Magic Sword

Chapter 177 Fierce Battle

"Report, sir! The enemy enters 2 miles ahead!"

"Report, sir! The enemy enters 1 miles ahead!" The scouts brought back accurate information one by one, and Larry trained them well.

On a dark morning, the enemy has slowly appeared in our sight. Looking around, there are almost more than 1,000 people, all-colored infantry, not wearing heavy armor, only some protection in the key parts, in order not to make too obvious sound at night. After all, the armor will not make a sound when walking Don't make a sound. They are sneak attacks, but unfortunately we know the result in advance.

"Report, sir! The enemy entered 500 meters ahead!"

"Report, sir! The enemy entered 300 meters ahead! Enter the range!" 300 meters, which is the effective range of bows and arrows in our team.

But I'm waiting, wait a little closer! Let's be surprised then!

"Report, sir! The enemy entered 200 meters ahead!"

"150 meters ahead!" Right now! I gestured to Anyala, and Anyala nodded to me, and then several soldiers beside me, including two elves, all raised a staff! These are all some magicians brought out by Anyala! Including the elf magician, there are a total of 6 people. Although the training time is very short, it is not difficult for them to master one or two practical magic.


With a long sound, nine light spots rose from the trees, quickly rose into the air, and then slowly fell in front of the soldiers. At the moment of landing, nine light clusters burst out strong light! Lighting!

"Archers are ready!" The sergeant next to me immediately stood up and raised his hand and shouted, and a long bow emerged from the trees! Then they took bows and arrows one by one and raised their bows high!

170 yards ahead! Let it go!"

"Whey--!" Hundreds of archers fired the first round of volley, and a feather arrow flew into the air, and then accurately fell into the enemy team, bringing a piece of blood fog!

The enemy panicked! The enemy is really panicked! The sudden light made them adapt to the dark eyes receive strong stimulation and briefly blind! Then there is the screams of the companions around! I know that the arrows have been nailed to the body! I don't know what's going on!

"160 yards ahead! Let it go!"

"Wo--" is another round of volley! The enemy soldiers are not wearing heavy armor, which is simply a live target! Basically, an arrow can make them fall to the ground! Fall down like harvested ears of wheat!

"Advance! Go ahead!" The enemy commander seemed to regain his eyesight and knew that the sneak attack had been found, and immediately let someone fully unfold. Now there are still many soldiers whose eyesight has not recovered, and the previous ** has made the direction of their attack chaotic. Next, some still run to both sides, some running backwards, and then blocked The comrades-in-arms turned over by one punch and turned into the "carpet" of the large army.

I sighed. Although I was attacked by us, I immediately adjusted my formation, and most of the enemies also regained their eyesight and charged us! We are all hiding behind the bushes, but the enemy can still see us clearly!

"Magician! Fireball preparation!" I raised my arms and watched the red light on their sticks!

"Pray!" I gave an order, and then a few hot fireballs burst out with a roar! The enemy is only a small force of 1,000 people, and there can't be a magician in the team to set up a magic barrier to block these fireballs!

Dodge! This is the enemy's first reaction! The whole formation was immediately messed up! The soldiers made their debut one after another. That's magic! Their idea must be that there are only 200 enemies! How can there be a magician!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Fireballs landed one by one, and then a sea of fire broke out immediately! Many soldiers were accidentally stained with ignition seedlings, and the ground was covered with hay, which ignited quickly! It is impossible to roll on the ground to put out the fire! And in this place where you can't find any water, you can only wait to burn to death!

"100 yards ahead! Let it go!" Then another round of volley! The distance becomes shorter, and the bow and arrow can be exerted more force, but it becomes difficult to grasp the accuracy when the distance is closer, because archers use the elevation angle to launch arrows, not directly forward as in movies and TV. It is what arrows do. Bows and arrows can shoot far away, and one An elevation angle can give him great potential energy, and the impact will be very strong. My soldiers usually shoot distant targets. As the enemy slowly approaches, it is difficult to hit 50 yards. If you switch to straight shooting, the damage is not enough.

But even so, the enemy has lost two or three hundred people in the first few rounds of volley!

"Ayala, inform Ronley and others!" I said, and then ordered, "Stop all the archers!"

"Wo!" Another long sound, a green light rose straight into the air, and then burst out in the air, which was a signal of attack!


"Fight!" The huge shouting of killing! Suddenly, two teams rushed out on both sides of the enemy! It is my first main team and the second main team!

The enemy fell into panic again, and at this time, the ground under their feet suddenly disappeared, and then many soldiers fell into the pit! When we sink, it is also covered with a lot of arrows and gravel, and they are all sharpened. If we fall down, we basically have to peel off the skin if we don't die!

"Two-wing troops block the enemy! Keep charging in the middle!" The other commander shouted! Although we set one, they are still very confident in the number of people. Do they plan to take my side first?


"Shield array! " get up!" Hearing my order, Eric immediately asked his men to erect a huge shield, and then a row of gunmen immediately put the long guns on it. After several training, they have cooperated very well!

In just over ten seconds, an unbreakable shield array was placed in front of them!

"Damn it!" I heard the secret curse of the enemy commander and couldn't help laughing.

Now the enemy finally rushed to the front of the shield array, but no matter how they push the shield, they can't open it. On the contrary, the long gun can be covered with bright red blood in just a few times*!

"Regress! Back!" The enemy's only officers also knew that they were lambs in front of the shield without any heavy offensive weapons, and the cold tip of the gun left them with a lot of lingering lingering.

Ronley, Nanion's team has completely rushed into the local team, and then the two sides fought together. For the demoralized and frightened Bier soldiers, this battle obviously has an advantage over us, but even so, our training time is still It's too short. After the real collision, our advantage was soon lost. The team that fought us head-on continued to fall, and the enemy's sword was very brave. As the close combat progressed, the enemy's morale slowly began to rise!

It won't go on like this! Otherwise, even if we win, we will pay a heavy price!

"Draw the sword! Soldiers!" I raised my golden sword and shouted, and then suddenly stood up!

"Who hurt the brothers of our third main team!"

"They!" A neat answer!

"How to deal with it!"

"Wipe their eyes!"

"Ky their buttocks!"

"The imprisonment made the orcs rape their small self-esteem!" I didn't know that the soldier said such a sentence that made my gloomy face smile.

"How does the Lawrence family deal with people who hurt their companions!"

"If you have debts, you must collect them! You must report it!"

"If you have debts, you must collect them! You must report it!"

"If you have debts, you must collect them! You must report it!" A neat shout!

"Let them pay the price!" I raised my golden sword and shouted, "Let's kill!"


"Roar!!" The orcs howled like beasts!

"Kill!!" Ayr didn't want to show weakness and shouted excitedly!

Eric opened the shield array under my order, and a team of people rushed forward directly from behind the shield. This time it's my turn to fight, my alien army!

Near 200 people! He charged powerfully and launched a fierce attack on the enemy! The combined number of our three teams is not much superior, but the enemy has been baptized by several rounds of arrow rain, which is almost equal.

Three directions basically surrounded the enemy, and they wanted to retreat! Or kill us all! Or sacrifice yourself to break through!

With our joining, the momentum of the first main team and the second main team has soared! And this is a real fight!

One by one, soldiers were waving the blade in their hands. In almost a few seconds, several people's lives would disappear. If you punched, I would fight with one foot. When I was rushing, I saw the enemy around me without taking the weapon and fell to the ground, and directly cut it down with a knife.

When the enemy sees the Orcs around them, they will instinctively retreat, but the bloodthirsty Orcs are crazy when they arrive on the battlefield. As long as you are noticed, they don't want to live. And the Love brothers do react much slower on the battlefield. Although they have been trained, they can't see this kind of scene. Although they are full of strength and instinctively pat away their enemies in the end, it seems that they can't be treated as ogre. The love are the love, and they are different from the ferocity of the ogre.

"Dong...Dong..." And at this time, dull footsteps came from all directions. When the Bier soldiers were nervously tied together, huge figures stood up in the woods, jumped out from behind the hill bag, and then ran wildly! Such a huge body! The earth is shaking when you run!

"Giant! It's a giant!" The Beel soldiers panicked. How could they deal with several fierce giants?

Rushing into the melee, the giant kicked away four or five Bier soldiers, leaving no obvious damage on the giant's skin no matter how they waved their swords!

Almost enough! Up to now, we should have killed and injured nearly 100 people, and my purpose is to minimize casualties, and now the enemy is almost tired.

Under my order, several soldiers came with a few sacks of cars. I picked up a bag and opened it and fell directly on the ground in front of me, full of white powder!