Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 395 Black Raven Mountain


In the hazy morning fog, three men dressed as cyan warriors walked on the official road for a while, rode horses to a remote path about dozens of miles away from the city, stopped before a peak, turned over and dismount.

In the cold morning wind, there was already a scribe waiting from the horse, and it was the scribe who was on his way. Holding the three horses of the three warriors in blue, the scribes immediately returned without saying a word, returned to the senior official road, and continued to go north.

The three warriors in blue, regardless of the fog in the early morning, changed into another set of ordinary tight windbreakers. While there were few people on the mountain at this time, they turned over and walked up the mountain.

The morning fog dissipated, the scorching sun slowly rose, and the dew gradually decreased. The three men in waterproof windbreakers have crossed several small peaks and reached halfway up the mountain.

After a while, the temperature was getting higher and the fog was gone. The three also took a special waterproof tight suit, still wearing the cyan samurai suit and went up the mountain, like a disciple who went out to practice and collected mountain treasures.

Although this kind of thing is rare, it is also rare. A few mountain people living in the deep mountains heard that they came to inquire about the news and imitated the official language to deal with them.

Of course, some mountain people can't understand what they are saying and continue to rush according to what they have learned.

According to the news, three green-shirted warriors came to the destination of the trip, the inaccessible and dangerous rumored ghostly Black Raven Mountain.

The closer to the destination, the more gloomy and scary it is in the mountains and forests. Most of them are surrounded by giant trees with hundreds of years old, each of which is almost hugged by several people, and the leaves overhead cover the sky and are dark. The roots of the tree are intertwined, with vines and thorns. Although the three of them walk around the seams like beasts, the front is getting denser and denser, and it is already difficult to walk.

Not only are the mountains and forests difficult to walk, but there are also many unknown fierce beasts in the mountains and forests, followed by wolves, tigers and leopards, afraid of those small and difficult poisonous insects.

Originally, some blind wolf wild dogs always came to harass them, but when a man raised his hand and threw a stone and blinded a leopard who sneaked over, causing a tragic howl in the mountains and fields, naturally scared many beasts to shrink back to the tree hole and dare not come out.

Beasts dare not come out, but it doesn't mean that poisonous insects can also hear screams that are not of their kind. As long as the enemy comes to the door, they will be injured and will not care that their enemies are hundreds of times bigger than them.

Of course, since these three people have come to such a place, they must have brought a lot of various drugs for prevention. However, when they accidentally stepped on the pot of the poisonous insects, they still attacked them desperately regardless of whether they applied preventive drugs or not.

There is something to say that rabbits will bite people when they are anxious, not to mention offending these old nests of poisonous insects that are usually difficult to pest. Most of them don't have a smart mind. They know how to avoid the important and take it lightly. They don't fear that they don't have the opportunity to burn firewood. They just know that they dare to offend, so they can attack directly.

Just like now, a young man with a square face suddenly pulled up his trousers tube, stroked his extremely white calf, and let out a young woman's scream. His shrill voice made people feel creepy.

These three people have just retreated from one place and dared to shout so much. In this place where the woman dressed as a man stepped on, it was densely covered with a pile of black ants. This ant is not big, only half the size of a grain of rice. It is a kind of corpse ant called by mountain people. Where it is bitten, there will be a kind of burning needle-like suffering. Even if an adult is bitten, it will still scream, not to mention that the sound is a young girl.

I just don't know whether this woman dressed as a man is really a slender girl or an adult girl who still retains her childlike voice.

However, no matter which one, she suddenly screamed so miserably, but she directly exposed her background.

A man next to him quickly brushed off several other ants that remained on the skin with his sleeve and trampled them to death. Another person quickly took out a bottle with a faint herbal fragrance from his arms, which contained green powder. At this time, the bottle had been mixed with water into an ointment-like juice.

This bottle not only has a medicinal fragrance, but also has a strange fragrance, which is definitely much better than the medicinal fragrance.

Not long after the green medicine was put on, the square-faced woman's twisted face gradually recovered, but her eyebrows were locked, and she still looked very angry and stared at more and more ants.

The square-faced woman stopped breathing, opened her slightly white lips, and said angrily, "My husband, help me burn these damn bugs with fire!"

At this time, she was so angry that she no longer pretended to be a man's voice, and she didn't call the man who patted the ants as her brother.


The thin-faced man was distressed to clean the tears from the corners of her eyes and responded directly without thinking about it. Although they have to dig three feet to burn them, it will waste a lot of time, which will affect their journey.

However, I'm not sure about my own thing now. It's better to make women feel relieved.

The mountains and forests are wet, dry wood is rare, and things that catch fire are hard to find. The gloomy-faced man rushed high and low to find all kinds of dry branches and leaves hidden in the forest.

Another man put away the green ointment, comforted him, and picked up some branches with the thin-faced man.

"I told you to bite Miss Ben! Tell you to bite Miss Ben!"

The square-faced woman herself put down her trousers, untied the long sword in her waist, and kept hitting the outer ants. She cursed the people in her mouth, as if they could live for a moment.

After a moment, with a tinkling sound, a small red spark splashed on the flint in the thin-faced man's hand, ignited a pile of extremely dry bark silk he held with his other hand, and the faint green smoke immediately rose.

A spark can start a prairie fire. This small flame turns into a flame in the blink of an eye.

The gloomy-faced man waited for the fire to be big enough before throwing the fire at the exit of the ant's nest, and slowly adding some dead branches. In the crackling sound, the flame became bigger and bigger, and many ants that didn't have time to escape immediately made a slight crackling sound, and finally turned into charred black ashes.

The square-faced woman immediately threw down the scabbard in her hand and began to dig the rotten soil with the scabbard, so that the temperature of the flame penetrated directly into the inner layer, intending to cut the grass and burn it to ashes.

The dark-faced man did not persuade her. He threw firewood branches with another man with a smile and said, "It's also the most thin skin and tender meat. Otherwise, it is impossible for them that no one will bite and just bite you?"

The square-faced woman stared at him and said angrily, "Husband, can't you comfort me for being bitten?"

As he spoke, the sword in his hand stopped for a moment and immediately dug out a semi-circular arc, like a moat for the construction of the city.

The man who took out the ointment smiled and did not stimulate the crazy sister, but the leaves in his hand kept sweeping back into the flames with some ants and fallen leaves. Poor ants were trampled on the house, just to teach the invaders a little lesson, but they had to suffer the disaster of destruction.

Soon, the circular "moat" was also dug out, and many fire branches were also dropped in it. The fire became bigger and finally turned into a bonfire several feet long. The fire spread flat and covered a wide range. I'm afraid that there is really no ant leaking from the net, the real disaster of destroying the cave.

The square-faced male woman can't dig now. Looking at the flames raging, she finally relieved a little. After a while, she picked up some unquenched firewood with her sword to open a gap, and then expanded to the mouth of the cave.

The still wet soil was constantly picked up by her, and many ants also fell into the flames and turned into flying ash in the crackling.

Gradually, some white worm eggs inside were also picked out, and a fat ant several times larger than ordinary ants was also picked out, burning out a faint smell of meat.

Looking at her familiar movements, this must not be the first time she has done such a thing.

This is the real disaster of destroying the cave.

The firewood was big enough that the thin-faced man looked at another companion with a smile and did not help. Maybe let her move more, more tired and more relieved at this time.

Waiting for the square-faced woman to sit on a clean tree trunk beside them, and the thin-faced man smiled and said, "Senior sister, can you be relieved now?"

The square-faced woman rolled her eyes and said, "What if she doesn't relieve her anger? It's all burned out. Do you want me to burn it?

The thin-faced man still smiled brightly and said, "I'm your younger brother. I didn't offend you, and I even helped you avenge you. You don't need to be so cruel, do you?"

The square-faced woman did not reply to his words for a moment, but pulled up the trousers tube, revealing an extremely white calf. She looked at it casually and saw that there was no swelling or red and swollen spots, so she put down the trousers tube and snuggled up to the thin-faced man and said, "Favor, shall we rest here for a while?"

Looking up and pretending to look at the shade of the trees above his head, he said, "I'm not lazy and afraid of things. It's almost noon now. We ate a few cakes so early and climbed such a far mountain road. At this time, we are so hungry that we can't eat any more. We can't walk later. Brother, you have to carry them on your back. I'll go!"

A thin-faced young man patted her back and smiled, "Okay, it's up to my sister!" You have to pay attention to the address."

The square-faced woman spit out her tongue, rolled her eyes, glanced around casually, and smiled, "What are you afraid of? There are no outsiders in this damn place!" Besides, husband... Brother is so powerful that he can deal with any accident!"

"Well, everything you say is reasonable!"

The man with a gloomy face did not argue with her and stood up and said, "This damn bug has never bitten the senior sister. You have to do this hunting, right?"

The square-faced woman pout reluctantly, but did not shirk. She alone carried the wiped sword to prepare today's prey. Instead, the other two men were responsible for collecting firewood and exploring the brook.

Since they left home, they have had this agreement very early. The woman with this face has to be responsible for hunting, have a longer way to deal with the enemy, and can respond to any accidents in the future.

Before leaving, the man picked up several dry and dry branches from the unburned fire. It's not that they don't want to burn on the ground. There is no water here, and barbecue is extremely inconvenient. They have to find another place.