Magic Sword

Chapter 291 Intelligence

There are two guards standing at the gate. Iwini and I passed by them without biasing their heads, which also made me feel a little gap. They seem to be very serious and determined to carry out their duty. I don't expect that my guards would chat with each other when they were bored before. I can pass by the door. I said a few words, but compared with the count's mansion I used to stay in, they made me feel somewhat boring.

Entering the many guards around the gate, I didn't pay much attention to them, so I went into the house, and then went straight back to the room arranged by Hilmi for me.

After returning to the room, Ewini was silent for a moment and asked, "Won't you go to dinner?"

"What? Are you hungry?"

"No, it's just that it should be your time to eat at this time." Ewini replied, "Why don't you eat today?"

"What if there is no need to eat like a machine when the time comes? Haha, I'm not hungry yet." I smiled and rubbed on the space ring, and then took out a thick pile of reports from the light. These are all things sorted out by Larry and others. I have to study them carefully. "If you are hungry, go to Hilmi. She will arrange it. If you can't find a way, just grab a maid and ask. "

"I'm not hungry." Evini shook her head and said, "Is Nia more restrained because she is visiting others?"

"You're right." I showed a little surprise, "It really surprises me that you can understand this meaning. Yes, if human beings are too casual as guests in other people's homes, there is naturally no problem at ordinary times, but Hilmi's family is the Duke of the Empire and the House of the Finance Minister, and they can't be too rude. ."

"Is it rude to eat?"

"No, but of course it's more decent to wait for the host's invitation as a guest. Maybe Hilmi will come back to have dinner with us later. Let's eat the report clearly first." I'm really not hungry. Now most of my thoughts are focused on the report in my hand and the conversation with Prince West in the morning.

"It's far more troublesome than I thought." I sighed and sat down on the sofa, and then began to turn over the reports. Evini also came up to help me adjust the lampshade on the candlestick beside me to make the room brighter.

"Thank you." To put it simply, I completely focused my attention on. These reports were only collected today, and because most of them were simply screened reports that were finally integrated with essays and transcriptions. Otherwise, how time would it be a waste of time to be sorted out clean and tidy? And it will also have an impact on the timeliness of the report.

Most of it records some recent events and political forces. Larry's investigation is very clear and efficient. Several more prestigious aristocratic ministers are all recorded on it. They belong to which side and have a clear division, and from the beginning According to the report, it is obvious that the power of the second prince and the third prince is less than that of the eldest prince, especially the third prince, and his power is even more bleak and terrible.

"Hmm?" I looked carefully at the records about West, but found that it was a little different from what I said.

"This West seems to be very deeply hidden." I said to myself and then looked up at Ewini. She was also staring at me, but she kept silent without saying anything. There was a doubt in her eyes, and I answered her directly. "The information collected by Larry showed that there was little power in West's hand, only three-third of what we saw in the morning. It's just a person."

"There is Ropolovsky Benjamin, an old minister in the report. The report collected by Larivi shows that they have been following West since he was a child." I covered my chin and meditated for a while. Even on the side of the character, Larry's description doesn't seem to be what I said today that I saw the shrewd West. "West Elman's personality is different. It seems that what we see here is more shrewd and capable, and Larivi found is a weak and incompetent guy, simply It can be said to be useless."

"It doesn't have much impact, right? Didn't you say that the rumors are not credible? We met the real one today. Evini said.

"No, you can't say that. It has a great impact. That can prove where his real strength is." I looked at Ewini, raised my right hand and stretched out two fingers and said, "There are only two possibilities, either he is usually acting and hiding his ability, or he was acting when he saw me... to make himself look strong."

"Is there any difference?" Ewini is obviously not easy to understand this. "Moreover, if he really has such ability, there is no need to be strong in front of you, right?"

Indeed, if the incompetence he usually reveals is his nature, but he acts shrewd when he sees me, it is obviously not true of incompetence.

"There is still a difference. If it is the former, then he is powerful. No matter who the opponent is, you can't underestimate him." I pointed out the key words, and then continued to lower my head to study the report, but I was more thinking about West's situation that made me very confused, because if he was the latter, it would be more fearful of his ability.

The latter is the embodiment of strength. Is it easier for a strong person to be weak or easier for a weak person to appear as a strong man?

The fake weak may be ignored, but the truly shrewd person will not ignore him, but the real weak will definitely be ignored! "Golden Hand" and "High Wall" are examples! Unless there are moles around the third prince, the eldest prince and the second prince will never know that these two are from the West camp. But who will put an insider next to a real weak person?

Perhaps extremely careful people will, but the eldest prince and the second prince are obviously not such people. Their more talents are still displayed on the battlefield and socialize.

West wanted to clearly understand the form and the relationship between various forces in the imperial capital, and knew his shortcomings compared with the eldest prince, so he came to me as soon as I arrived and played an emotional card first. I don't believe that such West is an incompetent person!

"Give me some more time. Give my friends a little time, and I can stand firm in the imperial capital." I'm not afraid of those power schemes between politics. Although I haven't really played with politics, I know a little about it as a government in my previous life.

Political, there is no absolute winner. You have won a big victory today and won all your face, but it is likely that you will lose a lot tomorrow. * The most important thing is to check and balances, use checks and balances to ensure the gap between them, and then find the opportunity to catch the enemy and eliminate the grass, so that you can win a real victory.

Then I continued to read for about an hour, read all the information compiled by Larryville today, and had almost a little understanding of the situation of the whole imperial capital politics, at least in terms of surface news, "Golden Hand" - Yale Gerton, and "High Wall" - Lanta Gain and others are not around West.

Either they are the insider around West or the insider in West's hand. According to the situation in the morning, it should be the latter.

"The side I saw with West today seems to have greatly increased the difficulty of my choice." I shook my head and said, if it were before today, I would only not hesitate to join the prince's camp after seeing the situation. First of all, that was the camp where my family was already in, and secondly, it was the camp of Hilmi's family.

But this meeting made me notice the incompetent little prince written in this report. Yes, the youngest son of Mahugh Elman, first of all, he was so weak. This person is terrible. This is my final conclusion. It is not a good choice to be an enemy of West.

"Dong Dong." At this time, my door was knocked. It was the maid of the Meda family. "Lord Lawrence, Miss San invites you to dinner."

I put down the report and looked up at Evini on the side and motioned her to open the door.

"Good Lord."

"Where is my servant?" I stood up and walked to the door and asked the maid.

"Miss San didn't invite her. We will arrange another dinner for Mr. Evini."

I turned my head to Ewinnie and asked, "How's it going?"

"It doesn't matter. Obviously, Hilmi is alone with you." Ewini said calmly, "As long as I have something to eat."

"That's good." I smiled and replied to the maid, "I'll be there in a minute. Let me change my clothes."

"Yes, I'll report to Miss San." The maid saluted and then closed the door and left.

Hilmi ranks third in the family. She also has two older sisters, the eldest sister, Sallene Meda. It is said that she is now married to a young and potential viscount in the southern Elnor Empire. Now the viscount seems to be also an earl. Her second sister, Joyce Meda, is still in the imperial capital. But I haven't met her yet.

I changed into another lighter dress, so I left the room. At the door stood two maids who came to show me and Ewini the way.

This corridor is really big. I don't usually live here. If I go out in the middle of the night, I will get lost. I looked around and decided to remember the route clearly.

After a few steps, I separated from Evini at a corner, and then almost turned five times and was taken to an outdoor garden. This was almost the location of the back yard of the Earl's Palace. When I got here, my eyes suddenly lit up. It was so beautiful!