Magic Sword

Chapter 302 Trust

In the middle of the night, I left with a tired body. I was not infatuated with the warm bed and the woman just now. When I opened the door, I went out alone. Late at night, the lights had been turned off, but the pink tone still stayed in front of me in the night.

After a pause, I closed the door and walked to the conference room just now. This is not the time to leave, doing a full set of dramas. An unmarried person came to the brothel for entertainment. Before dawn, he touched the night and left the bed and the woman. Are you a spy, won't you pay attention to such a person?

The "squeaky" door was pushed open by me, but it's not as anyone here as I thought. West, the third prince of the Coltfield Empire, is my current object of allegiance. An actor at the level of the movie emperor is nothing else. I don't know if this should be a good thing or a bad thing. In short, as long as the script is ready. A guy can show his most powerful side.

And this so-called script requires a lot of difficulty. First, it requires information. A person's detailed information has been studied thoroughly, so that he can develop a detailed plan for that person's character and the recent situation. West's ability to deal with unexpected situations is very weak.

The second thing is needed is Fredrick. Only he writes this level of script. His simulation ability is not available to everyone. It can be said that if he can understand all kinds of information about me, including me from a different world, there is still one in my body and spiritual world. Mo Qingyu, in this way, he can even simulate all kinds of emotions and attitudes that I will have in everything. This is a very horrible and extremely rare ability. Of course, this can only be done with the genius of West.

In addition to West, there is another person here, that is Landing, the guard around West.

"Nia!?" West looked at me with a little surprise, and the reaction was a little louder.

"Your Highness West." I made a salute.

"It's not a public place now. We have made an appointment!" West said an angry and waved his fist, looking like a child losing his temper.

"I almost forgot." I scratched my head and smiled, "West."

"It's almost the same." West pouted and said with interest, "Hurry up, Nia, call me again!"

"West?" I was stunned and suddenly felt strange. After such a conversation, I also noticed Landing's corrupt eyes.

"Call again and again!" West said... I don't want to attribute the current West to the word coquettish, but I can't seem to think of a second word.

"Hey...look at the eyes of the guards around you!" I pointed to Landing and stared at her viciously, but she didn't mean to pay attention to me at all.


West turned around, and then Langding greeted him with a smile.

"No problem?"

West turned his head back, and then Langding's face showed a rotten smile again.

"..." I patted my forehead and quickly found another topic, "Why are you here at this time? You don't like the gifts prepared by Baron Yale."

"I'm a woman, I don't need it." Randyn looked at me and said, "I'm different from Armin Caroline."

Amanel Caroline, her sexual orientation should be a woman.

"As for the third prince, how can you have fun as a prince?" Landing looked at me contemptuously. What kind of look is this... I didn't arrange it! What's more, this place is still your choice!

"This is your fault, sir." I said angrily, "As an adult man, it's not good for physical and mental development if you don't vent it well. It's stained in such a place and makes you responsible. Didn't you see your prince's depressed expression in the conference room now?"

"That's fatigue, not depression." Landing looked at me and said, "With me, Your Highness won't be suffothed."

I looked at them deeply.

West looked up at me with a little awkwardness, pulled away the topic and said, "What about you? Didn't the golden hand also arrange someone for you? Why did you come to walk around in the middle of the night?

"It's almost done." I shook my head and said, "I don't want to give the soldiers a drowsy face when I return to the barracks tomorrow."

"Then if you don't sleep and walk around, you will look drowsy..." West looked out of the window, "If you don't sleep, you won't have much spirit tomorrow."

"Don't worry, as a seventh-order knight, but if I don't sleep, I can hold out for two or three days." I smiled and explained, "As for why I came out to walk around... To be honest, an elf is placed in front of you, sometimes giving you a personal recovery, and sometimes a mental recovery. Not to mention falling asleep, it won't give me a chance to rest. I don't want to be completely squeezed out."

"Haha." West smiled, "But today it makes you laugh. I'm just a fake existence, but I really can't do politics. I'm not as brave as my brothers."

"I won't laugh at you. Everyone has their own side." I said, "To be honest, what you are good at is not what your brothers can have."

"But what's the use of that... It doesn't help me at all. Instead, I need everyone to gather for me and rehearse." West looked very depressed. "The rite is coming soon, and I also know that my own decline is like this, and there are still people who are willing to help me, not because they believe in me, but because they are gambling and letting go. They know my possibilities."

"Oh, can you see this..." West is not mediocre after all. He is actually quite smart. Maybe he is just weak in the struggle for political power and interests. As for the possibility, to put it bluntly, it is the possibility of becoming a puppet. Once West obtains the inheritance of the empire, it is equivalent to It was those so-called cronies who won the empire.

Those guys actually know how many pounds they are, so they know that if they can't get the most favored position in the hands of the other two princes, on the contrary, West, they can even control the incompetent prince. At that time, even if West doesn't want to, he still have to be obedient, because he doesn't The real army does not have its own strength.

"Hmm." Weiss nodded in response to me.

"Don't feel too inferior. In fact, this is really a very powerful force. Sometimes others can't ask for it, but if you can be stronger in the ability to adapt to changes, it is really impeccable." I looked at West and said, "Are you worried about the subsequent bar mitzva Yale, not all of them have made a perfect plan.

"It's still risky, Nia, that's equivalent to you using it as bait." Weiss's eyes sparkled with a little complicated light, which was a sincere worry.

"What you do is risky. Being able to know that the transfer of city protection is to deal with the opportunity I have already prepared."

"That's different, Nia, the enemy may not only be the city defense army! My eldest brother, the Meda family has fell out with you now. Silverton Meda is not a person who will let you go with old feelings. My second brother, the Weaver family has always been your enemy, and they will stab you in the back. West shook his head and sighed, "Our rescue may not be effective or too late. They can stand on the front line on this matter and bury all kinds of armaments at the venue as early as possible, but not in order to hide me."

As an incompetent prince rumored to be despised by others, that is his best card for West Elman, and if he is also burying his armaments at the venue, in case of leakage, he will lose his greatest support. However, I can't survive without such help. I also have an army. Although there are only 1,000 people in hand, they are the most elite front-line personnel in my hand. Secondly, one has no weight, but it can give me infinite confidence, my sword of fate!

Although I can't guess the result, the ability of the sword of fate is to protect me as much as possible. I am very confident that I am not to be in danger, but I have never used that ability. It seems that he will always be invisible to involve the people around me. For example, this time I lost Lyle on Pirate Island, and now I am still alive. Death is uncertain.

"Don't worry about West." I comforted him and said, "I have detonated a lot of legends. Even if the city defense forces attack me, I don't have to worry about it!" Did you forget my feat of burning a forest in an instant with a roar of Biel? I won't pay attention to thousands of troops.

My comfort didn't seem to have much effect on West, but he didn't affirm the rumors about me as politely before: "Nia, although I was politically incompetent, I was not stupid at that time. I still understand these things. Rumors are rumors after all."

"Yes, so you don't know if I did it, do you? Haha, my friend, don't be careful, who am I? I patted my chest proudly and said, "I'm Nia Lawrence!"

"It's not such a loud name..." West sighed and stared up at me, "But I will cover you, Nia. When I step on the throne, I will help you restore your family! I will also give you a lifetime of glory and wealth! I will make you Duke! I will give you the whole province of Dama!"

"Your Highness!" Randing on one side was a little anxious and hurriedly called out to worry that West had a fever and promised too many things, which also surprised me a little. After all, the land, the Duke, these are not cabbages! Dama Province, isn't it...

"I've already said this." West curbed Landing's words and nodded to me, "Nia, although we haven't known each other for a long time, I trust you, I believe in your ability! I trust you more than Yale!"

I looked at Weiss's head and said, "Thank you for your trust."

"I will also help you ascend the throne." I slowly lifted it to the window sill, gently stroked the window eaves with one hand, and looked out. This is just a fake window, but the blue wallpaper is decorated with a feeling of late night. I don't know who it came from. This wallpaper is so vivid, and the moon floats "far", which makes me feel You can also slowly feel calm, "I will scare all our enemies in the future!" His eldest prince and the second prince, as well as the Bier people, and even the demon clan! I will definitely restore my family!"