Magic Sword

Chapter 19 Huangwei

At this time, in the imperial capital of the Coltfield Empire, a figure was shuttling through the corridor of the palace. He was Yani's father, Kedifen. Lawrence.

After a while, he arrived at his destination, the back garden of the palace. Two attendants were standing at the door. Count Catiffen stopped here and said that he wanted to see His Majesty. A servant standing at the door turned around and walked into the garden to inform.

After a while, the servant came out and took Count Katieffen in.

This is a huge garden, in which flowers and plants are very rich, cobbled paths, and there is a small stone table straight ahead. An old man is sitting there, and there are many guards beside him. That man is the emperor of this Colt's non-imperial - Mahugh. Elman, with wrinkled skin, looked like an ordinary old man, dressed in gorgeous clothes, sitting quietly on a stone bench, squinting at the cup on the table, which was full of freshly brewed coffee.

"Your Majesty." Count Catiffen stepped forward and knelt down on one knee and said.

"Get up, my Count Catiffen, what's wrong? What's the matter today? Come and find me." Matthew picked up the cup on the table and blew it twice.

"Your Majesty, you should know that I came to you for this matter of the Duke of Westburton."

"Ha ha, Kaidifen, I should have just said in the hall that you will lead the army to fight against the enemy this time, but give them some strength. I trust your strength very much." The emperor smiled and squinted his eyes, as if to put aside the topic directly.

"Your Majesty!" Count Kedifen knew that the emperor still wanted to fight this war, so he said bravely, "Your Majesty, if you want to pass this war, just let it pass. There is no need to fight for a little thing. A war will take away the lives of many soldiers."

"Ha ha, Kaidifen, are you asking Seaburton's second daughter to complete a wedding with the other party?" His Majesty slowly opened his eyes and said.

"Your Majesty, I know that the matter is serious, but I still hope to solve this war in a peaceful way."

"Kedifen, get up." Ma Xiu said, and suddenly, he raised his head and waved his hand to a servant beside him and asked, "Who made today's coffee? It's delicious."

"Your Majesty is..."

"Bear him here, I have a lot of rewards." Ma Xiu smiled and said, "Go."

"Yes." The servant answered, turned around and walked away.

"Your Majesty." Count Catiffin said again.

"Oh, look at my memory, Kaidifen, let's continue the discussion."

"Your Majesty, I hope to solve this war in a peaceful way."

"Kedifen, this matter, hehe, this is a war that must be fought. Don't say any more. If you let Seaburton's daughter marry the other party because she is afraid of war, it's not a joke. Because of face, this battle will be fought. Moreover, if I don't do anything, Seaburton can do it. That's his daughter. Son."

"Your Majesty. But..." Count Kedifen wanted to say something, but suddenly, the attendant who had just gone down came up with a man dressed as a cook.

"Your Majesty, I have brought the person you want." The attendant said and stepped aside.

"Well, that's good. You, come here." His Majesty Ma Xiu smiled and pointed to the cook and said.

"Yes, Your Majesty." A trace of joy immediately appeared on the cook's face, and it was a great honor to be rewarded by His Majesty the emperor!

Msugh smiled, looked at Count Kedifen, and then said, "You're fine. Today's coffee is delicious. What's your name?"

Yes! Your Majesty! My name is Rikenman. Husband...ah!" As the cook was talking, suddenly His Majesty raised the cup on the table and threw it to the ground, which scared the cook and fell back to the ground before he finished his name.

"Since I poisoned the tea, I killed it." Ma Xiu opened his squinting eyes and said.

"Ah! Your Majesty! No! I didn't poison it!" The cook struggled to say, and then the servant behind him pulled out the knife. He still wanted to beg for mercy. He really didn't do it! However, when he saw the emperor's eyes full of indifference, he was immediately desperate. "brush--" The next moment, a blood splashed out and splashed on the ground, and the body of the cook fell down. "I... didn't...ah..."

Count Kedifen was shocked. The old emperor was demonstrating to himself! He was angry and reminded himself not to say anything more, otherwise you would die next! He absolutely believes that this cook has no ability to poison and no courage. He is his own scapegoat!

"Count Kedifen, let's continue the discussion. How about this battle..." Ma Xiu looked at Kedifen with his eyes open. A sweat from Kedifen's face slipped down, and His Majesty was in a bad mood!

"Your Majesty, I know that I will lead this war to victory..." Kaidifen knelt on one knee again, and the clothes behind him had already been soaked with sweat.

"Well, that's good! That's it, Count Catiffen." Matthew narrowed his eyes again and said, "Well, since this matter has been discussed, that's all. I still have something small to deal with. You can go down first. May the God of Light bless you."

"Thank you..." Kedifen said with difficulty, then stood up, turned around and left quickly. He understood that the next war with the Bier Empire was about to begin...


And at this time, in the Tarbrandon training ground...

"What else? Who else has an idea?"

"Physical strength!" At this time, Larry suddenly raised his hand and said.

"Oh, that's good. If you can think of this, tell me why!" Uncle Burton praised.

"Because... good physical strength can make it easy to escape in times of danger!" Larry said weakly.

fell into a brief silence, and Uncle Burton's expression stiffened... After a while, he said abruptly, "Well... it's easy to escape... It's also one, so... Who has any ideas..."

"The routine of swordsmanship! You need to have good skills." It's Ina who is talking this time.

"Well, it's not bad." Uncle Burton said admiringly, "Then, who else has a good idea?"

We all stood on the ground and shook our heads into a rattle.

"Well, well, yes, what you said is very important, and you will all learn what you just said, but today, our first training is the physical strength and endurance that Eric said just now!"

"Ha?" We all exclaimed... Eric's is fine, but his physical strength... How can anyone train swordsmanship to escape!

"Ha ha, that's it, but it's a little different. As Larry said, it's used to escape. What we are going to train today is to hold the sword. As long as you hold the sword, I will split a sword at you from time to time. You must hold the sword firmly and maintain a blocking posture under my sword before you can pass. This is physical training, which will not be very easy, and you still have to hold the sword to maintain the posture, which is very training endurance.

"Well..." It doesn't seem to be difficult for us to hear... Isn't it just holding a sword?

"It won't be easy. You should pay attention to holding the sword. Let's start the training now!" Uncle Burton said, "Look at me, I have been holding the sword since just now. You just followed my movement, a block posture, and keep this movement for me!"

"Yes!" I quickly responded with my partner, and then raised my sword. I was secretly glad that this iron sword was much lighter than the golden sword! If my father hadn't given me this, I would have foolishly held the golden sword to the training ground to receive this training. I would definitely be exhausted! In contrast, Sam, he was replaced by Uncle Burton with a big axe weapon. Wow, this is much heavier. It seems that's it! However, Sam's physique should be balanced.

I raised my sword, raised it like Uncle Burton, and crossed above my head, making a blocking posture...

However, I soon found that it was not an ordinary pain. In just a minute or two, there was a sore feeling on my hand. Why is this thing so heavy!

"Ah, it's so uncomfortable!" Larry Vi first shouted, then put down the raised sword and took a rest. Shit, I want to rest too! We still hold the idea of this together.

I was about to put down the sword when suddenly the voice of Burton's uncle came to my ear: "Rat me up, don't put it down, put down the board."

"My God..." I looked at Beach, Eric and Namin and said.

"This thing is so heavy!" Eric complained.

"I can't lift it..." Hilmi's voice also came, and she stood on my left.

"I've held on. Hold on for another two minutes. Whoever puts it down will wait for the board." With that, Uncle Burton moved a lot of boards from nowhere...

Time passed minute by, and finally we persisted painfully. Two minutes came. Oh, my God, it was too painful. As soon as Uncle Burton said it was okay, we all quickly lost the sword in our hands, and then snorted, pain and so on, and even Nanion jumped around with his arms.

"Can't this work? What a bunch of rubbish!" Uncle Burton said angrily, then took out an hourglass and gave us a desperate news. "This hourglass can record two hours. During this time, I will let you lift it for three minutes, then rest for three minutes, and keep repeating this kind of training."

"Ah! No way!" Eric shouted, but he showed the hearts of all of us.

"Yes, don't worry, this kind of training is available every day, but today is relatively long. In the future, you will gradually get used to it, and it won't take so long." Uncle Burton explained to us, and then said, "Okay, the rest time is over, little bastards, raise your sword!"