Magic Sword

Chapter 247 Aura

I looked at everyone's firm eyes. They didn't want to leave or leave me.

"Take Larivi away, she won't know about it." I carried Larryvi, who was still asleep, and was silent in this strange feeling with my friends. "Aina, isn't she your sister? As a sister, you have to protect her, and we are all knights. As knights, you have to protect the weakest Larivi in the team, don't you?

"Bitch knight... Who admits us, we don't even have the badge of the Knights Association." Eric shook his head and said, as if he had never heard him swear in his memory, "No, I can't leave you."

We were brought up by Uncle Burton when we were young, but Uncle Burton has not yet awarded us the so-called knight medal. Originally, we had agreed that everyone would become a great knight to assess, but Uncle Burton failed to accompany us to assess the knight level. We just have this strength.

Elik said this at this time and also expressed his hatred for Elle. He was expressing to me that he wanted to stay...

"Nia, no matter what you say or for whom, I can't leave you." Hilmi looked at me firmly, "I'm going to die with you. Since you can't accept me, at least let me die with you."

"Larevi can't take her away alone." I looked at everyone's faces and sighed, "Hilmi and I stay, and the others must go together!" This is an order!"


"I said it! This is an order!" I clenched my fist and shouted, "Listen to me, guys, all I'm saying is that if we can't stop Bier's offensive, you can go."

"I'm an impatient person. I can't wait any longer. I'm eager to avenge all of them, and I don't want you to accompany me to this sea of fire because of my patience. Anyway, taking Larivi away is also my request!"

It is difficult for everyone to calm down, and I know that since Bier has buried my people, they can wait in order to delay our discovery. That is to say, tens of thousands of troops are coming in front of us outside the canyon. What will come? Ordinary soldiers are fine, but what I'm most worried about is the demon clan!

I have seen the demon army at Alvin once, and I suspect that there is something wrong with the whole Bier.

If I really meet the demon clan, it is useless for me to defend thousands of elite soldiers.

And now, the horizon has shown a little corner.

"What is that!" Ronley pointed to the distance, and the small black-spotted figures almost covered the horizon in sight!

I stared coldly at the scene there, and the speed of El's army came as fast as I expected, even faster! It seems that this army is very close to us!

"This is at least 30,000 to 40,000 people!" Eric couldn't close his mouth in surprise. Thirty to 40,000 people, at least half an army!

"Have you seen the variety of flags?" I pointed to the small dots in the distance, and the color can still be clearly seen in our eyes. "It's not a legion, but a lot of local troops, rich nobles and private armies gathered."

Ronley shouted angrily, "This is Bier's grandson!"

"What do you mean?" Eric doesn't understand yet.

"It means..." I withdrew my arm with cold eyes and said slowly, "Biel intends to destroy us completely without consuming almost a single soldier."

Ah? Why?" Eric still can't understand.

Anyala patted him on the shoulder and said, "Have you seen that flag?" Those are all noble badges, that is to say, Bier used the law to gather noble private troops nearby and spend the aristocratic troops to kill us.

Hilmi added coldly, "No matter how much you die! Even if we destroy them all! The old emperor of Bier can't even blink his eyes.

"What!" Eric unconsciously jumped up and cursed! And so is Sam.

"Let's go down the mountain." This mountain is very high and a suitable lookout, but it is impossible for archers to see the small black spots under the mountain in such a high place. Otherwise, the enemy should die before climbing up at this altitude.

The time down the mountain is much shorter and much faster than the mountain. In less than half an hour, we returned to the military warehouse. I carried Larryvi all the way. She was really tired in this short time. After all, intelligence is a very difficult job. It must be accurate. If there is a small mistake, maybe the whole army will He was seriously implicated.

I can't help thinking about this. In my father's war a few years ago, when he died on the battlefield, he said that he was betrayed, but I never understood how to betray him, but at this moment I suddenly thought of this... Is it intelligence? Without good information, the pit may bring serious situations.

I didn't continue to think about this, because I couldn't get any news. No matter what the situation is, I can't be sure about it.

I put down Larivi and ordered Aina to protect her. I left here from the route I had set up with my friends at all times. Aina was unwilling, but I really didn't want her to participate in the battle. For this trip, she had lost her arms and eyes, and her combat effectiveness was not reduced. Point.

She is best at fighting with a sword in both hands, and women themselves have inherent disadvantages in power, but she lost her left arm and only relied on the strength of her right hand to decline a lot. Originally, she wanted her to change a slightly lighter sword, which would be easier to hold with one hand, but Ina was unwilling to change her sword.

However, although she doesn't want to, she is still be her sister. After weighing my interference, she can only bear to take care of her sister, while Larivi is still sleeping. I asked Anyala to help use sleep magic to make her not easily awakened by the outside environment. As for Larivi's intelligence system, I will enter. Take over.

We all know that there is a stream and a wooden bridge in the front of the mountain pass, and there are not large woods and tens of thousands of Bier nobles outside!

"Let the liaisons keep in touch at any time, all the fire and oil will be ready, and their army will ignite as soon as they enter the woods!" I told Hilmi that now Eric, Ronley and Anyala have gone to their own team. Aina took care of her sister in a certain room, and Sam also changed his equipment to Ronley's first main team to participate in the battle. Only Hilmi and White accompanied me.

We have arranged a lot of fire oil in the woods. With just a fire, the woods can burn in pieces. As long as the enemy army has entered the woods, it can cause losses to at least hundreds of people and can also cause containment.

"Nia." At this time, a Hilmi was suddenly stunned and pointed behind us. A figure flying slowly enlarged, "It's a wing man!"

Wingman, we only have three wingmen partners in total, one died tragically, and the other we ordered to hide on the bank of the river, and now he has come, that is to say, Nanon has come!

"sor!" The wingman dragged his voice and quickly landed on the ground in the sky with a happy face. When he was about to land, he suddenly flapped his wings to cushion it!

"Commander Nanion has arrived and has a lot of boats!"

"I know." A little smile appeared on my face, and I knew that Nanon would definitely be able to speak to Mialu!

"Come with me." I held the shoulder of the winged brothers and walked in the direction of the interior of the military depot. Standing on the high watchtower, I could see all the people below were preparing. After this day's training, there was no problem with the basic battle, but their experience was a little poor.

"Everyone!" Wingman is still wondering. I shouted loudly in my own voice. There is no sounding magic, but I'm sure everyone can hear my voice!

All the people under the wooden wall raised their heads. Their eyes were not too objective, tired, afraid and determined.

Now that they don't have strong morale, their hot-headed state has passed, and their morale is not so cheered up. I must give them some strength.

"Look! The winged brothers we left on the riverbank brought us the news! Our second main force commander! Nanon Turia! Now it has brought a ship that can bring us all back to the Coltfield Empire! Do you know what it means?"

"Live!" All the soldiers raised their weapons and shouted loudly, with a little hope in their eyes.

"That's right! Just live!" There was a look of joy on my face, and then it froze in an instant, and then changed to a cold face!

"But! Someone won't let us live now! You all know it! Outside the passage now, there are tens of thousands of beel noble private troops! They are blocking us! They are blocking us!" I shouted, "Can we be blocked by them!"

"I can't!"

"But tens of thousands of private troops! They are just a mob! It's not Alvin Charles' regular army!" I shouted, "More than 30 brothers who died in the woods were killed among them!" What are we going to do!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"The Lawrence family must collect debts!"

"You must report!"

"Then lift your weapons! Tell me with a roar! We are angry! It's like a surging sea!" I pointed to the flag hanging high beside me, which was the family symbol of the Lawrence family!

"It's like a surging sea! We are going to devour them! Revenge for the family!"

"If you have debts, you must collect them! You must report it!" Everyone shouted neatly, and the sound was overwhelming. I knew that everyone's faces were ruddy, and the shouting would not exhaust them, but more powerful! A momentum that makes the enemy tremble when they see it!

"This battle is for revenge and survival!" I raised my fist and shouted loudly.


"Hear the blade high with me, Nia Lawrence! We will not die! We change our fate!" I shouted, and the golden sword was also shining at this moment. In everyone's eyes, it was like a miracle!

"Who am I, Nia Lawrence!"

"God's spokesperson!"

"Will we die?"


"Then kill with me!"