Date to become a god

Chapter 81 Queen

Zhang Ping lay on ** and was seriously injured. Huang Lin felt very surprised at this moment, because there was no son of a small universe, but now she found a small universe in her body, but it was not powerful. Therefore, although Zhang Ping can practice now, the speed of cultivation will not be very fast, unless there is the help of excellent cultivation methods. But in any case, Huang Lin is very excited at this moment. She can't wait to tell her husband about her son's cultivation. She can already imagine how excited her husband would be when he learned that his son could practice.

After a while, someone knocked on the door of Zhang Ping's house. Zhang Ping's mother went to open the door and opened the door. It was two police comrades. The police came to Zhang Ping's house and began to ask about the school.

One of the two policemen is tall and the other is short. The tall policeman is thin, wearing glasses, and the short policeman is fat and looks solid and cute. Huang Lin found stools for the two policemen. The two policemen moved their stools and sat down next to Zhang Ping and began to inquire about the situation.

"Do you know who else is alive in your school?" The thin policeman held his glasses and asked seriously.

When Zhang Ping heard this question, he suddenly felt a little sad and embarrassed, because he only knew that He Wen was a living person and was afraid to disappoint the policeman. Nevertheless, Zhang Ping replied, "I only know that a girl named He Wen is still alive, and everyone else is probably dead." The thin policeman took a pen and began to write notes.

The fat policeman asked kindly, "Do you know where the girl lives?"

"I'm not embarrassed to ask. Since you can find out where I live, you can naturally find out where she lives. You guys take a little trouble, just check it."

The thin policeman suddenly became ugly and said, "I think you are very suspicious. How can so many people in the school live with you two? I heard that some immortals can summon monsters and are called summoners. I'm afraid you're not an ordinary person, but a summoner. To be honest, these monsters are not summoned by you." After saying that, the thin policeman secretly glanced at Zhang Ping with his glasses and wanted to see something from his expression.

"Don't frame good people. Do you police like to suspect people when they have nothing to do?" Zhang Ping explained in a panic.

The fat policeman also didn't seem to support the thin policeman's statement, saying, "This young man doesn't seem to be a bad guy. I'm afraid his brother is too worried."

Huang Lin also said, "Yes, yes, how can such a good person as my son be a summoner of monsters?"

The thin policeman thought for a moment and said, "The living girl is also very suspicious. Everyone is dead. Why did she live alone?"

Zhang Ping quickly defended the girl, "Impossible, impossible, what about a very beautiful girl? How can such a beautiful girl be a bad person?"

The thin policeman said with a serious face, "The more beautiful a woman is, the more insidious she is. Don't you even know such basic common sense?" The thin policeman thought for a moment and said, "Ah, I know, you must be confused by the girl's beauty and have done such a case with her."

Zhang Ping suddenly blushed with anger and shouted, "Can you police guess randomly and falsely slander good people? This police comrade, I admit that your imagination is very rich, but no matter how rich your imagination is, you can't guess randomly, and you should be based on facts. Apart from the inference of facts, it cannot be called inference, but only guessing. I'm afraid this policeman has read too many detective novels and likes to guess. People like you are actually not suitable for being a policeman at all, suitable for writing detective novels."

The fat policeman also seems to support Zhang Ping's statement and said, "Brother, you are really too ** sometimes. You shouldn't treat everyone as bad people. Your point of view should be changed. The police do not censor the people, but serve the people. If you know this truth, you can be a good policeman in the future."

Zhang Ping suddenly had a good impression of the fat policeman and said, "This fat policeman is still good at it. Unlike a policeman, who thinks he is excellent, but he is not suitable to be a policeman at all."

The thin policeman blushed and was extremely ashamed and said, "Let this little brother laugh. I will definitely get rid of my speculation and be an excellent policeman in the future."

The fat policeman laughed and said, "If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. You are still a good comrade."

Several people in the room laughed.

After asking some more questions, the two policemen left. Zhang Ping lay on ** and almost meditated. After a while, the door of the room was knocked again. Huang Lin gently opened the door, opened the door and found that the person came was Zhang Ping's good friend Liang Liang. As soon as the door opened, Liang Liang hurriedly asked, "I heard that Zhang Ping's school had a monster, and almost all the people in the school died." Suddenly, Liang Liang blushed as if he realized that he had said something wrong. But he continued, "How's Zhang Ping?" Is he all right?"

Huang Lin asked Liang Liang to enter the room. After Liang Liang changed his shoes and entered the room, he saw Zhang Ping lying **, and a nervous heart suddenly released. Liang Liang found a stool to sit next to Zhang Ping and asked, "It seems that you are injured. It should not be serious."

Zhang Ping is a little moved." Sure enough, he is a good friend. He came to visit me as soon as possible." Zhang Ping thought.

Liang Liang said excitedly, "I knew that your parents are both immortals. How can you die so easily? I don't know how you escaped from the monster."

Zhang Ping told the story. Liang Liang wondered and said, "You didn't have a small universe, but why do you have a small universe now?" Is the photosphere that enters your body a small universe? But the small universe is said to be integrated with the human soul. There is no reason why there will be a small universe independent from the human soul. But anyway, your luck is really good. Now you are one of the immortals."

Zhang Ping turned his eyes to Liang Liang and said with a smile, "That said, his strength is still very weak. It is said that the number of Holy Dragon, the most powerful organization in the world, has reached 5,000, and its leaders have reached the level of the early seventh level. Look, I'm still in the early stage of the first level. Not to mention me, my father is only in the middle of the second level, and the strength gap with those masters is really big."

Liang Liang opened his glasses wide and said, "Why do you like to compare with those strongest people? The leader of the Holy Dragon Organization is known as the closest person to God in the world today. I'm afraid that only the goddess Dilina, the only god on our planet, can defeat him. But Goddess Dilina likes to be reincarnated. Now I don't know who it's the girl. The power of the reincarnated goddess is actually in a sealed state. If you can't open the seal, it's no different from ordinary people. Even we can easily kill her. Oh, stupid goddess, it is really incomprehensible that she can be regarded as a god beyond everything, but she has to be reincarnated as a human."

"You are not allowed to abuse the goddess in my mind!" At this moment, Zhang Ping's eyes were round, as if they were about to crack.

"Hey, how can you treat your good friend like this? Is it just for an unfaced goddess?" Liang Liang complained.

"Don't you know that I like Delina very much?" Zhang Ping said seriously.

"Actually, I also like her very much. But God won't like us." Liang Liang said.

"If she doesn't like me as a human, then I must practice to become a god. At that time, she may be able to accept me." Zhang Ping looks like Liang Liang and wants to see what his expression is.

Liang Liang touched Zhang Ping's head with his hand and said, "You were not fooled by the monster, were you? No matter how hard a person works and how talented he is, he can't practice to become a god. Man and God have an insurmountable barrier. Even the strongest Kaiga in history has only cultivated to the early level of the eighth level. He is known as the closest person to God in human history. However, even if he is as strong as Kaiga, it is impossible to cultivate to become a god."

Zhang Ping took his eyes away from Liang Liang, lowered his eyes and said, "If the predecessors can't complete it, it doesn't mean that it can't be achieved. I don't believe that there is anything special about God. I think people can become gods as long as they work hard and have the right method. But now I want to establish or join an organization. With my current strength, I don't think I can create an organization yet, so join an organization first. But I don't know which organization is willing to accept me."

At this time, mother Huang Lin interrupted and said, "Then you can join your father's organization. Your father should be very willing for you to join his organization."

"That's too unchallenging, and that will bind my potential." Zhang Ping turned his eyes to his mother and expressed his views.

"What's wrong with helping your father? You are also a person with a small universe. Your father will be very happy to help your father." Huang Lin walked into the kitchen after saying that.

"You might as well join the Little Wolf Organization, which is full of people younger than you. Although they are young, they all have excellent small universes, with high talent and strength. The most important thing is that the organization has not yet selected the right leader, and you will definitely develop there." Liang Liang looked at Zhang Ping and said.

"How do you know so clearly?" Zhang Ping's question.

"That organization aims to eliminate violence and peace. They have helped me, so I got to know them."

"Well, you can take me to see them in a few days." Zhang Ping thinks this is a good organization and wants to join.

After the two chatted for a while, Liang Liang left.

After Liang Liang left, Huang Lin dialed her husband Zhang Guangshuai's mobile phone and told him that Zhang Ping had a small universe. Zhang Guangshuai began to think that his wife was lying to him, and he didn't believe it until Huang Lin repeatedly reiterated.

When he learned that Zhang Ping planned to join an organization, Zhang Guangshuai also agreed. Zhang Guangshuai was very excited to learn that his son had a small universe. Zhang Guangshuai asked his wife to give his mobile phone to Zhang Ping, and the father and son began a conversation.

"Son, I'm very excited to hear that you now have a small universe. You must work hard to practice to the middle of the second level like your father, but it doesn't matter if you don't practice until the middle of the second level, and it's good to practice to the beginning of the second level." Zhang Guangshuai said.

Zhang Ping thought to himself: My goal is to become a god. Such a poor goal in the middle of the second level cannot be called a goal.

Although Zhang Ping thought that his father's expectations were too low, he still said, "Yes, father, I will definitely work hard."

After that, his father asked him some life questions and hung up the phone.

A few days later, Liang Liang led Zhang Ping to meet the members of the Little Wolf Organization. They took the No. 1839 bus and stopped at the gate of a community. As soon as he entered the community, Zhang Ping was almost vomited by the stench that came to his face. Liang Liang didn't dare to breathe. The two found a lot of garbage piled up in the gate of the community. The two quickly rushed out of the garbage area." Why is it so stinky here? The residents of this community really don't pay attention to hygiene and litter." Liang Liang complained.

"I don't know how those brothers live in such an environment every day." Zhang Ping was a little afraid when he remembered the smell just now. Zhang Ping led Liang Liang to the front of a building. Zhang Ping glanced at the building number and saw clearly that it was Building 18. Which floor are they on?" Zhang Ping asked." Room 302." Liang Liang answered faintly and then rang the doorbell in Room 302. After a while, a teenager's voice sounded from the door: "Who?" Oh, I'm Liang Liang. I came to see you with a friend of mine. Well, you guys come in."

After that, with a crisp sound, the door lock of the door of the whole building was opened, and the two walked in along the corridor.

The two quickly came to the third floor. The door on the third floor had been opened, and there stood a young man who was about twelve or three years old standing at the door. The teenager waved his hand and said, "Welcome, please come in. My name is Sun Lin. After entering the house, I saw a teenager about twelve or three years old eating melon seeds there. The teenager was slightly taller and more handsome than the previous teenager. The teenager stood up when he saw someone coming in. He jumped up and said excitedly, "Wow, there are guests here. No one has come to us for a long time!"

"Yeah, don't talk nonsense. How can I remember that the aunt at the opposite door came here to bring us food yesterday?" Sun Lin stared at Ye Ren and said.

"His name is Ye Ren, hehe, a very distinctive name." Zhang Ping flattered.

"That's right, my name is not only very characteristic, but also highly competent. I have reached the middle level of the first level, and I have reached this level at my age. Do you think I'm powerful?" Ye man sat on the chair again, and his butt shook his buttocks." How many times have I told you to keep a low profile, but you won't listen. Sooner or later, you will get me into trouble." Sun Lin scolded. Zhang Ping was so surprised that he couldn't speak. He didn't expect that there would be such a personality in the world. What surprised him was that the twelve- or three-year-old teenager in front of him was already at the middle level of the first level, more powerful than himself. Sun Lin, don't always pretend to be a big brother. You should be proud of a friend as powerful as me. I'm afraid you can't find a second one again." It's really good to blow. Zhang Ping didn't expect to meet such a good person today, and he is also a twelve or three-year-old teenager.

"Leave him alone. Let's sit in the house. With that, Sun Lin led the two to his bedroom and closed the door. Although the door was closed, you could clearly hear the people outside the door shouting, "Okay, Sun Lin, how dare you close such a great person as me?"

"Don't worry about him, let's talk about ours." Sun Lin looked at Zhang Ping and then said, "Two days ago, Brother Liang has told me that Brother Zhang wants to join our organization. We are happy for you to join, but we don't know what level you have reached?"

"I'm really dissatisfied with you. My level is not as high as that of the brother Ye just now, so I just cultivated to the early level of the first level." Zhang Ping said with a look of shame.

"This is not a big deal. The important thing is not strength, but the heart. No matter how strong a person is, if he doesn't have a kind heart, he will only bring disaster to everyone, don't you think so?" Sun Lin just stared at Zhang Ping, and his eyes seemed to reveal the light of wisdom.

Zhang Ping didn't expect that a twelve- or three-year-old teenager would say such a big truth. His heart was full of admiration, but he didn't know whether the teenager said these words from his heart or liked to say some big truths like some people. Zhang Ping nodded and said, "I really admire and admire that the little brother is not an ordinary person to say such a truth."

Sun Lin took his eyes away from Zhang Ping and lowered his eyes as if thinking about something, saying, "The important thing is not reason, but action. Many people know the truth, but not many people can put it into action." After saying this, a tear fell down the corner of Sun Lin's eyes.

"Why did the little brother cry?" Zhang Ping looked at the brother and cried as he spoke, and asked at a loss for a moment.

Sun Lin waved his hand and said, "I'm fine. I just suddenly remembered some sad things."

Zhang Ping and Liang Liang hurriedly said, "What's the matter, tell me."

"Everyone knows that Zhao Xuemeng, the queen of Song, likes to bathe in the blood of boys and girls to maintain her beautiful face." Sun Lin said.

"Of course I know. The queen is really evil. Sooner or later, I will destroy it, but I heard that she is also a immortal and the leader of an organization." Zhang Ping frowned.

Sun Lin wiped the tears from her face and said, "This queen Zhao Xuemeng bathes in children's blood every day, and her skin is excellent. In addition, she is an immortal cultivation, in her thirties, and she still looks like a 10-year-old beautiful girl."

"Indeed, this queen is indeed extremely beautiful." Zhang Ping said, "But no matter how beautiful she is, she is an evil woman with an extremely ugly heart."

"When I was eight years old, Zhao Xuemeng sent eight masters in her organization to take thousands of troops to my house and neighbors to arrest me and Yeren to kill us, and then bathe with our blood. My parents and Yeren's parents tried their best to save us, but they died. Since then, the Queen has been sending people to hunt us." Speaking of this, Sun Lin unconsciously began to chop again.

Zhang Ping patted the bed and said, "Such a queen, we must destroy her. No, we should kill her first and then."

I also want revenge, but it's not easy to kill her. Her millions of troops are negligible. They are all ordinary people and vulnerable. The main thing is that she is the leader of the Piaoyu organization, with more than 20 immortal practitioners, and she is an extremely powerful person in the early stage of the third level. Even if she fights one person against the three of us, she can kill us like a chicken. How can we beat her."

Zhang Ping thought for a moment and said, "Do you have any powerful magic weapons? If so, it may be helpful."

"Where do we have any powerful magic weapons?" Sun Lin thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up and said, "But Ye Ren has a very strong treasure rope. Even she is afraid she can't keep doing it. As long as she can find a way to tie her hands and feet so that she can't move, and then cut off her head, she will be completely killed by us. But how can we tie her up? How can we get close while she is sleeping?" Sun Lin had a headache." Forget it, don't think so much. Let's talk about it then." Zhang Ping comforted.


Queen Zhao Xuemeng sat on the hall, playing with a young eagle in her hand, and her eyes swept over the highness with dignity, with a self-respecting momentum. Your Highness's minister is trembling at this moment. The queen wears a miniskirt, and she is extremely beautiful, which can arouse people's expectations, but at this moment, Her Royal Highness's minister is only afraid and has no intention to appreciate it.

"You rice buckets, you can't catch two children." Queen Zhao Xuemeng scolded. With that, Zhao Xuemeng threw the eagle on the ground and crushed the eagle with her feet in black high-heeled leather boots. She said proudly, "I want to crush them, it's as simple as killing this little eagle!"