The two had a tacit understanding. As soon as they touched their bodies, they disappeared in the air. An invisible ripple spread away, which was the aftermath of Jiuyi Zhenqi. In the first internal power confrontation, the brother and sister fought for half a catty.

Everyone present wondered how Fang Bingtao had such a high internal power. For Fan Jing, even if it was not a power, it was only internal power, it was not weaker than Li Qitian, and Fang Bingtao only learned Jiuyi magic power for three months.

Yu Weiming suddenly realized and pouted to Lv Qingqing: "I know, this is all thanks to you, right?"

Lv Qingqing smiled and said, "Yes, the battle must be evenly matched. If one side is too strong, it will be boring."

While talking, Fan Jing and Fang Bingtao's figures have flashed hundreds of times. ** bullet space knives and gas swords have been shot hundreds of times, but the mobility is really too high. As a battlefield, the sky a few kilometers can't hit people at all. Fan Jing is okay. He can accurately capture Fang Bingtao's position every time, but yes For this person whose "perception" ability only strengthens his intuition, he can only rely on constantly dodging to avoid the attack of his biological brother.

Lv Qingqing's voice sounded in his ear: "Intuition is also useful in battle."

Hearing this, Fang Bingtao was sure. After flashing, he took a space knife directly to the position he felt.

zheng zheng hong xin. As soon as Fan Jing appeared, he was directly cut on his waist by a space knife.

It was indeed cut, but it didn't have any impact.

"Is it countered?" Fang Bingtao is very strange.

Lv Qingqing's words appeared in his ear again: "Fan Jing is a genius who uses powers. At the age of six, he used reverse space replacement to avoid a square kilometer and divided into a centimeter of space strangulation."

"Awesome, hit me!" Fan Jing smiled and said, "Can you still hit it for the second time?"

The two figures began to move again and kept moving. This time, all the attacks were launched by Fan Jing. Fang Bingtao just dodged and did not use the power. Sometimes he had captured the other party's position, but did not move.

He needs a 100% chance of success, otherwise, even if any power hits Fan Jing, he just needs to offset it in the opposite direction. Even he can offset the ** bullet and the air sword. There is no reason why he can't do it.

So, Fang Bingtao is waiting for an opportunity.

casually played a special power, and Fang Bingtao disappeared again.

Fan Jing suddenly felt a little strange, but he didn't think much about it. Fang Bingtao's reaction was not slow. He was not free to stay in one place for too long.

Before long, Fang Bingtao hit a power for the second time. This time, he used ** bullets. With his intuitive ability of almost "predictive foresight", he hit Fan Jing's vest.

Fan Jing quickly used the same ability to offset the effect of bioelectric disorder.

With a scream coming from the sky, Fan Jing fell to the ground in confusion and kept twitching.

"Win." Fang Bingtao landed and said softly.

Lv Qingqing's applause sounded from the side. She said, "Although I know it in advance, it will still be wonderful to see such a classic battle with my own eyes."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fan Jing stopped twitching. He slowly got up and sat on the ground decadently: "I lost, but why didn't I offset the ** bullet, but it got worse?"

Lv Qingqing threw a cold sentence: "Think for yourself!"

"Because he strengthened my bioelectric ability!" Fan Jing thought for a while and suddenly realized, "I understand! At first, he said that his strengthening ability was useless in the battle to make me take it lightly!" Speaking of this, he looked at Fang Bingtao admiringly, "It's worthy of my sister, awesome!"

Fang Bingtao walked to the crowd and said, "Oh, it seems that I'm leaving."

Li Qi asked, "Why? Didn't you win? Are you sure you want to win again?

Fang Bingtao nodded: "It's no problem to win a few more times. With the degree of strengthening, he will never be able to use his ability normally, but there is still a big head here." With that, he also pointed to Lv Qingqing.