Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 49 qi kuang

As soon as the dishes were served, the image of the little bones and the people devouring were really like starving ghosts reincarnated, making a group of drinkers look at it.

Only the old man Hu tasted leisurely and slowly, and the other three had to look at him suspiciously and his big belly like Maitreya Buddha.

Xue Yueer asked, "Grandpa Hu, have you eaten good wine and vegetables these two days?"

Old Hu waved his hand repeatedly, "Nothing, haven't I been with you all the time? How can there be good wine or something?"

"Is it?" Xishan Yun obviously didn't believe it. He was holding a fat chicken leg in his hand and chewing it wildly.

Xiaoguding secretly smiled and chewed wildly. Every time old man Hu came to teach him kung fu, his hands were full of oil. How could he secretly leave them to eat and drink?

Since old man Hu also cooperated with the punishment of Xishanyun, Xiaoguding was too lazy to ask him about it, and of course he would not ask him to bring chicken legs.

When he was full of wine and vegetables, Old Hu said, "Now, we are already in the small town under the Black Iron Mountain. Tonight, let's find a hotel to rest, refresh ourselves, and exchange gold and silver for gold and silver tomorrow."

Xishan Yun said, "There is no need to find another hotel. My family has an industry here. Let's go there and have a rest."

Old Hu nodded, "That's good. Don't worry. You can lead the way."

As people trotted into the street, everyone came to a cloth village, and the shopkeeper came out with the news, "Miss, what's wrong with you? Are you dirty? Have you fought with others? Your father has already received a letter, and I have already cleaned up the room for the four of us. I thought I could arrive yesterday, but I didn't think that you didn't come until today.

Xishan Yun said, "What are you talking about? It only takes two days to get here from our villa?"

The shopkeeper nodded and said, "Yes! Did the young lady meet something interesting on the road and delay the hours? But it doesn't matter. As long as Miss is fine, everything will be fine!"

Xishan Yun stared at the old man Hu with hatred: "Yes, it's so fun on my way. I've been in a store for three days, and I don't see a store, and the scenery is unique!"

The shopkeeper opened his eyes wide and said in surprise, "How can it be that there are more than a dozen large and small towns along the way, how can there be no stores?"

Old Hu patted his white head and said, "Maybe I got the wrong way. I used to take that road. Where is the room? I have enough to eat and drink. I'm going to have a rest.

Xueer and Xiaoguding couldn't help laughing. Xue Yueer also guessed that old man Hu must have deliberately punished Xishan Yun, a delicate little girl, before she found such a remote path.

"Senior, please come with me. I'll take you to your room to rest." Maybe Xi Shanjin has told his men to treat them well in the letter, so the shopkeeper is still very polite to Old Hu.

When I came to the backyard, these houses were very spacious, completely different from the narrow storefront. I thought they were deliberately prepared for my owners to rest here occasionally.

took it to the rest room, and the shopkeeper said to Xishan Yun, "Miss, you can rest early. I have asked someone to deal with the gold and silver, but the style is not very uniform. Without the neat gold and silver in the villa, it will lose the face of our Xishan Knife Villa."

Old Hu nodded and said, "Don't worry too much about that. Anyway, the old man just melted it to make iron water. It doesn't matter whether the style is unified or not."

The shopkeeper sighed, "Isn't that a pity for these gold and silver! Alas, this crazy man!"

Xishan Yun said angrily, "Do you have a better way to find the rare materials he likes?"

The shopkeeper said awkwardly, "There is no time to collect those things here. Besides, how can it be so easy to collect those things."

Xishan Yun said, "Okay, you go out and do some business. We're going to have a rest!"

Although it's just past noon and it's still afternoon, everyone is tired and sleepy, even Old Hu is no exception. They can adapt in the wild. Isn't there still Xishan Yun, who is always screaming in the middle of the night, so it is reasonable to be tired and drowsy for days.

In the early morning of the next day, the shopkeeper of Buzhuang called two more people and went up the mountain with two boxes of heavy gold and silver, which weighed at least two or three hundred catties.

The Black Iron Mountain is not very high or steep, but it is rocky and not easy to walk. The horse carrying gold and silver is very difficult to climb slowly. The three of them have abandoned their horses for a long time.

Old Hu looked very impatiently. He directly pulled off two boxes of gold and silver from the horse's back, broke the tied ropes, and galloped towards the mountain one by box, like carrying two small pieces of wood, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Xishanyun said to the two families who were in a daze, "Take your horse back to the village. You don't need to serve here."

Chasing them, now the little bone is running much faster than before, but it still can't compare with Xue Yueer. After all, he has only practiced for a few days.

Before reaching the top of the mountain, old man Hu shouted, "Crazy, come out quickly and make a dagger for the fat man."

A strong man with a fat and bald head came out of the cave, looked at the box in Hu's hand, held his chest, and said unhappily, "It turns out that you are an old fat ball again. Won't you bring another box of gold and silver to beg me to build a sword? If that's the case, you'd better roll down the mountain as soon as possible, so that I won't drive you down the mountain!"

Old Hu gathered his head and said, "This time it's really a treasure!"

"Where is it?" He grabbed Old Hu's hand with a crazy expression and instantly restored his cold expression and said, "If you really had a baby, you wouldn't come up the mountain with these things, would you?"

Old Hu came to his ear and muttered for a while, and the device was still suspicious, "Aren't you lying to me?"

Old Hu shook his head and said, "I'm fat, and I dare not lie to you. Why don't I really have precious materials next time? I'll ask you to build it. Maybe I'll be pushed down by you before I say something, won't it's wrong?"

The device nodded wildly and said, "It's good that you know. I really want to see what kind of baby it is!"

As soon as they finished the discussion, Xiaoguding and the others arrived breathlessly.

The little bone came to the madman and looked carefully at this bald head with the same wide head and big ears, but not very fat. On the scars on Mars, it looked horrible, but it was still a little simple and honest. Seven feet tall, with muscles all over his body, and tall, he really looks like a famous craftsman who specializes in making weapons.

"You still look very honest, like Uncle Sanniu, and how can you look like a madman?"

The device was amused by his words, "I'm not crazy, you'll know later. Is that you little devil who wants to build a weapon?

Xue Yueer stepped forward and said, "It's me."

The weapon looked at Xue Yueer and nodded, "You guys are not good at practicing martial arts, but you always look for this crooked and evil way. When you meet people with strong martial arts skills, you still have to beat others."

Xue Yueer is not angry, "Thank you for your advice!"

Xishan Yun couldn't calm down and scolded, "Who said that our martial arts are poor? That can only be said that your weapons are not well built, or how can we lose!"

"If the weapon I built is not good, then I am not required to build it! If you come to me with this kind of thing next time, look at me if I don't spank your ass and drive you down the mountain!" With a smile, he walked into a cave with two boxes of gold and silver and hung them outside.