Magic Sword

Chapter 208 A Treasure

I looked up at the two huge heads. The golden dragon was full of disdain, and the silver dragon's fierce eyes always felt a pressure.

"Oh." I said with a dry smile, "It's just that I'm still weak now. I will grow up very fast."

"Will it be soon? Hahaha, will it be faster for me to kill you on the spot? The golden dragon just laughed and said, "I'm the emperor of the dragon clan, the golden dragon emperor Cliff, human, tell me your name."

"Nia Lawrence, I am an aristocrat of the Coltfield Empire in the human world." I immediately showed my identity. Although it is nothing for the dragon clan, at least I can show that I have a position in the human world.

"Since the fate of the world is handed over to human beings, and it is still an aristocratic boy? Hahahaha." Cliff laughed.

And the silver dragon behind Cliffor coughed twice and stared at me coldly: "My name is Adrian, another dragon emperor of the dragon clan. I rule the dragon clan of the divine realm with Cliff."

"Human, is that human Kira, who brought you to the dragon clan in order to get back Don Adolf's treasure?"

I stared at him twice. Adrian has always been staring at me with an indifferent expression, while Cliff is a disdainful face, which is really difficult to deal with. I paused and said, "Yes, I'm here for Don Adolph's treasure. I think it's left for me."

"How do you know it's for you?" Cliff snorted, "What he left at that time was not named for anyone."

"Because he left me a message." I straightened up and said, "Don Adolf left a word that only I could understand. He clearly pointed out that there was a treasure he left me in this divine realm. Finally, I learned that he stayed in the dragon clan, that is, in your hands, which must be for me."

"Your words are not very credible, Nia Lawrence." Adrian said, and then his huge body slowly stood up.

"Do you mean you don't want to give it to me?" I said coldly that they didn't seem to take me there.

"No, things will be given to you, whether it's left by Don Adolf to you or to others. It's the same for us. We don't have to leave his things to a person of his choice. We don't like that guy." Cliff spewed hot air in his mouth and whispered, "Just because of the deal, because of the man named Kira and our deal."

"That's good. The two dragon emperors, please give me the things quickly." I'm relieved. It's good to be able to get things. Who else cares about them?

"Then get a little closer to me. I'll take you there." Adrian raised his head high and emitted a silver light.

"Space magic?" As soon as I was stunned, Della quickly pushed me completely, and then entered the light, and they all moved forward.

"What are you doing? The Dragon Emperor personally used space magic to take us there." Della said with a smile.

"brush--" A light flashed! We came to a dark grotto in an instant, and there was a huge stone gate in front of us!

"What is it?" I looked around, and several braziers on the wall were also lit in an instant. In front of me was a huge broken stone door, which was covered with moss. Several of them were vaguely visible that they were "Don Adolf". Like the small open space behind the whistling hole last time, the name was directly left on the stone slab.

"Is it right behind here?" I was stunned and asked, "What is this place?"

"Under a forbidden place of the dragon clan." Adrian pointed to the top and said, "It is the blood gate of one of the forbidden places of the dragon clan."

"Is this underground?" I looked around, not the stone wall but the soil. I really wanted to feel underground. "How long did Don Adolph dig under here to make such a large space!"

"So we can only tolerate a human height, and we have made it bigger." Cliff groaned and said, "As a result, this stone door can't be broken."

"The seal is so strong that even I can't unlock it even with the highest magic attainments of the dragon clan." Adrian said with a flat face, "If you can go in, take it away."

"It's very simple." I smiled and stared at a hole in the door, just like last time, just inserting the golden sword into it.

"Wait." I walked forward, then took out the golden sword from the space ring and inserted it into the deep hole.

"Click..." With a sound, the stone door shook slightly, and then the sound of a pile of machines quickly emitted, and then the stone door slowly opened to both sides.

"It's open." I mentioned it slightly at the corners of my mouth and finally found this damn place!

"Swipe!" The dazzling light suddenly shone on my sight, and I was stunned to see the scene inside! This! Slow gold coins! Stacked like a mountain!

"Gold coins?" The dragons beside them are all making doubtful voices. Gold coins are not very attractive to dragons. This is only useful for human beings, but the most important thing is! Why gold coins!

"How could this happen? Where's the thing!? I quickly rushed in and looked around and didn't see anything. As Don Adolph said, it was just wealth? Impossible! What he left should be useful to me!

"Don Adolph told me that he put two items in it." Adriaen, who was next to him, frowned tightly and said, "Just this kind of thing that doesn't have, Don Adolf disappointed me so much."

"But it has nothing to do with me." Adrian said coldly.

I looked around and turned over the gold coins slightly, but I didn't see anything buried in it. They were all gold coins, tens of thousands of pieces!

What I worked hard to get here is money? Although I am poor, I need something that helps me more than money! Money, I'm an aristocrat, and I'm from a different world. Isn't it easy to make money in this world with my mind? The money I have had on me has been enough to spend for a long time! This wealth doesn't mean much to me, at least now!

This is a big blow to me, and this harvest seems to be untrue.

No! Wait! I need to calm down, Don Adolph. Unless there is something wrong with my brain, setting up such a big mystery will leave me a pile of money to kill myself. Is this completely meaningless? There must be something else!

"Nia, is there something wrong with the quality of gold coins?" Suddenly, at this time, Mo Qingyu's voice came to my ears with a slight smile!

"Isn't it?" I quickly took out a gold coin, and then grabbed a gold coin on the ground and compared it! Indeed! The weight is very biased!

"Isn't this... a gold coin?" I grabbed a handful of "gold coins" on the ground. Indeed, the quality was much lighter!

"Let's make a fire." Hei Qiqi stood behind him and laughed. For them, gold coins really didn't have any influence, and even if they were burned, they would just become gold nuggets, and there would be no loss.

This is definitely not a gold coin. Isn't it wrong to die if it breaks down after burning!?

What should I do? It seems that there is a treasure chest in front of you, but you don't have the key to open it. This feeling is too uncomfortable!

"Well, it's almost time for us to go back. It's a forbidden place for dragons. We have to leave with you." Adrian said that Cliffor seemed to be a little impatient.

"Well, we were fooled by Adolph." I said angrily, and then tightened the gold coins in the space ring. This thing must be of some use, but I don't know.

However, when I quickly collected those gold coins, I suddenly found that a gold coin was very light, not like a gold coin but *. I was stunned and rubbed it. Since the "gold coin" was immediately deformed! This is! Paper? The gold on it is painted!

I quickly opened the paper, and several dragons also noticed my behavior coming over my head.

"What is this?"

"Paper!" I looked up in surprise, damn it, it's Chinese again! If a fire is burned just now, the paper will also be burned!

"What does it say?" Della asked me curiously, but the current scene is very strange. Imagine what it feels like when you look at what is written on a piece of paper and the big heads behind you hang curiously on your head...

"Congratulations on discovering this secret... Please dig down the real treasure." I said in a daze and looked up at a few dragons.

"Since it's down there?" Cliff shook his head and said impatiently, "This damn Don Adolph, it's not troublesome!"

"I'll do it." Adrian said, "Come out and I'll dig him out."

"I." I said quickly come out of the treasure cave. The space inside was not large, and Adrian and the others could only stand outside.

"Break it." A little light flashed in his eyes, and then a huge piece of soil suddenly floated on the ground!

"It's out, since there is a channel!" Adrian said in surprise, and then threw the soil to the side. It's too easy to dig by magic, but it is expected to consume a lot of magic.

"It's right here!" I rushed forward with joy. The passage inside was very wide, and since the wall was full of strong stones, the passage was very bright.

"Let's go in and have a look." Several dragons looked at each other and then their huge bodies instantly turned into human shapes, with the same characteristics of horns on their heads.