Magic Sword

Chapter 76 I will be responsible

At night, a boy and a girl walked slowly on the dark road. The boy staggered and looked relaxed, but the girl beside him tried her best to help him. The boy's figure was moderate, but it was quite uncomfortable for a thin girl. It was not easy to help such a boy. Loose.

"Talilu..." The boy kept calling the name, and his eyes seemed to have tears in his eyes, "Where the hell are you..."

"Nia, I'm here." The girl who supported the boy gasped slightly and then replied to the boy, but he was not the girl the boy called for. She was Catherine, not Talley Lu.

"Talilu! You are Tallylu..." The boy suddenly slowly stared at the girl in front of him, with a smile on his face, and the tears in his eyes unconsciously flowed down.

Cathleen bit her lower lip. Naturally, she was not Tallylu, but she still replied, "It's me. I've always been by Nia's side."

"Talilu, I really want to see you... I really want to..." The boy said drunk.

"Me too. I really want to see you." Finally, the boy completely fainted, and Catherine's sad feeling couldn't help but come to her mind after answering. She felt that all this was touching. The protagonist was Nia, which was very beautiful. Unfortunately, the heroine was indeed another girl... Why didn't she accompany Nia? Obviously, there are such good conditions but he is not by Nia's side, which makes this man so sad. Although he knows that he was captured by his mother, why don't he sneak out? If it's him... If that person is himself, he will definitely try his best to run to Nia's side! Catherine said sadly in her heart. In his opinion, the girl named Talleylu is not worthy of Nia at all!

"If I had known Nia earlier..." Catherine thought of this, there was already a vague scene in front of her. Tears kept dripping unconsciously, but she carried a weight beyond her range. Sweat wet her beautiful hair and slowly moved forward. This long way But now it's longer, which is a huge goal for Catherine, but she doesn't complain. On the contrary, she is so happy that she is so close to the boy that she wants to take Nia back. I can do it.

It was late at night that Katherine returned to the gathering place, and then arrived at Nia's room. She vowed that she would really not be able to stand it if she was a little further away. She put Nia on his bed, then took off his coat and was stunned for a moment. Katherine climbed into the bed and lay on Nia. She has done it many times, and Nia was drunk and would never wake up. Then he put his hands on his head and looked at the boy in front of him. Tonight, he felt that the boy was more attractive to her than ever. After listening to such a story, although the boy's mind was not for himself, he was still so fascinated. People.

"Nia, you are a big bad guy. I'm not Talilu, I'm Catherine." Catherine waved her feet and said mischievously, then lowered her head slightly and kissed the boy's cheek. For a long time, she blushed and climbed up. Looking back at the boy, her face was full of smiles, covering the fatigue, "squeaking--" and closing the door and leaving the room.

The next day, when the sun shined through my small shabby cabin and shone into my room and shone on my eyes, I woke up from my sleep, "It's so bright..."

I covered my eyes slightly and got up, and then looked around. My head hurt a little. I was sure that this was my room before I lay down again and looked at the ceiling in a daze. This was much worse than the Count's Palace where I lived in Dama Province. Then I recalled yesterday and seemed to have drunk some wine... It was really deserved. Death, although I used to drink well, I haven't been drunk in this world! Since I didn't notice it, I was drunk after drinking a little. Really, I don't remember the following things. It should have been Catherine who brought me back. How did she bring me back... Really, my head hurts...

It seems that I dreamed of Talley Lu yesterday... I miss her so much, and it seems to coincide with Catherine... At least in that vague impression, Talley Lu has blue hair.

"It's not a dream." Suddenly, Mo Qingyu's voice came from my head.

"Concreed? Don't talk to me. My head hurts.

"You did see 'Talilu' yesterday, but that was played by the little girl Catherine." Mo Qingyu's voice was a little indifferent. He wandered in my head. After a while, a golden light flashed in front of my eyes, and then slowly condensed a woman's body.


"Yes, you were drunk yesterday and kept calling this Talleylu's name, and you looked very sad." Mo Qingyu waved and said, "Then that Kathleen's little girl pretended to chat with you and answered your words."


"Yes, that's it. Then she helped you back here. It's really a long way. Since the girl's body can send you here, it's really not easy. I feel a little heartbroken to see it."

"Well, since it will be like this." I bowed my head and felt a little guilty, and now I owe her a big favor.

"Do you think you owe someone a favor?" Mo Qingyu said with a smile.

"Ah, yes." I asked doubtfully, "How do you know, otherwise?"

"Actually, something happened later." Mo Qingyu hummed his head and said, "As a result, you owe a bigger favor."

Ah? What?"

"That girl, it was not easy to bring you here. At that time, you suddenly woke up, but the alcohol had not receded. Think about it, it was in your room, so you did something inhumanely." Mo Qingyu opened one eye slightly and looked at me and said with a smile.

"What...what!" I was stunned and asked, "What did I do?"

"What do you think will be done when a lonely man and a woman are in the same room? You pressed the girl to this broken**, and then... Alas, you wildly pulled all her clothes, and then... You can guess that the girl was already tired to death, and then the weak body board was tossed by you all night. Do you think you owe her another big favor, but the little girl Well, fortunately, the people of the adventure group are not here. Mo Qingyu put his hands on his waist and walked to me with a gray face. "Don't look at me like that. Think about Catherine's little girl, she is also a little beauty~"

" could this happen..." Damn it! Why did this happen! I...damn alcohol! I drooped my hands and looked at the floor with ashes on my face. "Are you telling the truth?"

"Of course." Mo Qingyu covered his mouth and smiled, "You don't know if you will do this. How many movies and TV series have been watched in vain after drinking. Her weak body can't stand your toss. Didn't you see that she didn't come to wake you up this morning?"

I didn't know that this was just a joke that caused me to do a very stupid thing...

"I will be responsible." I put on the clothes that were put aside first. This must also be Catherine who helped me fold and put here. I became more and more convinced of Mo Qingyu's words, and then stood up and ran to the door.

"Hee." Mo Qingyu smiled secretly, then turned his head and said to himself, "Don't blame Nia~ I really want to see your reaction haha! This is also a change of fate. If it's a good girl, you have to thank me~"

Leaving the room, I quickly ran to Catherine's room and gently knocked on Catherine's door, but there was no response. I directly acquiesced that Catherine was a little afraid of me or couldn't forgive me so she didn't respond, but I felt guilty about my behavior.

"Bum!" I put my foot on the door, and then the broken wooden door was quickly kicked open by me, and then fell to the ground. Then Catherine, who was still hiding in the quilt, woke up and quickly sat up.

"What happened?" Catherine sat up and looked around, and then saw that it was me. Her face was stunned. She didn't know why I ran over early in the morning and broke her door.

"Catherine." I said I walked into the room.

"Ni, Nia! What are you... doing!" Catherine exclaimed and realized that she was still wearing pajamas, and there was a man in front of her. Then she quickly pulled up the quilt and shrank in the corner of the wall and looked at me doubtfully.

"Catherine, I... I'll be in charge!" I walked up to her and bent down and said.

"Ah?" Catherine asked exclaimed, "What's the responsibility?"

"Last night! I...sorry, I drank at that time and got drunk...and then..." I said with a blush.

And Catherine stretched out her arm to stop me from talking, and then lowered her head and said, "It's okay. It's not a big deal. I'm not as weak as you think."

I didn't know that what we said meant differently. In Catherine's opinion, that sentence was: "I can still do it by carrying you back."

And in my opinion, it became: "My body can still stand your tossing."

I said seriously, "I... what's the big deal! Such a precious thing! I will be responsible for it!"

"No need, but it's just... huh? What do you mean? Catherine showed a puzzled expression and looked at me with a tilt of her head and said.

Huh? What is it? What else can it be? It's not you after I got drunk yesterday!" I said in surprise.

"Hmm?" Katherine still has a cute expression.

"That's... Didn't I force you and me to do something?" I said, and then Catherine still had a puzzled expression. I suddenly went crazy, depending on what I realized, "Isn't it!"