Magic Sword

Chapter 126 Captive

"Human, where did you come from?" Gu Andong's dull voice came not far away. I followed the direction of the sound and turned my eyes. Rijie stood in front of him warily, and while Gu Andong was talking, he immediately stabbed Gu Andong with his sword. However, Gu Andong didn't look at him and directly turned around and gave way of the thorn. Ri Jeff this time. He was dodged by Gu Anton and almost fell down.

"We are Lyle's partner." I briefly returned and stared at the giants not far away. One was surrounded by my friends, the other two were far away from us, and two guys lying on the ground, one died and the other fell down. The one in front of me was weak.

"Oh?" Gu Anton looked at me with his eyebrows, and then looked at Lyle, with a violent smile on his face and staring at Ri Jeff.

"It's you today, Ri Jeff." Gu Anton said coldly, "Order your people to issue weapons. We have a senior magician here."

"Gu Andong, do you think I'm stupid? They are human beings!"

"That human!" Gu Anton shouted sharply, pointing his huge finger to Lyle beside Liz and said, "These human beings, including the magician, are all partners of that human beings!"

"So what!"

Gu Anton grinned and said, "He is my future son-in-law, my daughter, Liz's partner."

"Wh!?" Lyle was stunned. He didn't seem to have figured out the situation, but Gu Anton's words also shocked me. He... agreed!?

"Female... son-in-law, your sister! He is human!" Rijie fu seemed to say that he had been fooled, and waved the knife in his hand and rushed to Gu Anton.

I skimmed them, then raised my hand and made a gesture to Anyala in the distance. Anyala nodded, and then whispered a few words. The wind quickly broke out from her feet, and a gust of wind quickly circled her feet, and then a few shiny powder rays flashed in the air. After that, Anyala opened his eyes. He opened his eyes and waved his staff, "Boom!" The powder was ignited in an instant, and then slowly turned into a huge fireball with the wave of the staff!

"Big Fireball!" Anyala shouted violently, and then waved his staff. The huge fireball quickly left its original position from the state of floating out of thin air and shot out at Ri Jeff.

Just as Ri Jeff's blade is about to fall in front of Gu Andong, "Boom!" With a violent sound, a fireball intimately touched the side of his blade. A firelight suddenly appeared. The blade in Ri Jeff's hand had been blown out and inserted on the ground not far away. Due to the hugeness of the sword, it overwhelmed a tree when it fell and lost the blade. Gu Anton quickly raised his sword against it. On Jeff's neck.

"Oh, oh, oh! Be careful!" Ri Jeff raised his neck and did not dare to approach Gu Anton at all, because if he took a step forward, his neck would be cut open, but he did not dare to retreat, otherwise Gu Anton would never mind using a little strength on his arm to stab him directly to death.

"Had it?" I inserted my sword into the ground, and the three giants in front of me saw that the leader had been caught and gave up resistance. All the weapons had been thrown away.

"Elik, go and bring it here. We will start collecting the bones we need later." I patted Eric on the shoulder and said, and Eric looked at Anyala and nodded.

"Nia." Hilmi came over slowly and took a few more glances at the giants.

"Hilmi, you're just in time. Let's go and talk to that Gu Anton." I greeted her and said, "Call everyone here."


Soon all the people in our team gathered. Although the battle just now was not easy to deal with, everyone did not suffer any serious injuries. At most, there were some abrasions, scratches and so on, which would not be particularly serious. It was sorted out, and the Gu Anton also pressed Ri Jeff and slowly came over. Liz He helped his mother Sandra up, broke a thick tree trunk and sat on it as a chair.

"Are you all right, Sandra!" Gu Anton came over, first glanced at Liz, and then turned his attention to his wife Sandra.

"It's okay, that guy's fist is weak!" Sandra squeezed out a smile and said, I couldn't help but feel admiring it sincerely. It's worthy of being a giant, and even women are not soft.

"Human, thank you very much this time!" Gu Andong said gratefully and bent down slightly, but he was too tall, more than ten times as tall as me.

"It's okay."

"Thanks to the help of this magician." Gu Anton stared at Anyala and said, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Do these giants need to save their lives?" I reached out to show that it was the five in front of me, the three who fell on the ground and the two standing.

"That guy, it's enough for Rijie to stay." Gu Andong looked behind him and straightened his chest and said to me, "It's up to you."

"Anala, how many bones do you need?"

"One leg bone is enough, but the more the better." Anya pulled her cap and said.

"That's it." I turned around with a slight smile and gestured to my partner, "Lying down, kill all."

"Nia!" Hilmi exclaimed that he was about to speak, and Ronley, White and Eric had raised their knives and cut at the stunned giant to make sure they could be killed.

"Puff--" The bright red blood keeps splashing.

Nia! Stop it! One giant is enough!"

"The more Anyara says, the better. These giants are useless to us." I said, "They are huge, eat a lot, stand out, and are not much stronger than us."

"That's because we are very strong!" Hilmi said that she seemed to be unwilling to slaughter the giants, which may not be wrong, but in any case, these guys are impossible to put back. In addition, they have to kill them. They are too big to take with them.

"Our enemy is stronger than us!" I turned around and said, "They are Bier's giants."

"They are not! It's the giant of the Kelding Empire!"

"They are now! It's in Bier!" I almost shouted out, stared at the three timid giants around me, closed my eyes, calmed down my anger, and opened my eyes for a long time and said, "I'm sorry, Hilmi, I'm a little angry."

"It's okay... I understand your disgust with Elle..." Hilmi lowered his head and looked a little pale. I guess he was not in a good mood. After all, I shouted for no reason, "And in the future, I will be your wife, and I shouldn't question your decision..."

"No! There is nothing wrong with Hilmi." I whispered to her, "I'm sorry about this. Let's talk about it later and deal with the current situation first."

After saying that, I turned around and didn't pay attention to Hilmi anymore. I had planned to talk about it later. A knife mark on the neck of the fainted giant not far away showed that he was completely dead. The other head exploded, and this guy also died. Two, their bones were enough.

"Gu Anton." I raised my head and called Gu Anton's name.

"What's the matter, little nobleman." Gu Anton narrowed his eyes and lowered his head slightly so that he could see my face clearly.

"Do I look like a nobleman?"

"Your character, young master, you dare to kill a big guy casually, and the adventurer who licks blood with a knife also has to think about it. The only people in the world who can be so impossible are nobles, royals, and clergy. You are so vicious that you will not be a priest, at least not low-level. Your intentions are not heavy enough, to Yu royal family, you won't wear such poor clothes. There is no doubt that you are an aristocrat. Do you have confidence in your *?

"Sorry, I don't have *Gu Andong. My * has collapsed in the early years." I have to admit that Gu Anton's eyes are very vicious and sharp. Originally, I was going to fool him as an adventurer, but I didn't expect him to analyze it and be so thorough. "Correct me, I'm a nobleman without money."

"Yes. Nobles without money. Gu Andong smiled slightly, "What do you have to do with this guy? My son-in-law."

I glanced at him and said with a smile, "Friend."

"Ha." Gu Andong smiled and said, "Friend, it's almost done, but it's a little worse. You are not friends."

"Why is it determined?" I frowned and said.

"No, you are not friends. You are more like his officer or something."

"Okay, just think of it as an officer."

"Then you are a noble..." He hasn't finished speaking yet, but was interrupted by me.

"Poor nobles without money." I corrected him.

"So poor nobleman without money." He shook his huge body and said, "That guy, Lyle, can make a nobleman an officer, um, a slave."

I was stunned, stared at him and said harshly, "How about that, my friend, who is also my slave - Lyle Hun."

"Does your daughter Liz's engagement with him still count?"

Gu Andong secretly glanced at my friends, straightened his chest and said, "Of course it counts!" My giants do what they say!"

"Good, I thought you would change your mind." I kept a smile on my face and said, "Lyle is a warlike guy."

"How about that? It's better than our giants. If I punch a guy like him, he will turn into meat sauce."

"He is my partner." I put away the smile on my face, "Gu Andong, now, let's talk about cooperation."

"Cooperation?" Gu Andong frowned, with a rough voice and tone, "What can human beings cooperate with me? My role is not as good as the magician around you.

"No, you have to know, magician, you can't ask for it." I said, "There are some things that only giants like you can help me."