Magic Sword

Chapter 84 Auction 2

"In the workmanship of weapons and armor, you only need to add a little bit to make the quality of weapons to a terrible level. If you can find dwarves to build it, you can definitely become a world-famous weapon!" The hostess began to introduce, and then a board covered with red cloth was brought up, "Let's take a look at this magical stone!"

The "brush-" host lifted the cloth. Due to the movement, the cloth tied to the waist also floated, and the scene inside immediately took away the eyes of all men, but at this moment, I didn't appreciate anything, so I looked forward to her quick quotation.

The red opened, and there was a kind of water-silver ore on the board, which still emitted a slight colored light. The host continued to fan: "Mithril is priceless! Hurry up, everyone!"

"The starting price we gave is 50 gold coins! The price of each auction cannot be less than 10 gold coins!"

"Niah, it's so expensive!" Sam said with exclaim.

"I can still afford it..." I said, and then participated in the quotation, "50 gold coins!"

Of course, it's the lowest! I don't have much money...

"60 gold coins!" Suddenly, another voice came out of nowhere. I'll go! Which bastard is robbing me! Now it's 70 gold coins!

I looked angrily in the direction of that sound, and then I was about to raise the price when another place sounded: "100 gold coins!"

"I'll wipe it!" I couldn't help shouting and looking in that direction. A masked guy couldn't tell who it was. He was quite strong, and his clothes didn't look like noble, but just arag.

"Nia, what should I do!" Sam turned his head and asked.

"What can I do... I have less than 100 gold coins all over my body..." I said angrily and lowered my head. It seemed that it was a waste of time.

"Why don't you talk to the buyer about buying it for him later?" Sam grabbed his head and said.

"He bought it for 100 gold coins! The price we can offer is less than 100! Who will sell it to us?"

"If you can ask your friend to sit in a chair, I don't mind picking you up some money and helping you make up 110 gold coins." Suddenly, just as I had given up, a voice came to my ear, which was the tight man who had just sat next to me! And the voice... is a woman!" This is very indecent."

"Eh?" Sam was stunned for a moment, and then immediately sat down.

"110 gold coins." When the host called for the second time, the woman next to me called out the price, and the man behind me, who had previously called the price, did not continue to raise the price.

"Bum!" With a sound, the hammer hit the table, and then the host immediately said, "Congratulations on this lady for shooting our mithril for 110 gold coins! Please go to *pick up later!"

"Please urge the behavior of your dwarf friends, otherwise I may not give them to you." The woman looked at us angrily, and I had to say with a smile and nod my head.

"But thank you very much for helping us buy that Mithril, which is very important to us." I turned my head and thanked the woman first.

"No, I just lend you money and have to pay it back."

"Of course! We will return it as soon as possible." I promised the woman.

"Nia, how do you return it?" Nanon asked from the other side.

"Of course, you borrowed it for me."

"Me? How to borrow? There's nothing I can do..." Namin was talking and suddenly thought of something and exclaimed, "Aa! No, no! I won't borrow it from her even if I die!"

"Who is it?" Sam asked doubtfully.

"Mialu." I said and then looked at Nanon with a gloomy expression, "I'm optimistic about you... um... come on..."

"Ni..." Nanon said with a sad face, but we didn't ignore it. We continued to watch the auction with a bad mood.

Then a big thing was pushed up, covered with a tulle-like black cloth, which could not be seen clearly, but it seemed that a silhouette could be seen, an animal?

"Next, even I will covet this product and want to take her to bed!" The female host on the stage said with a smile, and then opened the cloth that should be on it, "brush--" and revealed the figure inside!

A very beautiful girl, with delicate skin, light green hair, a dull expression, and a pair of wings behind her!


Sam and Namion and I looked at each other. He was a wing man! A girl from the winged race! In an iron cage, there were fewer clothes on his body, with a collar tied around his neck and an iron chain tied to his hand.

"It's so miserable..." Nanien couldn't bear to say. And the atmosphere of the whole auction house became restless in an instant.

"Everyone should be able to see it! This is a winged girl! Look at the feathered wings on her back! And the fair skin! I don't need to call you how to play!" And the host continued to fan the atmosphere, "The starting price is 100 gold coins! The price increase should not be less than 10 gold coins each time! Then let's begin!"

"200 gold coins!" A man shouted immediately.

"250 gold coins!" The other person continued to shout.

"300 gold coins!" Then there was a fat man who couldn't see his expression with a mask, but it must be a * face under the mask.

"Damn! McGee! You already have three wives and you are still fighting with me!" The previous 250 turned around and shouted at the fat man.

" care about me!" The fat man paused and said, "I haven't played Wings yet!"

"500 gold coins." And when the fat man was quarreling with another person, he was priced again. They should know each other...

"This price... is horrible..."

"They are all disgusting men." The woman sitting next to me said angrily, but she offered an offer, "1000 gold coins!"

"Wow! The lady just made another offer! Hey! Do you like this tone as much as I do? Haha, the beauty of this wingman is obviously irresistible to even girls!" The host joked, "Is anyone else willing to raise the price?"

"It's not!" The woman gritted her teeth and said, and then turned her face to me, "I just want to buy it and give her freedom!"

"I...guesed it." Although I really wanted to express some other ideas, considering my mithril, I nodded to her and said cooperatively.

"2000 gold coins!" Suddenly, the nobleman behind him, who was just called Aerman, offered a higher price.

"3000." Then another Floger also followed the quotation and smiled evilly. "Yaerman, I just spent 1,000 yuan to buy a sword. You don't have much money."

"Hmm! 4000!" The Alman snorted and continued to quote, and Frog also shouted out the price, and in a short time, the price was raised to 5,000 gold coins.

"It's horrible! That's 5000!" Sam exclaimed.

"Do you still save her?" I asked the women around me.

"...Help! I still have more than 9,000 gold coins.

"So much?"

"10000!" At this time, the man in the back row who had just overpriced the mithril suddenly shouted out an amazing number.

Suddenly, the whole venue became quiet. I turned my head doubtfully. According to his clothes, he obviously did not look like a rich man. His clothes were very simple, and I sat there quietly and behaved like neither like an aristocrat or a businessman.

"What about now?" I asked again.

"I can't help it... There's nothing I can do! Another disgusting man!" The woman said angrily and glanced at the man in the back row, and the man also seemed to notice the eyes here, turned his head away, and smiled at me.

"Who is it?" I was puzzled and ignored him. In the end, it is obvious that no one will be bidding in the whole auction house. Even if someone can afford it, they can't bear to pay. After all, it's just a plaything. Although it's special, it's not worth raising the price. It's enough to buy a slave with one or two gold coins.

"In short, it's just a disgusting man who has money and no place to spend it!" The woman continued to talk and vent her dissatisfaction, and this woman was also a strange person...

"Congratulations on getting this beauty for 10,000 gold coins!"

"Let's go. Today's finale is the wingman. The auction is over." The woman beside her said to stand up and said, "Go and get something."

"Hmm." I answered and greeted my partner, and I was really looking forward to the mithril!

Leave the main venue, immediately followed by a waiter, and then led us to a room.

"Four, wait here. Let's pick up what you took." The waiter woke up and went out.

Leave the dark room, and I can finally see the woman's appearance clearly, um... holding a black dress tightly all over her body and a mask on her face...

"You're wearing... so tight..." I said, "Don't you take off the mask?"

"No." The woman said flatly.

Well... What a weirdo... In order to resolve the embarrassing situation, I still opened my mouth and said, "Well, thank you for helping us shoot that Misilver just now."

"If you want to pay it back, sign the IOU first." As the woman spoke, she took out a piece of paper and wrote it down, and then handed it to me.

Huh? 200 gold coins?" I was stunned, why did it become more in an instant!

"I changed my mind." There was a smile in the woman's voice.

"It can't be like this! You have almost doubled!" I spread out my hands and said.

"I've changed my mind. Anyway, it's only 200 gold coins. Do you want it?"

"Hello, your stuff." At this time, the waiter opened the door and came in with a pile of things.

The woman smiled, stepped forward to pick out the mithril from it, and then pretended to say to us, "Decide quickly."

"200 gold coins are really too expensive... I may not be able to come up for a while..." I cursed in my heart, and I hate being threatened the most!

"It's 200 gold coins!"

"Your uncle..." I cursed in a low voice, and finally took the word to sign it, and then gave it to the woman viciously.