Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 172 Rock Lion's Apprentice


Rock Lion also ignored her and said to the castle owner, "Well, my peerless magic power can't be passed on lightly!"

The owner of the castle will smile and said, "The treasure of gold can be opened by nine feet! The maid who served the little prince also belongs to the nine-foot brother tonight! In addition, I will immediately look for several beautiful women with first-class skills, and they are definitely virgins!"

The rock lion coughed awkwardly and argued, "I'm not as strong as the castle owner. Just two or three is enough!"

The owner of the castle nodded and said, "It's all nine feet!"

"By the way, you have to find an auspicious day to worship the teacher. This can't be sloppy!"

The two men laughed loudly over there, and Xue Yueer, who was already embarrassed, became more embarrassed. She did not mention her romantic words, and she could not stop the guide from translating.

The first time she wore this exposed dress and experienced this kind of promiscuous words, she always felt that she was not used to it. Suddenly, she thought of the time with Xiaoguding. She hadn't done anything more revealing than this, and she didn't feel so impetuous. Why do people always show a shy attitude in front of strangers? Why can't they naturally show what they want to do most and what they want to say? Because of the long-standing traditional habits and etiquette in my hometown.

When it is the most painful and unbearable, you will always unconsciously think of the sweetest thing. Only in this way can there be a kind of sustenance and accompany you through the difficulties in front of you. At this time, Xue Yueer recalls the memories of meeting Xiaoguding and the time of coming out. Her forehead is full of sweat, but there is a smile on the corners of her mouth. , forget the laughter on this side.

The rock lion shook its head to remind and roared, "Hey, little doll, the snake bit its face!"

"Ah, where, where?"

Xue Yueer's hands shook with shock, and she almost let the snake bite her, which scared her to sweat again.

No matter how difficult and difficult it is to bear, when you have a kind of sustenance in your heart, you will become more relaxed. Sweaty cheeks, embarrassed and ashamed, and have gradually been adapted to Xue Yueer. She has been gritting her teeth and persisting, looking forward to seeing Mr. Gu.

finally made it to the middle of the day, and with the rock lion shouting, "Two little dolls, good, they have persisted all morning and can rest!"

After pinching the snake's neck all morning, the two suddenly found that they still didn't know how to let go and throw the snake aside. With the guide's translation, without the order of the castle owner, the two men in thick robes bent down to salute and quickly grabbed the snake from their hands.

At this time, Xue Yueer was relieved. Suddenly, her feet were numb and she was dizzy and almost fell to the ground. The maid standing aside helped her to rest and wait for a new bath.

Over there, the castle owner grabbed Yin Jill, vigorously slapped him on the shoulder, and praised, "Bad boy, you did a good job today and became much more honest!" From now on, you will have to bother Brother Jiuchi to supervise more!"

Yinjir groaned, "Father, can't you be gentle? Didn't you see that I'm so tired that my bones are falling out? No, I have to sleep for a few hours first to recover!"

The rock lion laughed and said, "After overwork, you can't rest immediately!"

The owner nodded and praised, "So, it used to be my brother's fault, and he was too arrogant about this boy? Yes, it's better to let Brother Jiuzhi supervise it!"

"No! Father, did you even give me the rest time to this black bearded guy? Do you really want to tire your only precious son to death?

The castle owner smiled and said, "It was lucky for you to let your boy escape his life. Now you have lived for four or five years. Even if you are really tired, it's not in vain!"


The rock lion laughed happily and said, "Haha, the castle owner's words are really funny!"

The castle owner got up proud and blew, "That's it! In those years, I don't know how many girls fascinated me with this mouth, even the first beauty in the desert... Alas, it's okay not to mention the past!"

Rock lions don't care so much and continue to joke: "Liev is sad! Haha..."

All morning, fighting in extreme tension, shyness and distress, and the weather was sultry. Before dripping water came in, Xue Yueer was exhausted. After resting in the chair for about half an hour, half confused, the maid helped her to take a bath. As soon as she took a bath, she fell asleep and forgot about visiting Mr. Gu.

Waiting for the rock lion to roar, she woke her up and found that she was sitting on the dining table, still wearing such an exposed gauze skirt.

With no time for so much, Xue Yueer stood up nervously and asked, "Where's Gu Di?" Why didn't Gu Di come to eat?

The rock lion said, "Don't worry, your old brother is fine! He just ate something and fell asleep, so don't bother him! I just saw that his pulse is stable. He should be able to get up and practice tomorrow!"

Xue Yueer relaxed and said, "Then I'll go to see him, okay?"

The rock lion pulled him down and said, "Little doll, you'd better eat something to recover quickly. Don't wear yourself out first!" I have to continue training in the afternoon. I have specially reserved a few for you, but I can't waste my painstaking efforts!"

Xue Yueer looked at the rock lion pitifully and said, "Uncle Jiuzhi, just forgive me. I'm so tired that I'm going to bed!"

The rock lion nodded and said, "So miserable? Then the little doll will go and have a good rest!"

Xue Yueer said with great joy, "Really, I know that Uncle Jiuchi is the best!"

The rock lion shook his head and sighed, "Alas, few little dolls can endure hardships now! I still find the ancient boy tomorrow. His patience is good. In the past ten days, I'm fine! Yes, just ask him to practice, so as not to let my kung fusve!"

Xue Yueer lay down on the table and said, "Uncle Jiuzhi, you can't be like this!"

On the other side of the table is the same listless and sick Jill. At this time, he closed his mouth tightly and didn't even want to eat what was on the table, let alone say a word or two to please Xue Yueer.

Suddenly, Xue Yueer got up from the dining table, straightened her posture, gritted her teeth and said, "Training is training. In order for Gu Di not to be guilty, I will fight!"

After saying that, she grabbed a few tender beef slices and tasted them. They tasted refreshing, and those fruit slices became more and more energetic and devoured them!

Yin Jill, lying on the dining table, opened her mouth in shock and muttered, "Wow, why has she become so energetic and crazy?" The gods and demons are possessed?"

Rock Lion nodded and praised, "Not bad! Little doll, you look at it like this!" He shook his head in private and muttered, "Oh, that treacherous and slippery boy is very lucky! Unexpectedly, he found such a girl who treats him with all his heart!"

The owner of the castle pointed to the devouring Xue Yueer and said, "Have you seen it? A delicate little girl's house is still the first time to come to our desert, and she can get used to it so quickly! Look at you son of a bastard, why are you pretending to die there? Do you want to eat quickly and go to training after eating?

"Is she still a human? Father, I think she has left the human category, almost a combination with gods and demons!"

The castle owner honestly slapped him on the head and scolded, "Stop your crazy thoughts! Don't try to find excuses to be lazy for you, or eat your food honestly. Don't blame you for not having enough!"

"Look at her, she was not like your boy just now. She was so tired that she didn't even know how to get in, but now she has become much more energetic than you! You boy, just learn! At that time, it's time for you to follow him outside to practice!"

Yang Jill's face was bitter, weakly biting the meat slices, shaking her head at Xue Yueer's crazy eating appearance, and said in disbelief, "It was said that she was possessed by gods and demons. Otherwise, how could there be such a big change!"

After struggling to pick up the things, Xue Yueer almost ate and leaned on the back of the chair tiredly to rest.

Rock Lion said with great satisfaction, "Haiya, please massage the little doll for a while so that she can eliminate fatigue and recover as soon as possible!"

After listening to the guide's translation, the woman nodded and said, "This little girl is really awesome. Is this the legendary power of love? If you can risk your life for the person you love, you will have endless power to relieve all difficulties and dangers for him at any time.

Xue Yueer closed her eyes and nodded, "Maybe!"

Suddenly, she felt strange. Why did she admit this in front of her?

Hai Ya nodded and praised, "The power of love is really great!"

The castle owner said, "Of course, the power of love is great!"

The rock lion sighed in his heart: "The power of love is really great, otherwise I would not be alone for decades! I just didn't expect that the woman here was too hot and bold, and she was still a virgin. She dared to take the initiative to provoke strange guests! Alas, how many years of persistence have been ruined! Now, I can't find that courage again!"

The owner of the castle saw the rock lion bowing his head and joked, "Brother Jiuchi also thinks that the power of love is great, and he is still thinking about what happened last night?"

The rock lion blushed and shook his head and said, "No! Just remember some past events! By the way, why the woman on your side..."

The rock lion was difficult to speak for a moment, and the owner of the castle laughed and said, "Bold, hot and unscrupulous, right? That's what the business travelers and rich people from your side said. In fact, I am also very interested in the shy and mysterious veil of the young girl on the side of the nine-foot brother! Maybe it's a different habit, and there is a strange sense of freshness!"

The rock lion nodded and said, "The castle owner's words are very good for me!"

Yin Jill asked puzzledly, "Freshness? What is this?"

The castle owner laughed and said, "Kid, why are you only interested in this little girl? She doesn't seem to be very beautiful. In this desert, any one can compare with her!"

Yin Jill suddenly realized, "Oh, this is the meaning of freshness, rare and strange!"


Looking at Xue Yueer being massaged so much that she was almost asleep by Haixia, the rock lion coughed and said, "Okay, little dolls, you can continue training!"

Yin Jill was shocked and said, "No! I haven't had enough to eat yet, and I haven't had enough rest yet! Who will massage me to recover?"

The castle owner shouted, "Bad boy, why don't you go to training quickly and ask me to 'massage' you twice?"