Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 23 T tease 2

Bloomingly, Xiaoguding saw a gray white shadow behind it.


A white shadow shook and grabbed the small bamboo arrow. The white feather at the end of the arrow trembled for a while, and there was no movement.

That's a hand, a woman's hand, maybe a goblin!

Xiaoguding suddenly became a little scared. This is the first time I've seen someone catch an arrow!

"Is it really a monster that has become an essence?"


The little bone Ding's trembling body couldn't hold on for a while. With a strange cry, he turned around and jumped off the temple and fled to the gate of the temple. He even forgot to take the clothes and clothes and packages on the god case!


Behind, there was a loud laughter from the mountain temple.

After a walk, he really ran halfway up the mountain, and Xiaoguding looked back, "It's okay, I didn't catch up!"

Stop, patted the little chest that was vigorously undulating because of shock, and calmed down a little. The little bone couldn't help patting his little head, "Strange, this sound seems to be a little familiar!"

Carefully, I looked back at the mountain temple, but there was still no movement.

"Now, do you want to go back and check it?" Xiao Guding frowned and muttered.

After a while, he shook his head like a rattle.

Just halfway up the mountain, Xiaoguding moved his feet up a few steps for a while, and suddenly stopped and walked down. After about a column of incense, it had not been decided.

At this time, the sky has gradually darkened, and after a while, nothing will be seen.

Finally, the little bone bit its silver teeth, with courage, and slowly walked up.

It's just that the step is really slow and light. I've been walking for a long time and haven't reached the gate of the mountain temple.


In the mountain temple, suddenly there was a burst of women's laughter. In the dark night, Xiaoguding was so scared that he almost turned around and ran down.

In the end, he did not give up, but went straight into the mountain temple. This time, the speed has also improved a lot, with a tragic look on his face, like going to death.

Close to the mountain temple, "Wow"! Suddenly, in a shrill strange roar, a white shadow flashed out.

The little bone was so scared that he shouted "ah" and wanted to turn back. As a result, his feet softened and he fell to the ground with a "plop".


The white shadow bent down with a smile, holding his stomach in one hand and pointing at the small bone.

The little bone with his hands on the ground, his thin face was blue, white and red, like a discoloration mask, and finally turned into a roar: "What the hell are you doing! It's scary to kill people!"

It turns out that this white shadow is not a "rat spirit", but it is the crazy girl I just met in the town, Yueer!

Yue'er put her hands on her waist and smiled, "Who told you to lie to your aunt? Now you know my experience!"

Sitting on the ground and resting for a while, Xiaoguding supported his hands, stood up and glanced at Yueer, "Okay, now it's time to find the field!" Miss, you can go back. Don't disturb me anymore. I'm going to bed.

After saying that, he went straight into the mountain temple.

"That won't work! I will never let go of the person who dares to let his aunt suffer enough!"

With that, Yueer also followed Xiaoguding into the mountain temple. Seeing that Xiaoguding jumped directly into the divine case and pulled the divine man, he fell asleep. He pulled Xiaoguding's ear angrily, "Hey, I haven't played enough yet. Do you want to pretend to be dead?"

Thinking about the last time I was deceived by Xiaogu Ding pretending to be dead, I couldn't help blushing again, and my hands also twisted hard.

"Ouch! You little bitch, I've never seen such a naughty girl like you. Be careful not to get married when you grow up!"

Xiao Guding got up angrily and couldn't beat him, so he had to stare at Yueer angrily.

Yue'er's face turned red when she was told, and her little hand quickly knocked on the little bone's head!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xiao Guding hurriedly tilted his head back and shrank his neck.

The little hand soared by half a foot.


There was another pain in his head. After all, he still didn't escape the magic hand of this crazy girl.

"A tricky woman, a bitch, a wild girl who can't get married! ......”

Unable to beat, Xiaoguding couldn't help cursing yesterday and learning all the dirty words he usually heard to scold women.

Yue'er's face turned red with anger. She rode on the little bone Ding, two magic claws, and ** the two small ears of the little bone Ding. After a while, the two little bones were dry and shrill, and the little pointed ears were red and swollen, which became comparable to the white, fat and sleepy guy!

I felt that my ears had become burning and painful, and the little bone refused to give up and scolded. Poor his thin hand has been pressed on his back and can't move at all.

**After the small bone's ears, Yueer's anger is still unsipated, but she can't find a new goal to calm down. For a moment, he stared at Xiaoguding's two ears in a daze. When Xiaoguding's ears slowly became red and big, he couldn't help laughing again.

Suddenly, there was another smell of sweat, which made Yueer feel uncomfortable for a while. Looking at the gray-black white skirt under her, she couldn't help but be furious and raised her hand and patted the back of the little bone on the head.

"You little beggar is too lazy. Why don't you know how to take a shower and stain my clothes again!"

Xiao Guding held his hot and swollen ears and kept cursing in his stomach angrily. Hearing this, his face turned into a stuffy face and laughed. Just like Yue'er laughed outside the door just now, he was pressed by Yue's body. He was a little stuffy and laughed suffocatingly, but not enough.

He turned his head and glanced at the moon with idiotic eyes, "Have you seen any beggar who can take a shower?"

Yueer was so angry that her face turned white and red again. With one force, she directly pressed the small bone Ding's neck on the divine case, making the small bone Ding roll his eyes straight.

"broken, broken, really broken!"

Yueer ignored him, but just shouted, "If you don't accept it, I'll let you go!"

Xiao Guding felt that his neck was choked out of breath by her. He blushed and opened his mouth wide. After a while, Xiao Guding's neck softened and his mouth foamed in a coma.

He was so scared that he was still forcing Yueer to ask Xiaoguding with an "ah" sound. He climbed down from Xiaoguding's body, put his hands behind him, sat on the divine case, gasping for breath, and two big eyes staring at Xiaoguding in horror.

After waiting for a long time, Yueer recovered and learned from his father's appearance. She touched Xiaoguding's wrist with one hand and felt that her pulse was still jumping.

"Wow, it's still alive!"

Suddenly thought of something, he kicked Xiaoguding's buttocks angrily. But Xiaoguding didn't react again. As if she didn't believe it, Yueer raised her snow-white small samurai boots and kicked Xiaoguding's buttocks again, but there was still no response.

"Is it true that he fainted?" Yueer couldn't make up her mind this time and patted her head, "Do you want me to carry him back?" No, I won't do it even if I kill it! But what if he really dies here this time?

I don't know how to fight for hundreds of rounds, but Yueer still jumped off the divine case, picked up the little bone on his back, and walked out of the door.


If you are interested, please give me some advice and motivation. Thank you!