Magic Sword

Chapter 2 Dying Memories

In the dark universe, I can see the bright light from far away, which is the dazzling light of the sun. The huge blue planet in front of me can make me sure that this is the earth. In this dark world, the only light is the sun. Looking further into the distance, it is dark. I can also see several huge The planets are far away, very far away. I remember that the distance between these planets I saw in the textbook before is only one centimeter... The universe...

"Damn, is this true? I'm in the universe!" I shouted in disbelief, the poison called "world"! Is it true? I slowly looked at the universe in front of me, a little powerless. What about me?

As soon as I thought of this idea, I immediately looked down, but it was just a dark world. What's going on? I'm going to raise my hand to look, but I have that feeling, but I can't see my hand in front of me... No! What's the matter! What happened! Where is my hand? Oh my God!

Wait, calm down, calm down... I said to myself and slowly closed my eyes. I still remember that when I first stepped on CSP, I was always nervous and always failed before doing tasks. Later, my boss taught me to close my eyes and take a deep breath when I was nervous, which would feel better.

"I was on a mission just now, and then... I was killed... Yes, I died! Then I am now... soul!" I couldn't believe that I wanted to see myself, but I still couldn't see it. I was suddenly scared. I was really dead! No, wait, that fat man didn't say that I would have a chance to resurrect! Did he lie to me? No, calm down... That's right! He said it would take a long time!

Really... I looked around with some loss. It happened too fast... Did I die like this? I haven't even accepted the statement of soul. Moreover, I gradually found that I couldn't move! Damn it!

"Is there anyone? "Who will save me!" I tried my best to shout, but it was useless. This is the universe. Will I stand here all my life?

"It's so cold... so hungry..." I suddenly had this feeling. Am I not a soul? Do you also feel cold? Hungry? Forget it, these are beyond my understanding.

I stood in a daze and stood on the ground. I felt that time passed very slowly. However, in my world, everything has become very boring now. I won't be tired, so I can only stand all the time and look at the world with my eyes and think about some problems. Maybe it has been several hours or A few days, maybe even a few months, I always stand motionless, watching several planets floating.

The boring days passed quickly. Suddenly, one day, a loud noise in the sky attracted me. I have had enough of these boring days. Damn, how did I get here! Where is this? Wait, it seems to be called the universe... My memory seems to be gradually lost in this boringness, even Mo Qingyu... I forgot what she looks like. What does she do? I only remember that I like her, and I don't even know why I like her. I just remember that there has been a voice struggling to support me not to forget the name. Damn, why can't I remember?

I complained and looked in the direction of the loud noise, and I was really tired of this boring feeling. I looked carefully and saw that it was a white light, very white, at least the only thing in the universe that could break my boring life in this short time! It is moving very fast, at least much faster than these spinning balls! In my sight, it moves at the same speed as an airplane on earth. Wait! Damn, he's flying towards me!

I was shocked, and the desire to survive was driven to move, but my body couldn't move. I couldn't move my soul in the universe. I saw it quickly approaching me and was about to hit me the next second!


I was shocked and the white light has quickly wrapped me up. No, it just wrapped my body, and I can still see the situation outside, but how can I say, do I have a body? Anyway, this is the feeling. The next moment, I saw me move! Since this white light brought me to move, I was stunned and shook my head to concentrate. Mom, you can't be careless at this time! I came to my senses and found that since the goal he took me forward was the blue planet - "Earth"!

"Ah!" I shouted in horror that its speed was too fast. Previously, I looked at the plane flying in the sky from afar, but now, my God, it's like sitting on a plane! And the fuselage is just an open-air thing like a roller coaster!

"brush--" In just a moment of blinking, I bumped into the surface of the earth, and in an instant, my eyes became dark! It's so hot... No, it's so hot! I'm sure I'm rubbing against the atmosphere! Oh, my God, I will burn to death on such a highway! I'm not sitting in the return capsule of the rocket! However, soon I didn't feel hot. I fainted. This was the first time I closed my eyes since I died. This is death... At this time, I slept very comfortably, especially comfortably...

Finally, I don't know how long I fainted. I woke up. I slowly opened my eyes. No, I didn't open, and my eyes couldn't open... Another strange world, I seemed to be soaked in water? So comfortable and warm! This is much warmer than the damn universe. It's so comfortable. I enjoy this comfortable environment in the warm **. I want to relax my body. After all, it's uncomfortable to curl up like this for too long, but I quickly kicked a strange barrier, but it's soft. My feet are slightly rebounded. Forget it, just enjoy it like this. , I won't be hungry or cold here, but compared with Na Yu... I want to continue to think about it, but I just can't remember what to say. My memory is disappearing little by little? I really don't remember... I only know one name...

Mo... pour... give...

The name

flashed in my mind. Don't forget her! Wait a minute...who is she? What a nice name...

Proposal... Another word came to my mind... Damn, I spent 10,000 RMB to buy a diamond ring, but I haven't proposed yet!

Proposal... Diamond ring... By the way, what does this mean? How can I have such a strange idea...

Mo...Mo...Mo what? I can't remember...

Who am I?

Who am I?

I am...