Magic Sword

Chapter 266 Forward 2

Davis put his shoulder and smiled and stretched out his hand to make an invitation. There is a high sand body in front of him, and I can't see anything special. It's normal for a place far from the coast to form such a style. I don't feel anything worth liking.

"I don't think it's as luxurious and comfortable as the aristocratic mansion I live in than these sand-style buildings." I said casually, "But it's much more comfortable than the cabin."

I haven't lived in the so-called mansion for many years now. Even if Dama Province has returned to the hands of the Coltfield Empire, I haven't been there for many reasons. At that time, it was also good to live with the people of the Blood Shadow Adventure Group and lick blood with a knife. Secondly, the former Earl's Mansion has long been Biel. The man burned to ashes, and Talley Lu was not with me, so I didn't want to go there sadly.

"It's not luxurious to come here to live in a place where nobles live." Davis smiled mysteriously, which made me very depressed, but I'm not asking. Since the other party wants to remain mysterious, he won't tell me.

The eagle not far away, these people are expressionless, but Mao Shao follows the side of the eagle very quietly. I haven't seen such a yellow-skinned and dark-haired woman as Mao Shao for many years, which is very bright in my eyes. Although Mo Qingyu in my mind is almost like this, the memory generation can't be seen with the real thing. Let's talk about it first.

"Why is it called such a male code name?" I asked disapprovingly.

Davis is still shouting, "Come on, settle down these guests. They don't feel good after a boat for a few days!"

Naturally, it refers to my soldiers. Those guys are indeed gray-faced, all seasick, and there is no good one.

Davis glanced back with me after arranging: "Well, I don't know, but I've been used to it for so many years. Is it okay?"

"Well..." I thought about it and said a few words slowly, "It's also suitable for the style of the special department."

"Style?" Davis stared at me and narrowed his eyes slightly. He didn't know what he meant, but soon turned his face to one side. "Hahaha, come and have a look. Come and have a look. You all go faster, eagle, cat, say you, don't quietly behind the line and talk to the guests."

The eagle whitened Davis and came towards us with his hands in his trouser pockets, and the cat covered its mouth and smiled and followed.

The opening is fluent in Chinese: "Hi Nia."

"Don't be so intimate." I spoke to them angrily in the common language of Enoran, and Davis on one side also smiled, "Are you all familiar with each other?"

"Aren't we pirates? As nobles covered with copper rust, we are not used to having someone to treat you?" Eagle said with a smile, "Let me have a look at your gun."

"No." I firmly refused his request.

"Otherwise I'll show you mine?" The eagle said that he pulled out a sand eagle from his waist. Although I also have one, the material is different. His sand eagle is made of standard metal, while mine is made of the world's special metal, and the color on the appearance is different. Relatively speaking, his sand eagle is more beautiful, and mine is It's much ugly, but with the power of Drides' engraving, it must be stronger for me.

"What a stingy." The eagle pouted and didn't continue to pester the gun with me. He reached out and put his hand on the little cat's shoulder beside him, then looked at me with a very contemptuous look, and then said, "Single dog."

I was immediately stunned. Who is single? But the words that haven't broken out yet have come again.

"Little boy."

I can't stand this! Together, I am at least 40 years old! But before I could speak back, Davis waved his fist at the eagle.

"Your sister's whole family is single!"

The eagle curled his lips and dodge Davis's punch and spit out his tongue at him. On one side, the cat Shao also made the same action. Davis looked at the two people who bought the year ago and lay on the ground: "You are also like this... Don't live anymore..."

"It seems that it is also very difficult to be a pirate." As we talked and continued to walk forward, Davis was gradually abandoned by us. "Don't you care about him?"

The eagle said, "You don't have to worry about Davis. That's what that guy is."

"I mean, don't you want people to carry him back?"

"Raise..." Eagle was stunned and whitened my eyes. "No, his family knows this place better than anyone else. When he recovers, he will run back by himself. That guy won't miss the meal."

"hehe." The cat has always been very quiet beside the eagle.

We continued to walk our own way, and soon Davis recovered and followed our footsteps, and then played a talkative role. As for the evil pirate in history, I can't see his evil side at all.

"Why is that guy called the most evil pirate?" I pointed to Davis and asked the eagle quietly.

"Probably the relationship between the red skeleton flag." Eagle said, "The most evil in the future is not what he wants to call. Who would call himself the most evil pirate?"

"It seems that many names can't be trusted." I laughed and said, "But you do have that power, very strong, and the strongest people I have ever seen are not much better than you."

"Then aren't we the strongest?" Eagle looked up and said, "What's impossible for the world to be so big? Nia Lawrence, you look like a pure Coltfield Empire. How did you rebirth in this world?

"Well, let me tell you that I am a killer in the special department, and then on a mission, I met a brain-damaged scientist, a fat man. I was injected with poison by him, then tore it off in that world, and then came here."

"Ah?" Ying was stunned, and I continued to talk.

"I haven't finished yet. The poison, he said is called 'the world', which can save my thoughts. Then he used the wormhole machine to transmit my so-called soul to the universe. When I opened my eyes, I was already in the universe, and my memory will slowly dissipate until I completely lost my memory. I don't know how long it took to come. Arrived in this continent of Enolan."

"Is this too strange? No matter what, it's impossible to do this, right?" There were a lot of doubts on the eagle's face, and the cat beside him also opened his mouth at this time.

"This should not be, it is impossible to come to other different worlds through so-called scientific forces."

"Impossible? But it did happen." I waved my hand and said, and I couldn't help but be very interested, "What about you? How did you get here?"

I really want to know this way to cross the world without death. In fact, I really want to go back to my original world, because in my memory, I have lived in that world for at least 30 years, and I have only lived in this world for more than ten years. Subjectively speaking, Fang is my root.

After I recovered my so-called memory, the world is no longer my root.

"Water snake." Eagle said, "There is a man in our team code-named 'Water Snake'."

"Kira?" I asked doubtfully.

"Yes, that seems to be his original name." Eagle nodded and continued, "He brought us here and opened the door of time and space in a different world. We came in through that door."

"He? Can you do it to this level?" I was shocked. Does that mean that Kira has the ability to take me back?

We talked about a group of people walking into the sand building. The tall door was a long corridor. There were many people in it, unlike pirate-dressed guys, like living in this place, earthy stone pillars. I have always been curious about what this sand is made of bricks and stones.

The plants on the face are wrapped around the outside of the corridor, which does not look so magnificent, but this place is very quiet and wonderful, as if it is the kind of secluded corridor where couples often date and walk.

"I don't know. He did do this. As soon as he arrived in the world, he lost his shadow and didn't know what to do."

"What are you doing here in Enolan?"

Ying paused and did not continue to answer my question. He looked at me and said silently for a long time, "This can't tell you. That's our secret. It can only be said to be a task."

"I won't ask if it's a task."

I looked indifferent, and soon we came to the high wall. Davis said that behind this was the reception hall, and the thick wooden door also looked a little elegant. This place, except for the entrance to the island, other places seemed to be a separate area, and the islanders were also very simple in appearance. It can't give me any feeling of pirates.

When he came to the gate, Davis jumped slightly, then turned around and reached for the gate, and then turned his head to look at me with a mysterious smile on his face.

"Come and have a look, Nia Lawrence. I'm sure you will be surprised by this place."

"As a noble born, I won't be surprised no matter how luxurious your family is." I glanced at him and had already done something that couldn't move me.

"Then try it, hahaha." Davis looked up and laughed, and his big hand used a little strength.

The huge wooden door moved slightly and made a slight creak. Under this weak force, the door was slowly moved. When the door was opened a little, it began to retreat. The scene inside also appeared in front of my eyes with this push.

"Haha, I'll say this..." I really want to say something sarcastic, because at first glance, the ordinary scene I saw was not luxurious, it could be said to be very plain, but the next moment I reacted and understood that this plainness immediately showed a shocked look, because ......

"How can it be... refrigerator, TV..."

A standard 21st century style decoration and furniture!