Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 6 - 4 Wait for the cat

Maybe the four tigers are trying to show off their extraordinary kung fu, proving that those traps really pose no threat to them. This time, they went down the mountain and deliberately stepped on the trap.

When their trace disappeared, the old man Hu snorted, but the little bone muttered in a low voice: "If you don't know in advance, you will be embarrassed even if you are not shot by a hedgehog. If I add some more organs, I'm afraid that these four evil cats will also be doomed!"

Xue Yueer said with great joy, "Do you really have such a good ability? Then we were put in a few big traps to lure them to step on, and with Uncle Wang's help, they must be doomed.

Xiaoguding shook his head and said, "I'm afraid they will be alert after seeing this trap today. Besides, they are notorious and have been on the wanted list for so many years. There must be something extraordinary about it. It's not so easy to deal with.

Old Hu nodded and praised, "Little devil, you have speculated very accurately about this. I didn't expect you to be so young, but you still have enough experience. You must have honed it with your grandfather before.

Xue Yueer touched her scratched arm and said, "It's just that this revenge is not avenged, and it's hard to dispel her hatred."

Old Hu smiled and said, "Little doll, if you work harder, you can practice this skill more, and with the help of this treacherous little devil. If you know where they are in advance, I'm sure you are sure to kill them. Well, when you kill all four evil tigers, I, the fat man, can safely let you wander around the world. Originally, I had preset another trial method.

Xue Yueer spit out her tongue and shook Old Hu's hand and said, "This is too difficult, Uncle Wang, what's your other idea?"

Old Hu smiled and said, "Let your two children pretend to be a pair of masters and servants to seduce the young lady of the general prince and dump her again!"

Xue Yueer pounded Old Hu's back and said anxiously, "You old man is not a good man! This girl's trouble has not been solved, and she even wants us to provoke a more powerful prince and general. She simply wants to murder us both in disguise! Do you think we have offended you when you are old?"

Xiaoguding also spit out his tongue and nodded his head, which means that he already clearly agrees with Xue Yueer's point of view.

Old Hu said, "Then I don't care. Except for the four tigers, or sex-seducing daughter, you can complete one. Unless you want the old man to follow you for the rest of my life.

Xue Yueer said, "You old man is too bad to let you follow us all the time. Even if you are not killed directly, you have to be fooled to death!"

Xiao Guding sighed and said, "Then let's practice these skills honestly first. One day we can become stronger. Or, one day, we can find the cave of those immortals and beg them to take me as a disciple, and these four evil tigers will no longer be a threat. At that time, I have to catch them, slowly torture them, cramp, peel them, and slowly roast them with fire..."

The more he talked, the more energetic he became, and all the things he could think of being tortured were counted by him. Old man Hu patted him on the head and said, "You just think nonsense here. When can this fairy find it? Just think about these unrealistic things."

Xue Yueer smiled and said, "Brother Gu, why are you so cruel! Just kill them and give them a happy one. Why torture them slowly?

Little bone Ding smiled and said, "Who told them to cut my brother Xiaoyu? Kicking me is still a small matter, but it is impossible to offend my eldest brother. That's an endless thing. I'm punishing evil and promoting good, and I'm sure the immortals won't blame me.

Old Hu rewarded him with a burst of shudder, "Isn't there any mark here? It's time to go. Let's go find your fairy.

Xiao Guding touched his head and said, "There is a saying that it is not too late for a gentleman to revenge for ten years. But this heart is so uncomfortable that I can't abuse them once!"

grabbed the hunter's knife, walked to the tree trunk more than ten feet away from the trap, and finely cut out the warning mark. The front, back and left and right were marked, and then they clapped their little hands and said, "Okay, let's go."

just walked for a while, and Xue Yueer said worriedly, "Brother Gu, do you think the four evil tigers will come back and doubt us? Why don't we build a few big traps?"

Old Hu thought for a while and said, "They may come back. As long as you maintain this situation for a period of time, you will not doubt us. However, for the sake of safety, we still need to do more organs all the way without markings.

"That's it, let's start work!" Xue Yueer clapped her hands with joy, and then frowned and said worriedly, "I'm afraid this unmarked one will kill many people."

Old Hu said fiercely, "In order to survive, how can you care so much! Don't be too kind when walking in the world. Maybe a thought of benevolence will bring you the disaster of killing yourself.

Xiaoguding frowned and nodded with consent. When he was young, he could see this kind of thing much more. Xue Yueer saw that both of them agreed. Although she was not very happy, she had to nod and recognized this method of killing mistakes rather than dangerously.

Maybe he felt the danger again, and old man Hu has also joined the array of traps. Xue Yueer was stabbed in the shoulder. Although there was a lot of elixirs given to her by Mr. Hu, it was still inconvenient, so she took on the task of transmitting things.

With the assistance of two martial arts masters, it is much faster for Xiaoguding to arrange this trap, which is simple but very powerful. In just a few hours, they have arranged dozens of traps around here, and they are the kind of traps specially used for shooting, rather than digging deep resistance.

As long as they really come back here and can successfully introduce them into the traps with the light skills of the three people, then they will not be shot directly by these traps and will be injured, then they will have a good opportunity.

During the break, Xue Yueer said, "Do we have to look for and arrange this mountain first, and wait to hunt these four evil cats?"

Xiaoguding smiled and said, "You're right. We have to wait for a while at the top of the mountain. I'm afraid that the four tigers will find out all the losses around, and then my three fakes will appear.

Xue Yueer asked suspiciously, "How can they find out and directly come up to catch me to hunt?"

Xiaoguding smiled and said, "Do you think we have done things in the past few days in vain? If they come back again, they are bound to be hit by a few arrows, and they dare not rush up the mountain to search for us. Naturally, they have to go down the mountain to find out our bottom. If we don't escape from this mountain at that time, we will really become the turtle in their urn.

Old Hu smiled and said, "Little devil, there is no mistake in speculation. They can't find us in a few days, so they must go back to this mountain first. Naturally, you will also step on the trap set by your cunning boy. If you get one or two arrows, you will not dare to go up the mountain to search for us. Instead, you will go down the mountain to explore our details. At that time, it was time for us to escape.

Xue Yueer was still worried and said, "Is it just that those things will be useful?"

Xiao Guding patted his chest and said, "It will definitely be useful. Why don't you ask Uncle Wang to try it?"

Old Hu smiled and patted Xiao Guding's head and said, "I didn't eat too much. Even if that thing can't hit me, I still have to work hard to fix it."