Magic Sword

Chapter 32 Dead Again

At this moment, the strong light bloomed on the lawn and was quickly released by my body. At the same time, it brought a violent wind light, and then circled around my body quickly, bringing me up and stopping me in mid-air. At this moment, I felt that my spirit was also particularly condensed. There is an unusually comfortable feeling in the head.

"What a powerful magic!" The two figures appeared beside Tallu under my slightly open eyes. The voice should be the voice of Uncle Yuris and the driver. It seemed that they were attracted by the magic of the golden sword.

"What's going on!" Yuris asked Talylu beside him.

"Nia is using his sword of fate to change the fate he will die." Tallu told Uncle Yuris that she had not told Uncle Yuris that the golden sword could be turned into nothing. Uncle Yuris and the driver looked at each other, then kept silent and looked up at me in the light with a solemn face.

After a while, the light on my body slowly disappeared, and the cool feeling and wind slowly dissipated. My body slowly fell down and stood gently on the lawn.

"Nia, how do you feel?" Talley Lu immediately came forward and asked.

"Well, it's not very good. I still feel that my wound still hurts." I scratched my head and said, pressing my wound with one hand, and there was a faint feeling of pain. At the same time, I put away the golden sword, "The golden sword doesn't seem to have any effect..."

"No, it should be said that the sword of fate changes fate and will not change the wounds on your body." Uncle Yuris came up and said, he didn't ask me why I used the golden sword. He should think I'm a child. These are not clear. Maybe he plans to go back and discuss with his mother. "It depends on whether it works or not. Maybe your fate has been changed in some part of the future."

"But I feel that it doesn't seem to be good..." I suddenly felt a shock and dizziness in my head, as if my spirit was about to collapse at any time. I was a little tired, and my eyes were a little tired. I pressed my head with one hand and said.

"Nia, are you not feeling well?" Tallielu is trying to hold me out.

"A little..." I said, and my feet were soft, and I fell down to the grass. My eyes were a little confused. I vaguely saw Talylu's cheek appear in front of me. The next moment, I had closed my heavy eyes.

"Nia!" Tallu rushed up in exclamation, picked up Nia who fell to the ground, kept shaking his body and calling his name loudly, but the owner of the name never responded. Tallu shouted, her cheeks kept sliding down with crystal tears, crying and calling Nia's name, "Ni Ya! Nia!"

"Talilu, calm down, let's see." Yuris rushed up and said.

"Uncle Yuris! Hurry up and see what's wrong with Nia! He was not doing well just now! He didn't change his fate!"

"Calm down, Talley Lu." Yuris said that he hurriedly pulled over Nia's body and gently pressed Nia's throat with his big hand, and the expression on his face froze in an instant... dead... dead! Nia is dead? The young master of his family died like this!

"Uncle Uris! What's the matter! What the hell is going on, Yani!" Talilu kept shaking Yuris's body and crying, "You are talking!"

"Nia... Nia, he has... no life response."

"Dong!" A dull sound exploded in Talielu's forehead. She suddenly felt that the whole world was quiet. An inexplicable feeling of entanglement and sadness surged into her heart in an instant. The tears gushed out of her eyes were gone. Only the soreness of the tear glands was still a little felt, and a bunch of words she wanted to say were stuck in her throat. The burning sensation made it impossible for her to say what she wanted to say. She sobbed, cried, picked up the boy's body on the ground, held it tightly in her arms, and gritted her teeth. Didn't you promise to marry me when you grow up? Didn't you promise to love me for the rest of your life? Aren't you my favorite? Nia! Nia...

"I have to report this to my wife immediately... You stay to take care of these children, and I'll go back first..." Yuris's face is very heavy, and his heart is also full of pain at this moment. This child also watched him grow up, and his heart is also trembling, but as a brother who has been used to life all year round Dead warrior, he has learned how to hide this pain.


"Qingyu, what's wrong with me? Am I... dead?" I came to my own spiritual world again, where there is a direct pile of scenery of that world.

"Yes, as you can see, you are dead." Mo Qingyu came to me and said to me, "It seems that you have changed your fate to immediate death? Ha ha."

"You're still laughing. What should I do? I'm so anxious. I'm dying like this! Dead again!? I jumped up and said.

"I can't help this. You are dead. Your fate may have been broken, and it will be futile to change it again." Mo Qingyu wiped the corners of his eyes and said to me, "Give up. Sooner or later, you will face death."

"But why am I still here?" I asked doubtfully, "Isn't this my spiritual world?"

" you remember the fat man who killed you? He put the poison of the world in your body and will wrap a film on your spirit, or your soul. You will not dissipate, so your spirit is still there, so your spiritual world will exist, and then I will pull you into your spiritual world. Mo Qingyu said without hurry.

"Well, it can still be like this." I said depressedly, "Then I'm going out."

"It's impossible. You can only go out by yourself. Do you remember the first time you came in? You can only get out if you want to go out, but your body outside has stopped thinking. So your thoughts can't be transmitted to your body. Mo Qingyu smiled and said, then turned back, sat down on a chair outside a grocery store on the road, looked at me with his hands on the table, and said with a charming smile, "You can't get out. Just stay here to enjoy my old age with me. Anyway, where there are men and women, there will never be a lack of human beings.

"...I want to go out! There will always be borders in this spiritual world! Just break that border! You can definitely get out!" I still have my life! Who wants to stay in this place all the time! Since my spirit will not disappear! Then I will go back to my body! I still want to see my Talley Lu! I also have a pair of friends! I still have my parents, and I still want to continue my life! My life won't end so easily! Go to hell, fate, I want to go back to my body!

I immediately turned around and ran back: "That the exit of the amusement park! The exit is there, and you can definitely leave outside!"

"Go out is the street, and then the road!" Mo Qingyu sat in his seat and shouted at me, but I didn't listen to her shouting.

"Really..." Mo Qingyu shook his head, walked into the commissary behind him, took a bag of potato chips and a bottle of drink and put it on the table to eat. ( Tianping's complaint: Since there are potato chips and drinks in the spiritual world! No, I'm going to complain about that just now! Since there is still a commissary in the spiritual world! Who opened this commissary? This store can still take it randomly. Don't you have to pay for it? If there is no boss to see the store, you don't have to pay!)

"I wiped it! It's the road!" At this time when Mo Qingyu tore open the packaging of potato chips, there was a roar.

"I said it's the road..." Mo Qingyu said helplessly, but he didn't see Nia appear. Anyway, he must continue to run out. I guess he wants to run out of this city... But he still runs out of another city. This is a complete world. Forget it. Anyway, it's futile. In a few days, he will I will come back.

And the outside world...

In the morning, it had come in sadness, and the sky just slowly turned white, but it did not change Talley's mood. She lay on Nia's chest, with a cold body and cold temperature.

I knew that I should have stopped Yani from using the golden sword. Maybe I can find a powerful doctor and some powerful magic before I die. Yes, I should go to my teacher now. Maybe he has a way, or he will have a friend who can cure him... No... Maybe my mother has I have looked for it... The more I think about it, the more my heart is full of despair and no hope.

However, after thinking about it all night, I was also a little numb, just like before I came to Lawrence's house. Eric and all sat around. Aina sat next to Tallu to comfort her and her sister. Eric and Nanon and these boys sat in front of Yani. Those who should have cried and those who should have been sad have been sad. Obviously, they were still playing together so happily the day before, but woke up. After coming, Nia had gone before them.

"The atmosphere is really heavy..." At this time, a low voice came into the ears of several people, and a figure came out of the woods. The driver sitting in the carriage immediately stood up. With his own strength, he did not find anyone approaching! Immediately pulled out the sword under the car seat and raised it.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not a bad person." The owner of the voice slowly raised his head and raised his hand. A kind face, blue hair and blue eyes gave people a chilly feeling, followed by a girl in a black robe.

"Hilmi!" Everyone exclaimed, and Talley Lu also raised her head, because she seemed to see hope that she didn't come to last night's party, but now she came here with a person... Is she here to save Nia?