Magic Sword

Chapter 9 Attention

"Dong, Dong Dong..." Early this morning, I got up and ran to the door of Tallu's room and knocked on her door, and kept shouting, "Get up, Talilu, get up! The sun has sunburned my buttocks!"

"I closed the curtains..." Then there was a sound of Talley Lu in a while, but it still sounded with a strong sleepiness... Then after a while, there was no movement...

...I stood quietly at the door for a moment.

"Talylu, Talielu, get up! The sun is going to dry my buttocks again!" I knocked on the wooden door again and made a dull sound.

"..." And Talylu in the room lay lazily**, turned over and hid her little head under the pillow...

"Nia, stop knocking, let Talilu sleep a little longer." Mom said to me, let me stop, and then said mysteriously, "Nia, come here for a moment. Dad and Mom have something to say to you."

"Ah - but who can play with me if Talley can't get up..." I complained and stood still.

"Mom and Dad will play with you first. Come here for a moment. We have something to say to you." Then I had to bravely walk over.

"Nia, do you like knights?" Dad pulled me up and sat down in the chair in front of me.

Actually, I wanted to sit in that chair... But when Dad asked me about the topic I was interested in, I immediately said, "I like it!"

"Why do you like them?" Dad asked again.

"You can wear bright armor! And the knights are awesome!" I said with a smile.

"What about the warrior? They can also wear bright armor, and their swordsmanship is superb. Do you like them?

"Well..." I thought about it carefully, as if to coax... But I still shook my head and said, "I don't like it."


"They want to walk by themselves..." As soon as I said this, my father and mother laughed and turned over their stomachs.

"Yes, isn't it exhausting to run on the ground in such heavy armor?"

"Nia, warriors can also ride horses, and don't they become knights when they ride horses?" Mom smiled and said.

"It's coaxing... but the image is different..." I thought about it and retorted, "It's much better to say that you are a knight than to say that you are a warrior in other people's ears."

"Ha ha, Nia, do you want to be a knight? Mom and Dad are going to send you to be a knight. What do you think? Dad smiled and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Hmm?" I was stunned and then fell into thought.

At this time, Count Catiffen and Eluo looked at each other and quietly said to Eluo, "Our children are very intelligent. He will think about the importance. When ordinary children hear this question, I think they will agree without saying a word."

Elou nodded and said, "Yes."

"Mom and Dad, do you have any candy to eat as a knight?" Then as soon as I said this, I saw my father and mother look at each other awkwardly...

"Nia, did you really think about this just now..." My mother said to me with a dry smile.

"Hmm...yeah..." I looked at them blankly and said, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, this is also a kind of consideration..." Dad wiped the sweat on his forehead and said.

"Nia, it's very hard to be a knight. There may be no candy to eat..." My mother smiled and squatted down and said to me, "Also, you can't play with Talley Lu in the afternoon!"

I'll take a look and see that my parents are looking at me, but when I hear the first one, I can't play with Talie Lu! Second, no sugar! Third, it's very hard! I immediately showed my bitterness and said, "Ah - don't do that! I won't be a knight anymore!"

"But Nia, have you forgotten what you said yesterday?" Mom suddenly showed a playful smile... Um... This smile seems to have been seen somewhere...

"What I said yesterday? What did I say? I said at a loss.

"Your vow, didn't you say you wanted to protect Talley Lu?"

"Well, it's coaxing..." I nodded and affirmed my mother's words.

"Well, you see, since you want to protect Talley Lu, should you have some ability to protect her?" My mother smiled again. I looked at my mother's eyes, and my father was also smiling. Their behavior was a little creepy... Oh! I remember! Just after I finished my vow yesterday, my mother showed that playful smile! Oh, my God, I was calculated yesterday!

I want to refute something, but there is nothing I can do about this...

"Hey, Nia, you don't have to say anything. We'll take you to learn swordsmanship in the afternoon!" Dad laughed and said.

"But... it's not that I can't play with Talley Lu..." I said dejectedly.

"You still have time to play at night, don't you?" Dad nodded and said.

And my mother came over and touched my head gently and said, "Niah, do you think it's important to protect Talley Lu and play with Talley Lu?"

"Um..." I was thinking. I was going to say "play with Tallie Lu", but I realized it carefully and felt that it should be weighed.

"Niah, think that if one day a very powerful enemy stands in front of you and wants to steal Talley Lu, then if you don't have power and you can't use the sword in your hand, how do you protect Talley Lu?"

I understood what my mother said. Indeed, if there is really such a person, then if I can't protect Talley Lu, won't the vow I made yesterday count? I also promised Tallu yesterday to protect her! She was very happy... I thought about it and finally raised my chest and said, "Well, I'm going to learn swordsmanship to protect Talley Lu!"

"Very good, Nia." Dad laughed loudly and pressed my head and said, "Dad will take you to study in the afternoon."

"Hmm!" In fact, I am also very interested in learning swordsmanship, but I have to sacrifice my time to play, so that I will refuse... After all, a boy will want to wave on the battlefield with a sword! Definitely majestic!

"Mom, what about Talley Lu? Is she going to study? I suddenly thought of Talley Lu. It's not boring without me to play with her.

"No, Tallielu won't learn in the past. She is a girl, and she learns much better than you. If she learns better than you, she will protect you instead of protecting her." Mom explained to me slowly.

"Well... it's also coaxing... Will Talley Lu come over to see me learn?" I asked again.

"Niah, you are so attached to Talley Lu." Dad squinted and covered a very obscene smile, then patted his mother and said, "Look at our son, I'm obsessed with Talley Lu."

"Ha ha, Nia, Tallielu doesn't go to see you to learn. Tallielu is an elf and has a good talent in magic. This can't be abandoned. We sent Tallielu to learn magic."

"Ah--" I said in frustration again.

" Come on, just separate for an afternoon."

"Squeak--" At that moment, Talilu opened the door and came out rubbing her eyes. Obviously, she woke up. Seeing that Nia were all sitting here, they came over and said, "Good morning, Mr. Earl, good morning, madam."

"Talylu, don't be so restrained. Just call us mom and dad like Nia." Mom went up and pulled Tallielu to the table.

"Ah...but Talley Lu is just a slave..." Talley Lu lowered her head and said, "Taley Lu can have a room to sit with the count and his wife, Master Nia... It's already been good to Talilu..."

"Talilu, it doesn't matter. We already regard you as a daughter. It doesn't matter. Just call us like that." Mom held Talley in her arms with tender eyes, "Just think of us as a family."

"Hmm..." Talilu was held in Elo's arms, and her eyes suddenly turned red. Since she left the forest and was arrested as a slave, she has been living a miserable life. She lost her freedom and had to receive a lot of "special" training. Naturally, she lost her maternal love and her family was gone. No one knew. Where she fell, and until the moment she was bought by Nia, everything changed dramatically. With her own room and delicious food, Nia also gave herself her favorite candy to eat. Now, now... Talley's tears slipped uncontrollably at the thought of this, and her eyes turned red. He blurted out, "Mom...Mom!"

"Good boy, good boy." Elio held Talulu and kept touching her little head with one hand. Tallu snuggled in Elo's arms. "Poor child, you must often hide this sadness in your heart."

I slowly frowned and clenched my hands tightly. Looking at Tallu's sad expression, I felt uncomfortable all over. Yes, I want to learn swordsmanship! I must learn swordsmanship well and protect Talley Lu in the future. I don't want Talley Lu to show such an uncomfortable expression! I quietly made such a vow in my heart.

And Count Kedifen, the pillar of this family, did not focus on Talley. He knew that his smart wife was full of tricks, and Talley could settle down alone, and he focused on this Nia at this moment. Our count was surprised that Nia For a moment, he just stared at Talilu, and the firm eyes slightly revealed in his eyes did not escape the count's eyes, including the tightly clenched hands.