Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 214 Blocking Thief


When the escort team went more and more and returned to the Sand Eagle Castle, the little bones and the others ran thousands of miles away under the leadership of the rock lion and headed for the snowfield.

Magnificent mountains, magnificent sea, boundless desert, vast grasslands, dangerous volcanoes, Xiaoguding and Xue Yueer have seen them one by one. Only this cold snowfield that has not melted all year round has not been seen, and I can't help but look forward to it. I want to see how mysterious she is.

The disadvantage is that after walking such a long road and going through all the difficulties, I still haven't found anything about immortals. Except for the monster's teeth, which can have something to do with the fairy world, it also belongs to the demon side.

Mia, a blonde beauty, seems to be delicate. She rides on a horse. She is skilled and gallops on the horse. She is more heroic than Xue Yueer on the horse, tall and gorgeous, and quite eye-catching.

Little bone Ding and they will be accompanied by two pink beauties, freshly dressed and angry horses, swaggering through the market. Only the rock lion with a big beard looks like a bodyguard, and the other two are thin and weak sons, which naturally attracts many eye-catching robbers.

At this time, several strong shearing thieves stood in front of them, and a fat-faced strong man shouted, " Stop! Leaving women and money, the old men can spare the lives of the three of you!"

After several days of tracking and investigation, the team of robbers finally stopped the little bones in this rare mountain road.

The rock lion laughed and said, "This group of eyeless little thieves will be handed over to the three little dolls. Don't humiliate me!"

He couldn't understand what he said. The fat-faced fat man pointed a knife at him and shouted, "You idiot, why are you laughing? Why don't you abandon the horse quickly and get out of here!"

Little bone Ding and they couldn't help laughing. Xiaoguding and Xue Yueer approached the horse and slashed the fat man with a knife. Yin Jill chopped back and forth. He has already practiced the ability to chop immediately in the desert.

"Good boy, how dare you despise the owner of this village!"

The fat-faced and strong man shouted, stopped him with a horizontal knife, and met Xiaoguding and Xue Yueer's two machetes.


Mars splashed everywhere, and the fat-faced fat man shook, staggered a few steps, and suddenly took a big step back, abruptly stopping the regression.

The fat man with a fat face shouted strangely, "Ah! I can't see that the two little kids are strong!"

After Xue Yueer's blow, her legs stood firmly on the ground, and the long knife then swept diagonally, shining on his big belly.

Xue Yueer is as relaxed as usual, and the little bone is a little unsistible, and there is a feeling of soreness and numbness in both arms. He is a beginner, and his internal skills are not deep, and his skill of swinging is also sparse.

Xiaoguding shook his hands and prepared to continue to attack the fat-faced and strong man with Xue Yueer at the same time.

Seeing the depth of the skills of both sides in one move, the rock lion shouted, "Little murderer, you'd better go and fight the little one!" It's just enough for you to practice!"

Yangil's long knife slashed, and the white light flashed, but with a beautiful arc. He missed the opponent's panic, obliquely cut the palm of his knife, cut off a finger, and the little man dropped the knife and howled like a pig.

"Oh! Huh..."

Gill screamed strangely, lifting the reins, the horse raised its front hoof, stood up, flashed a hairy hands and feet, came to cut the horse's leg, and at the same time, he sank down and waved a knife to scratch the thief's head.

Ding, a small bone who specializes in hitting the falling dog, split the knife at the little man who was about to escape. He swept over Yin Jill with some envy. Unexpectedly, he could lean down and cut down when the horse stood up!


Xue Yueer's knife hit the knife stopped by the fat-faced fat man again, bringing a piece of Mars.

He couldn't get the upper hand. Seeing that the situation was not good, the fat man shouted, "Come on, help me kill her first!"

The machete in Xue Yueer's hand rebounded and lifted it a little higher, with the sound of roaring wind, and suddenly fell head forward. The fat-faced and strong man's face changed slightly, the fat head shrank, the long knife was blocked, and sparks splashed again.

First move, step by step, Xue Yueer took the opportunity to press the fat-faced strong man and cut it fiercely, so that the fat man retreated several steps and no longer dared to shout, and her forehead began to sweat coldly. Over there, there is also an old man watching the play!

The knife light circled the arc and cut off the fat-faced strong man.


Behind Xue Yueer, a man who touched it, looked at the opportunity and made a surprise attack.

Xueyue's knife cut halfway and bounced sideways to avoid the sneak attack.

"Bad girl, eat the owner of this village!"

Seizing the opportunity, the fat man with a big face gained the upper hand, shouted and chopping fiercely, and worked together with his men to chase and kill Xue Yueer, forcing her to retreat steadily. She was embarrassed!

Rock Lion shouted leisurely at the moment: "Little murderer, you have a good ability to fight, but you can't fight! Don't chase the broken claws, go and help your sister Shan! If you let her get a few more staves, you will cry!"

"Look at the thief!"

The little bone Ding shouted strangely, and his body swayed. He approached the little man who was chasing Xue Yueer in a few steps and killed him with a knife.


The man was shocked. Xiaoguding was just about ten feet away from him and came to his eyes in front of him in a blink of an eye. He did not stop him and ran away with a knife.

"Don't run away, thief! I haven't enjoyed it yet!"

He fled without touching it. The little bone Ding shouted happily and chased the thief and chopped fiercely. The little man who fled in panic will only hurriedly block a knife or two when he can't avoid it. The strength of this rebound is not as big as that of a fat-faced and strong man. Xiaoguding can't feel the soreness of his arms. He chased him happily and cut several knives without hurting the little guy at all!

I'm afraid that the little boy will suddenly kill a gun and have to change his little bone to escape.

Xiaoguding chased and slashed fiercely, and the screams behind him sounded one after another. The fat-faced strong man shouted, "Brothers, withdraw quickly!"

When the words fell, he turned his head and fled.


At the top of his head, a long snow-bright knife slammed down, which shocked him with panic.


The two knives did not touch, and behind him, another knife was fiercely cut, which scared him. Suddenly, he rolled down and turned over one side. He awkwardly dodged the two knives that were attacked back and back. He got up and ran away. He hated that his parents had two fewer legs.

"I still want to run! If you dare to make an idea, it's not so easy to run!"

Yang Jill urged the horse to chase and cut it with a knife.

The fat-faced strong man completely lost his arrogant appearance just now and shouted while fleeing, "Glory! The little one is blind, and please forgive the little one's life!"

"Go to hell to repent. This is the end of offending me!"

Yangil rushed past the fat-faced strong man and hit his fat neck with a knife. The fat-faced strong man leaned sideways to avoid the danger of this knife.


The wind behind him was swayed, and a machete hit his back.

The fat-faced and strong man's face changed greatly, and he turned around in panic and quickly resisted Xue Yueer's fierce knife with a knife. Xue Yueer's knife was inexhaustible, and she directly hit the fat-faced fat man and dragged him back a few steps.


The Yin Jill, who split the empty with a knife, came back and cut it horizontally.


Before, there was a fierce Xue Yueer. The knife pressed the knife, clung to the body, and flew back. Before she could react, she was cut from behind by Yin Jill. A fat face and big head rolled down the dust, and blood flew out.

Xue Yueer learned to be obedient and retreated without any blood.

Looking back at the battlefield, some seriously injured people were rolling all over the ground, and there was still one who was playing hide-and-seek with the little bone, and the two were unharmed!

Rock Lion and Mia looked at a live-action version of the officers and soldiers catching the robber in front of them. They laughed very well and shouted with Xiaoguding and those howls, forming a very strange picture.