Date to become a god

Chapter 42 Battle of Dongmen

Li Haotian leaned his back against the stone pier where the national flag of Dana was placed, gasping heavily and shot several bullets with a submachine gun, but the enemy did not shoot one, and he was shot in the right chest, which was very painful. Sweat flowed slowly down Li Haotian's forehead, and for a moment, he actually fell into a coma.

When Li Haotian woke up, he found that he was surrounded by flames, which made him extremely hot. Did I come to the sun?" This is Li Haotian's first feeling after waking up.

"I'm kidding, I'm just an ordinary person. If I'm on the sun, I'm afraid I've been burned in an instant. How can I have a chance to think about it here?" Li Haotian thought so, but he still couldn't figure out the situation.

At this time, a golden mask appeared in front of Li Haotian.

"Who are you?" Li Haotian said in a panic.

The golden mask man stared at Li Haotian and said leisurely after a long time, "I'm not someone else, or yourself. This is the superpower world in your inner world, and I am the part of you as a superpower. To be precise, I am a part of you. If you die, I will not exist, and if I die, you will never have superpowers, but you will still continue to live.

"Are you part of me?" Li Haotian was even more stunned when he heard what the other party said.

"Yes, do you want to get superpowers?" The golden masked man said seriously.

Hearing what the Golden Mask Man said, Li Haotian's heart was boiling, superpowers? Isn't this what he wants most? However, there is still a trace of confusion in his heart. He doesn't believe that the other party will give himself superpowers in vain.

"Don't worry, as I said, I'm a part of you. In this case, I will naturally give you superpowers free of charge. There is no need to worry about it." The golden mask is humane.

Li Haotian hesitated for a moment and finally said loudly, "Yes! I want superpowers!"

"Then fight against me. If you defeat me, you will be able to gain superpowers. Of course, you can also choose to borrow power from me, but in that case, you will never make progress. The golden mask man said lightly.

Didn't you say you were a part of me? Why did you ask me to borrow power from you?" Li Haotian suddenly had a big head.

"Even if you are yourself, you have your own origin and your own affiliation. Now you are in your own inner world. You are the source of yourself, and I am an accessory to myself. Metaphorically, you are a leader and I am a subordinate. If you want to borrow my power, I will obey the order to lend you power, otherwise I will lose my due value. In that case, your original superpowers will be difficult to be stimulated. How about it? Make a choice. You are rarely lucky to enter your inner world. The golden mask man said a lot, but the impact on Li Haotian was very huge.

"Well, then I'll fight with you, but it won't have any effect on the outside of the body." Li Haotian was worried.

"Don't worry, it doesn't take any time in this inner world. Even if you stay here for a thousand years, the time outside still hasn't changed. Of course, you can also understand that the flow of time here is almost infinitely faster than outside. The golden masked man said lightly, "Then let's start." With that, he saw the golden mask figure flashed and came to Li Haotian's body and waved his fist towards him. Before Li Haotian could react at all, he was punched out by the other party.

Li Haotian was shocked. According to the strength of the other party, he had no chance of winning anyway.

The golden mask man was not in a hurry to attack next time, but said lightly: "If you don't have any confidence like you, then even if you play for a thousand years, you can't be my opponent at all. What you need is confidence and the belief that you will win. Even if I die, I will knock down the faith!"

Hearing what the golden mask man said, Li Haotian's face was stunned. Finally, a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth and said, "I know." Slowly standing up, Li Haotian still held his extremely confident smile and slowly stretched out his right hand, and a flame also burned on it. Then, I'm coming!" With that, Li Haotian also came to the golden masked man with a ghostly flash. The fist with flames hit straight over.

The golden mask man smiled at the corners of his mouth and disappeared.

"What? Can't you defeat the other party at this speed? Li Haotian was shocked and felt a strong wind behind him, and Li Haotian flew straight out.

Li Haotian got up and was about to fight again, but the golden masked man waved his hand and said, "That's all this time. You are strong enough to deal with the group of soldiers outside."

Suddenly, Li Haotian woke up and found that a hot current in his heart slowly spread all over his body. He felt that his whole body was full of strength. He knew that his superpower had awakened.

"What exactly is my ability?" Li Haotian couldn't help but be a little curious. However, as the battle was approaching, he didn't have much to think about. He picked up the submachine gun and fired at the soldiers approaching him. Suddenly, he found that the speed of his bullet was so slow.

"Is my ability to react faster, but if I just react faster, it doesn't seem to be of much use, if the speed of my body can..." Li Haotian suddenly realized something when he thought of this. Speed, yes, the speed of the objects around me is slowing down, which really shows that my reaction is getting faster, but my own speed has not slowed down. It seems that my superpower is extreme speed. Thinking of this, Li Haotian moved his hands and feet. Sure enough, his movements did not slow down. At that moment, he smiled at the corners of his mouth and put down his submachine gun and stood up from the stone pier. He knew that the submachine gun was no longer useful to him.

All the soldiers saw Li Haotian standing out of the stone pier and shooting at him one by one with machine guns. But except for most of them being dodged by Li Haotian, a very small part was blocked by the yellow light outside his body. If there is speed and the body can't support it, it will collapse immediately. The yellow light outside Li Hao's celestial body is to protect Li Haotian's body so that his body will not be fractured because of his speed. At this time, Li Haotian realized that his ability was not fast, and it was likely to be one of the greatest superpowers in the legend, the superpower of light. Fast speed is one of the many means of light superpowers. In addition, emitting lasers and absorbing sunlight into their own energy is also one of the superpowers of light. Of course, although Li Haotian's superpower is a superpower of light, its speed is probably slightly faster than that of bullets, which is hundreds of thousands of times slower than the speed of light.

In less than 01 seconds, Li Haotian rushed into the group of soldiers, punching and kicking. The elite soldiers of Dana were one by one by one by Li Haotian's fist and fell down, one by one like straw. In less than two seconds, 50 or 60 soldiers were all killed by Li Haotian, leaving only one commander who asked for reinforcements on the walkie-talkie and fled in a panic. It seemed that this guy would inevitably be punished by his superiors when he went back.

Li Haotian walked leisurely to the east gate, and the gatekeeper had already waited there with a sledgehammer.

"Ha ha, no one has come here for nearly 100 years. If you can defeat those soldiers here, your strength should not be weak." The wrestler laughed twice and praised Li Haotian.

Li Haotian said with a confident smile, "Well, I'm really honored, but I don't know if I can break through." Speaking of this, Li Haotian showed a frustrated expression.

"Ha ha, no one has broken into the Heavenly Sevenfold Palace from my door for nearly 500 years, and your opportunity is also very slim." The wrestler laughed. The life expectancy of superpowers is generally more than 1,000 years, so it is not surprising that wrestlers have lived these 500 years.

"Then I will break this record today." With that, Li Haotian's body disappeared in place. Countless Li Haotian's figure appeared in front of the wrestler, making him confused.

The wrestler smashed the shadow of Li Haotian with a sledgehammer in his hand. Countless dust scattered, and large pits appeared on the ground. However, the wrestler not only did not touch Li Haotian's skin, but felt a pain in his buttocks and his body lay straight on the ground.

With a loud bang, the contact between the wrestler's body and the ground splashed countless dust.

Li Haotian originally wanted to have fun with the other party, but he felt that the opponent was really weak, so he decided to fight quickly, flashed behind the wrestler, and kicked him to the ground with one foot.

The wrest man sat up from the ground dizzy and looked a little ugly, but he still rubbed his head and said, "I was careless just now. Let's come again."

"I don't have time to play with you here. Let's decide quickly." With that, Li Haotian disappeared in place again and appeared behind the wrestler. He pulled his body with both hands and threw the wrestler dozens of meters away and fell heavily to the ground. Then, Li Haotian didn't want to entangle with the wrestler anymore. He came to the east gate, smashed the door and swaggered in. Li Haotian knew that he was not proficient in the application of the superpower of light, and the power of the superpower was also very weak. Although the superpower of light was much superior to other superpowers, he did not know whether there was a chance of winning against the seven captains of the Sevenfold Palace of Tiandao.

Follow the gate to enter the outermost floor of the Sevenfold Palace of Tiandao, where the fire saint handles. It is said that the seven palaces of Tiandao account for half of the capital of Dana, and the outermost floor is also amazing. Therefore, Li Haotian seems to have the opportunity to bypass the fire saint and go directly to the next floor. But it's only theoretically. Because Li Haotian is completely unfamiliar with the Seven Palace, and this is a huge maze. Only one or at most a few roads can reach the next palace. Even if he takes the wrong step, he will hit the dead wall. And if you directly break through the wall layer by layer, it will take time and effort, and it will attract all the superpowers in the seven palaces. At that time, even if Li Haotian is very strong, he will definitely die.