Magic Sword

Chapter 100 Preparation before the expedition

After leaving the barracks, I went in the direction of the Blood Shadow Adventure Group. Now I have done everything I have to do, and the rest is to say goodbye to Catherine and Wood.

came to the gathering place of the adventure group, and there was no one here. It seemed that she hadn't come back yet. When I came to Catherine's room, the door was locked. I couldn't get in, so I simply took out the feather pen and paper, wrote something else on it, and then stuffed the paper through the crack of the door. When I came back, I should be able to see it. Arrived.

"Okay, now we can go." I stood up and stretched out, and finally went to Bier!

"Is that enough? If you don't leave any erotic words, the girl will be crazy to death. Mo Qingyu's voice floated through my mind.

"No, I won't go for a long time. At most, I'll kill one person for a month or two." I said with a gloomy face and couldn't help feeling very excited, Alvin Charles!

"Well, yes, I'll be back soon, but I've always had a question. What do you want about Catherine? And Hilmi, you are about to become an adult. As a nobleman, there are some things you have to deal with, plus you and Hilmi have a marriage contract.

"I only like Talylu, and the others... I won't marry other girls." I waved my hand and said.

"You should tell her quickly that you are not going to marry her." Mo Qingyu's voice echoed in my mind, "Otherwise, as you inherit your father's aristocratic status, you will become involuntarily, Nia."

"I can't say Mo Qingyu, this kind of thing... Hilmi is my friend, and what kind of situation will happen to her like this?" I sighed and said, "Let's push this matter back and wait until I get back from Bier."

"What about Catherine?"

"You are so annoying, don't dump it." I said impatiently.

"I think you have to deal with these things before adulthood. Catherine is also a good girl. It's not good to be delayed by you, or you should accept her."

"I don't have such a plan... I just want to marry Talilu." I lowered my head and said, and then a piece of wood next to me sat on it. Soon a golden light flashed, and Mo Qingyu also flashed in front of me. With so many girls, only Mo Qingyu has not changed at all since childhood, exactly the same as her in my original world. I continued, "And I also I have already expressed it to her.

"Nia... You used to be a killer in your 20s. You should also understand how naive this method of procrastination is. There is no good result if you drag it down." Mo Qingyu stared at me with some dissatisfaction in his eyes. Generally, Mo Qingyu rarely acted like being angry with me.

"What do you want me to do?" I said angrily to Mo Qingyu, "Now I'm going to Biel, which is a place with less bad luck. I can't let my partner go there with a bad mood at this time. It's purely a death-seeing act."

"I think if you can't abandon these girls." Mo Qingyu paused for a moment and said with a flash of light in his eyes, "You just accept them."

"Ret accept?" I was stunned, "No!"

"Why? Nia?" Mo Qingyu spread out his hands and said, "You also said that you are not Qin Xiaozheng!" You areni ya Lawrence! You should live in the way of this world and not be hindered by your previous life! Now there is no feudal ideology of the previous country in this world! It's no problem for you to marry a few girls!"

"I don't allow it, I don't allow myself to do this!" I lowered my head and said, "Why do you talk to them so much today..."

"I don't know... I just feel that it's too late without saying it. Maybe it won't be so smooth in Bier this time... You should find Catherine before leaving, make it clear to her, and also make it clear to Hilmy..." Mo Qingyu lowered his head and his body slowly became illusory. "You're fine. Think about it."

"Don't worry... I'll say it when I come back alive from Bier. I will definitely or come back." I slowly stood up and said, and Mo Qingyu's body also disappeared at this moment and completely melted into my spiritual world. As long as Mo Qingyu was in my hand... I will definitely come back alive! Anyway! Even if I change my fate again and again, I will come back alive! Because my goal is not just to stop killing Alvin Charles! And Carlisle Egbert, who killed my mother!

Then I returned to Miarlu's villa. Only Hilmi and Miarlu were at home. They all came back until noon. Then they bought a lot of travel supplies and squeezed into the space ring of Hilmi. In this way, they didn't need to bring too much to take weapons and water. That's enough.

Then I had a simple lunch at noon, just waiting for the arrival of the afternoon, but during this period, two people came, Delides! We also made an appointment to meet here at the auction that day, and now he finally comes, followed by the alien who was bought by him at that time. Because he said that it was also very exciting to help me engrave. How powerful is the engraving?

The afternoon came soon, so our party set out. Nanon said goodbye to Mieru with a reluctant expression, but Mieru didn't pay much attention to him... We first went to the barracks and took Lyle. Although it was not easy to get out of the barracks, they showed the aristocratic badge. Then he paid a little tip and took it away casually. Naturally, this kind of rotten local army did not have such strict discipline.

"This kind of barracks should be demolished." Drides said with a straight face. After a long time, his expression eased and said to himself, "Forget it, this place has nothing to do with me."

Then eleven of us left Gorfeto Province and went to the dwarf tribe! Build weapons there!


"Dong Dong..." Due to the large number of people, the journey was quite slow. It took us a day to get to the dwarf tribe, and here was the familiar sound of beating iron, and all kinds of hot feelings filled this small tribe.

"Dang!" With a hammer, he knocked on a piece of burnt iron. Master Dwarf put down the hammer in his hand, then exhaled and wiped the sweat off his forehead. He turned around and said to me, "It's done. These parts, as well as a few bullets you said, are completely made according to your drawings, and added A little bit of mithril."

"O! Thank you so much." I smiled and said, "How much more is this mithril enough to build?"

"It's no problem to build more, but I don't think guns are actually suitable for your partners as you said. They haven't practiced this kind of accuracy. You are in urgent need now. I don't think it's necessary. It's better to build some armor weapons for them and add a piece of equipment with mithril for them. The problem is that there is still something left. Then we can equip them with ordinary materials.

"That's it." I nod and thought about it. I'm the only one who can really use a gun. It's better to use these mithrils to make something more helpful to my partners. When I figured this out, I clenched my fist and patted my palm and said, "That's it. I'll ask them what they want to write."

After a brief discussion, I brought the news to my partners. They gave the equipment parts they wanted, and then told the dwarf master that he began to forge nervously again. Then I sat in the blacksmith's shop of the dwarf master and put together the parts of the gun. I, who was very familiar with guns, assembled these It's still very convenient, and it will be put together soon!

"*! Perfect!" I laughed, and the black pistol in my hand, which flashed slightly, generally seemed to be silver. I have never used this kind of gun, but I like to use it very much in the game. It is not an automatic pistol, but it is very powerful, that is, the boss always dislikes its slow firing speed and does not equip me.

Because its bolt is made of cork iron, it looks non-informal, but it is powerful enough, and it doesn't make much sense whether it looks good or not.

"Oh? Is it assembled? Master Dwarf stopped the work in his hand and came over to look at the small box in my hand, curled his lips and said, "Is this thing really as powerful as you said?"

"Hmm." I nodded to him.

"I don't believe it." The dwarf master grabbed his beard, then jumped off the chair, ran to the display stand outside, took a very hard-looking armor, then hung it in front of me and said confidently, "Try it."

"Good." I laughed and exited the magazine, then loaded the seven scattered bullets on the table one by one, then pulled down the bolt, stood up, clenched the handle of the gun with both hands, and aimed at the armor opposite "Bang!" With a loud noise, a bullet flew out of the muzzle, and then blew out a spark. Then the armor made a loud noise in the firelight, and then a wisp of white smoke slowly floated up.

"What a terrible power." The dwarf master stared at the armor on the armor, which was the strongest armor on his display table, since he couldn't even stop the blow of the gun!

"Haha, how about it, master?" I put down the gun in my hand and said.

"This thing... The magic barrier of low-level magicians can't stop it at all. Even the magic barrier of high-level magicians may not be able to stop too many times." The dwarf master pinched his chin and said, "It's just a box born for war."

"It's true that this thing is for war." I looked at the gun in my hand and smiled, and then said to the master, "Please take care of the rest."

"No problem, it's up to me. The things created by the dwarves are definitely the best." The dwarf master patted his chest and said with a smile, with a proud face, and then ran back to the stove to continue building.

And now that the weapon has been built, it's time for me to go to Delades to help me engrave!