Zhuge Fan

Chapter 244 Choice

After saying that, five or six righteous disciples besieged together, and they did not dare to fight any gentleman's battle one-on-one. Now they can't wait to besiege together!

The corners of his mouth raised and said disdainfully, "Don't measure yourself!" Before everyone could see clearly, they saw Mo Li fly out. Soon the righteous disciples turned into a pile of broken meat and exploded among the righteous people. Some people quickly dodged, and some of them spit out directly with low cultivation and psychological endurance.

He stood in the middle of the devil and said, "The crowd of wuhe!"

All the righteous people can no longer care about anything else at this moment and say, "Don't be afraid of him. We have many people. Let's go together!"

"Yes, let's go together! Are you still afraid of killing him!"



In the face of the impact of hundreds of people, Mo Li was not afraid at all. Suddenly, the momentum on Mo Li's body soared, and then everyone felt a suction to suck themselves in the direction of Mo Li, and then they were sucked uncontrollably, and the righteous masters who did not rush behind them suddenly turned pale. OK, he shouted, "No! It is the soul-absorbing method of the demon prison! Everyone retreats immediately!"

But it's too late!

Magic sucked hundreds of people over, and suddenly exploded around him. He could no longer be seen clearly in the crowd. Countless bodies flew across the road, and the place on the other side of the road was full of corpses.

A black magic bead floated on the magic head, and then saw countless vague things sadly called to be absorbed by the black magic beads. Everyone knew that it was the souls of hundreds of people, so abruptly absorbed by the magic, which was simply a meat grinder!

The remaining masters of the right path were all frightened. At first, they thought that many people could have a certain advantage, but hundreds of people were instantly broken by the magic, and even their souls were taken in. It must be worse than life and death. There are still two or three hundred people left on their side. How can they resist the magic?

The remaining people who have been pointed out by Mo Li are pale. Now they are only worried about how they can escape so that they will not be chased by Mo Li, but Mo Li did not give them this opportunity at all. The black magic beads suddenly emitted a black energy, covering all two hundred people, and then huge gravity generated huge gravity. , pressed down, and many unprepared disciples with low cultivation were instantly pressed into meat sauce! The master of the right path has been sharply reduced again!

Those righteous leaders naturally couldn't sit still. They joined hands to resist the gravity boundary, and then joined hands to launch a fierce attack on Mo Li again. Mo Li was naturally unwilling to show weakness. The war between the two sides made the flying knife door full of ruins and broken walls. Countless disciples with low cultivation were affected, and soon There are corpses everywhere again.

The right path is not a powerful role this time, so Mo Li can naturally carry it. There are only five or six people who can pose a threat to him. Although the combined strength of five or six people must be much higher than him, Mo Li has been provoked at this time and is in a state of violence, so it is casual. To carry it down.

But even so, the overexpenditure still made Mo Li a little overwhelmed. Soon his face turned pale. Although there was a mask covering part of it, it still could be seen that Mo Li was a little almost unsupportable, but the only comforting thing was that the five righteous masters on the opposite side were also a little hard. Unexpectedly, the five people could not resist the crazy attack of the other party.

At this time, suddenly there was another noise outside, and then I saw dozens of people coming in. Seeing such a chaotic scene inside, I immediately came in with vigilance. Everyone looked at it and found that it was actually the right person!

Mo Li ignored and didn't care about these people at all. They just attacked crazily, and the masters who were struggling to support the right way over there were overjoyed when they saw reinforcements and shouted, "Friends, this devil is making a mess in my right place. Please help me!"

The righteous people over there don't know which sect they are from, and there are many masters among them. After seeing the situation, they immediately reacted and said directly, "No problem! We are disciples of Southwest Gate. We have not been born for generations. Now we want to come out to see the world. I heard that there is a flying knife door here and specially came to visit.

There is no doubt that the righteous person also has him, because in the world of cultivation, there are countless unknown sects that have not been born for a long time. All kinds of sects of large and small live in seclusion in the wilderness, and almost no one knows about it, so it is normal for this kind of sect to appear. More than 50 people immediately maintain a vigilance against Mo Li. , did not join the regiment at the first time, but approached the right path master, not completely close, but maintained a posture that he was about to fight. When the right path said to attack quickly, Mo Li suddenly roared, and his whole body rose again, and then faced the right path of hard fighting on the scene. The master pressed over, and a black light flashed, with the feeling of killing everywhere.

At this time, the struggling righteous master immediately said, "Friends, please take action quickly! This devil is not easy to resist!"

The newcomers over there answered, and then the leader said, "Brothers, kill!"

Then the blade turned and turned to the right side!

Naturally, the people on the right side are extremely surprised. A group of people were killed before they reflected. Naturally, the new people over there will not be soft and said, "We don't care about the demons and kill them all!"

These disciples are very profound. The general righteous disciples can't stand it and soon turned into a one-sided slaughter. Seeing the situation bad, the most powerful righteous masters flew up and fled and broke through the siege. The disciples of the sect did not chase them, but slaughtered the remaining righteous disciples. Kill a clean one!

Mei Lingxue and Princess Nishang looked at all this and were extremely shocked. These people are really awesome. If those righteous masters on the front line suddenly encounter these situations, I'm afraid they will be caught off guard!

Naturally, they think that these people are all people of the devil. Because in the world of cultivation, there are either the right way or the devil's way, and the only few neutral sects are also famous. They will not do this kind of stealing things, and they will not eat both demons, so although they know in their hearts that they can't escape again. It fell off, but the right people can see them clearly, so their hearts are also mixed for a while.

However, at this time, the two of them suddenly felt that something was wrong, because they were also extremely unfriendly when they saw the so-called people looking at the devil's eyes. They were not like deliberately acting. There was really such a sect that could eat both demons for so long!

Mo Li was about to try his best just now, so he felt powerless at this moment. He slowly retreated to the back and went to the door. Behind him, Mei Lingxue and Princess Nishang saw Mo Li make a gesture to the two women behind his back, shaking a finger. Shake, in this way, it is a sign that the devil can't resist, or these people are really not the devil's way, and let the two women slowly start to retreat.

The two women knew that things were not good, so they also moved back. They were closer to the door, so they easily got to the door. Before the next move, they saw the magic force to launch the gravity boundary again, covering all the people in the door, but these people are not simple people. Together, the magic boundary was broken in an instant, and then the whole body spit out a mouthful of blood like a lightning strike, and it was about to crumble, but it still insisted on taking out a jade tube and crushing it, and the whole knife door suddenly turned into a fog!

Everyone can't see what's going on in front of them. Naturally, so are those people at the door. Mei Lingxue and Princess Nishang, who are also confused and haven't figured out the situation, are the same, but they immediately saw a vague figure flashing in front of them and taking their hands and walking out!

When the two of them were still bound by magic, they could not resist anything, but fortunately, they immediately saw that it was Mo Li who rushed over. Mo Li now looked like a dead man, and there was blood flowing from the corners of his mouth. He felt that Mo Li's hands were trembling, but he still insisted on releasing his wings with two women. Hurry up and leave this place of right and wrong.

At this time, the two women had no time to be distracted. They had no choice but to let Mo Li take them to a very secret cave not far away. At this time, Mo Li put down the two women and lifted the shackles of the two women. In the surprised eyes of the two women, they said, "You are free! If you want to kill, it's up to you!" Then he fell down and fainted completely!

Mo Li has seriously overdrawn his physical strength and can't afford it. It takes time to slowly recuperate. However, Mei Lingxue and Princess Nishang can't believe that Mo Li has easily lifted the shackles of the two of them. Even if Mo Li recovers, it is okay to continue to control them.

Looking at the motionless magic in front of her, the two women who were completely afraid and puzzled by the magic's behavior waited for a long time to believe that it was indeed magic. Princess Nishang suggested to control the magic first to avoid him suddenly going crazy. The two women couldn't resist it at all. Mei Lingxue thought about it and agreed. So they jointly tied up the rope of Princess Moli.

Princess Nishang asked Mei Lingxue how to deal with Mo Li and whether she wanted to kill him. Mei Lingxue suddenly fell into meditation. In her opinion, although Mo Li killed countless people and was guilty, she should have killed Mo Li mercilessly, but in the end, Mo Li fought angrily for her two daughters and countless masters on the right path before leaving. Don't forget to take the two of you away. If you kill the devil now, is it ungrateful? So Mei Lingxue still said that it was not too late for them to recover their strength first, and it was not too late to decide when their strength recovered...