Date to become a god

Chapter 55 Martyrs

Xu Guohua and his party of five people took a jeep for 12 hours and arrived at the only spiritual iron mine in Fuji Province. The current Tiantong Star is a modern and ancient planet. The number of modern buildings and ancient buildings is roughly the same. Things such as jeeps, buses, trains and maglev trains can also be seen everywhere. But there are no modern weapons such as pistols, cannons, *, etc. on this planet, and the battle is completely based on cold weapons such as knives and swords. In fact, the reason why this happens is not that the technology on this planet is not high enough, but that the laws of the universe do not seem to make those hot weapons at all. However, the strong strength of the practitioners makes the war on this planet more devastating than the war on earth.

The five people were warmly welcomed by the mine as soon as they came to Ling Iron Mine. After a nap, several people came to the miner's office the next day.

"Haha, my lord, don't be in such a hurry. I'll invite everyone to the hotel for a big meal at noon and leave in the afternoon!" The mine chief stood beside his table with a flattering face, as if he did not dare to sit down in front of Xu Guohua.

Xu Guohua picked up a cup of tea on the coffee table beside him, took a sip, and said slowly, "It's too late to leave in the afternoon. Hurry up and get ready to leave at nine o'clock. It's ruined our big event. You know the consequences."

As soon as the mine chief saw Xu Guohua's serious look, he couldn't help trembling. He immediately nodded and said that he was too pedantic, and immediately informed his subordinates to prepare everything before departure. Then he stayed uneasily and carefully observed Xu Guohua's every move for fear of accidentally offending the captain. People of the unified level.

Although the mine manager of Ling Iron Mine usually treats his subordinates with a high posture, he is still very polite to see the practitioners. After all, even a military-level practitioners can lift nearly a thousand catties of boulder, and it is not as simple as pinching an ant to death.

Yang Tian looked at the miner's flattering look and felt a burst of disgust in his heart. He looked at Kong Lingyun and others and saw them standing aside as usual, as if even if there was an earthquake that would not affect them at all.

After going through some formalities, several drivers drove to the third base in a truck full of spiritual iron ore, while Xu Guohua and five people sat on the jeep when they came, but the driver changed from the original Xu Guohua to a driver named Xiao Wang sent by the mine director.

The car drove smoothly on the highway, and the roaring wind came from time to time.

Just as several people were observing around the highway physically and mentally, the driver Xiao Wang suddenly said, "Do you know? In the last mission to escort the spirit iron, I was the driver of the truck. If it hadn't been for Li Shitong, I might have been killed by the inesian people?"

Xu Guohua sitting next to Xiao Wang and the people in the back row were curious, or Yang Tian finally couldn't help asking, "What happened in the last mission? How did you, a mortal, survive from that group of practitioners?

At this point, Xiao Wang's body began to tremble a little, and several people knew that he might be out of control.

Xu Guohua hurriedly said, "Be careful. This is a highway. In case of hitting a car, we practitioners can naturally escape with alchemy. You will be miserable as a mortal. At that time, I won't save you!" Xu Guohua saw that Xiao Wang's hand holding the steering wheel had gradually begun to tremble and reminded him.

But Xiao Wang's mood became more excited and gradually began to chok: "I know that you practitioners are only for your own interests. How many practitioners like Li Shitong can be? If every cultivator were as selfless as him, endless religion would not be so rampant!" When Xiao Wang finished saying this, he suddenly found that he had arrived at Xu Guohua's original seat from the driver's seat for some reason, while Xu Guohua was sitting in his original driver's seat, which surprised Xiao Wang and the four young practitioners in the back row.

Xu Guohua suddenly turned his head to Xiao Wang and smiled, "Haha, I'm afraid that you will be emotional and have a car accident, so I used a replacement technique to exchange our two positions." Then Xu Guohua looked forward, motionless, as if thinking about something.

Yang Tian is impatient: "You haven't told me what happened last time?"

Xiao Wang stared at the front, was silent for a moment, and then said, "It was Li Shitong who pestered the guy who was boundless, so I had time to drive the truck and leave..."

Yang Tian and others finally learned from Xiao Wang's words how the Shitong surnamed Li sacrificed himself for others, which could not help but ignited a ** spark in Yang Tian's heart, but Yang Tian would never want to be such a tragic hero. Yang Tian hoped that he could become a victorious hero. Although he would encounter difficulties, he never A hero who will not fail!

Xu Guohua said slowly at this time: "In the last mission, we lost a total of 4 practitioners, and only one person escaped alive. This time, everyone should also be prepared to sacrifice. Although the strength of our group is obviously much stronger, the opponent is also very powerful. Especially for some people, don't involve everyone at a critical moment. With that, Xu Guohua took a look at Yang Tian.

Yang Tian suddenly blushed with shame and couldn't wait to find a seam to get in. Xu Guohua, the teacher and team leader, was so reprecated that Yang Tian felt ashamed. Yang Tian made up his mind that even if he died, he would never drag everyone down. It's just that he is really unwilling. Yang Tian, who has just cultivated a trace of self-confidence, is really unwilling to die in such a task. But he immediately comforted himself and said, "Maybe the situation is not as bad as Mr. Xu Guohua said."

Yang Tian didn't know that Xiao Wang's face was worse than him. He may think Xu Guohua was talking about him. After all, as a mortal, he is far worse than Yang Tian. In this way, Xu Guohua is most likely to talk about him.

The car drove for more than two hours, and nothing unusual happened, but everyone did not dare to relax at all and carefully observed the surrounding situation.

Suddenly, a loud sound of a tire burst came, which made a mortal like Xiao Wang cover his ears tightly. The rear wheel on the left of the big truck in front suddenly burst, and the truck without a wheel also swings back and forth, which is extremely unstable.

Xu Guohua has begun to regret his previous decision to get on the highway. If the truck accidentally falls in the middle of the road, it will be difficult for the high-speed vehicle behind him to stop immediately, and the consequences will be really unimaginable.

Yang Tian, who had been looking back, knew that the tire of the truck was broken by the darts sent by the practitioners on the car behind him, so he immediately shouted, "The enemy is behind you, teacher, what should we do now?"

The truck in front of him finally stopped on the side of the highway after swinging back and forth, and Xu Guohua also parked the jeep on the roadside.

The five people in the group quickly opened the door and got off the bus and stood beside the highway. And the black car behind him was also parked next to the back of the jeep.