Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 123 Couple


Xue Yueer happily held the small bones and her thin bones. She began to fantasize about how she would coax herself to be happy after suddenly understanding the situation in the future. At that time, how the two would swim in the mountains and rivers together. I'm afraid that it was really like what was said in the play before, only envying mandarin ducks and not immortals.

Hearing that cultivating immortals will forget their feelings, Xue Yueer suddenly began to pray that it is better not to let Xiaoguding really find immortals in the future. After a while, I thought it would be better to become an immortal, so that the two of us can live together for a long time. Besides, they were already a fairy couple at that time. Naturally, this relationship is longer and naturally impossible to forget it.

In Xue Yueer's nonsense, Xiaoguding suddenly moved his body and felt that he wanted to get off the horse and change his horse.

Xue Yueer suddenly yawned and suddenly woke up by the cold wind. She said vaguely, "Little bone Ding, where is this... Oh, we are still on the run. Look at my sister falling asleep. She is so careless, she really deserves to die!"

Little bone Ding said softly, "Sister Yueer, don't blame yourself like this. You haven't slept well these days, just take more rest. It's time for us to change horses now. You can sleep behind me.

Although Xiaoguding also felt very sleepy and wanted to sleep, Xue Yueer was very excited because she kept thinking about things that made her excited.

Xue Yueer jumped off the horse excitedly and shook her head and said, "How can that be done! I just slept for a long time and feel much better. You'd better sleep. You're small, so you sleep in front of me. You can just rest in my arms, which is safer and more comfortable.

Little Bone Ding was overjoyed, but still said, "Sister Yueer really doesn't have to sleep anymore?"

Xue Yueer jumped on the horse again and stretched out her snow-white hand to Xiaoguding. Xiaoguding no longer pushed away. She grabbed her hand and held herself in her arms, like holding a big child.

However, will Xue Yueer treat her as a big child again?

Lying in Xue Yueer's soft arms, Xiao Gu Ding moved his body comfortably and leaned his head comfortably between Xue Yueer's soft peaks again, closing his eyes and pretending to sleep.

He recently found that he leaned against the cold and soft arms in a fox fur coat, and felt quite nostalgic. Therefore, as soon as he entered Xueyue's arms, he was used to leaning against her peak naturally.

Xue Yueer is not as cold. She doesn't know the identity of Xiaoguding. She blushed again by his intimate movements. Although she has dared to admit this relationship, she still can't help but have these natural reactions.

However, Xue Yueer's heart was itchy and alone in the beautiful lovesickness. As soon as the little bone lay in her soft arms and ran hundreds of feet, she sounded a uniform breathing sound and fell asleep!

"After all, this treacherous and slippery kid is bold and can sleep peacefully, but his blessing is not small!"

Xue Yueer couldn't help smiling bitterly in her heart, shook her head, and continued to run away happily.

In the middle of the night, Make ran away and began to gasp and spit. Xue Yueer had no choice but to stop resting and looked at the sleeping little bone in her arms. Xue Yueer showed a sweet smile, simply learned from the little bone, and continued to hold him in the cold dew in the early morning.

In terms of the feeling of wind and cold, Xue Yueer is more sensitive than Xiaoguding. As early as when Xiaoguding was asleep, she took time to take out a big dress from the package to cover the front, so that Xiaoguding can completely sleep peacefully.

When the horse gasped again, Xue Yueer suddenly held the little bone and jumped down directly. She tried to stand on the ground lightly, but because she did not move on the horse for a long time, her legs became numb. In addition, holding a person in her arms, her body was not balanced and almost moved forward. He fell and hurriedly leaned back.



Xue Yueer screamed, and her numb feet could no longer maintain stability. She fell back and fell to the ground, but because she refused to let go because she held the small bone in her hands, she fell directly to lie on the ground, pressing her chest tightly, and felt a little numb and wonderful.

"What's the matter? Is there a strong enemy?"

Xiaoguding was so shocked that his hands propped up on Xue Yueer's soft peaks. He wanted to jump up, but Xue Yueer held him to death, and his movement also showed his ability to move.

He pressed Xue Yueer more shyly and panicked, "No, my feet are numb. I fell down when I jumped down."

Xiao Guding calmed down and asked strangely, "Then why didn't you call me when you came down? Oh, I see. Thank you, Sister Yueer!"

Xue Yueer said happily and shyly, "We are a family now. Of course we have to help!"

Xiaoguding suddenly said, "Sister Yueer, you let go. Why did you get up with me in your arms? It's cold on the ground. It's not good to freeze!"

Xue Yueer was overly nervous, but she had forgotten to let go of her hands, and her face turned redder with shame. Why did she become a little confused recently? Xiaoguding stood up, turned to pull up Xue Yueer lying on the ground, and patted the dirt on her body.

Xue Yueer stood up, moved her body slowly, adjusted her qi and blood, and then said, "Xiao Guding, you'd better continue to sleep a little longer."

Xiaoguding shook his head and said, "This is not good. I had a very sweet sleep just now, but it caused Yueer'er's sister to fall, so this time, it's better to change Yue'er's sister to rest."

Xue Yueer was overjoyed and did not refuse. She said that Xiaoguding still took good care of herself, and her mind was not in vain. Without waiting for the little bone to get on the horse first, she jumped up first and pulled the little bone to come up.

This time, she also leaned comfortably in front, put her head on the thin chest of the little bone, grabbed one of his small hands in her arms, put on a thick coat, and began to sleep beautifully.

Waiting for her to finish, Xiaoguding began to beat the horse and continue to run wildly, followed by an empty horse.

Until the eastern glazed white and the morning fog was thick, Xiaoguding drove the two horses to the nearby mountain road and let them eat grass and rest.

This is not the best opportunity to travel. Although there are many people traveling at night, it will still be more eye-catching. It's better to be careful.

I found a clear stream. As usual, Xue Yueer went to hunt and catch beasts. Xiaogu Ding made a fire and barbecued. Taking advantage of this time, Xue Yueer slipped into the cold stream water in the morning to take a bath and quickly changed into the woman's coarse cloth clothes. Finally, the peaks in front of her chest were finally free to stand up and did not have to suffer the pain.

Xiao Guding looked at Xue Yueer, who was flirting with her eyebrows, and nodded with satisfaction and said, "This appearance is still sloppy. After all, you are reluctant to pretend to be more ugly."

Xue Yueer said anxiously, "Do you just want me to be ugly to feel satisfied and comfortable?"

Little Guding laughed and shook his head and said, "How can it be! I just think that if you dress up as a beautiful woman again, I'm afraid it will still be a lot of trouble all the way. But now, it's still sloppy!"

Xiaoguding handed the grilled dove meat with seasoning to Xue Yueer. Xue Yueer suddenly blocked it and said, "I'd better give you these two roasted turtledoves. Make up for it. Your bones are really too thin!"

Xiaoguding shook his head and said, "It's also a barbecue, and how can you tell which one to make up? In fact, I saw that this barbecue was too small to change, so I gave it to my sister.

Xue Yueer no longer refused and chewed the roast dove, but she smiled sweetly and looked at the little bone without blinking.

The two were full of food and drink. Xiao Guding first went to bring the two horses and clean the dust from their bodies with the spring water in the mountains.

Xue Yueer asked curiously, "Why do you wash your own horses? Can't these things be handed over to those sophomores? Can't you bear to give up silver? The silver gifts given by my father are enough for us to spend two years!"

Xiaoguding shook his head and smiled, "Look at such a thick fog in the morning, the ground is wet, and the horses running over, it is also dusty. And if our horses enter the city full of dust, it proves that we have traveled a long way overnight, and the guards guarding the gate will be suspicious and will pay more attention to it. Maybe trouble will come from this.

Xue Yueer praised: "Xiao Guding, you are so careful that you can even think of it. However, when we checked in the inn, can't we go to rest in broad daylight?

"Break, why don't you rest? However, we can't rest at the same time today. We have to take turns and deal with it carefully. There were fewer people in the morning, and the message there did not come so quickly. Sister Yueer should be able to deal with it casually. You can't rest first. If you have confidence in yourself, you can rest in the afternoon.

Xue Yueer nodded and said, "Then I'd better go to bed in the afternoon!" It's better for you to deal with the scene of many people.

Clean the dust of the horse, and the little bone will change his clothes into a clean one, and wash the dust and dirt on his face.

After dealing with all this, Xiaoguding's appearance did not change. He disguised himself as a middle-aged martial arts couple with Xue Yueer and slowly marched towards the previous unfinished journey. In front of them, they had already figured out that it was a deserted town belonging to Lianzhou when they were in Quanzhou.

When the two came under the dilapidated gate, the two guards were still taking a nap with guns and didn't look at them, guessing that they were night watchmen who had not yet been handed over.

Xiaoguding entered the city in a hurry and looked at the reward list posted at the gate. Except for those lists that offered rewards for Jiangyang thieves, there was no list that they were rewarded by Xishan Daozhuang. After that Xue Yueer volunteered to come out with him, he was rewarded by Zhang to get back to the list. This is the second one to be on the list. List.

Now there is still a reward for those who want to seize them, but only what can't be seen here, Shuangmao offers a reward of 300,000 silver for the high-priced black list. And now it is still on the reward list to seize them, and the reward adds up to only 5,000 taels, which is not enough for a fraction of them themselves.

Xiaoguding couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile and went to the hotel to rest with Xue Yueer.

Walking into a remote shop that had just opened, the shopkeeper's eyes lit up, "Can the two guest officials stay in the store? Do you want to have a room?"

This shopkeeper is naturally a fast-trained figure. From their tired eyes, he also knows that they don't just come to eat.

Xiaoguding nodded, threw out a piece of silver of about five taels and said, "Give us a quieter room, preferably in the corner. If you only stay for one night, I will reward you more.

The second child of the shop was overjoyed and said, "Okay, please follow me. You are satisfied with the room!"

The second child of the store really gave the two into an elegant room in the corner of the west wing with bright windows. Although the furniture is old, it is still elegantly decorated.

Xiaoguding simply asked Xiao Er about the situation in the town, bowed his head and told Xue Yueer to go to bed safely, and Xue Yueer walked to the town.

The second child of the store felt strange and shook his head without asking anything more. The couple let them go. Anyway, the silver reward has arrived, and the shopkeeper hasn't got up yet. Sure enough, the early bird is still eaten by insects.