Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 200 Night Attack Truth


Listening to Xiaoguding's fierce vows, Xue Yueer's unbearable eyes slowly became a little moist, inhaled her mouth and nose, and suddenly felt that the bright red in front of her was no longer so bloody, and the scream became less harsh and uncomfortable.

The naked woman screamed and couldn't ask any more questions. The rock lion frowned and roared, "Put on your clothes and come with us!"

First, he got a cruel foot, and then the fierce Jill raised his knife and wanted to split it. The naked horse thief kneeling on the floor was directly scared to incontinence, and a fishy smell came pungent.

Xiao Guding frowned and said, "What a coward, a horse thief, he was scared to death. It's disgusting to look at it! Uncle Jiuchi, we almost heard it. There's nothing to ask. Let's kill it directly!"

The thief is naked, and his face is full of blood and dust, and his face is stained with urine. How embarrassed he looks. In the small room, the smell of urine and blood permeated, which made several people couldn't help frowning, and there were even more tragic voices. The three of them stayed in this small room for a moment, which was unbearable.

Although the horse thief couldn't understand, he guessed that there was nothing good from his fierce voice. He was so scared that he kowtowed like garlic: " hero, don't kill me! There is a high reward for the big rich man behind the scenes who attacked and killed you that night!"

"There are indeed killers behind the scenes!" Xiaoguding frowned and looked at him in disgust and said, "Then get dressed quickly and follow us, and clean your body by the way!"

The embarrassed horse thief said through a trace of joy: "Thank you for the kindness of several heroes not killing. I'm going to clean up!"

Yin Jill said viciously, "If you dare to escape again, I will make you die miserably!"

The horse thief hurriedly answered, "I dare not, the little one really dares not. As long as a few heroes can spare a small life, the little one will tell everything he knows!"

After Yinjil gave a warning, she went straight out with Xiaoguding. The old woman guarding the door dared to call some people in to see the situation.

After a while, the rock lion dragged the horse thief who had just drilled out of the bathroom, threw it into a guard courtyard at the door of the kiln, and continued to inquire about the behind-the-scenes situation.

The horse thief who shook and barely stood, looked at the four people who were staring in horror and begged, "Sir heroes, tell you this news. You can't kill the little one afterwards!"

Yangil kicked him fiercely, kicked the horse thief to the ground, and roared, "How can there be so much nonsense? Say it quickly!"

The horse thief lay on the ground awkwardly. He simply couldn't get up. He touched the painful foot and whispered, "The heroes don't promise. The little ones dare not say it. They will die as soon as they say it!"

Xiaoguding raised his machete angrily and roared, "If you don't move, you will die now!"

The thief lay on the ground and kowtowed: "Grandman, it's not small, he doesn't dare to move! With a small move, the hero will kill the small one!"

The little bone machete raised high and was furious: "How dare you threaten me? I will split you into ten pieces!"

The thief still kowtowed: "Gan for your life!"

The rock lion grabbed the little bone and said, "Little doll, calm down, don't be confused! His cheap life is small. We have to find out the black hands behind them, otherwise you will be more dangerous in this continent in the future!"

After persuading the little bone Ding who became furious, the rock lion said to the horse thief kneeling on the ground, "Say it, I promise not to take your dog's life!"

The horse thief didn't know what the rock lion was talking about. Seeing that the rock lion grabbed the little bone knife, he immediately turned to the rock lion and kowtowed to the rock lion. After listening to Xue Yueer's translation, the horse thief said happily, "You have to ensure that these young heroes will not kill the little one after telling the truth!"

Rock Lion said impatiently, "I've agreed. Hurry up and call me! Otherwise, I will kick your little ball to death!"

"Don't be impatient, let's talk about it!"

The thief they grabbed was Pingkaqi. He was a careful belly of the owner of Fenglang Village and happened to know the story.

As soon as the little bones and the others left the sand eagle castle, three rich businessmen who came from their continent came straight to the wind wolf village with six bodyguards, 300 taels of silver, ten catties of top-quality tea, and 20 pieces of silk, saying that they bought the heads of the three of them.

The big buyer also made a special statement that it doesn't matter whether the other two locals accompanying him are killed or not. The small bones of the same tent and Xue Yueer are the primary targets for shooting!

The buyer said that these things were sent as a deposit. If he took back the head of any of the three people afterwards, he would pay 100 taels of silver. This door-to-door business made the owner of Fenglang Village, who was thinking that he had a narrow way of making money, overjoyed.

The owner of the village heard the detailed information provided by the buyer and knew that there was only one martial arts guard in the team, so he immediately answered.

According to the detailed battle plan drawn up by the buyer, Fenglangzhai sent people to pretend to follow them for two days and one night. It was not until the second night when they were far away from the Sand Eagle Castle that they took advantage of the attack at night.

The little bones rested next to the herdsman's tent that day. The disguised horse thief had already figured out the distribution of their personnel and locked the main attackers on two and a half-sized dolls. Anyway, their heads are also paid another one hundred and two, which is much easier to kill than the old man with strong martial arts skills.

Originally, they used rockets to shoot small bones in their tents with the herdsmen, caught them off guard, and did a very beautiful job. Xue Yueer was almost shot by them to protect her little bones.

Surprisingly, the character information provided by the three rich businessmen made a mistake, saying that the strong martial arts bodyguard was only good, and his skills could only be regarded as a second-rate top master. He did not expect that the rock lion would be an invulnerable foreign skill master!

Looking at the knife and gun of the rock lion, he fought back invinciblely. At that time, he scared the leader of the horse thief very much and knew that the situation was not good. He just coveted the 200 taels of silver that was about to arrive. He gritted his teeth and continued to surround Xue Yueer for a while, but he almost buried the old bottom of the horse thief there.

The furious rock lion later listened to Xiao Guding's request for help, gave up chasing them, and went back to protect the injured Xue Yueer. Seeing that he could not please him, the arrows were about to shoot, and the owner of the Wind Wolf Valley could only order him to withdraw from the cottage.

The owner of Fenglangzhai, who failed to complete the task, returned dejectedly and proposed to ask for a reward. He immediately wanted to eat black, and it was better to do it first.

After returning, they returned to Fenglang Village. They were about to coax and kill their mouths, but they saw a guard who came with a rich businessman standing at the gate of the cottage. As soon as they returned, they asked, "Look at this situation, Fenglang Village has returned in no way. Our master had expected that he was waiting in the main hall of the village and was about to ask for some specific details of your shooting.

The horse thieves in Fenglang Valley looked at each other, and several confidants discussed with each other for a while. They knew that they had already planned and had no fear. If they really want to be strong, they could not please them.

Returning to the hall, the owner of Fenglang Valley apologized repeatedly and complained that the information given by the buyer was too fake. If he had known it was this situation, he would not have attacked them.

The three rich businessmen, who were originally full of smiles, suddenly changed their faces and asked what had happened.

The owner of Fenglangzhai immediately escorted the ordinary masters who had been expected to be excellent in light skills, and suddenly turned into a peerless master who was invulnerable to water and fire, and kicked them on the iron plate.

How the master was so powerful that he reflected several of them and destroyed several of their brothers.

Xue Yueer and the two were really as good as they expected. Like martial arts, under a round of rocket siege, they were hit by three arrows in an instant and almost shot, but because the rock lion gave up chasing and returned in time, so that they returned without success.

A rich businessman with a fat brain turned his eyes and asked, "A knife and a gun can't enter, and water and fire can't be invaded?" Is the escort on the same road with them really such a master? Are you sure that he is not wearing any rare armor or other armor?

The owner of the village, Yinya Simo, shook his head and said, "Absolutely, the big man's rocket, which shot at him intensively, was rebounded and thrown out before it touched him. He is definitely the top master of King Kong's not bad magic skills to the extreme! Our round of close shots didn't even burn a piece of his clothes!"

The fat-faced rich businessman frowned and said, "The arrow was bounced away before it touched the body!" There are not many such masters on our side! Are you sure you can't read it wrong?"

The owner looked at them with a little unhappy face and said coldly, "Although we returned without success, we also complained that the information of the three people was wrong and made us make a wrong response. Now, the three of you don't have to find such a clumsy excuse to go back to silver two!"

The fat-faced rich businessman shook his head and said, "The village owner misunderstood. At the beginning, those were only half of the remuneration paid to the village owner. Regardless of success or failure, they belong to the village owner, and we will never claim it back. We ask this to clarify the real situation at that time. Please be sure to tell the truth, otherwise I'm afraid that the wind wolf village will be destroyed!"

The owner of Fenglangzhai was immediately furious and stared angrily: "Why, the three buyers want to kill people?"

The fat-faced rich merchant shook his head and said, "Don't worry, we have no intention, and we can't destroy such a big wolf village! To tell you the truth, this matter is related to the safety of the village owner and the three of us. Please be sure to tell the situation at that time in detail, and there should be no falsehood.

Seeing that he was serious, the owner of the village did not seem to be talking and laughing, and immediately told them in detail about the situation they encountered.

The fat-faced rich businessman frowned and knocked on the table and said for a while, "Listen to what the village owner said at that time, the old man is afraid of the rock page called 'rock lion' by Jianghu people! Did we kill the wrong person this time? It's impossible. Except for the appearance of the tall old man, the two little dolls are very similar to those three...!"

One of the three rich businessmen said, "Brother, I have advised you to try more clearly, master their details, and then do it again."

The fat face said, "Try? That's not to scare the snake, let the cunning three... three people hear the information, not to mention the assassination! Have you forgotten how many famous men have lost their lives, and we can't do this reckless thing again?

The three quarreled for a while, and finally revealed the stakes with the owner of Fenglangzhai, and paid another 100 taels of silver, so that the owner of the village abandoned the village and fled overnight. The three and nine guards also disappeared from then on.

Knowing that the situation was serious, the owner of the wind wolf village, who fell into extreme panic, immediately changed his appearance and fled overnight and headed for the predetermined place. Before leaving, the owner of the village solemnly made it that they should not show any feet all the way. In their lifetime, they should never return to this desert again, otherwise they will suffer annihilation!