Magic Sword

Chapter 217 Leaving the Dragon's Lair

I stared at Atwood, pushed the bag of white powder slightly and said, "Now I'll give you two choices, either eat this thing or help me treat it."

"What is this?" Atwood was slightly stunned at what was in my hand, and his face was not very good. He said, "You are not qualified to order me!" I don't admit that you are my new master! Even Don Adolf can't be you!"

"Do you mean loyal or something?" I asked doubtfully, squeezed the * in my hand tightly and said, "If you want to survive from the lizard's hand, you must choose to either treat or eat it."

I must ensure that there will be no mistakes. First, he helps me treat it, and the second is to use drugs to make him addicted and force him to treat me. There is no doubt that although the latter is a little vicious, the effect will definitely be the best.

Atwood stared at me with an unhappy face and shook his head and said, "I'll treat you, but Nia Lawrence, I'm an elf, and I won't do anything to escape!" I asked that after the treatment here, we will fight directly with the dragon clan here! It is impossible to successfully cross the frozen snow field under the pursuit of a dragon.

I was stunned and looked at Cliffor, who was laughing beside me, as if I really laughed at Atwood's arrogance. The elves were completely inconspicuous in the eyes of the dragon clan, and in the eyes of the elves, I also put myself in a proud angle, preferring to die than fleeing in a hurry, but this guy disrupted my plan.

"Haha, Atwood, Elf King, haha, yes, you are a king. Once those forest creatures were still a country, you were the king there, hehe... If you have your arrogance, then I can accept to go to war directly here. I can give you more time to let your three families All of you stay strong. You only need the three of you to join hands to deal with me and Adrian. If you can defeat us, let you go. Cliff laughed and glanced at Atwood.

"We have so much time! I'm going to cross the permafrost snow immediately!" I stood up and snorted coldly, "Atwood! Your former master, Don Adolf, has handed over you to me now! So! Now, immediately, leave this damn place with me and help me treat it! And that troll!"

"Nia Lawrence!" Atwood stood up and shouted, "Even Don Adolf will give me face!" I ask for a duel here!"

I suddenly turned around, and now I'm really angry! It's going to explode! This fool! I'm like painting his face black with a marker! I'm putting dirt on his face!

I, Nia Lawrence, am not Don Adolf! Don't even think about it! Now I am your master! I order you to leave this place immediately! You idiot!"

Atwood clenched his teeth and said, " scold me!"

"I scolded you! If you don't accept it, kill me first!" I jumped up and shouted angrily, "Don't take me and that fat man!" Let's go now!"

"Nia Lawrence!" Atwood shouted angrily, but I ignored him and walked to the troll. He looked at me and slowly stood up.

Clifer frowned slightly and said, "I saw the wrong person, Nea Lawrence, did you leave like this?"

"Yes! That's right! My respected Dragon Emperor!" I said viciously, pretending to be impatient, "I should have left this damn place a long time ago!" Now I have something to get! All my goals are over, and I should have left, but you have played a game with me to give my life. I have no reason to waste a minute. In this place, as long as I can walk one more second, my life can continue one more chance, can't I!"

"You stop! ni ya Lawrence!" Atwood shouted, but I ignored him. The troll scratched his head, and the huge riding gun was connected to a shelf on his back. It seemed that there was a place to get stuck riding the gun, and then quickly followed.

"Daw! Don Adolph, I hate you! Who are you looking for? Since he is such a bad guy!" Atwood stamped his feet fiercely and said, slowly following up after a long time, and then we opened the treasure chest. Sure enough, it was empty.

The next moment, a black light came from the treasure chest, and then we were all sucked out of this space!

Brush - The next moment we opened our eyes and returned to the secret room. There was only an empty treasure chest in front of us, and there was nothing in it. If it was opened again, it would not trigger any effect. Since it was an exit and entrance connection, how did Don Adolf do it? How to arrange that treasure chest?

But there is really no way to verify it now. I put away the empty treasure chest and left this place.

Because the exit was not big, I directly let the troll cut open a passage in the upper part before coming to the door of the secret room. Because of the excavation of the dragon clan, there was enough space for the troll's appearance. Soon Atwood also came out, gray-headed and very unhappy, and then Cliffor had Adrian and others.

"Now I'll send you directly to the mouth of the nest." Adrian looked around at us and said.

"Nia, do you want to talk more?" Cliff laughed and said, "But the time is still there, but I can tell you a lot of interesting things."

"No, I'm not interested in talking about the person who will kill me in two days." I said coldly.

"Don't be so cold, don't you say it's just a game." Cliffor laughed, and I also smiled dryly. For me, this game is not too difficult. As long as Kira appears, it is enough, and I am now in the seventh level. There is no reason for Kira not to appear again.

"Come closer to me." Adrian said that a silver light immediately rippled on his body, and then enveloped us all in it. The next surrounding picture began to become illusory, and then a feeling of light. The next moment, we appeared at the intersection of the dragon's nest, the mouth of the valley.

is out! It also means that the game has officially begun!

"That's it. From now on, you can run." Cliffor stood behind me and laughed, "But you don't need to run too hard. I will definitely catch up and kill you in two days."

"It depends on whether you have this ability." I snorted coldly, opposite Cleve, Adrian, Della, Doreen, Heiqiqi, and Evini, who had been staring at me, because he said that I had to take her with me when I left, but in the current situation, I can't take her with me.

But the next moment, Evini didn't mention this matter and was not entangled at all. She turned around and left, whispered, "There is no time."

"I'm sorry." I smiled bitterly and whispered that now that there are Atwood and this troll beside me, I really don't have to take Evini and cause trouble for myself. Originally, I thought I simply left the dragon clan, but it's okay to take her to leave secretly, but now a group of dragons see me away. It can't be done.

Nia! For the last time, I propose to fight directly with the dragon clan!" Atwood stared coldly at the dragons behind him and said to me, "Do you agree!"

"Don't agree at all. Don't think about you. You can't die in this place." I know their strength. If it's Silver Dragon Emperor Atwood, it doesn't matter, because he is a magic dragon! Atwood's close combat can surpass the dragon's physique, and elf magic is enough to suppress dragon magic, or level it, but what about Cliff? Cliff is the king in close combat! There is nothing to say about his physique before.

It's true that he was hit to the ground a little by a troll just now! But it is mainly because of the big shield that invalidates the fighting spirit, and there is also a narrow space and stone pillars as obstacles. The dragon clan can't show their superior power in that place, which is the air advantage!

Adrian has absolutely no chance against Cliff, not to mention his team and Adrian. The two dragon emperors have been sitting together in the dragon clan for many years, so it goes without saying that they have a tacit understanding! They joined hands, one plus one is greater than two. We joined hands, and one plus one plus one can be two!

"It's okay if you don't agree." Atwood slowly closed his eyes and then remained silent. The troll looked down at the elf king beside him and scratched his head.

"Let's go." As I spoke, I walked alone into the distance, and the troll and Atwood followed me closely.

After a long time, we slowly entered the forest, and the previous high forests appeared in front of us again. The three of us slowly shuttled through the forest, wary of whether there were any damn dragons around us to come out to attack. In this place, not those dragons with high wisdom are real. Beast.

"What's his name?" I glanced at the troll behind me and asked Atwood, after all, it's too boring to walk like this, "Are trolls born with such fluent language?"

"His name is Tank. He didn't have a name before. It was named by Don Adolf." Atwood slowly followed me with his eyes closed. "This guy is born like this and has nothing to do with trolls. He didn't speak in the war between gods and demons, because his language is not fluent. One of the three kings of the troll camp is obviously from the demon camp, but Don Adolf took him with him."

"Tank." I looked at the tall troll. The meat on his body was a piece of meat. Although it was big enough, it was too soft to match the name, but it also looked like the name that Don Adolph would take.

"Hey, the name... I like it." The troll scratched his head and said that he obviously liked the name.

"When did you know Don Adolf?"

Atwood pointed to the fat man beside him and said, "I was earlier than him, but I was abducted by Don Adolf later than him."

"Well, what kind of person is Don Adolf?" I asked for a pause.

"Very annoying guy!"

I smiled and had the same opinion as me. "I think so."

"You are more annoying than him!" Atwood said with a very angry expression, "Thanks that you are still a knight! Since it also prevents me from fighting to protect my reputation and glory!"

"Do you mean you are noble?" I waved my hand helplessly, "In order to fight against a guy with a 1% chance of winning, that's not noble. You are looking for death, but you bypass this meaningless battle, survive, and work hard to save the whole world in the future battle. This is the noble you should have."

"..." Atwood stared at me, and his frown slightly loosened for a long time. "It seems that this is better... Well, I accept it."

"hehe." I smiled, and it was good for Atwood to accept this statement. "Let's stop and rest for me to treat me."


I leaned against a tree trunk, and the green light came slightly beside me, which was very comfortable. Compared with human healing magic, the elf clan was obviously more convenient here. I looked up slightly and looked around, wanting to see Kira's figure. Damn it, he didn't take the initiative to appear when he came out like this, and at this time A dark shadow quickly flashed through the trees!

"Kira?" I looked doubtfully at the black shadow that stopped on the tree trunk.