Magic Sword

Chapter 6 This is my wife

"Nia." At this time, Talley's voice came to my ear again.

"What's wrong?"

"You...bought me back..." Talilu paused as she lowered her head and said, blushed, as if she had made up her mind to ask, and looked up and said, "You bought me back...what do you want me to do..."

"Well..." I pondered, grinned and showed my teeth, showing my signature smile and said, "Be my wife!"

"Ah..." Tallie's face turned redder when she heard this, looked left and right as if she wanted to find a hole, then lowered her head and said, "But...but..."

"Don't be so much!" I smiled and shouted. After a while, I thought about it and asked, "As a wife, will you help me buy candy?"

"Buy sugar?" Talley showed a puzzled look, as if she didn't even know what candy was.

"This!" I pulled her finger and pointed to a few candies she grabbed in her hand, then picked up one and pulled it away and handed it over, "Oh!"

"Hmm?" Talilu turned out to be the candy in my hand, looking doubtfully at the finger-sized fruit candy.

"Eat it! It's delicious!" I also picked up one, pulled it apart, and threw it into my mouth.

At my urging, Talley Lu also learned from me to throw it into my mouth, and the sweetness of the candy was released, and then Talley Lu smiled happily: "Wow, it's delicious."

"Hey! These are the best sweets I have collected, but unfortunately they will go bad if they are not eaten for a month. Otherwise, I will have more!"

"Hmm..." Tali's face showed a blush, which is actually better around this little nobleman...

"Talilu, your ears are so special." I looked at her ears, and a sharp little ear came out of her long hair, and it was red and very cute. In fact, I forgot that it was not red just now. With that, I raised my hand and touched my ears again.

"I...I'm an elf..."

"Eh, by the way, do you know magic?" I asked curiously that magic exists on the mainland. I once saw several magicians in the market, and they all felt that they were so powerful. They could boil eggs and poached eggs with their hands. In addition, I also saw a magician who could make candy by magic. It is through magic to separate the sugar of plants and combine with water to make candy, which is the lowest ability of pharmacists. It is not magic, but just learned to play.) I don't know that magicians are actually horrible beings on the battlefield.

"A little..."

"Really! Talley Lu, let me see one."


"Don't hesitate, hurry up!" I urged her.

"Hmm..." Talley nodded and slowly read a beautiful note in her mouth. Her voice was beautiful when she sang! Not only was I stunned, but it was actually determined by the oral results of the elves. Their oral structure and human beings were basically the same, but there were some subtle points that made their voices more beautiful, and then a little white light condensed on Tali Lu's fingers, and then Tali Lu raised her hand and gently on my forehead. With a little "brush--" sound, a white light flows down my forehead, so comfortable!

"Wow--" I exclaimed, as if I suddenly poured a bowl of ice water in the hot summer. "What magic is this?"

"This is condensation, natural magic."

"Natural magic?"

"Well... is the elf language magic of our elves, because we like to be close to nature, and the god of nature has given us magic, so we call it natural magic." Tallu explained to me.

"That's it." I felt it carefully, and I seemed to be able to concentrate very much now. I continued to ask, "Talilu, what magic can you do?"

"I only know two natural magic, and a water polo... and some..." Others were learned after being caught as slaves. Because she was an elf and could learn magic, the people in the store forcibly handed her some magic. She was very resistant to those shameful magic at the beginning, no After being taken care of by the whip, I still learned it.

"Water polo?" I caught something interesting again, "Let me have a look."

"It will get this place wet..." Talley Lu lowered her head and said.

"Well... Let's try it next time, so what else did you just say?"

"Some... power enhancement, persistence, sensory enhancement..." Talilu still said these magic names with a red face. After all, Nia is her master, and his questions must be answered by herself.

"Let's have a look!" I said curiously, the terrible thing is that I don't know the role of magic, I'm just curious about magic.


"Grum--" At this time, my stomach made a strange cry. Oh, I was hungry. I immediately jumped out of bed, jumped up and took Tallu's little hand and said, "I'm hungry... Come on, Tallu, let's go to dinner!"

And poor Talleylu was dragged away by me before she could make a sound. I dragged her up and soon came to the edge of the table. The waiter had already prepared lunch, oh, delicious lunch! I immediately found a seat and sat down, then pulled Talley Lu over and let her sit next to me.

"Come on, Talleylu, I'll give you this bowl!" I filled a bowl of rice with a smile and handed it to Talley Lu.

"Thank you..." Talilu lowered her head and took the rice bowl in my hand.

"Eat it, Talielu!" I also packed a bowl of rice and ate it as soon as I cooked it.

But when I ate most of it, I found that Talley Lu was still nibbling white rice, stretched out the fork in her hand, forked a piece of beef and put it into Talley Lu's bowl: "Why don't you eat vegetables? These dishes are delicious!"

"I, I just eat rice..." But Tallielu is still nothing but me, and my aristocratic personality makes me a little persistent, "Rice is delicious..."

"Do you usually only eat rice?" I asked curiously.

"Well...occasionally there is rice during festivals..."

"Ha? No way..." I exclaimed, and saw Talley Lu looking at the beef in the bowl and her eyes turned red, and then big tears slipped out of her eyes. "Ah, why are you crying?"

I'm anxious. I said I wouldn't comfort people... I was at a loss for a moment.

"Ni, Nia... You are so kind to me..." Talilu stammered, and her eyes became wet. Only one day, she was bought by this little nobleman, and her life changed greatly. With such delicious candy and food... Children still mainly eat, they will be very moved by delicious food... ...

"Well... don't cry first, or your tears will become salty when they drip on the rice!" I racked my brains to squeeze out a "comfort" word, and then I saw Tallie smile, so there were no tears coming out, and the tears in the corners of my eyes slowly dried up.

"Eat quickly! Otherwise, it will be cold later!" With that, I took a big bite and helped Talilu add some dishes from time to time. Every time she finished eating, she always lowered her head and nibbled the rice. However, she didn't eat the beef I picked at the beginning. He said that it was because the elves were close to nature and did not dare to eat meat.

After lunch, I took Tallie to play. In the afternoon, I often ran around like this. Then it was almost dark that we went back. Mom almost went home at this time!

"Mom! Mom!" As soon as I stepped into the count's mansion, I shouted inside and took Talleylu's little hand. I couldn't wait to introduce Talleylu to my mother and them. This is my wife! Gaga~

"Nia, where have you been?" Mom also saw me running in from the gate, but later saw me coming in with a girl, "Huh? Who is this? What a beautiful girl!"

"Mom! Mom!" He ran in with a smile, and Dad was also in it.

"Yani, who is this?" Dad also came over and asked me, because I usually don't take children home to play.

"Hee hee, dad, mom." I showed my signature smile, and then took a breath and shouted, "This is my wife!"

"Ha?" Dad and mom exclaimed together, and then looked at me in amazed, then they looked at each other, and then... laughed!

"What are you laughing at!" I was anxious and shouted angrily.

"Haha, Nia, you can't have a wife at such a young age!" Mom touched my head and said, and then walked behind me and said to Talilu, "Ah, what a lovely girl. What's your name?"

"Ta, Tallielu..." Tallu dodged Elo's eyes and stammered.

"Yani, where did she come from?" Dad also came over, but his eyes kept staring at Talley's ears, sharp ears, which were the characteristics of the elf.

"What's the name of me... Du... Durex! I bought it in the store called Durex!" I said to my father.

"The slave shop?"

"Hmm." I nodded, "The boss said that slaves there can be wives!"

"Well..." My mother laughed aside, and my father looked at me with a black line on his face.

"See if you don't explain to your son what a wife is." Mom covered her mouth and smiled, and continued to turn her head to Talley Lu. "Talilu, poor child, nothing, forget those bad memories. We will treat you like our own children."

I watched my mother comforting Talilu, while my father quietly greeted Uncle Yuris, but I found it, Gaga! I was going to listen to it secretly, thinking to myself, so I looked at Talley Lu and slowly walked back a few steps closer to my father.

"Uris, go to Durex to investigate. If the source of this elf girl comes from other places, there is no need to investigate. If it is in Dama Province, it must be eliminated. Recently, His Majesty wants to make friends with foreigners, and there can't be this kind of slave trafficking on our territory. You..." I don't understand the conversation, so I don't continue to listen.


Oh! Thank my good friend for helping me make the cover. It feels great! Another update today! The balance should be more serious to complete this work!