Magic Sword

Chapter 325 Three

"Go to hell, I can help you free." He said coldly, and the light in his hand pointed to Ewini, and then a light suddenly became stronger and stronger and stronger! The light is getting brighter and brighter!

And she still looked like that with tears on her calm cheeks. She stared at her and frowned. She didn't understand this attitude.

"What do you mean by such a relaxed expression? Are you despheming me?" She said coldly, and Ewini, calm, no matter what, walked slowly towards Nia...

Hate was forced to fall into silence again, and Ewini ignored her again.

With a slight gritting of teeth, a light suddenly burst out of her fingers, and then suddenly shot at Ewini!

"Wo--!" The sound of breaking the air full of peace immediately broke the flutter of all the airflow in this area and broke everything. This light rushed to Ivani in diameter!

Ten meters! Five meters! One meter!

Everything is in an instant! The light came as scheduled!

But this light did not fall on Ewini! Just before the light arrives! Evini's body was suddenly covered with a silver light! Then a crack appeared in front of her, before the light hit her! Ewini stepped in one step at a time!

The next moment, Ivani appeared by Nia's side with a silver light! A green light suddenly wrapped around his hands, and then pressed Nia's forehead and chest!

Seeing those injuries, Ewini couldn't stop her tears at this moment. She had no choice but to use her magic to recover his wounds. His body, this heart has stopped beating...

"Use space magic for such a short distance?" Xi said and looked at Ewini, squatting in front of the man who had just ended his life, with the light of healing magic in his hands, and with her magic, the resilience was very strong. The man's forehead and chest were also recovering at a rapid speed, standing out of muscles, flesh and blood, but hope understood that all this was vain. Labor's behavior, a person has passed away and recovered his body, but he can't be brought back to life. The deceased has passed away.

"This is futile." Hate said, but Ewinni ignored it.

"Even if you recover his body, you can't recover his life." I hope to say that Ewini still ignores it.

"Why do you work so hard?" Still saying that Ewini still ignores it.

However, another figure slowly came over and gave a hope explanation.

"Because I fell in love." The owner of the voice said in a low tone, his eyes full of sadness and looked at the man lying on the ground.

Hilmi Meda, that's right, it's Hilmy. At this moment, she quietly stared at the figure in the distance, approached Xiji, stood beside her, hopeing not to take any more action, just quietly looking at the scene in front of her.

"Who is that man?" He said indifferently and looked at the woman beside him. The woman in a white knight's uniform looked such a heroic and beautiful woman.

"That man... is my fiance, my favorite." Hilmi stared sadly at the hope and was stunned, and then Hilmi's body suddenly emitted a dark green light!

"Boom--!" The huge energy fluctuated, and he suddenly widened his eyes and was full of surprise at this sudden energy! Then he stepped back step by step, but Hilmi had raised his hand and bombarded a green light towards her!

"Ah--" Hate and retreat quickly with a scream, and all kinds of light on his body also dissipated little by little!

"How can! How can you still be alive!" The hope suddenly retreated, but the body began to dissipate under this dark green!

"Your existence in this continent is just a form of energy. As long as it destroys the energy stability of this body, your power is expected to dissipate." Hilmi raised the corners of his mouth and laughed, "I won't let you go if you kill him. Go back to your world and ring your alarm. One day I will step down your world!"

"You..." Xi gritted his teeth and looked at the current person, showing an excited look and said, "Don't think about it! You won't get any purpose..."

The next moment, the light spot was scattered, and the body disappeared on the square!

"What are you talking about? I didn't hear it." Hilmi looked coldly at the position he had been looking for, and then turned around indifferently.

Nia is already in an intact posture at this moment, lying quietly and peacefully, motionless. Obviously, his body is very perfect and healthy at this moment, but he can't wake up.

Brush-! A dark green light and shadow dissipated from Hilmi's body, and then she showed a nervous face and left tears in the corners of her eyes.

"That's fine..." Hilmi said, as if she was talking to herself, but only she knew that there was another voice in her heart.

"That's right... You did a good job and have driven that woman away." That voice echoed in Hilmi's mind, as if she was just a thought.

"Thank you... Thank you for lending me strength." Hilmi slowly walked to Nia, and then pulled out her sword from her waist. At this moment, the sword was shrouded in a layer of light and shadow, and then broke away, but it showed the appearance under the light and shadow, together with a dark green thin sword! If Nia saw the sword at this moment, she would be very surprised.

"Thank you for lending me strength... Don't give it to me!"

Don't give it! Yes, it's because of the name! The sword of fate in his hand, in which there lives such a woman! At this moment, he appeared in Hilmi's spiritual world!

"Don't care about this. I'm sure you think so. The most important thing is to save Nia." Mo Qingyu smiled and said softly.

"You said you had a way, tell me quickly!"

"Ha ha, don't worry, as long as you want, Nia can live." Mo Qingyu said slowly, "First of all, do what you want to do... You should have something you want to do. In this world, you are the only one who can have Nia."

"I..." Hilmi lowered his head slowly. "The person Nia likes is Tallie Lu."

"Who knows if he will still like the girl who didn't even show up at the moment of his life and death after knowing the person who saved him?" Mo Qingyu said, "Let him only look at you after opening his eyes. Your enemy is not just Talilu."

"My enemy..." Hilmi raised her head slowly, but at this moment, something else changed in her heart. "It's not just Talilu..."


I walked quietly in a world full of white light, and my head was full of all kinds of ideas. What is this place, why am I here, and when will I go down like this...

White, there is only one piece of white in the world, and I don't remember anything except that my name is Nia Lawrence.

I really hope that in this damn place, a person can come out and say something to me... I think so, continue to walk in such an endless world, one step, two steps, and still white.

And it seemed that this place gave me a person who could speak after hearing my thoughts.

"You look very confused." The man said to me.

"You too." I looked at the man and said to him, "What's your name?"

"My name is Qin Xiaozheng." He said to me, "What about you?"

"Nia Lawrence." I waved my hand and said, "Do you know how to get out of here?"

He also looked helpless and spread his hands and shook his head.

Next, we walked together on this white road. I knew his name and he knew my name, that's all, but I felt that I knew that person very well, and that person also knew me very well.

"Nia, do you have someone you like?"

"Me? Yes." We talked like friends, "Her name is Talleylu. It's a nice name, isn't it?"

"Indeed." Qin Xiaozheng replied with a smile, "I also like a girl."

"What's her name?" I asked casually, but the person in front of me couldn't answer.

"I don't know, I forgot." Qin Xiaozheng shook his head, "Although there is another name wandering in my head, I definitely don't like that name."

"What's your name?"

"Don't pour it down."

And at this moment, a third person suddenly appeared.

"Do you like that name?" The third person asked me, who is also a man I feel very familiar with.

"A very familiar name... I can't remember..." I patted my head and said, "But I don't like it."

"I don't like it either." The third person shook his head with a smile, "Can I discuss your topic together?"

"Of course." Qin Xiaozheng said kindly, "Do you know how to get out of here?"

"I don't know." The third person shook his head, "But I seem to have an answer in my heart, and I can't express it."

"I feel the same way." Qin Xiaozheng said.

I looked at them and didn't say anything, but I also had the same feeling in my heart. I couldn't express it, but it looked like that I couldn't remember her appearance... It was a mystery in my heart.

"Who is the girl you like?"

"A lovely girl." The third man smiled and said, "Her name is Il Rowling."

"A name that is a little impressive... By the way, what's your name?" I asked in a stunned way.

"I forgot a little... It seems..." The third person scratched his head and looked at me and smiled, "Don Adolf."