Magic Sword

Chapter 39 Battle of Norman City

"Someone came over." Uncle Burton put down the wine bottle in his hand and stood up and said, with a drunken expression on his face.

"Pack up." I greeted everyone.

"All of you hide, Nia, Larivi, you two and I will explore the situation." Uncle Burton waved his hand and put the glass wine bottle into the space ring.

"Ah, me?" Larry said with a puzzled face, plus a reluctant face.

Yes! Hurry up and keep up." Uncle Burton said seriously.

"Let's go." I patted Larryville on the shoulder and said, I can still see Uncle Burton's intention. Although Larryville is weak, it is only relative. The students he teaches will not stay with him if there is nothing to make. Larryvy has a great advantage of concealment. In this regard, she does better than others. It's too good. Generally, she is always a silent little girl behind her sister who is afraid of death, and even once she didn't even notice Burton.

Soon everyone found a place to hide in the bushes. It was easy to find a place to hide in minutes, and Larry, Uncle Burton and I then rushed into the nearest bushes where the sound came from.

Opposite is a small team, wearing regular military uniforms, looking very haggard. Obviously, they are people who have been on the battlefield for a long time. There is a very obvious sign on the khaki uniform.

"Who is it?" Larry put out his little head and said.

"I don't know. I haven't seen that sign." Uncle Burton replied, his eyes were full of doubt and uneasiness. Strange, would it make him feel uneasy just because of doubt? Uncle Burton should not be such a person.

"Uncle Burton, do you have any ideas?" I asked.

"It's just a guess..." Uncle Burton said, "I haven't seen this team. I'm not sure. If it's a newly established team, it's nothing, but look like them... It's not like our Colt non-imperial people."

"You mean!" I opened my eyes wide. According to Burton's statement, there is only one possibility... Which empire? Come to our country during this war? How can it be? That's the team assigned by the army!

There are two possibilities, sneaking into our country's reconnaissance team through my father's army! There is another possibility that my father's team has fallen, and the enemy's whole army has marched into our country and the news has not been transmitted at all. This is still the enemy's reconnaissance team! The advance team of the large army! That is to say, in the worst case, there is a group of troops behind it!

"In the worst case, Kedifen was defeated." Uncle Burton swallowed his saliva and said.

"What? Who is Kedifen? Larivi asked puzzledly.

"My father."

Uncle Burton stretched out his big hand and pressed my shoulder and said, "Nia, these people will be handed over to me. You and Larivi will assist me a little later. We have to inform others of the situation. If Kedifen is really defeated, it can be said that Linnoby Province has fallen. The next is Dama Province, which needs to be done. Prepare for a good war and prepare for the worst. We need to withdraw quickly.

"Okay..." If Linnoby Province has been broken, what about my father? Be sure to ask from these people!

and a week ago...

Anolan Continent, the junction of the Bier Empire in the east and the Coltfield Empire in the west, and Norman City in the territory of the Coltfield Empire.

Our Count Kedifen, Nia's father, had just finished writing the letter sent home, walked out of the tent and stretched out. Then he called the servant and handed it to him.

"The date of peace is only these two days." Kaidifen said to the attendant, "Remember to tell Elou and tell her not to worry. I will go back soon. By the way, tell my son that I will rush back before his birthday."

"Okay, count, I vow to bring the words to the ears of the lady and the young master." The attendant made a military salute and immediately left here.

Then Kaidifen called the chief of staff and arranged several orders tediously. Today, he still needs to fight a battle. Of course, Kaidifen is now very annoyed with this kind of battle. It is extremely boring and very curses whether the messenger of Biel's peace talks accidentally led the horse into a mule. So slow, he is still in a hurry to go home. Celebrate my son's birthday!

"Your Excellency, will it be too troublesome? The enemy should be about to surrender." The chief of staff asked doubtfully.

"You can't relax your vigilance. Although the enemy has a tendency to surrender, this battle is still going to be fought. Who knows when the enemy's messenger will come? What if the commander of Bier opposite is a dedicated person and fights seriously at this time? Go and prepare quickly. There must be archers in the city. The people arranged on both sides of the gate should be in place and ready to fight at any time.

"Yes, my lord." After taking the order, the chief of staff went down and began to curse, "What commander, mother? I'm so bored. What are you going to do when the enemy is about to surrender? Which time did the trouble play a role? It's enough for your people to fight so bravely. No one can fight here at all! Not all soldiers are yours! Alas! It doesn't matter!"

And about noon, the battle finally started again. Kaidifen rode a war horse and led the army out of the gate slowly, but he was immediately shocked. What happened? The private army he brought was a little better. The ones who followed him and those who did not follow him have raised their fighting spirit to the extreme. Zhi, but other people, local armies, and the troops assigned by the state all look lazy. What kind of soldiers are they? What kind of war is this!

So Kaidifen scolded them fiercely, so the soldiers showed them a little, but they didn't seem to have any fighting spirit at all. From time to time, there were several yawns. Fortunately, he brought hundreds of private troops over, and the other side was also such a team. No But what else are you fighting?

Soon, the enemy's army also appeared in sight, which was no different from what they usually saw, but it seemed to be much more unbearable than usual. The figure was completely changed, and many people didn't even have armor. Oh, my God, what's the matter today? There is no morale on both sides! And there is no way for Biel to see it at all. In contrast, these lazy ones are much more pleasing to the eye.

"Well--" Soon the horn of the war sounded crisply, and the armies of both sides rushed up quickly. The real battle began, and the lazy soldiers also became serious. Anyway, this still had to be desperate.

"Kill!" Kaidifen shouted twice, pulled out his sword from his waist and raised it high, and then took the lead to rush out. Several teams of cavalry quickly followed, and then the team also swarmed out.

"Kill! Kill it!" The shouting quickly raised the morale to the highest, and the enemy's army slowed down as they ran, and even a few turned around and ran away after a while.

"What!" Kedifen couldn't believe his eyes. How could these Bier's people be finished in an instant! I haven't even had half a face!

So the morale of the team rose to a higher level again. Kedifen took the first force with the cavalry to enter Bier's army. The first one to face each other, several people with shields in the front of the other party were quickly trampled on the ground by horses, and some of them were kicked away by horses' hoofs and flew back with shields, and really rushed to Only in the enemy team did Kedifen find that these people didn't even have weapons! He rushed up with the cut branches! What's going on!

Kedifen immediately realized that these people also want to live! It's just that they don't have armaments, not even basic daily training! You can only use branches as weapons! In order to increase the combat effectiveness, it was sharpened!

Kaidifen waved his sword, and a trace of bright red blood splashed out, ruthlessly taking the life of the man in front of her.

This is... a slave army! Consumables on the battlefield! Simple consumables can be understood, which are purely thrown as toys to the other's soldiers!

"Kill!" The army of the Coltfield Empire quickly rushed over and quickly joined the battle. However, the blood splashed out was from the people of Bier, with intact armor and swords. The Coltfield Empire is not fighting at all now. This is simply a massacre!

Why is this so? Kaidifen's heart is full of doubts and uneasiness. There is no reason to waste slaves at this time? Aren't you going to surrender? And depending on the current situation, is the enemy going to fight? Too many people? Consum it? It's unnecessary!

And just when Kedifen was puzzled, more than half of the casualties on Bier's side had been killed and injured, and it was expected that the war would end in a short time. At this time, Kedifen suddenly saw tall and thick boards erected on Bier's camp, one by one, forming three Angle, and under this thing, a figure is busy. They are all wearing regular military uniforms, armor and swords of the Biel Empire.

Kettifen, who was familiar with the battlefield, recognized what those things were without hesitation, the stone thrower! Attack equipment! Damn it! What does your scout eat? Since this kind of thing has been shipped to the front line, there is no news at all!

"Damn it!" Kaidifen shouted and called the entourage beside him and shouted, "Call the men and horses to attack the other camp!"

Soon picked up all Kedifen's private army, and the rest... At this time, they were enjoying the fun of slaughter and didn't care about the wood standing opposite.

"Come with me!" Kaidifen shouted and led the team to rush over, and at this time, an army of more than 100 people rushed out behind Bier's camp!

"Lord Kaidifen!"

"Daw! Since it is hidden here! Assault of the whole army! Defeat them!" Kaidifen shouted that his heart was in a mess at this time. Since such a big piece of information was not received in this battle, it was too passive! If those things are not dismantled before they are assembled, Norman City will not be able to stand it a few times!