Magic Sword

Chapter 284 Goodbye, Leed

Atwood's expression gradually became a little excited, which is a kind of angry excitement. I think that if there is a Protoss in front of him at this time, he may rush up and tear the other party to pieces. Atwood's strength is definitely not difficult to deal with the Protoss. Even the Protos is not as powerful as Atwood.

Nia! Let me tell you! It was because Il Rowling was kidnapped by the Protoss and gave it to the demons that Don Adolf angrily led human beings to form an army and then directly attacked the demon army! Is the demon clan powerful? Humph! Under Don Adolf's sword, you won't be defeated!"

Atwood is still talking. It seems that his interest in this topic has been completely enough, and his expression also makes people feel a little horrible: "At that time, I also heard that the Protoss went to beg the Elf King in that area to lead the army to rescue Id Rowling! But the old woman refused! I begged her for days! I even knelt in front of her, kneeling in front of all the elders of the elf clan, and I begged them with everything I could do! But none of them agreed! They don't care about human life or death! They ignored Id Rowling's life and death!"

"I know too! That's just a nobody, or a human! The great elves don't need to care about thousands of small human beings who die a day! Go to her greatness! I killed all those bastards at that time! I secretly found a chance to kill all the senior officials of the elf clan! Finally, there is no suitable candidate for the elf clan to inherit the new king! I showed my melee magic and grabbed the position of the new king! The melee magic I developed with the human Don Adolf!"

"Fight, Aatwood." I hurriedly stopped. I could see a lot of magic bursting out on his body uncontrollably, which would affect pedestrians on the road.

Atwood stopped and noticed his gaffe: "Sorry, I'm a little out of control when I think of this."

I didn't continue to discuss this topic with Atwood. What's the ending? Needless to say, I also knew that the whole continent's race and Protoss kept fighting against the army of the demons and drove them back to the canyon, and then Don Adolf's an angry sword cut off the continent and separated the whole demons from the Enolan continent.

It is certain whether Il Rowling came back successfully. Otherwise, how could there be the later queen? Although the name was Ilrod's name, the previous plans of various races to come back to deal with human beings after the war naturally failed. Human beings became stronger in that battle, Don Adolf He poured away the craftsmanship of dwarves, the magic of elves, and the magic of gods, and taught human beings to build walls and stone throwers with their own knowledge.

Ir Rowling naturally established a human country, and Don Adolf was captured by the Protoss for stealing magic and died at that time.

However, when I think about this, his life is not as great as in the story. All the brilliant achievements he has done in his life, defeating the demon clan and splitting the mainland are just what he has to do. Even those things he gave to human beings are just to resist the attacks of various alien races. What is this for...< /P>

is likely to protect the woman you love... Il Rowling.

If it hadn't been for this, his life might have been much more plain. He didn't plan to do any great feat. He just wanted to accompany his loved ones and didn't want to participate in the battle in order to stay away from right and wrong and avoid any harm to Il Rowling. However, Don Adolf did not expect that the Protos would do such a thing. He was Under pressure, he had to rescue him.

After driving away the demon clan, the aliens who had no time to care about human beings have pointed their finger at human beings one after another. Although human beings have magic and walls, they will still be injured in battle. They need something similar to healing to reduce casualties, so out of desperation, he aimed at magic.

His death was out of helplessness, but I wonder about the savior. Before his death, he gave a prophecy and told all human beings, all the aliens, and the most direct relationship is that I, the next person to save the world, is also how he made those predictions 500 years later. Of? Even Kira can't do that, and the most powerful person in the whole divine realm, the king of the Protoss, is not as powerful as Kira's, and he can't do the so-called prediction of Don Adolf.

"At that time, Il Rowling established this Coltfield Empire, and the first thing to build was Stan City..." Atwood, who was silent for a moment, continued our initial topic. "At that time, it was less than half as tall as Stan City today, less than half as it is today. There is no gorgeous decoration, just a few huge pieces of earth and stone.

500 years is enough to completely change a place.

"Today's Elman is different from the past. He has grown into a family." Atwood sighed, but it seemed to be much calmer.

"I'm thinking maybe it's them that you should be loyal, aren't you?" I smiled and said, "That's the descendant of Il Rowling."

"Irrod is my good friend, but Don Adolf is my master. The Tang I am loyal to is not Ilrod, but now you, the next master of the sword of fate." Atwood said seriously, "You are the one who can save the world in the future."

"I wonder if I can do it." I smiled bitterly and said that the coming-of-age ceremony is approaching, and now I have spent another year. There are only 12 years left before the march of the demon clan. 12 years are too short to look at a long history that is constantly alternating! What can I do in 12 years? I tried my best, but the war is definitely not something I can support with the demon clan. It is not only my strength, but also my power that needs to become stronger...

Kira's request for me to have a country within five years is also too short. My time has been getting shorter. He has given me more vitality for more than ten years. For more than ten years, who knows whether it is 19 or 11th, or if I died before the war between gods and demons begins...

I have to find a chance to capture the Elno Empire... Otherwise, I will steal the so-called royal gems handed down from generation to generation. I need to continue my life!


"What?" Atwood asked.

"No, no." I couldn't help but feel a headache. It's not difficult to grab the things hidden in the treasury. It's difficult to find them out. I have to know where the things are hidden.

"Let's get out of the way! All get out of the way!" Suddenly, there was a shout behind him at this time, and there was a little rapid horseshoe sound! I can't help but feel very depressed when I hear such a move. This is a commercial road. How can people ride horses in such a place? Aren't they afraid of bumping into people?

"Let's get out of the way! All get out of the way!" The sound was getting closer and closer, and all the pedestrians around hurried to hide on both sides of the street. I looked back slightly and saw indeed an armored knight galloping towards us. "Three people in front of me! Get out of the way!"

"What a guy, how dare you ride a horse in such a place." I said coldly that it is impossible for horse riders not to know that there are all pedestrians here.

"There is a badge." Ewini reminded me at this time.

"Is it a nobleman?" That can't be the royal family. What if the royal family will not ride a horse in such a place and kill people? That is very detrimental to consolidating the hearts of the people!

"The brainless aristocracy." I shouted coldly but didn't move my body.

Atwood said, "Do you want to shoot it down?"

"Get a magic screen..." I still didn't say the word "block", and suddenly the other party shouted again.

"Idiot! Don't you want to get out of the way! This road is going to be passed by the young master of our Weaver family!" The knight shouted angrily and shook his whip and rushed towards us, but I heard another annoying word.

"Is it the Weaver family..." I said coldly to Aatwood, "shoot down."

"Hmm." Atwood arrived, and then a huge magic array appeared in front of him!

"Hmm?" The knight couldn't be stunned and spit out a series of magic beams in the next magic array!

"Don't kill me... Well..." I didn't mean to slow down, but Yatwood took action too fast, "Forget it..."

"Wow!" The knight let out a scream and threw it down from the horse fiercely! The horse jumped up in horror and rushed back!

"I'll keep my hand. I won't cause you any trouble."

"I'm not too worried about trouble for the Weaver family." I said, and then came a little **.

"What's going on!"

"The horse rushed back! Ouch!"

"Stop that horse! Idiot! Don't hurt the young master!"

"I can't stop it!"

"You rice buckets!"

"Kill it! Kill it!"

Then the scream of the horse... This can't help but make me hate the Weaver family to the extreme. No, it's the ultimate! Now it has broken through to the extreme.

"The horse was killed." Does Ewini speak, and there is a change in her expression? That's anger and disgust.

"I will eradicate all the people of this family sooner or later." I shouted coldly, "Don't take action now. This is the imperial capital. Just act until the point."

"Hmm." Ewini then became silent again.

"You!" At this time, the knight on the ground got up awkwardly. The bright silver armor was full of dust and scratches. I think he must hate us to death.

"brush!" The knight quickly pulled out his sword and pointed at us! How dare you block the way of the nobles!"

"What happened! What an idiot horse!" Suddenly, at this time, a familiar voice came from the back. The Weaver family, there were only two people I talked to, Max Weaver, the young master of the Weaver family, and the third young master of the Weaver family, which belonged to the latter.