Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 163 Desert Horse Thief


In the rock lion's cold eyes, the horse thief led several camels, and then surrounded the rock lion and the three people in the middle. The guide had already ordered by the rock lion. Under the scolding of the horse thief, he immediately rolled over in horror and looked at this side from afar worriedly.

The strong thief waved to Xue Yueer first, and the two eyes exposed in the white scarf were full of evil meanings, signaling her to go there. Even if the yellow sand covers her face, which can be seen from her expression, she is still a virgin. Although her appearance is a little worse, it is also a good enjoyment.

Xue Yueer looked nervously next to the rock lion, and her body trembled unnaturally. Although she has martial arts, after more than half a month of tossing through the sand sea, she has been exhausted and even barely standing. How can she deal with more than a dozen horse thieves in front of her?

Seeing that Xue Yueer did not move, the horse thief screamed for a while, and the horse thief next to him laughed again, full of silver evil in his smile.

Xue Yueer was ashamed and angry, and lowered her head.

After a presumptuous smile, the leader put away the silver evil color and shouted at the rock lion, signaling him to hand over the bags around him.

The rock lion moved coldly, and the leader shouted angrily for a while. Seeing that he still didn't respond, he had to grab a piece of silver and signaled him to hand it over.

The rock lion still sat on the hump like a stone sculpture. The leader was stunned and laughed for a while. The horse thief next to him laughed, raised his bright saber, and began to slowly approach the rock lion. One by one, their eyes are full of bloodthirsty**, and I'm looking forward to seeing blood splashing and dyeing red and yellow sand.

The reason why they wanted to leave lives at first was that they didn't want to kill chickens and get eggs, so they had to keep fat sheep and slaughter them slowly. There is a different treatment for those who dare to resist, that is, to let them splash blood on yellow sand and kill chickens to warn monkeys!

In the distance, the guide advised in a frightened voice: "Three distinguished guests, let's hand over the money!" Keep the green mountains. Don't be afraid of no firewood. It's important to save your life.

The rock lion looked back at him in surprise, and the horse thief in front of him stopped approaching and waved to him again.

The ancient prince woke up in a daze in the arms of the rock lion and struggled to untie a leather bag hanging on the hump. The rock lion was horrped, grabbed the skin and threw it at their leader.

The leading horse thief took over the flying skin and picked it up. He felt very light and shook it again. His face was suspicious and screamed strangely for a while. He shook his head and opened the leather bag and fell to the palm of his hand to see what kind of treasure it was.

The guide in the distance closed his eyes in fear and dared not look this way again.

The thing comes out, yellow, and it still moves! The leader's eyes suddenly opened, full of panic. It turned out that these things were scorpions!

As soon as the scorpion fell into the palm of the leader's hand, it stinged a few times, and suddenly a pig-killing scream sounded in the sand sea. The leader of the thief threw both hands and threw all the scorpions out, and his skins were thrown far away and kept howling. Unexpectedly, there was a scorpion on the palm of his hand. The leader rose angrily and slapped him, "pa" and slapped the scorpion into a pool of meat mud.

slapped the scorpion to death, and the leader of the thief shouted a few words angrily at the group of frightened men.

The horse thieves roared and raised their snowy knives to cut down the rock lion, deliberately avoiding the snow moon.

Mr. Gu argued weakly in the arms of the rock lion, "Hey, our valuable things have been handed over to you. Why do you want to hack people randomly!"

Xue Yueer, who looked nervous, couldn't help laughing at him. The rock lion laughed happily and said, "I didn't waste my time taking care of you, little baby all the way! It's still very interesting to follow your little doll!"

The guide shook his head with tears and said to himself, "Even if you come to look for these poisons and treat them as treasures, you don't have to throw them away in this way. Isn't this a way to die!"

Hearing the laughter of the two people behind him, he immediately understood that this weak little boy was not unintentional. Obviously, he intended to play tricks on these horse thieves! I really don't understand that he is about to be derailed, and he has the courage to tease the horse thief. Is he really confident in this rock lion, or is he ignorant and bold?

The leader quickly grabbed a porcelain bottle from the things he carried with him and put some ointment on the palm of his hand. At this time, when I heard Xue Yueer's chuckle, it was naturally clear that the weak and naughty boy was deliberately playing with them, and his two eyes became more angry and gloomy.

He shouted at the horse thieves again and urged the horse to catch Xue Yueer next to the rock lion.

The horse thief's knife, which quickly chopped, originally wanted to smash the rock lion and the ancient prince, but when they heard the words, they forcibly changed the knife to cut, changed the posture of cutting the ancient prince, and almost brought himself off the horse with too much force.


Whether it was the snowy sharp knives that were directly cut down or those that forcibly changed direction, without touching the rock lion's body, they were stimulated by his invisible strength.

It was cut fiercely and almost cut back to its forehead. Only by grasping the handle of the knife was it dangerously and narrowly avoided this ugly counter-chopping in public. There was already a fine cold sweat on his body.

Several people were directly grabbed by the rock lion and took off the horse. Several people were also slapped by the rock lion, like broken kites, thrown far away on the hot yellow sand, and there was no movement for a long time.

The trouble came and I met a peerless master!

The horse thieves's expression changed greatly, and they screamed strangely for a while, and quickly retreated back.

The leader of the horse thief had not yet reacted. He grabbed the thin and long claws of Xue Yueer's arm. When he approached, he saw the rock lion's great power. His expression suddenly changed. He did not stop grasping at all. He continued to grab it like lightning, which was faster than before.

Looking at the thin and withered claws of the leader of the thief, Xue Yueer's face changed greatly and she was unable to dodge sideways.

" hiss..."

With the sound of cracking silk, the claws of the leader of the thief scratched the cloth on her arm, and five clear blood marks appeared on her snow-white arm in an instant.

When the leader of the horse thief was stuped, he did not expect that this delicate little girl could also do martial arts. If it hadn't been for the fatigue of the journey, she would have been able to easily avoid this move.

As soon as it didn't work, it brought back to the midway grasp, the wrist shook in place, and then moved forward again, faster and more fierce. With only two grabs, he grabbed Xue Yueer's snow-white arm.

Soft and smooth, it feels very good!

Unarmed by the leader of the horse thief, Xue Yueer was ashamed and angry, and her whole body was weak. She screamed, "Uncle Jiuchi, help me!"

In the spark flash, the leader of the horse thief has caught two arrests and brought Xue Yueer into his arms. And the rock lion was grabbing the horse knives cut by the horse thief and slapped the horse thief away.

He is as stable as a mountain, and the speed of slapping his hands is not what he is good at. When he looked back, Xue Yueer had been held into the arms of the leader of the horse thief, whistled proudly and ran away!

When the girl was in his arms, the leader of the horse thief became excited, said a few words to his men, and patted the horse first.

The remaining horse thief immediately separated several people and rushed to his companion who was patted on the sand by the rock lion. He put his legs on the saddle, fished sideways, leaned down his body, and picked up his underground partner. His movements were extremely elegant!

Several people reluctantly led the camels and ran away, and kept looking back, hoping that the rock lion would save people and not care about this side.

"Uncle Jiuchi, go and save people!"

The ancient prince was already weak. At this time, he was anxious. He closed his eyes and fell into a coma! The rock lion's expression changed greatly, picked up the unconscious ancient prince, jumped from the hump to a horse without a horse, patted the horse and chased the leader of the horse thief.

A woman, the leader of the horse thief, proudly turned back and whistled at the rock lion from time to time, forgetting the pain of the heart just now. In this desert, if he wants to escape, with his superb and skillful horse skills, how can a reckless rock lion catch up?

Xue Yueer fell into the hands of the horse thief, exclaimed anxiously and hoarsely, pushing back weakly with both hands, eager to get off the horse.

The leader of the horse thief looked at her extremely angry and powerless struggle and felt greatly enjoyed. He put his hands empty, without grabbing the reins, and directly** all over Xue Yueer's whole body, the first choice was the two towering peaks.


Suddenly, the leader of the thief pulled his left hand back, and the pain made him sweat and inhaled the cold air. The lust attacked the heart, and the softness of expectation was felt, but the palm that had just been stinged by the scorpion was forgotten.

The horse thief pinched it gently with his right hand, but at this time, he increased his strength angrily and pinched it hard.


Xue Yueer screamed weakly and hoarsely, and her hands pushed his thin claws weakly. The claws continued to press vigorously on her peaks without moving, which made her painful, sore and numb, even more ashamed and angry. Her face was as hot as fire, and she wanted to die like this.

"The thief, put down the people quickly and spare you not to die!"

The rock lion roared angrily and urged the horse to chase, but it chased farther and farther away. It fell far behind the leader of the horse thief, so anxious that he sweated profusely and roared in vain.

The horse thieves who avoided the rock lion far away were so happy that they whistled and threw away the frustration just now.

The rock lion said angrily, "Thieves, don't stop if you have guts!"

The more angry he became, the more happy the horse thief next to him became. He whistled endlessly and brought two rolling yellow dragons on the desert.

was caught by the leader of the horse thief, and the thin claw kept pinching the two peaks. Xue Yueer felt sore, itchy and comfortable, and her body was weaker.

" hiss..."

Suddenly, there was another cracking sound of cloth. Xue Yueer's two snow-white and round peaks were directly exposed to the air, and the oncoming wind blew, which was spicy and painful.


Xue Yueer screamed more sharply, her body was thrilled, and her dizzy head became a little more sober.


A slight sound sounded in this noisy voice, and the leader of the horse thief who was so happy that he would not notice it.


The leader of the thief was suddenly stared and felt a pain in his hand. With ** touching his arm, he raised his hand in front of him in disbelief and saw blood!


As soon as the leader of the horse thief saw the blood on his arm, he immediately turned into a puppet, threw down from the horse, hit the yellow sand, splashed a piece of dust, and lay motionless there.