Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 143 Hidden Island


Mr. Shan suddenly looked pitifully at Mr. Gu and lamented, "Poor I just ate a little breakfast in the morning. I just spit it out. I guess I even spit out what I ate last night! Now my stomach is empty, but I don't want to eat anything!"

Gu Gongzi looked angrily at the nine-foot man. While staring at the nine-foot man, he grabbed the head handed to him by the boat girl and bit it, as if he was eating the flesh and blood of the nine-foot man, and unconsciously chewed all the three heads.

Hearing Mr. Shan's complaint, Mr. Gu stared at the nine-foot man unwaveringly: "Yes, I'm about to spit out my stomach!" Where do you want to eat?

His eyes stared at the big man, and his mouth returned to the words of the mountain prince, but one of his small hands was used to take it into the basin.

Looking at his funny appearance, everyone laughed again.

"What are you laughing at?"

Mr. Gu grabbed an empty basin and suddenly realized that he scratched his scalp awkwardly, touched his stomach, rolled his eyes and said angrily, "I'm so angry, I'm going to bed!"

Mr. Lu dragged him with a smile, "Why did you come out and want to sleep? There is no reason! Let's continue to look outside to see the beautiful sea view.

Mr. Gu touched his still uncomfortable belly and said, "I just vomited badly and felt dizzy. Let me lie down for a while."

Mr. Shan lowered his head shyly and whispered, "Actually, I'm so uncomfortable that I want to sleep for a while!"

Mr. Gu walked towards the inner cabin: "If you feel uncomfortable, go to sleep. What's so shy!"

Walking to the narrow bedroom, the ancient prince did not take off his clothes and his shoes did not fade, so he fell asleep. Mr. Shan looked down for a while, bit his teeth, lowered his head and hurried into the inner cabin.

The rest of Mr. Lu looked at their backs disappointedly and said angrily, "You can sleep, why can't I sleep?"

Immediately followed the mountain man to the cabin.

The nine-foot man laughed happily and looked at the inner cabin with some joking eyes. Suddenly, he picked up the wine pot and took a sip of wine and sighed, "Oh, in the early morning, no one accompanied me to drink and chat. It's so boring!"

The three of Mr. Lu squeezed on a small bed and squeezed tightly. At the beginning, Mr. Lu was still talking. Mr. Gu said impatiently, "You're not sleepy. Go out and chat with that stupid big man. Don't disturb me!"

Mr. Lu spit out his tongue awkwardly, shut up without saying anything, next to him, and looked at his face motionlessly for fear of disturbing his sleep and making him unhappy.

Looking at it, his eyelids suddenly became heavy. He put his little hand aside and really fell asleep.

The three were sleeping soundly next to each other, and the nine-foot man suddenly shouted: "Three little lazy insects are also sleeping in broad daylight. It's time to get up!"


The three were so scared that they got up, stared at the prank beard again, rubbed their sleepy eyes, turned over and climbed up Seguchi, and rested for a while before going to lunch.

Gu Gongzi and Shan Gongzi only ate some meat bought from the restaurant, and only tasted a few slices of grilled fish. The fish like white tofu did not dare to taste it.

After a morning's sleep, the three looked at the sea happily in the afternoon, looking at the rising waves, the blue sky with white clouds, and the seabirds singing from time to time.

There are not as many seabirds as when they first left the beach.

Just sitting and watching, listening to the nine-foot man tell some strange stories from all over the world, he looked at Jinwuxi falling and sinking into the boundless sea. Looking at the burning red cloud slowly faded, turning into gray, light black, and finally turning into a gray-black night, everyone reluctantly returned. The cabin rested, pillowed by the sound of the waves, and fell asleep in the swaying cabin.

The next morning, the thick water mist shrouded the sky, and the moisture was quite heavy, with a trace of fishy wind and salty smell. He rushed into his nose. The mountain prince wrinkled his nose unaccustomed and woke up unnaturally.

When he opened his eyes, Mr. Gu was squeezed between the two people. His thin body was tired, and a pair of small hands were placed on them. At first glance, he looked like a person who was going to drown desperately trying to get it out.

The temperature here is much higher than in the mountainous area where I am before. It's still too hot to wear a few clothes. Naturally, you don't need to cover your quilt to sleep.

Looking at Mr. Gu's little hand on his chest, Mr. Shan's face turned crimson unnaturally. He gently lifted his hand and wanted to get up and wash it.

"Sister Shan... Er, Brother Shan, you're awake!"

Mr. Gu muttered confusedly, wiped his hands on his face a few times, and got up from **.

"Why did you get up so early!"

Mr. Lu muttered a few words complainingly and turned over to sleep. Suddenly, he got up again and pulled Mr. Shan to a corner next to him.

Mr. Gu asked strangely, "Where are you going?"

Mr. Lu suddenly smiled strangely and said, "Would you like to come with me?"

Mr. Shan took his hand and said angrly, "Stop it, don't be ashamed!"

Mr. Gu was too lazy to think about it again. He got up and walked out of the cabin. The sea was full of white misty water vapor, which could not be seen as far away. The gentle sea breeze penetrated into the neck and sleeves, swelling the clothes.

The boat girl in black skin came over when she heard the sound and said to Mr. Gu, "This is Qianling Island. If you want to continue to rest for a while, you can go back to the cabin to lie down for a while, or go to the island. Please help yourself. The little old woman has to go to rest for a while."

Mr. Gu nodded and suddenly asked strangely, "Since you have arrived at Qianling Island, why can't you see a ship around here?"

"There was a big storm at noon today. The boatman had already hidden his boat in a safe harbor. How could he put it here to let the waves blow?"

Mr. Gu nodded, "So, we have to stay on this hidden island for a few days, but we don't know how many days this big storm will last. By the way, you two have to avoid the wind and waves in the bow of the ship, so can you charter your ship to go to sea at that time?

Hearing that he was going to charter a boat, the old woman in black skin smiled coldly and thinly, revealing her white teeth, which contrasted with her skin and nodded, "Of course it's okay! As long as there is no wind and waves, this young man can charter the boat to go to sea. If the deal is settled, I will talk to the old man in charge.

Mr. Gu was overjoyed and said, "That's enough. Let's take advantage of the storm to visit the island. By the way, the storm doesn't stop so fast, so that I can see what thousands of troops and horses on the sea look like.

The tired boatwoman, who wanted to go to sleep, was interested and shook her head and said, "The ordinary storm will last for a few days, at least a few hours. The prince can see the scenery on the island. In fact, there is no good scenery on this island. If the prince likes it, I can call me The owner drives the boat to Yuanjing Island, and the island is big and fun!"

"Is it really fun? Then let's go to Yuanjing Island next time!"

Behind him, the newly washed Mr. Shan asked excitedly.

Mr. Lu nodded and said, "Of course it's true. I've also been there once. It's really beautiful, but I haven't been there for a long time. I don't know if there has changed?"

"Ha ha, I also want to go there. It's really beautiful. You can pray that this storm will disappear soon, so that you can go there soon."

The majestic voice sounded from the cabin, and it goes without saying that a nine-foot man got up.

The mountain boy clapped his hands excitedly and said, "Big storm, beautiful island! I really met a lot of fun and beautiful things this time.

The boatwoman said with tears and laughter, "Who would look forward to the big storm as much as this prince!" Don't scare people to death in that terrible scene. Who will wait to see it? However, all of them are heroes in the world. Naturally, they are bolder than ordinary people. No wonder they want to see this fierce storm. However, don't be careless. Don't be accidentally blown into the sea by the wind. If your martial arts are unrivaled, I'm afraid you won't escape this disaster!"

Mr. Shan got up and saluted, "Thank you for the reminder from the ship's wife!"

"The boat girl is right! A few little dolls should take it easy to watch the waves and watch the tide!"

The nine-foot man nodded. This reminder really has to be paid attention to. Don't let these three ignorant guys play hard for a while. If they are really involved in the waves, they are really desperate. I'm afraid there is no chance to survive.

In the gentle sound of the waves at dawn, several people happily talked about the upcoming storm and waves, and the mist also dissipated to the side, and the road scenery gradually became clear. The three ancient princes and the nine-foot man began to leave the boat and board the island to play.