Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 370 Guarding the Ship


Eagle Jill was shocked and said, "No, even the bottom of the sea has hidden people and followed them all the way. It's really awesome!"

The prince smiled and bowed to Ying Jill and said, "Master of the castle, don't blame it!"

Eagle Jill returned a bow and smiled, "You're welcome. If it were me, I would definitely have to search for it. I won't be surprised."

Even the prince laughed and said, "The young castle owner is a guest from afar, and the journey is tired. As a companion, this wine protection matter is handed over to the king's men. Although the young castle owner took his men to sleep at ease."

Eagle Jill was slightly stunned. The rock lion had already laughed happily and shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, you still can't rest assured!" Boy, there is someone to do it for you. What are you hesitating about? Don't worry, take someone to sleep!"

Eagle Jill hesitated and said, "Will any of these generals and soldiers drink secretly? With so many people, once it's gone, I'm going to be gone!"

Even the prince laughed and said, "As long as a drop is missing, it will be my!" The young castle owner can rest assured that we just help take care of it for a few days and wait for everyone to have a good rest.

Eagle Jill laughed and said, "Brothers, you are free! Finally, I came to this long- envied bustling city, which is full of exotic customs that everyone yearns for. Just go and play. Just save some money and don't spend any money. Become a poor man. Don't blame me for not borrowing money on credit!"

The group of martial artists in Sand Eagle Castle looked at each other and asked Eagle Jill again in disbelief. After being convinced, they danced happily and whistled.

The sound shook the sky, and in an hour, it woke up several people who had just fallen asleep on other ships, muttered curses, turned over and continued to sleep to replenish their spirit and strength for tomorrow's voyage.

Ying Jill suddenly smiled and said, "Your Majesty, this is a special wine that has just been transported from the desert. Why don't you buy a few barrels?"

Len Wang Ye nodded and smiled and said, "Very good. I will buy a few barrels and bring them back to the royal palace to taste. Let's see how the wine you produce tastes. What's the difference between the local wine?"

Eagle Jill smiled and said, "You guys, go to pick a few barrels of the best wine as the old craftsman Han Zegil."

An old man immediately took several strong young men and walked to the ship together, commanding to move down four large wooden barrels, a small bucket, and three small wooden boxes, and put them on the carriage hurriedly arrived by several soldiers.

The prince pointed to the small wooden box in all directions and asked, "What's in there?"

Eagle Jill smiled and said, "Fresh melons and fruits from desert specialties, etc."

The prince nodded and said, "Haha, the young castle owner is really good at doing business. He was just a few barrels of wine, and now there are a few boxes of specialties. But it's okay. I'll try more of your specialties.

In addition to an old technician, there are also four bodyguards, and most of the martial artists temporarily rested with the army in a tent temporarily prepared.

At the order of the prince, the carriage carrying the barrel slowly moved and began to travel towards the royal palace. The bright torch phalanx of the dock gradually dispersed and turned into a snake to the barracks on the outskirts of the city.

On the big cargo ship that originally belonged to Sand Eagle Castle, the sail embroidered with the eagle has been put down, and only a huge flag wind is still hanging on it for hunting. The inside and outside of the boat, which was originally guarded by the Sand Eagle Castle martial arts division, is now replaced by a 100-person team with armor and knives and guns.

They will stay up all night and wait for every corner energetically until another team comes to rotate.

On the way, the prince asked the rock lion, "I heard about the yellow sand desert. When the storm broke out, there was no traffic and horses. Pedestrians were sad. How did this big barrel of wine come out?"

The rock lion laughed and said, "The prince's question is a little ridiculous, but the prince has never been to the desert, and of course he doesn't know the reason. These wines are not transported directly from Sand Eagle Castle, but brewed in a small sand valley on the edge of the rare desert. The temperature there is the same as the desert, which is a rare oasis. It is rich in sweet melons and fruits in the four seasons, and there are naturally many brewing workshops there. This old Han Ze is an old brewer in charge of Sand Eagle Castle.

Len the prince laughed and said, "I thought the wine was transported across the whole desert!" I heard that the desert has buried many heroes. How long will it take to travel through time?

The rock lion laughed and scolded, "What a Jianghu hero, a group of scum! However, the burial of them in that place is also bloodshed. I forgot the time of the time travel. It seems that it will take nearly a month! The climate change in it is really not human! I still remember it, and I'm still a little afraid!"

When it comes to the danger of crossing the desert, the rock lion who has practiced peerless magical skills also shakes its head with a sad look.

Lan Wang Ye laughed and said, "It turns out that there are also things that Brother Yan is afraid of! Since you are afraid, don't go back. Just stay in your little brother's house and teach your naughty apprentice by the way!"

The rock lion waved his hand and said, "The prince laughed. Brother Yu hasn't become an immortal yet. There are many things to be afraid of! For example, the terrible storm, the huge waves in the turbulent sky, let your magical skills be unrivaled, trapped in it, can't be smashed, and you have to drown. The apprentice I recently accepted is this naughty boy. How can there be an apprentice that the prince wants to discipline his stupid brother?

The prince looked in the direction he pointed, and it turned out to be the owner of Eagle Gil Castle.

Prince Lian smiled and said, "Congratulations to Brother Yan on receiving good apprentices again! Why is there nothing left in the royal palace? Hasn't Yaoer's crazy girl worshipped Brother Yan's door?

The rock lion waved his head and smiled, "The prince laughed. The little doll's body is delicate. Brother Fool didn't teach him any skills."

The prince said in surprise, "How can it be that the crazy girl left her poems and books, practiced foreign skills from time to time in addition to practicing swords all day long, and ordered people to find medicinal herbs to make a daily medicine bath. After a year, both external and internal skills have made good progress, and it's good to be a disciple of Brother Yan.

Rock Lion laughed and pointed to Prince Lian and said, "Your Majesty, are you afraid that the boy will secretly come to save people? If you don't have the confidence to be detained, you have to guard the child for you and don't let her run around!"

Even the prince said awkwardly, "Brother Yan can't hide anything! Brother Yan didn't know that this crazy girl has been so arrogant recently that she is so lawless that she actually... alas!"

The rock lion laughed and said, "What on earth is it that can make the prince so angry?"

The prince said angrily, "This girl disguised herself as a ring. On the pretext of going out to the palace for a few days, she secretly got married without telling me. Originally, when she came back, she was already unconscious, and she was replaced by the ring left in her cabinet. Today, she suddenly ordered the maid to dress up into a married woman's bun, making it clear that she had successfully sneaked out without telling me, and came back after getting married. How can I not be angry?

The rock lion smiled and said, "This doll is as resourceful and scheming as that little murderer, and can't be prevented! When the two get together, they are really a perfect match.