Magic Sword

Chapter 181 Travel with Kira

"Your uncle! Talk to you!" I cut out a sword again! I can use 20 seconds of Mo Qingyu's power, and I can't waste it!

"Swipe!" The golden fighting spirit condensed slightly, and then rushed out!

"Earthquake." Qi Ramen did not change color, and his hands did not move, and then a magical fluctuation came! I looked carefully and found that the airflow in front of his finger was abnormally distorted, and I could see that the space was a little deformed! So strong!

"Nia!" Suddenly, Mo Qingyu's voice came from my heart!

"Hold the top of the sword handle with your left hand! Hold the bottom with your right hand! Rotate the sword, concentrate the fighting spirit on the tip of the sword, and then play the thorn! At the same time, quickly put it away and pull it up!" Mo Qingyu said with a smile in his voice.

I nodded and quickly did what she said! The same action! Quickly rotate the sword body, and then condense the fighting spirit on the tip of the sword.

"Oh? Changed the move?" Kira said doubtfully and stood still. I saw his position! Then stabbed my sword! Suddenly, a golden light composed of fighting spirit quickly burst out and stabbed to the ground, and I quickly grabbed the sword with my hand to lift the fighting spirit! However! So heavy! I thought it was easy!

"Drink--" I let out a long shout, and the blade gushed out more and more fighting spirit! And time is running out! I suddenly closed my eyes and injected a little fighting spirit into the muscles of my right hand. Suddenly, my strength expanded a little, but the severe pain almost tore my arm!

"Are you crazy, Nia!" Mo Qingyu shouted angrily. I didn't care about him. He clenched his teeth tightly and suddenly pulled down the sword!

"brush--!" With a loud noise, the huge golden light pulled up a huge blade along the snow below me! Crazy fighting spirit directly tore the thick snow on the snow into powder!

"Magic Shield." Kira's eyes narrowed slightly, and then a blue light suddenly floated above his head, instantly dispersed into powder, and then formed a blue mask in front of him! Different from Anyala's magic barrier! Anya, their magic barrier is a flat light screen standing in front of him, and the magic Kira is using now is a blue transparent cover, as if wrapping herself in a ball, and my fighting spirit has passed through directly after touching it! It has no resistance at all!

But after I found it through that cover! Now that my fighting spirit has weakened! Very weak! And at this time, I got up and stretched out my finger again and pointed to the fighting spirit thrown by me.


"Dong!" A muffled sound! A ripple rippled along Kira's finger position! Then the golden fighting spirit I sent was dissipated! Follow the wave of turbulence!

And now 20 seconds have passed, and the body suddenly feels very weak, and the muscles of the right hand also exude a strong pain! And from beginning to end! Kira is just moving her fingers!

Is this the gap in strength!? I use the power of Mo Qingyu! It is enough to fight against the paladins! It can be seen how powerless the paladin is in front of Kira! And for him! What Alvin! Carlisle! Arnokis! Drides! Eleanors! These strong men are nothing!

"Do you still want to come again?"

I looked at him angrily and sat on the ground: "I don't want to move anymore. The fighting spirit has run out!"

"We must have a place to sleep before we get tired." Kira spread out her hands indifferently and said, "Although I have nothing to do, it feels strange to sleep in the snow. I won't freeze to death, and it's useless for you to wear thick clothes in the permafrost snow."

"And I won't sleep with you. Anyway, I'm not afraid of the cold, and I don't like men."

"I won't sleep with you either!" I stood up with a gloomy face.

"Let's go. You're going to attack suddenly. No wonder me." Kira smiled and then strode.

The permafrost snowfield, just like the name, is a world that will always be frozen! Snowflakes flying all over the sky, and the sun can't shine on the snow at all! Only cold! Human beings who come in, even the strong, have no choice but to be frozen to death!

Going north is a borderless snowy area! Only the snowy world! There will never be an end! From the moment you come in, you are doomed to freeze to death!

I still don't believe it! Anyway, with this guy Kira by his side, if you want to go back, you can move back at any time! I still want to see the boundaries of the world!

Kira and I, two small figures, walked in the snow. Strangely, the snow has been falling, but there will be no soft snow on the ground. If you step on it, you won't sink deep. Although it's snow just fell, if you fall from 20 meters here, you will definitely die! Probably because the snow is too thick and then compressed into ice. Such a thing may still happen in this place where it snows continuously.

The dark sky is the same as at night. Looking at the blue and white world, there is no boundary. Only the darkness covers this dark snow, and my body gradually feels tired, but I can't see any caves, not even trees, and there is no place to hide in the wind and snow!

"Damn snow...snow!" I complained that after walking here all day, it was still a white world! I'm not looking forward to snow as much as before! I'm not looking forward to snowmen, snowball fights or anything! I'm fed up with the snow!

"I like the world of ice and snow very much. No one in this place will be my enemy. Even God can't easily take me down." Kira walked in front of me without looking back and spoke to me with her back.

"Do you still... have an invincible opponent? God? Really...does it really exist?" I trembled slightly and said that this damn place was really too cold.

"Didn't I tell you the story of gods and demons? Why should we question the existence of God? Of course, that kind of thing is not a real demon. Kira smiled and showed a haggard face. "The real god can destroy or create a galaxy between hands and feet."

"A galaxy..." I can't help smacking my tongue. How huge is it? This must involve the view of the universe!

"Of course, I don't know if there is such a god, but it's not a god, but there are people who are infinitely close to this word. Their strength is very close. Although many people have taken action to destroy a galaxy, if they want, they can still do it with all their strength."

"I once tried my best to destroy a world, but that guy sacrificed his life and restored the world to its original state. I don't understand why he did this." Kira, hey, gritted her teeth. Obviously, as long as we destroy that world, she and I can live happily together without that dirty and messy world.

"Who do you like?"

Kira looked back at me slightly... paused and said, "No... I don't like her now. She's dead, but the other one I like him and is looking for an opportunity to kill me."

"Another you?" I was a little puzzled, so I put Chira in a group of people with brain problems. I'm sick in the middle school, this guy...

"Are you talking about the other one? You are too middle-two, aren't you?" I can't help laughing.

Kira took a breath and said, "It's not a secondary school, it really exists. Just like you, don't you think you have another self?"

"Well..." I'm speechless now. Indeed, I was also another me in my previous life.

"After that woman died, I divided myself into two parts, the evil part and the good part." Kira smiled and said, "The other one is still looking for my figure in another world. I have been hiding here for a long time, haha."

"Can such a thing be done?" Divide yourself into two? What kind of magic is that?

"You can also divide me into two, so that I can fight all over the world by myself! Haha!"

Kira glanced at me and said, "It's not that easy. I can't do this magic. And even if it is divided into two, it will eventually become one.

Ah? Why?"

"Because of the competition, will you really allow another you to exist?" Kira stopped and asked me.

" way."

"So this will only become two fights by themselves. Your evil will occupy most of you. Kindness will lose. In the end, you will only completely lose morality and justice."

"Do I have the so-called justice now?" I think I'm just a killer, an unsympathetic killer, a bloody executioner!

"Yes, but it's just a pity."

"You are..." I paused, then looked at him and asked slowly, "Which side are you on? Good or evil?"

"Secret." Kira narrowed her eyes and gave me a smile, and then touched his space ring. "Feel yourself."

"It's good, otherwise it won't make me always want to be angry and want to beat you." I curled my lips and said, "And you said he wanted to kill you to compete for dominance."

"Sometimes, good people also kill people. You also know this truth. The winner is the king, and the winner is the one who wins. Only the winner can define what kindness is." I think it's a little big. Although I say so, I also support this truth. However, I can't see through people like Qila. Sometimes he is very patient, sometimes very impatient, sometimes very domineering, sometimes arrogant, and this change is usually like a person in an instant. It is difficult to grasp his heart, or not at all.

"It seems that I can't find a good place to sleep today, so I can only sleep on the snow." Kira looked around the environment, then lay on the ground with her hands on her head, crossed her legs to look at the sky, and then closed her eyes... A coherent movement, she fell straight to sleep!

"Hey!" I called him, but completely ignored me. Damn, my personality has changed again. I lay down angrily, and the fatigue and pain on my body are also eroding my head. Go to bed. It's not cold when I wake up... Damn, although this dress is very thick, it is really useless in the permafrost snow!

And after I gradually fell asleep, a golden light slowly flashed and turned into a figure. With a little dissatisfaction on my face, I walked to Kira, kicked him hard, and then rushed to me on the ground and hugged me tightly. I felt a trace of warmth and instinctively hugged the source of warmth.