Magic Sword

Chapter 63 Sisters in Crisis

In the afternoon, I dug a hole and buried Beach's body. I couldn't leave him in the wilderness. I was hungry and flat. I didn't have much strength, and I didn't have a good tool.

"I will kill you." When I was digging, this was the most common sentence Mo Qingyu said in my ear, and I still didn't intend to stop digging the pit, holding a golden sword as a shovel in my hand...

Finally, I found a few branches to put on the small mound inside. I'm sorry that I can only bury Beach so crudely, but I really can't find any good tomb now.

"Just burn it directly." Mo Qingyu said angrily, after all, I wasted an afternoon on this and became more tired.

"It's not good for this world to be burned after death." I said helplessly that I had also planned to burn Beach's body, so that I could take the ashes back, but on the continent of Eloran, flames are a punishment. If you take Beach away with flames, it will be a tragic end. Generally, flame burning is only used to deal with evil witches, theological Opponents, blasphemers.

"How come there are so many feudal regrets? You are not from this world."

"Let's do as the Romans do. That's not a good choice for Biqi." I waved my hand and said.

Now it's getting dark. I'm walking alone in the dark jungle, and my stomach is already grunting. Now my stomach is starving to death, and there is nothing I can eat on the way! I found the river to drink some water, but I was still very hungry, and I slowly walked out of the territory of the elf clan. This is also something that can only be found after recovering the memory of the past. In this forest, there are some small marks on the trees, and I didn't pay attention to these things before.

That's some feather symbols, which were found across every tree in the past, so that a boundary is just divided. Careful induction can also find magic fluctuations. Elves should distinguish the territory and warn the outside world of monsters, but we didn't notice this. We leaned on horses as we marched. Pi ran all the way, went back to pay attention to these details, and then broke into their territory.

"I'm starving..." I complained and said as I walked, and Mo Qingyu pretended not to talk to me and didn't respond at all... In the past, when she was on a mission, she sat leisurely in the car. I was outside on a mission. We relied on headphones to contact, and she always didn't respond to me. Sometimes I played with the computer alone, but I broke into the enemy's team once... Then of course, I slowly waved away with strange eyes, and then a bunch of gunshots chased me.

"I'm starving to death..." I continued to complain, but Mo Qingyu still didn't reply to me.

"I'm starving to death..." Still no reply.

"Damn, what are you doing!" I said angrily.

"Playing with the computer." Mo Qingyu's flat voice came to my ears.

"Damn, where did the computer come from!" I asked doubtfully.

"It's in your spiritual world." I ignored this...

"I want to come in and play!"

"Yes, there is no electricity." She said flatly.

"What are you playing with!"

"Don't you think it's fun to smash the local tycoons, tablets, alien laptops and so on in these uninhabited mobile phone stores?" She said something that drives me crazy...

Walking slowly, in the lonely forest, in addition to the sound of cicadas, there are also some sounds made by owls. These "cooing and cooing" sounds were often accompanied by them when I was doing tasks before, and most of them hid in trees. I have been familiar with this sound for a long time. I remember that I always said that I met These "night owls" have nothing to do. Well, I really haven't had anything good to do for a day. Now I'm starving. Is there anything worse? I lost everything except a sword and a ring.

There are still some gold coins in the space ring, nearly 100, but can there be a place to spend in this barren mountain?

And I was walking aimlessly, praying to see a small animal or something on the road, but I found a little faint firelight.

"Nia, there seems to be someone in front of you?" Mo Qingyu's voice came into my ear and said.

"What?" I widened my eyes and looked a little, and then immediately headed in the direction of the firelight, only to find that it was a cabin! Since there are still wooden houses in this forest! Er... It seems to be very similar to the scene before my death. I thought of the fat Fang Lan, who also got a cabin to do research in the wilderness.

"Let's go and have a look." As I said, I put away the sword and called out the gun from the space ring. It had been filled with bullets by me for a long time. I slowly approached the wooden house with my right hand. I'm starving to death now. I don't have the strength to wave the sword. In case I meet a strong man, I can't beat it.

However, when I approached, I felt something was not right. Although it was not very correct in this forest, when I approached, I heard the sound of ceramics breaking, which was a little noisy and mixed with screams.

"Be careful." Mo Qingyu said.

I didn't respond, just nodded my head a little and slowly approached it, so that I could hear the sound inside clearly.

"Military Master! Please let us go!" A man inside said, his voice was full of fear and pleading.

"Get out of here! It's so annoying!" Another more powerful voice said, and then there was a "bang, bang" sound, and something fell again, "Haha, beauty! Don't hide!"

"Ah--" followed by a scream, in which there were some men's evil laughter.

I approached the window and quietly raised my head to look inside. There were more than a total of more than ten people, and several bodies were thrown in the corner of the room. They were probably divided into two sets of people standing in the two corners of the house. There were three people on one side. A man stood behind two women with a knife, one big and one was very beautiful and big. The one is almost twenties old, and the small one looks smaller than me; on the other side are seven or eight soldiers in military uniforms guarding the door. The three can only shrink tightly in the corner of the wall. As soon as they look at this situation, they probably understand the situation. The soldiers in military uniform want the two women.

"Bastard! Are you easy to bully us as the Snow Shadow Adventure Team!" The man said angrily before, but his body kept shaking, "Miss, hide behind me! I will escort you back to the eldest brother!"

"Why, are you still going to scare us? It doesn't matter~ We won't stay alive after playing, hahahaha." One of the seven or eight officers laughed.

"Nia, don't care about this kind of thing. You may not be able to beat them in your current state!" Mo Qingyu's voice came again.

"I want to save them." I said coldly, this is not for any other reason, but I saw those in military uniforms. They were not Coltfei's military uniforms, the style, color, and badges of the armor. Those were Bier's soldiers! Biel's reconnaissance team... "They are from Biel."

And the situation in the time we talked changed again. It seemed that Bier's non-commissioned officers were no longer planning to talk and rushed forward one by one, but the man kept waving the sword in front of them, so that they did not dare to approach, but after all, they couldn't suppress many people, and several soldiers held it. A man's sword, several others pressed from above, but he couldn't pull out his weapon, and then was heavily patted on the head by a soldier's bench and fainted.

"Uncle Barlow!" The little girl inside exclaimed, it should be the man's name. But the next thing she saw was the non-commissioned officers turning to their * eyes.

"Ah!" The girl let out a scream, and another woman quickly protected her behind her.

"You...don't come here!" The woman said, turning around and protecting the girl, but the non-commissioned officers would not listen to her. She should know it herself. Seven or eight people rushed up immediately, and then they were immediately separated. The little girl kept screaming and kept calling, "Sister, save me!"

It's a pair of sisters.

"Catherine!" The girl's sister shouted, but several men had launched her whole body**, "You let my sister go!"

They didn't care. They quickly threw the woman to the ground, and then rushed up one by one like a hungry tiger, followed by the sound of broken clothes.

What a group of disgusting guys... I quickly raised my gun and quietly aimed at a Biel soldier. The screams of Bier soldiers came with a "bang--", but those guys were all overwhelmed. Since I didn't care about the screams of my companions, I quickly opened again in the girl's crying. A few shots, and then quickly killed three Bier soldiers. The girl had not been harmed, but she kept crying without noticing that the soldier who had just invaded her had moved down.

I didn't have time to take care of her. I quickly pointed the muzzle at the other side. The girl's sister didn't have a few pieces of complete cloth. On the contrary, since those Bier's soldiers didn't notice that the other companions were dead, they focused on the laughter that made them * and the woman in front of them. Go to hell, you! I pointed my gun at them.

"Nia, be careful!" When I was about to press the trigger, Mo Qingyu suddenly shouted, and I was about to turn around and hit a row of boards on my head.

"Ah!" I was knocked away with a scream and fell to the ground. My head was still a little dizzy. I quickly shook my head and got up.

"What kind of person! Since you are hiding here!" I'm also a soldier of Bier. Shit, it seems that there are not only a few people in it...

"Hey!" I quickly pointed the gun at him, but his eyes suddenly stared, as if he felt that the thing in my hand was dangerously and quickly bypassing and rushed towards me. His choice was very clever, as if he knew that I was attacking remotely and rushing around me quickly, which was not easy to aim! I quickly hit him and immediately pulled the trigger and shot him with a bang!