Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 332 Shocking Jewelry Prices


Old Hu shook his head and waved his hand and said, "The fat man deliberately kept these two sick cats alive, so that they had to be careful at all times, so that they would not bother to kill these two sick cats! This is what they killed on their own, using these babies! I heard that it was still 16 to 4 at that time, and they were killed, but the situation was reversed by them in an instant!"

The curator stood in disbelief, stared at the hidden weapon ordered by Mr. Hu, and said in astonishment, "With them and two black tubes alone, can they beat more with less and kill the two tigers and the 14 masters he brought? Won't the senior be joking?"

The owner's wife cried, "The seniors put them in danger all the time, which caused my Yueer to get three arrow wounds, one knife wound, and a few scars!"

Old Hu said in consteration, "The knife wound and the scar on the abdomen are clear. This arrow scar must have happened later. The fat man doesn't know what's going on, and he has to ask themselves!"

The owner's wife said, "husband, why can't Yueer wake up?"

The curator stretched out his hand and patted her twice. Xue Yueer woke up leisurely, smelled the seductive fragrance in front of her, and looked at several people in front of her. Her tears became like that she jumped into her mother's arms and cried, "Dad, mother, the unfilial child has caused you trouble!"

The owner's wife choked and said, "Yueer, just come back safely!" Come on, drink some chicken soup first. Look at how thin you are. You have to make up for it this time!"

"I don't drink! I want to feed Ding Di! Ding Di has been thinking about food for a few days, and he hasn't eaten for two days. If he doesn't eat, he will starve to death!

Only then did Xue Yueer think of her little bone. This chicken soup is for the little bone.

The owner's wife sighed, "You are so stupid. Why do you only care about others and yourself? Mother, you haven't entered the water and rice for two days!"

Xue Yueer turned over and hugged the little bone beside her. Her gentle and considerate appearance made the owner and his wife couldn't help bursting into tears. Is she sensible or ignorant now? After going out for two years, I didn't have the previous childish, capricious and unruly, but I had an obsession!

Xue Yueer wore only a cicada-like wing, like a snow silk skirt without a dress. When she turned over, the owner's wife quickly took a cotton-padded jacket in the package next to her and covered her.

"Ding Di, what's wrong with your face? Who hit you!"

Xue Yueer suddenly screamed in panic and felt more painful than hitting her in the face.

The owner said coldly, "I beat this ungrateful boy! You have been with him for two years and suffered so much. He is still reading 'fairy sister' day and night, a life-threate look, and I'm angry when I see it!"

Xue Yueer hugged the little bone, gently stroked the bright red swollen cheek, and said sadly, "Dad, why did you hit him? If you want to fight, just hit your daughter! Ding Di is already in pain. He can't get in for a few days. He is so fragile. Will you kill him if you hit him again? He died, and his daughter is alive!"

The owner's wife wiped her tears and said, "Yuer, he is unconscious now. You can drink some soup first. Don't starve your body and become ugly. At that time, your brother Ding won't like it!"

Xue Yueer suddenly cried and said, "He won't come to see me now. He only thinks about his fairy sister, mother, what should I do?"

The curator scolded, "What does it look like to cry? You can't make this boy cry back! I think it's better to slap him a few more times to help him recover!"

Xue Yueer was so scared that she hugged the little bone and said, "I won't stay here!" I'm going to take my brother Ding away!"

The owner's wife, who has always been gentle and quiet, stared at him and said angrily, "Go out, don't get in the way! Yue'er, your father just scared you!"

The curator closed his mouth awkwardly and stood aside, but did not go out.

They were crying here, and old man Hu also became a little embarrassed. He waved his hand and said, "The fat man originally wanted to hear some interesting news. Look at this situation. Come back tomorrow!"

Then the owner's wife remembered and asked, "Yuer, don't cry first. Can you tell me the reason of the matter first?"

Old Hu stopped when he heard the words and listened to her with interest.

Xue Yueer only hugged the little bone, and the tears on her face were wiped with the help of the owner's wife and adjusted her breath. After going down the mountain, how to meet the fairy demon war, and then to take the fairy to the rock lion cave to heal the wound one by one, the only thing she concealed the exchange condition of the fairy.

When Xue Yueer described it, the owner's wife wanted to feed Xue Yueer some hot chicken soup several times. Xue Yueer turned her head away but did not drink it. The owner's wife kept crying all the time. She put the spoon back and wiped her tears.

The owner couldn't look at it and scolded, " Yueer, just take a sip. Do you want to kill your mother? You have been out for nearly two years, which has made us nervous day and night. Why don't you let us live in peace when you come back?

Xue Yueer cried, "If Ding Di doesn't recover, I can't eat it!"

Old Hu sighed, "That's true! The fat man thought that you just witnessed the process of the war, but he didn't expect that he touched the fairy in person! After all, the fairy is a fairy, and the magic elixir doesn't have to hide it on her body! This boy met the fairy, and then there was great sadness. No wonder this stubborn boy couldn't stand it! If you want to find his confidence, it's just a way to lock him up here. You have to let him go out for a walk!"

Xue Yueer seemed to see a glimmer of hope and urged with a little joy, "Grandpa Hu, save Dingdi!"

Old Hu smiled and said, "If you want the fat man to save people, you can drink this bowl of chicken soup first, drink less, and the fat man will turn around and leave!"

"But Ding Di doesn't eat, how can I be in the mood to drink?"

Xue Yueer looked at the unconscious little bone in her arms and shook her head.

Old Hu got up and said, "The fat man went back to be happy. He doesn't want to care about you two anymore. Find your own way. Let's see if you starve to death first or this boy starves first!"

Xue Yueer panicked and said, "Grandpa Hu, don't go. He is your grandson. Who can help him if you don't help him?"

Old Hu shook his head and said, "The fat man can't help this. You are the only one who can help him!" And if you starve to death, Xiaoguding must starve to death! Therefore, you must live well and live happily. Only in this way can you save this boy's soul.

Xue Yueer said suspiciously, "Only I can help Ding Di? But as soon as he woke up, he opened his mouth and closed his mouth. As soon as the people outside heard it, how could we still live? You can't go out!"

Old Hu smiled and said, "Just take him to the far-reaching, quiet and inaccessible mountains and forests!" If you are willing to drink soup, eat and recuperate normally, the fat man will take you out and recover for the boy together. Otherwise, the fat man will just go out to drink and be happy and worry about it again.

Xue Yueer quickly picked up the soup bowl and said, "I'll drink, Grandpa Hu, you must help me!"

In just one breath, Xue Yueer drank a bowl of chicken soup.

The owner's wife was overjoyed and quickly took another bowl of chicken soup to persuade her to drink. Xue Yueer shook her head and said, "I'm full, I can't drink it anymore!" This bowl has to be reserved for Ding Di!"

Thinking of this, Xue Yueer woke up Xiaoguding, took the soup, and slowly fed a spoonful of chicken soup to his mouth. Xiaoguding's slightly dry lips opened and drank the soup half awake and half asleep.

The owner's wife shed tears and persuaded, "Wueer, let me feed you. Can you drink more by yourself?"

Xue Yueer looked slightly happy and shook her head and said, "No, I want to feed myself!"

The owner and his wife looked at Xue Yueer like a real mother feeding the child and a gentle and virtuous wife feeding her seriously ill husband. Over the years, it seems that I have grown up, matured a lot, and become considerate.

In the narrow and dense room, there was only a little joy, and the rest was sad and felt too depressed. Old Hu shook his head and said, "Little doll, where did you get the other 300,000 taels of silver?"

Xue Yueer fed Xiaoguding soup. He was willing to drink it and was overjoyed. He immediately replied, "Princess Wenyue bought the silver of our fifteen cold water pearls!"

The curator said in surprise, "Five pearls are worth 300,000 taels of silver?"

Xue Yueer replied with a more happy face: "Ding Di doesn't want to sell it yet! He wanted to exchange a million- taels worth of gem bracelet for the princess's pearl and give it to me. The princess didn't want to. Forced them to power, Ding Di deliberately bet on the princess and let her win at such a cheap price!"

Old Hu smiled and picked up the gem bracelet and said in a circle, "Is this bracelet, worth a million taels of silver?"

Xue Yueer glanced at her and said, "That's right!"

The owner and his wife suddenly opened their mouths in consternment and petrified into a clay sculpture. Their real estate, shops and land, as well as these treasures, were all sold, and they didn't collect 20,000 taels of silver. A string of bracelets they wore in their hands was worth more than 50 such numbers!

Old Hu shook his head and smiled, "It's really rare to see such precious things. I've seen a lot of fat people worse than this! How did you get it?"

Xue Yueer came and said with interest: "These two strings of cold water pearls and the fifteen thumb-sized cold water pearls, as well as the best cat-eye green stones of these two bracelets can be exchanged for 25 taels from a gemstone supplier in the mainland."

The owner and his wife were dumbfounded. This treasure worth nearly 3 million taels can be easily exchanged with only 25 taels of things. Is this the big boss stupid or what's going on?

Of course, they don't know that the price of raw stone is quite cheap, but it has to be processed by top masters with superb skills, and then sold in famous stores, and the profit has to doubled several times.

One of these links can't achieve such an effect.

As for cold water pearls, they could not be made into a whole string of pearls at that time, and the price was naturally pitifully low. This is the difference between finished products and semi-finished products.

Old Hu smiled and said, "This boy is really good at doing business!" What did you exchange for?

Xue Yueer smiled and said, "The top-grade tiger paste wine is nearly 300 catties!"

Referring to the proud things of the little bone Ding, Xue Yueer suddenly frowned, took out the bottom package from the wooden box, took out two bracelets and said, "We are going to give these two bracelets to our parents. Do you like them?"

The owner's wife couldn't put down her gloves. At first glance, it was no different from the string of small bones. She smiled and said, "I like it! How much silver is this string worth? Like your string, it's worth 1.8 million taels?

Xue Yueer said embarrassedly, "The shopkeeper of the Jizhen Pavilion is only worth 50,000 taels. This best raw stone was seen by Ding Di, who saw that the gem merchant was carrying it, and he didn't intend to give it to us! If you like it, I'll change this string for you!"

The owner's wife smiled and said, "No! This bracelet alone is more valuable than our industry, and my mother is already satisfied with it! By the way, do you have any snow-white pearl necklaces? Such a big one, snow-white and round, strangely beautiful, mother also wants a string!"

Her mother is now excited when she sees the treasure and begins to sweep the treasures brought by Xue Yueer with a smile.