Magic Sword

Chapter 11 Start Training

"Nonsense, why is this golden sword not a handicraft! Do you think he is a sword? Burton shouted in his loud voice. To be honest, I was scared when he shouted that. However, although his expression looks serious and harsh, I don't know why I feel that he is hiding his smile.

"Yes!" I said again, in fact, I am also afraid, but this golden sword seems to mean to me: Nia, choose me, I am the sword!

A very sad feeling, I always feel that this feeling is worth believing.

"Hmm, prove it to me!"

"Ha... how to prove it?" I asked doubtfully.

"Hold the sword in your hand!" Burton said loudly, and I paused and raised the sword in my hand according to his words. As soon as I raised it and held it, Burton moved. Between then, he quickly grabbed the iron sword with both hands and split it at me.

"Ah?" I was shocked and quickly clenched the sword in my hand. He split it at me. If I didn't lift it well, he would cut off my head directly!

Seeing that the swords were about to collide, the hearts of the people around him were mentioned in their throats.

"There is still a chance to avoid it. Why doesn't this little nobleman avoid it!"

"That craft will be cut off!"

"He's dead!"

The people around were all kinds of exclamation, and at this moment, the iron sword split on the golden sword, with a long sound, and a violent golden light quickly burst on the golden sword. The eyes and frightened expressions of the people around were all blocked by this violent light.

In a short time, the light dissipated, and the dazzling light only broke out in a moment and dissipated in a moment. After stopping, everyone saw the noble Nia. Lawrence was holding his sword and closing his eyes tightly, raising the "crafts" in his hand, while their instructor, Knight Burton. Tarbrandon, holding the iron sword in both hands and holding a split action, stopped in front of Nia's sword, and the two swords were put together.

"Daw! Was that fighting just now? Can this child use fighting spirit?

"No, no, how can children use fighting spirit?"

"What's going on? Is that light emitted by Lord Burton? Why do I think it emanates from that golden sword?

Suddenly, the people watching around were talking, and Uncle Burton stood in front of me, put away the sword in his hand, inserted him on the ground, looked at me with a smile, and said, "Then why don't you leave your sword and avoid my attack? I should have deliberately left two seconds for you to hide.

"I don't think it's a handicraft, it's a sword." I was stunned and said. Looking at the sword in my hand, the light it just emitted surprised me very much. I didn't know that it sent out such a thing. "In my opinion, even if I knew about this hard sword, I would fly out if you cut it."

"Oh? A hard sword? How did you see it?" Uncle Burton's smile became stronger. He carried his hands on the hilt of the iron sword inserted on the ground and suddenly turned around and shouted to the people around him, "It's all dispersed. Practice by yourself. What do you think you don't live long enough?"

The people around quickly lowered their heads and quickly ran away. They didn't dare to make the instructor angry. Seeing that the people around them dispersed, Burton turned around and said, "Answer my question, Nia."

"Well, it is true that the appearance of this sword looks like a handicraft, flashy, but its weight is very heavy, and the sword of handicrafts has a feature, that is, it is light, but the weight of this sword even exceeds that of ordinary swords. No one will pay more materials on expensive half-dead handicrafts, and they will generally be hollow. Of." I put down the sword in my hand and said, as soon as I got the sword, I felt that the sword was so heavy, but in my imagination, the sword should not be so heavy, and even the weight should be the weight of the big and long heavy sword, and the gems on it, "and the gems it inlaid, most of which are basically inlaid inside, ordinary work The edge of the sword gem of the art will try to expose him. In this way, if you really use it to fight, the gem will definitely fall off, and the edge of the gem is well wrapped in metal, and the exposed place is also wrapped in a layer of metal that is even harder than the sword body, so I think it is for fighting. Make it come to the sword.

I paused and quietly looked up at Uncle Burton. Seeing that he was nothing different and with a smile on his face, I knew I was right. I continued to say, "Behold, since he is so gorgeous and a sword used for fighting, his material will certainly not be more than a rusty broken iron sword. It's bad, otherwise it's too wasteful.

"Hehe, good boy, you analyzed it very well." Burton smiled with satisfaction, and it seemed that he heard a satisfactory answer, and I couldn't help but breathe. Burton stretched out his big hand and patted me on the shoulder and said, "You are very smart. It seems that you have decided that this sword is a good thing from the beginning."

"Hey." I smiled with my white teeth.

"None of my group of students has ever chosen this golden sword. Even if they choose, there is no one who can persist. I have persuaded all the students who chose the golden sword three times, and none of them can persist."

"Why test like this?" I asked doubtfully.

Uncle Burton smiled and didn't answer. After a while, he said, "Nia, I only have this sword here. I'll give it to you."

"Ah, no, this sword is very valuable."

"It doesn't matter. This sword is only a few gold coins. Take it. Every student comes here, I will give him a sword, and I let them choose whichever one they choose... Haha, they all foolishly chose the iron sword."

"Why didn't anyone choose the golden sword? Doesn't anyone like him?" I asked, but Uncle Burton still smiled and didn't answer, but I thanked Uncle Burton for giving me the sword and accepted it.

"Come on, Nia, I'm starting to teach you to be a knight today." Uncle Burton patted me and walked forward and said, "Come with me."

"Good." I answered and followed. Uncle Burton took me to the other side of this open space. This place is relatively empty, with fewer people than there just now, and there are several children. Oh, I know their faces. They are the children who just went to see me choose the sword!

"Nia, they are also children who have just come to learn swordsmanship recently. You will learn basic skills together!" Uncle Burton said. I looked at the children around me. There were a total of eight children. They should be dressed as civilians, holding an iron sword in their hands, which made me a little uncomfortable. I held a golden sword in my hand, and the gap was too big.

"Hm, my name is Nia. Lawrence, just call me Nia." I stood up generously and said hello.

"My name is Ronley. Ang!" A strong boy came up and said that he had brown hair and looked bright eyes.

"My name is Beach. Ang." Then it was the second child's turn to come forward and say that he also had brown hair, not as strong as Ronley and a little shorter than him, "I'm Ronley's brother."

"Hello, Nia, I'm Namion. Turia." Then a red-haired boy came up. He looked thinner and smiled at me. "You can just call me Nanon."

"Hello, Nanon." I replied, and then another person came to greet me.

"I'm Hilmi. Meda, nice to meet you. The fourth one came forward. I noticed her. When I introduced myself, she was stunned for a moment and didn't know why. She has green hair and always keeps this smile on her face. Her skin is pale and beautiful as an aristocratic. She should also be an aristocratic girl. "Your name is Nia, right?"

"Hmm. Hello, Hilmi."

"I'm Eric. Sya. He is the fifth one. Its introduction is very concise. After the introduction, he retreats.

"I'm Ina. Reese, this is my sister Larry. Reese, she is more timid, so I will introduce her. They are twins. This Aina looks a little older and taller than me. Then her sister Laria, who looks much younger than me, hides behind her sister timidly and looks really timid. They all have beautiful purple-blue hair.

"I'm Sam Brook Riotall, a dwarf..." The last one came up to talk... I just think his name is long. It's indeed a little short, even smaller than the youngest Larry Vi. Reese is still a little shorter.

"May I call you Sam?" I asked that I couldn't call him Sam every time... And at this time, everyone else cast doubtful eyes on Sam Brook Rio. Obviously, no one wants to always call him such a long name...


"Okay, we all know each other, so let's start training." Burton's uncle straightened his loud voice and said, "I, your instructor, Burton. Tabranton will teach you to become a qualified knight. I will teach you the combat knowledge and ability you need, but you have to remember that since you step in, don't give up, or I will break your legs and throw them back. Nia, you are the same.

"Yes!" I answered and said, I have to protect my Tallielu in the future, and I can't give up!

"Also, my training will be very hard. Every afternoon, you have to come to the training ground on time. If you come a minute late, you will run around this open space. If you can't do it, come to my collar board! And my orders, you should also carry out them well. If you can't do it, run a circle for me. Burton looked around us and said, "Now, line up from high to low!"

"Yes!" The nine of us responded quickly and moved immediately, but we didn't know where to stand without standing in line, so we stood several times before we stood in a row. Then we quickly changed back and again because of our height. Finally, it took three or four minutes to stand. According to my height, I stood in the fourth position, two brothers in Kun. And behind Ina, Ronley is the tallest, followed by Ronley's brother Beach, then Aina, then me, behind me is Hidar, then the thin nanograph, then Eric, and finally Larya, who is the youngest, and then the dwarf Sam...

"Very good, it took you more than four minutes to run four laps... No, five laps!"

"Ah--" We all looked at Uncle Burton with sad faces and howled.

"Ah, six laps one second later!" Uncle Burton shouted loudly. We must be obedient this time. We quickly put our swords on the ground one by one and ran away.


Hello, everyone, I'm Tianping. I'm very happy to meet you again. I'm back from the trip. Finally, there is wifi. There is a computer. Hehe, I feel really good. Today, I began to resume the update. The chapters that I owed in the days of the trip will be made up one by one. Today, I will make up a chapter first~ Later the balance will Update a chapter~