Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 297 Barehanded Fighting Tiger


The direction of the wind is Xue Yueer, and the direction of the tiger's escape is the reverse wind direction without sound. It is the little bone with agility, the best light skills and the worst martial arts.

The fierce tiger came face to face, and Xiaoguding shouted excitedly, "Let's go together!"

"Sep! Cymium!"

Xiao Guding deliberately buzzed the knife and inserted it back into the sheath. He was not in a hurry to push it up. He smiled and reminded him, "Two bodyguards, don't use a knife for the time being. It's nothing to play!"

On the other side of Xiaoguding, a knife shouted twice, and the tiger was slightly shaken in shock and rushed to the gap next to it.


The sound of two long knives coming into the sheath came. On the other side where the tiger changed its way, the bodyguard raised the scabbard, slammed down, and shouted excitedly, "The trees here are dense and it's not easy to fight. Force it back first!"

In the words, there is unconcealed happiness.


The scabbard was rapid and fierce, and the wind was loud, hitting heavily on the tiger's claws.


This blow almost smashed the tiger's front paw bone. The tiger roared, turned around flexibly, and jumped up the mountain to find a way to escape.

Originally, this rapid blow was enough to break the tiger's bone, and the bodyguard temporarily shrank his strength and really planned to drive the tiger back to play hand-to-hand combat.

Returning a few feet, the tiger turned his head sideways and ran down the mountain.


Xue Yueer flew and intercepted in front of the tiger. The scabbard roared and hit the tiger's claws with thunder, forcing the tiger to roar again and turn around and flee back to the mountain.

One after another, tigers roared loudly and sadly, and the valleys echoed endlessly, frightening a forest of birds and scaring away wild beasts all over the mountain.

The tiger retreated to a huge stone rock that it had just eaten and slept soundly. Next to the rock lay a bloody dead pig. The mountain pig only had half of its body, with white ribs, purple-black blood stains, and several mosquitoes sucking blood greedily.

People are approaching, mosquitoes and flies are flying, and they can't stay.

The tiger's fierce eyes stared at several people around him nervously, and his pupils exuded a chilling light, and his mouth kept roaring, as if it were demonstrations and frightened.

The tiger's two front paws were gently digging on the stone, and he couldn't help trembling slightly. He escaped several times, was stopped by four people, and was knocked by the scabbard.

Xiaoguding and Xue Yueer stood quietly with their scabbards in their arms. The two bodyguards threw knives on the ground, tightened their cuffs, and slowly pushed towards the tiger.


The tiger's claws kept digging and couldn't stand it. Suddenly, they roared and flew into the air. A pair of sharp claws grabbed the oncoming bodyguard. At the same time, the tiger's tail was cut horizontally and swept behind the guard.

The bodyguard only knocked on two scabbards and drove the tiger all over the mountain. He was immediately full of confidence and had no fear of the seemingly fierce tiger in front of him.

The bodyguard in front of him turned his head to avoid the tiger's sharp teeth and front claws. His arms were as flexible as an ape. He stretched out and grabbed the tiger's front paws and pulled sideways, only pulling its two or three hundred pounds of body a little horizontally. The other punch roared and hit the tiger's jaw heavily.


Thunder punched the tiger's body, and his big mouth opened and closed it with a "ka" sound.

Behind him, the bodyguard shouted loudly and directly grabbed the tiger, the long tail as hard as an iron rod.


The tiger's tail was really hard as an iron rod, hitting the guard's palms soreness, and the other punch hit the tiger's thin buttocks.


Two heavy moves hit the tiger at the same time, making the tiger stand unsteadily. The back claws in mid-air immediately rotated forward and swept to the front guard.

The tiger bone is as hard as iron, but it turns around but is as flexible as a cat.

The bodyguard in front of him soared into the air, kicked the tiger's hind claws, and kicked it back again with a "bang".

The tiger's movements are flexible. After all, the body is nearly ten feet long, and its sensitivity is even worse than that of a well-trained warrior. In addition, it received a heavy punch, shook its body, lost its balance, and forcibly turned around to sweep. The bodyguard took the lead, one step faster than it, took the lead, and kicked heavily on the tiger's leg bone.

The bodyguard in front kicked with one leg, and the guard behind him chased after him. The tiger's iron tail swept out and shocked the guard behind it.

The bodyguard in front took advantage of the victory and chased, kicked the leg to the ground, and the other leg turned around like lightning, crossed a beautiful arc, and kicked the tiger's waist and abdomen again.


The tiger fell to the ground, smashed the dust, hummed and turned a somersault on the rocks, turned over flexibly and stood up, and fled to the side.

It is hard enough with steel and iron bones!

After receiving a few flying legs and heavy punches, the tiger was scared to death. In his fierce eyes, with a touch of fear, he no longer had the spirit of the king of the mountain forest and wanted to escape.

The bodyguard in front of him rose up and flew up excitedly and shouted, "Beast, where to escape!"

The shadow in front of him caught up, grabbed it with both hands, resisted the force swept out of the tiger's tail, grabbed the tiger's tail with both hands, dragged it so hard that it could not move, and nailed it to the same place.

Xiaoguding clapped his hands and smiled, "The two bodyguards are so good that they can scare the tiger away with only two moves! Don't beat it. The blood stasis residue is damaged. The muscle and bone meat quality is not good, which affects the quality of the medicinal wine. You can stab him to death with a knife!"

The good bodyguard behind him roared, "Let me do it! I just had two tails swept by it, and I didn't enjoy it. It's on fire!"

Xiao Guding threw the knife over and laughed, "Then let you slaughter it!"

The guard dragging the tiger's tail said excitedly, "It's so boring! Just two moves to run away, the king of the mountain is not very good! It seems that there is no that cruelty!"

The tiger was dragged by the guard's tail, and the tiger couldn't escape. He rose in the air and grabbed the top of the guard's head.

The dog is forced to jump over the wall. As the king of the mountain, he will naturally struggle to death.


The bodyguard holding his tail loosened his hands and jumped back several feet. The sword guard stepped forward, and the long knife in his hand stabbed like lightning, and the silver light flashed straight into the tiger's neck.

Pricked into the tiger's neck nearly a foot, the bodyguard drew a knife and flew vertically, and suddenly there was a bright rain of blood in mid-air, shooting and splashing.

Xiao Guding and Xue Yueer flew back and avoided the blood rain all over the sky.


The throat was stabbed and the blood was shot. The tiger could no longer roar out. He hummed sadly and jumped down the rock. His body trembled and struggled to bend his legs again.

In mid-air, blood splashed more brilliantly, dyed its gorgeous yellow and black fur, sprinkled with huge gray rocks.


bounced up, with a beautiful posture, sound to the ground, and fell awkwardly. The tiger fell on the rock, rolled in a circle, twisted its neck and raised its head, moved its waist, pedaled its legs and struggled.

The bright red blood in the neck splashes faster!

Finally, the tiger stretched out his four legs and pedaled back, stiffened his body, and lay motionless on the ground.