Magic Sword

Chapter 228 Re resist!

The fighting spirit emitting silver light passed through the clouds fiercely, and a pillar of light stood high! The dazzling light, as if to press the pressure of the city wall, rippled in everyone's hearts, only a few seconds! That fighting spirit can split this wall!

Can't stop it! Everyone has the same idea in their hearts! Especially the people standing on the high wall, the fighting spirit that came to their faces made them unable to move at all!

"Douqi Zhan..." Hilmi whispered and his eyes were slightly cold. Among them, they couldn't swing such a lethal chop! No one can do it! No one can make such a slash!

Eric's color was sharp, staring at the huge sword light that was about to fall, gathered the shield in front of him, and a fighting spirit immediately wrapped his whole body. He could try to block the blow with all his strength! There are dwarf masters who have added mithril to make shields, and Dredes engraved shields, such treasures are in hand, even a chopping by a ninth-order knight like Alvin! Then you can barely try to pick it up!

"Cut!" Alvin's thick roar, his eyes widened and his hands suddenly fell down! Jin Mang rushed to the wall with the explosive power! Huge slash! It's like a crescent moon! A bamboo-like momentum, accompanied by this pressure that makes people unable to breathe! Enter everyone's sight!

Block it! The only idea! If you can't even catch such a slash! Then the peace talks beat Alvin! Block it! Unstoppable! The whole city will die because of their own incompetence! Erik shouted in his heart, and Anyala was also beside him! You must, you must protect her! She has also tried her best! You should also try your best to do it!

Eric stared at the sword light with sharp eyes, and the next second, the extremely violent sword light rushed fiercely! Eric was grateful to hold his arm and catch the blow with that shield!

"Block it!" Eric roared, and the strength of his whole body was concentrated to ** and concentrated to his arms! Can't retreat!

"Drink--!!" The fighting spirit all over his body gushed out crazily with the roar, resisting the behead of this ninth-order knight!

"Drink!" Drink again! Eric gave almost all his fighting spirit! But the pressure is really so intense! Furious silver energy, his yellow fighting spirit has no say at all in front of silver fighting spirit! I can't block it at all! It's like cutting tofu! The silver fighting spirit chopping, as if it were a knife! Easily pass Eric's fighting spirit!

And at this moment! Eric's body emitted an extremely violent light! Yes, it's the light, the dazzling yellow light! The yellow fighting spirit on his body! At this moment, the color has become brighter! And he was stained with fighting spirit all over his body in an instant! The dim yellow lit up at this moment! The light of this fighting spirit is! Sixth level! He is at this moment! Break through the fifth-order barrier under intense pressure! At this moment, I forcibly entered the sixth class!

Elek's face was immediately full of joy! He was stuck in the fifth level, not a day or two, and at this moment, he finally successfully entered the sixth level! Suddenly, the pressure eased a lot!

"Break it for me!" Eric shouted, pushed his feet forward, and then dissipated the silver light in an instant! The yellow fighting spirit of the whole body suddenly hit the silver!

"Bang!" Huge slash! You can't get a little advantage on the shield! The runes on the shield all lit up at this moment, and all the energy given to it at this moment were reflected back in an instant! The slash was smashed into several pieces in an instant!

Eric gasped and raised his sword high, holding the shield in his left hand and holding the sword high above his head in his right hand, breaking a slash from Alvin's ninth level. The light at that moment entered everyone's sight!

"Break!" Eric shouted and stared coldly at the light under the city. It was quiet, and the enemy's attack seemed to stop, because that scene was enough to shock everyone's eyes! With the strength of the fifth-order knight, he abruptly caught the attack of the ninth-order knight! And at that moment, I successfully broke through to the sixth level! That's a legendary light!

Alvin stared coldly at Eric's voice on the wall, and a trace of fierceness flashed in his eyes. He let go of his heroic voice again and shouted, "It's really awesome, since you can break through under this pressure! And with this strength, I received my blow."

Alvin subspecies flashed fiercely and raised the blade again: "However, it's still too weak! Only the sixth level of strength! Can you still remember my second slash!?

"Bum!" The high blade, once again a silver light surged into the sky! With an extremely solemn intention of killing! Stress! It suddenly came to everyone again!

At this moment, he didn't look as scared as before, because Eric was there! Although people may not agree that he can catch the second note, the previous scene gives everyone hope! Not a time of despair! Eric is still standing, so he won't let the slash fall on the top of the city! This is enough to make everyone have a resonance in their hearts! Block that blow! Do it again! Blocking that blow!

"Archer! 50 yards ahead! Shoot the arrow!" The commissioned officer shouted through his throat, and the sound of bowstrings made a round of volley shot again! Arrows shot into the crowd under the city!

Everyone is staring at the light, wanting to see if the sword light falls on Eric and can still block the blow! But this is a battlefield! Under the order of the non-commissioned officer, the archer stood up behind the arrow again and shot out in unison, and the arrows all over the sky instantly took many lives! Without resistance, he was attracted by the light, throat, chest, and bruised arrows and feathers!


50 yards ahead! Let it go!" Another order came down, and the second round of volley was launched again! At this moment, all the Bier people roared again! The strong offensive was awakened again!

"Kill! Kill the wall! Anyone who takes the head of a non-commissioned officer or above can come here to get gold coins!" The non-commissioned officer shouted crazily, and the sound of killing shook the sky.

"Pup me again!" Alvin raised the corners of his mouth, waved his sword fiercely with the clenched sword in his hand, and shouted, "Bighting!"

"Cut! Cut! Cut!" The shouting, the slash to the sky directly aroused the momentum of the soldiers! With fierce cheers, they all believed that this blow could break through the high wall!

And Eric is very clear! They have the ability to block this blow! There is little fighting left in his whole body! And just now, with the momentum of rushing to the ground, it broke through the blow! He! It is completely impossible to block the blow! Such a powerful fighting spirit! Can the ninth level be continuously released? If it were him, a little bit of the strength of the fifth level would have cost him a lot of fighting spirit! Even at the current sixth level, wielding one is enough to use up all his fighting spirit!

Can't stop it! But it also needs to be blocked!

"Drink--!" Eric shouted loudly, and then rushed forward to catch the attack with a shield! His feet stepped on the ground, and all the fighting spirit on his body emanated at this moment! There is only fighting spirit left! He doesn't know what he can do to stop this slash! Will there be a next blow? But it must be blocked! There are his own partners behind him and Nia's army behind him! There is also someone you love behind! Anyala has also tried her best! Block the attacks of so many magicians with the magic of the whole body! Otherwise, those dozens of black light balls are enough to destroy all the soldiers in the city!

"Dong!" Vigorous noise! Yellow fights to death! But in just a few seconds, Eric's face turned pale! He did use up all his fighting spirit! The rune on the shield emits this light and constantly blocks the fighting spirit, but this violent power is not enough for a place!

"Kill the wall!"

"Block them!" All kinds of shouts! Bier soldiers kept climbing the ladder, grabbing a wooden pole and climbing up another step, while Lawrence's private army kept shooting arrows, dropping boulders, taking the lives of the soldiers in the city, and climbing up the city wall, and then a long gun will stab out! These spearmen have been waiting for a long time. Some soldiers fight with the enemy directly on the ladder, or dragging the handle of the gun from the place. If they are lucky, they will drag themselves up or drag the enemy down. If they are unlucky, they will fall off the high wall or fall down by themselves with the enemy's gun, and finally fall on the city wall. Turn into meat sauce!

Anyala staggered to stand up, tapped the staff, and the healing technique was thrown on Erik and applied gain magic one by one, which is only what her little magic can do now!

"Break it for me!" Eric roared, and his voice was broken, but he couldn't move forward at all, even with the help of Anyala! She must be protected! Can't retreat!

"Hmm." Alvin shouted angrily and released violent pressure again! And directly aimed all the power at Eric, who resisted his fighting spirit at the top of the city!

"Ah!" Erik screamed, and his whole body could not be released. At this moment, the silver light began to rush forward like a broken bamboo. Erik was forced to retreat four or five steps, and his fighting spirit touched the wall, breaking a huge crack!

It's over!

Elek stared at the light nervously! Hit his shield again! Unstoppable! Eric closed his eyes tightly!

"Bang!" Huge noise! But it's not the sound of Eric's armor and shield broken, but the fighting spirit! In an instant, all the pressure disappeared!

"What!?" Eric opened his eyes slightly, and he was not dead! Several figures appeared in front of him! A familiar back fell in front of him, resisted the blow, and broke the blow in an instant!

"My friend, Eric, you tried your best." After getting the figure, blonde hair, blue pupils, and fair skin, he basically looked like an aristocrat, and turned back slightly to show a kind smile to Eric.
