Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 415 Simoco Canyon


The two princess's teams were close to each other, and there were snow eagles in the middle. In just six days, they converged in a small town.

The four were very happy when they met. After confirming their identity, they hugged each other and cried.

Xue Yueer naturally knelt down with red eyes to apologize, but she was directly helped by the fourth princess Song Ling, which was much better than what Xiao Guding suffered. And Song Ling also complained that what she did at the beginning was too reckless and asked Xue Yueer for forgiveness. The two accompanied each other, but they suddenly pulled their feelings deeply and turned into brothers, but it was unexpected.

However, one bad situation is that the sixth princess rushed forward with a uncomfortable body because she was in a hurry to meet the fourth princess. At this time, her body became extremely weak, her face was as pale as paper, and she still couldn't breathe well after taking medicine.

Karen and the fourth princess felt extremely uncomfortable. They wanted to help her, but the sixth princess politely refused, saying that this time they must rely on their own skills to climb up. Only in that way can they respect themselves.

Seeing that she was too stubborn to disobey her, the fourth princess had to stay in place to escort and accompany the sixth princess to conquer this unfinished snowy peak.

The sixth princess was weak, and Xue Yueer and the fourth princess told some wonderful stories of the past from time to time. At the beginning, they were extremely excited. After two days, they became a little depressed and happy, and they stopped talking several times.

The sixth princess has been with her for a while. Knowing what she was thinking, she suddenly said, "If you want to go, just be careful. If... or come back with injury, my husband will scold me."

Although Xue Yueer and the two are still men's clothing, they directly call Xiaoguding their husbands at this time, and there is nothing to hide. But when there are outsiders on the side, they still hide it very well.

Xue Yueer said gratefully, "Then I'll go. Be careful and don't hurt yourself too much."

The sixth princess nodded and said, "Well, you are the same. Don't be in a hurry."

Xue Yueer packed up her simple luggage and took the ice flowers together. The three of them were sent out of the door. They looked at Xue Yueer disappearing away and sighed for a while before returning to the house to continue the unfinished story told by the sixth princess.

Sometimes, the sixth princess will also ask about the Xuanbing Palace.

However, although Xuanbing Palace is very famous in the world, the story is not very wonderful. The most told story between the three is the legendary story of Xiaoguding along the way.

If outsiders see the story and listening appearance of the three people, they actually treat Xiaoguding as a hero. Only the person concerned himself does not know much about it at all, and may also feel a little.

Xue Yueer hurried on her way in a straight line without any exploration in the middle, reaching the Xuanbing Palace faster than Xiaoguding. However, she only stayed in the Ice Palace for a while and took a little rest. She refused to rest all night, so she set out again to chase her, which made the women of Xuanbing Palace boast for a long time. They said that this woman was too stupid, and some secretly said that the little devil was too blessed.

However, after this incident, the long-faced girl who first greeted the little bone in front of the mountain gate was ashamed and hid the initial love in her heart, which was unknown to all the women. A girl's clean love has not yet grown up, and it is pitiful to die.

Before Xue Yueer set off, Xiaoguding must wait for her to climb the peak together. Don't be careless. Xiaogu Ding's smile is not taken seriously at all. On the contrary, Cui Han said is to understand Xue Yueer's mood. There are many people and many people.

Of course, she also knows that Xiaoguding wants to do this. In fact, she wants to reduce the risk that Xue Yueer has to bear. She is different from her. After all, she has lived on Xuefeng for more than ten years.

So, the two slowed down the speed of climbing to the top and explored the Zhou Jinxue Peak all the way. When they reached the low snow peak, there were trees and beasts and were not covered with snow. They did it themselves and barbecued to avoid chewing dry food all day long.

Climbing the top of a mountain is not just going straight up, climbing higher and higher. There are still peaks to go down in the middle, and then up, until the end of the final climb is the highest. Therefore, there is this low forest without ice and snow on the way to the top.

Exploring all the way, some rare and precious medicinal materials were collected by them. Together with the hunted fur, they used snow eagles to send them back to Xuanbing Palace every day.

So that Xiaoguding smiled bitterly and said that he was about to become a free laborer in Xuanbing Palace. Cui Han laughed and said that this was his daily dry food. Xiaoguding complained that the dry food in Xuanbing Palace was the most expensive dry food in the world, which was simply more expensive than gold and silver. The two laughed.

Xiaoguding is familiar with reading the poisonous scriptures and the holy books of medicine. Even on the snow peak, he knows more medicinal materials than the native Cui Han. Cui Han was surprised and asked what the effect of these weed-like herbs collected by Xiaoguding was. Xiaoguding simply told her some matching prescriptions, which made Xuanbing Palace receive a lot of favor and received a personal reply from the owner of Xuanbing Palace, which gave Xiaoguding a small touch.

Bystanders are clear, and the authorities are fascinated. Such a cheerful smile often happens when the two of them walk along the way, which even Cui Han has not noticed his change. However, the feelings between them are still purely sister and brother, not mixed with other elements. Perhaps because of this, Cui Han did not notice his own changes.

Xiaoguding found something. After all, the ice sculpture that was once deeply imprinted in his mind was so impressive, but now he feels that the change of warmth and closeness is extremely enjoyable. Naturally, he will not remind him, so as not to be beautiful when Cui Han has some scruples and restrains.

It is no longer a straight climb to the top. The two chose the tent to live on the only way, and then went to the left of the ice peak to hunt for medicine. The speed of hunting beasts suddenly slowed down a lot. Of course, they will not be bored to hunt some huge things such as snow bears and snow leopards. They don't want to waste it because of the inconvenience of transportation. They only hunt some snow chicken barbecue fruits, and occasionally catch one or two snow foxes to peel off their precious furs.

On the ninth day of Xue Yueer's departure, Xue Yueer, who was chasing her, finally rushed over, regardless of Cuihan's side, hugged the little bone Ding and cried with joy.

When Cuihan saw their little husband and little wife, their feelings were so deep that his eyes were a little wet, and he was crazy about it.

The three were able to reunite and climbed to the top of the ice peak more than twice as fast, and naturally took much less medicinal materials.

The scene above the snow peak is ever-changing, and Cui Han explained that Xiao Guding has experienced enough in the past few days, which is definitely much deeper than their lonely feeling in Ayer Snow Peak.

There is not much difference between the two peaks. Only a few plants are different from birds and animals, and the costumes of the mountain people living there will be different. The climate remains unchanged, and the enthusiasm and simplicity remains unchanged.

There are also valleys where the ice wind roars all day long, day and night, and the immortals are difficult to cross. Xiaoguding's trip was originally an adventure visit. Cui Han took them to this place called Simoke Canyon.

Before they arrived at the valley, they heard the endless ice wind roaring and raging, slowly crying like a complaining woman, and suddenly roaring like a beast, and they never stopped.

In the near distance, I saw a narrow gap between the two giants, leaving a narrow gap of about ten feet and dozens of feet wide. Looking up at the valley, I could only see a line of light. The two walls of the valley are as smooth as mirrors, and most of them are exposed dark and blue-gray rocks, but there are many hard ice in the depressions.

The rocks at the exit of the valley are also as hard and smooth as those in the valley. Gradually, they are gradually covered with ice from Pu to thick, just like layers of upward terraces, but the scene inside is like inverted terraces.

"Is this the Simoque Gorge of Modu? It looks scary! That's right, it's strong enough!"

The roaring in the valley is naturally rumored to be extremely fierce ice wind, as cold as ice, as sharp as a knife, and as heavy as a hammer. This is the first feeling of the little bone standing at the mouth of the valley.

Just standing at the mouth of the Mohr River Canyon, the thin and single bone was blown from the valley, swaying like a thin leaf in the wind.

"Maybe it's good to practice here."

Standing at Gukou and feeling it for a while, Xiaoguding suddenly made such a feeling.

Cui Han couldn't laugh or cry in an moment. It is bare and slippery, the trees do not exist, and there are few beasts. Who can stay here for a long time? I'm still practicing, but I'm afraid I've starved to death.

"If you see it, go back. It's really too dangerous here. Let's not go in."

Looking at Xiaoguding's interest and eager to try, Cui Han advised with a trace of hope.

Sure enough, as she expected, the little bone immediately shook his head like a rattle drum, patted the cold body bones, and smiled, "Since such a dangerous place has come, there is no reason not to try. Simoque Canyon, I'm coming!"

The wind blew the robe, and it was about to crack. This made the two Cuihan have such an idea. Will the skirts on their bodies be directly blown when they go in like this? This idea flashed away, and even shyness didn't have time to react, which turned into a worry about the safety of small bones.

The thin and bloated body rushed into the canyon and only took two steps. The wind blew like a surge, making it difficult for the small bone to walk. If you are in a tyrannical torrent, you may be swept away at any time.

Xiaoguding and Xue Yueer wore a protective crocodile leather helmet at this time. They only felt that the cold leather seemed to have become their own skin, which was still spicy and painful. Cui Han did not have this helmet that even covered her face. The wind twisted and deformed her beautiful face, revealing high cheekbones, and a leather hat on her head. If you blow off, your hair will be blown up.

At this time, they could no longer speak to dissuade them, opened their mouths, and the wind penetrated into their stomachs. They could only grit their teeth and follow them.

Suddenly, Cuihan's hairpin loosened, and fell into the air and was blown out dozens of feet by the strong wind. The hair that had lost its bondage suddenly exploded. The twisting force was so strong that Cui Han's tears flowed out of pain.

Despite the scattered hair, Cui Han looked at Xiaoguding's body swaying forward like a swing. He felt that he could no longer be fooled by Xiaoguding at this time. His silver teeth clenched and flashed forward. Suddenly, he took Xiaoguding back and dragged him back to Gukou and said, "Brother Ding, you can't fool around like this."

The long hair blown by the wind shook randomly behind the head, and the bones of the face were blown out. The skin and flesh were twisted, and the ice marks formed by tears at the corners of the eyes were still there, shining with a faint gray-white light. The shape was extremely terrible. There was no beauty, like a long-haired ghost coming out of the ground.

Cuihan violently captured the little bone Ding and came back, followed by Xue Yueer and stared at the two without saying a word, but grabbed Cui Han's hand and threw it far away, which was broken into two pieces of jade white hairpin, which was no longer useful.

Cuihan is not a divine calculation. It can't be calculated that Xiaoguding will suddenly come out like this. This jade hairpin is only used for buns, and it can't withstand falling.

The little bones and their helmets are together, and the wind can't blow. The cold hat is extremely ordinary. If you go in, you will be blown to the back, and then the bun will disintegrate, affecting the action.

Xiaoguding was brought back by her, turned his head and looked at him with some heartache, "Sister Cuihan, just wait for us at Gukou. We just go in and have a look and will come back."

He can't give her his helmet, because it is connected with a leather buckle under his neck. It's troublesome to change it all, and it can't be changed. Xue Yueer, who is older than him, is still one size smaller than Cui Han.

Xue Yueer is not short, only about six feet. Cuihan's figure is tall but more than seven feet, and her body is stronger and wider. If you want to wear Xue Yueer's set of leather armor, you can't squeeze in and buckle it. Moreover, Xue Yueer was unwilling to change the leather armor, and Cui Han took the small bones in.

Despite the scattered hair, Cui Han stood at Gukou and advised, "That won't work. If you don't let your sister go in with you, don't go in. There is nothing in there except the gale. What are you doing in there? There are too many dangerous places above the snow peak. You can't explore every outside, unless you are now an immortal.

Although Xue Yueer was a little jealous of her feelings of concern for Xiaoguding, she did not show it. She was afraid that Xiaoguding would be unhappy and didn't say much all the way. At this time, seeing that the situation was life-threatening, he couldn't help exhortation, "Brother, don't go in. As Sister Cuihan said, the naturally formed ice cave is very dangerous, and it is impossible to find it clearly. Since you want to climb to the top, we will accompany you up. It is impossible not even to take your own life for this matter. Do you have the heart to let Liu... make us worry?"

Little Bone Ding didn't think about it. He stared at the roaring canyon with his eyes shining, firmly clenched his fist and shook his head and said, "That's not work. The ice cave is extremely smooth and bottomless. We can't go down. It's also helpless. This canyon is just windy. If we can have enough strength to rush. There should be no danger in."

In fact, their helmets also have several breathable holes. The wind is like a knife, penetrating, and it will also penetrate into their helmets. However, the helmet material of the two small bones is tough, and the sword cannot be cut off. Naturally, this wind is not as fierce as the sword.

But those winds also came in, really like the tip of a needle, painful and bulging, and soon drilled out of the gap in the neck, and nothing happened.

Cuihan was fierce. After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and said, "Then I'll sacrifice my life to accompany you. Wait for me to get a big mask and helmet together."

The leather is ready-made, and snow silk is also available. Soon, there are two holes in the front of the eyes, and the rough leather cap with a vent in the back is made. This helmet is of little use, just to reduce the use of hair scattering. Of course, it has more or less slowing down the deformation of the face, and it is enough to enter this canyon.