Zhuge Fan

Chapter 18 Five-yuan Tips

In great anxiety, Zhuge Shang didn't have time to take off the jade tube and didn't have to think about it. This beautiful handwriting must have come from Mei Lingxue!

"Zhuge forgave me for leaving in a hurry and didn't want you to say goodbye. I'm leaving. Maybe I'll never see you again. I can't tell you the reason. If one day you can reach a height that ordinary practitioners can't reach, you will be able to see me again. The jade tube on the wall can help you. I hope you can make good use of it. Ling Xue”

In just a few lines, Zhuge Shang's heart had dropped to the freezing point, and there were bursts of pain, but his heart was not his at this moment. He could not feel any sadness. The numb Zhuge Shang only knew that Mei Lingxue had left. Although he has been denying it in his heart, he also knows that this is the truth! Maybe I will never see you again.

He repeatedly said, "You can see me again at a height that the practitioners can't reach." The height that can't be reached, practitioners, etc. Zhuge Shang's eyes flashed, and the light suddenly lit up, dispelling the haze in his eyes, and said to himself, "If I can really reach that height, then You can see Ling Xue, which means that there is still hope! As long as I persevere and adhere to the belief in my heart, I may finally see Ling Xue! There is nothing that can't be reached! I will try my best, Ling Xue, you must wait for me!" In the end, Zhuge Shang has become more and more firm, revealing a sense of perseverance.

Just do it. Zhuge Shang no longer wanted to go outside the world to find Mei Lingxue, but wanted to seize all the time to improve his strength and look for Mei Lingxue as soon as possible. Although the two have not known each other for a long time, Mei Lingxue's smile has already left a deep imprint in Zhuge Shang's ignorant heart. He is willing to pay for Mei Lingxue. He also thought that Mei Lingxue's cultivation was too far away from him, but he didn't expect the parting to come so suddenly.

No more thinking about it, Zhuge Shang took out the jade tube and thought that it should be injected with Zhenyuan to be effective. Without hesitation, a stream of Zhenyuan was injected. Sure enough, the jade tube broke into powder with a bang, and Zhuge Shang suddenly found that a lot of things were poured into his mind in an instant.

"Ah" Zhuge Shang did not prevent it and suddenly cried in pain.

I was surprised that there was a lot of information in the jade tube. As long as you enter the true element, you can pour it into your mind. However, knowledge is instilled in an instant, and it still takes time to sort it out.

Huh? Zhuge Shang was even more strange. Why did he feel a lot of knowledge like a book in his mind, but he only knew a little knowledge? Zhuge Shang can only think of a set of things like a decision. No matter how Zhuge Shang thinks about it, he seems to know that there is that thing through a membrane, but he just can't touch it.

This set of methods has no name, but Zhuge Shang read the contents and was secretly happy. It turned out that this set of methods is definitely suitable for practitioners with fire attributes.

Zhuge Shang and other fire attribute practitioners are the same. Although he is most suitable for his fire Zhenyuan, his cultivation is not very high. His body is still mixed with some Tu Zhenyuan, Mu Zhenyuan, Jin Zhenyuan, and at least Shui Zhenyuan, which is not completely pure attributes. And this method is based on the fire real element as the introduction, which leads the true elements of the other four attributes together and assimilate as much as possible. If the rest cannot be assimilated, they can be gathered together and issued. In the case that the fire real element occupies most of it, it is easy for the enemy to think that it is the law of fire attributes, but he does not know that it is mixed with other real elements, which can be Skillfully defeat the enemy, and at the same time, it can purify the true element in the body, so that the purity of the true element of fire can be stronger. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone!

Since this method has no name, it is called "five-yuan formula"!

Zhuge Shang has reached the peak of the later stage of foundation construction. It is not a good way to practice hard in this cave. It's better to go out and find an opportunity to see if there is any gain. Without Mei Lingxue, a master, Zhuge Shang must have small wings at every step, otherwise he, who is weak, will become someone else's fish sooner or later.

Put away the magic flag left by Mei Lingxue and find some vines to bury the mouth of the cave. There are words left by Mei Lingxue. It is impossible for him to destroy it here.

I haven't breathed the fresh air outside for a long time. I stretched my waist and back and suddenly felt refreshed. The negative impact of Mei Lingxue's departure temporarily disappeared. In front of him was a road full of unknown cultivation.

After finding a nearest village and buying a lot of dry food, Zhuge Shang no longer approached the mixed place and walked between the State of Qi to inquire about the suspected disciples of the devil. Along the way, the mountains and rivers are beautiful. At dusk and sunset, the sun and the sun and yellow moon, Zhuge Shang is relaxed and cultivate himself in the mountains and rivers. Even he obviously feels that he is completely empty mentally. When he takes it back, he is more pure, and his mental cultivation also follows the cultivation to the peak of the later stage of foundation.

Now you only need an opportunity to easily enter the early stage of the valley. It is also possible that you can't break this layer of paper for a lifetime and stay there forever. Since ancient times, there have been countless practitioners. Many of them have stayed there for a lifetime after reaching a certain level of cultivation, so the opportunity is very important.

On this day, Zhuge Shang went to a village near the East China Sea in the north of Qi. It was neither big nor small. The villagers lived and worked peacefully, far away from the world's hustle and bustle. Every day, they got up early and returned late to fish for a living, adding a sense of comfort to the calm village.

However, after Zhuge Shang entered this small village, he felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong. Zhuge Shang secretly reminded himself to be careful and try to think about what was wrong.

Walking slowly through the village along a remote path and into a forest at the other end, he probably knew something in his heart and deliberately walked the path to the uninhabited forest.

"You don't have to hide. Come out." Zhuge Shang found a slightly empty place and sneered.

"Haha, Taoist friends laughed!" A loud laugh came, and a figure flashed behind the tree. He looked like a young man, dressed in blue, playing with a fan with landscape pictures in his hand.

Zhuge Shang turned around and took a look, thinking that this person should not be a demon, and his attitude was no longer cold. He said, "Why do Taoist friends follow me?"

The man smiled cheerfully, fanned and said, "So who is the Taoist friend? Why did you come to this remote fishing village?

How can Zhuge Shang tell his identity so easily? He said coldly, "I don't intend to pay attention to ordinary things. Don't ask too much. If it's okay, I'll say goodbye!"

"Haha, Taoist friends don't have to go so fast, you'd better stay." The young man still smiled, the fan in his hand shook, and the landscape painting seemed to come alive. He suddenly jumped out and rushed towards Zhuge Shang.

Zhuge Shang only felt that he was in the beautiful ink landscape, but those rocks and leaves were as real, and the lethality came from all directions...