Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 308 Get Rid of Chasing


"Bum bang!"

The reckless man directly approached the guest room store of "Zhang San" and raised his big fist, rattling the fragile store door to pieces.

"Who, don't drink and vegetables, don't make any noise!"

There was a loud shout from inside.

The reckless man roared, "Your father, open the door quickly. I'll have a drink with you!" It's lively to drink together!"

The noisy voice inside stopped, and immediately said, "Well, after ordering so many wine and dishes, it happens that everyone is lively together!"

The first-class knights waiting outside can't help but look at each other. Seeing that the people inside seem to be very happy to be accompanied, they must also worry that their whereabouts will be exposed and there will be a disaster of killing.

When the door of the store opened, there were three people inside, all of whom were wearing strange iron masks!

A middle-aged man clenched the hilt of his sword and said in shock, "Are you really the three traps?"

Another person laughed and said, "Multi-armed ape, don't be stupid! Now the two tigers are dead, and their heads are hanging on the carriage racks on the street. Who will pay you for the silver? They are so nervous, it's really funny!"

The rest of the people laughed, and the man who pressed the sword looked embarrassed and blushed with shame.

The three inside shook their heads in astonishment and said, "We are not the three trap demons, but the three hegemons of Fengjie in this state!"

A man asked in astonishment, "What three hegemons on Fengjie Street?" Did you get the silver just now?

One of them replied without thinking, "Yes, we received the reward money!" Strangely, only the three of us know about this. How do you know about it?

One laughed and said, "Joke, only the three of you know what it is, and now all the people in this city know it!"

One of the three said in consterrenly, "He only followed three hundred taels of silver, can he tell the whole city? Is it not enough for them to grab it? Besides, we are the three hegemons of Fengjie. Who can we be afraid of?

Another person said, "Brother, you brag again. I'm afraid that these people will come unkindly! That man won't reward us with 1,000 taels or 10,000 taels of silver, will he? Look at them one by one!"

The people outside laughed and said, "You three guys are crazy, aren't you? Obviously, it's 10,000 taels, why did it become 100 taels? You'd better divide the silver a little bit, or be careful of the heads of the three of you!"

Another person laughed and said, "The heads of the three of them have been unable to be preserved for a long time. I'm afraid that the rest of the two tigers have been ambushed in the inn!"


The three looked stunned and asked strangely, "What two tigers and three tigers, what are you talking about?"

One person said, "Good boy, how dare you pretend to be stupid!"

There are several other people who said, "Those who see it have a share. Since you all picked it up, get a little more points!"

There is also humanity: "With so many people divided, it's not worth much money?"

"What are you afraid of? Let the big guys have a good drink today!"

"Then didn't they suffer in vain? You have to be hunted down by the remaining party of the two tigers!"

"That's because these three kids are crazy. They are afraid of the black money of the government, but they have caused such a big noise. Who knows that the state order also has the intention to be embarrassed. If you don't let them go, they are asking for trouble!"


The third-rate martial artists who later caught up outside made a mess, making the top master who came before frown.

The reckless strong man became impatient and roared, "Don't quarrel!" What's your three-legged cats? Get out of here!"

The martial artist who was full of stairs behind instantly became quiet and waited for the fun.

One of the three men wearing iron masks said frightenedly, "We just got a hundred taels of silver, and we don't need you to stir up the masses, do we? Are you talking about the two tigers that the government offered a reward for the two tigers of Cangmen that have been seized for several years?

They have heard some signs from the noise of several people, but they can't believe it.

The reckless and strong man smiled and said, "I have received the silver reward. Why don't you admit it now? Shouldn't you say that the boss Yan only gave you a hundred taels of silver and let you escape here?

The three shook their heads and said, "We didn't escape here, but someone assigned us to make up and deliver vegetables!"

A black man stopped him and said, "Second brother, don't talk nonsense. Be careful that the master will come back to deal with you!"

The rude man was confused when he heard it and touched his forehead and said, "What kind of makeup? Has someone assigned it?"

Several people at the door were shocked and said, "No, let them escape. Chase them!"

There is also humanity: "It's impossible. They obviously didn't leave this inn and want to muddle through?"

The reckless man shouted, "No matter who you are, take off your mask first!"

The wolves stared at it, and the three immediately obediently took off their masks, revealing the face of the store!

"Three shopkeepers!"

"What a superb transfigurement!"


At this time, even if he was as stupid as a reckless man, he knew that he had been fooled, and the three demons had already been easy to escape.


The reckless man was furious, grabbed the masks of the three quickly, and pulled them all off, revealing their true faces. He moved so violently that he pulled his face, which made the three of them scream in pain.

After pulling the three masks, he still didn't believe it, and the reckless man continued to pull the three people's faces.

The two of them screamed like killing pigs in pain: "Don't talk about it. This is real skin!"

Another person who was not grabbed by him was so scared that he quickly hid back.

"Papa, Plop!"

He got up in panic, turned over the stool behind him, and fell awkwardly on the floor.


The man screamed, supported his hands back and slowly climbed back until he was close to the bed and could no longer climb. He looked back at the bottom of the wooden bed and hesitated for a moment whether to get under the bed in full view of the public.


The people outside suddenly laughed together, chasing and grabbing the silver, and they were happy to watch the good play.

The rugged and strong man held it for a while. When he saw that he could not pull it down, he let go of his hand. On their skin, two red and purple fingerprints were instantly put on, which made the audience laugh again.

The two said with sad faces, "Say that this face is true!"

The reckless man smiled and said, "The uncle now believes it's true. Now let's talk about it, what's going on?"

One person said, "That master told me, I can't say it!"

"Hmm?" The reckless and strong man opened his eyes wide, flashed fiercely, and roared, "Can't you really say it?"

The man was shocked and speechless. A sharp-billed monkey-gled guy next to him said, "Brother, let's be honest. If you don't move today, you won't feel good now!"

The boss of the three hegemons of Fengjie sighed and said, "Well, we can't carry it. We can only recruit all of them, and that man can't blame us!"

The second brother with a sharp-mouthed monkey's cheek muttered, "That master originally regards us as a scapegoat, and he is a fool if he doesn't recruit!"

The tough man roared impatiently, "Hurry up, how can there be so many bullshit?"

It turned out that not long ago, a well-dressed sword man came to them, drove several gamblers away, showed a huge silver ticket of 100 taels, and asked them to do one thing.

He said that he was training some cosmetic surgery. If they put on makeup, he could deceive the tracking of several rich people, and add 100 taels of silver!

And warned them that if it is exposed, they must carry it for an hour. If they don't have enough time, they must not disclose his instructions, otherwise their whole family will be destroyed.

The three were so angry that they just wanted to teach this guy a lesson, but suddenly found that the dagger had reached the other party's hand, and the belt he was tied was also cut off. He was so scared that he quickly nodded and agreed.

As soon as they nodded, a hundred taels of silver bill appeared in front of them, and said that after it was done, another hundred taels would be added.

Coercion and inducement, and this is a huge amount of silver bills. The hero is now standing in front of him safe and sound. In broad daylight, they don't believe that they still dare to kill them in the restaurant within an hour or two, so they nodded and agreed to do as the man in gorgeous clothes.

A second child working as a temporary shop in a restaurant, delivering food and wine to wipe the table, this work can be done without being taught. Usually, when I am used to gambling, I will shout a few times like a shopkeeper.

So, the second child of the best shop is the second of the three hegemons. The boss is dressed up as the second child of the store waiting in Mazi's clothes, and the third is waiting in the back hall.

The second brother came in and found that the other "store second" who took off his mask in the room was very similar to his current appearance. In a moment of surprise, a "store second" quickly changed his mask. Another "store second" slowly went downstairs with the basin he brought after he put down the wine and vegetables.

There was nothing wrong with the steps. The second brother cursed and drank loudly, chewed the wine and meat hard, and felt quite enjoyable.

Then, the replaced "Shop Xiao Er" hurriedly carried the food box to the cloth store, and it was the boss's turn to replace it. I found that no one found the flaw, and my heart laughed happily.

Go upstairs again, the boss stayed on the second floor, replaced the "store second", returned to the backyard of the restaurant, and then replaced the third upstairs. This time, he came down and became the last "store second" left in the building.

They gathered on the second floor and cursed loudly for holding a celebration banquet in the room. They ate happily. Later, they had forgotten to calculate the time and had to eliminate the delicious food in front of them.

The tough man immediately squeezed out and asked the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper said, "I don't know. You can ask Ashan by yourself!"

Only then did the reckless man find that there was also a shopkeeper with the same mask in the store.

The reckless man quickly ran over, pulled his face and pulled it. The pain made him scream like a pig. He quickly said, "I'm the authentic shopkeeper. Don't talk about it!"

The reckless man roared, "What about them?"

Ashan, the second child of the store, said, "The back door is gone! Is the game over? You didn't find them escape. If you lose, you have to give me another money!"

The tough man pushed him away and roared, "Go to your uncle's silver, pick up the silver, and make you look like silver!"

In the backyard, it has been empty, and there are only two cooking chefs in the kitchen, who are very busy. Ask them, but I don't know.

Running to the clothing store again, the handyman said that only the second child of the store walked in, and no other second store went out!

The reckless and strong man said, "These three cunning guys are really powerful!"

The three little bones disappeared into Huangzhou City unconsciously.