Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 432 Another Star in front of you


The wall is slippery and dangerous, and the foothold is not spacious. If you are not careful, it will be a disaster of smashing bones. The little bone Ding is not high there, and it is not dangerous yet. Xue Yueer took advantage of this time to clean up the temporary resting point of herself and others.

Although she has almost been obedient to Xiaoguding, her mind is surprisingly consistent with the Sixth Princess and does not agree with such a meaningless but dangerous thing.

Xiaoguding's temper is as stubborn as that of the two of them, and there is basically no possibility of changing what he is determined to do. The three of them are a perfect match when they walk together.

So no matter how reluctant they are, Xiaoguding has no intention of stoping. They can only compromise and help take care of them.

I really don't know if it's a blessing to meet him?

Xue Yueer stretched out her sleeves and wiped the sweat on the top of her head and dug on the stone wall at a faster speed. Before long, the three narrow stone chambers connected to the end were rotated.

This stone crevice is extremely narrow, and there is a cliff less than two feet away. It is only for a short rest and is not used to stay more at all. Therefore, Xueyueer simply saves time and effort.

But this is also an extremely hard stone wall, so even if the internal strength is quite good and the treasure knife is in hand, Xue Yueer is worried about the safety of the little bone Ding. Even at the cool peak of the mountain wind raging, the blue veins and muscles of her hands are bulging up and cleaning up at a faster speed.

With the kung fu of incense, the sweat on her forehead came out densely. She raised her sleeves and wiped them cleanly. She looked up at the small bones sticking to the stone wall like a gecko. She stepped on the deep inch just cut out, only three inches wide and one inch high. She could only reach into the stone wall on the tip of one foot, and her hand also picked a stone that had just been cut out. The hole, closed his eyes, turned his head, and cut it above his head.

The blue-gray stone powder fell down like snow, smashing on the black helmet worn by Xiaoguding, dyeing the black helmet blue and white, which looked indescribably funny.

Xue Yueer shook her head with tears and laughter, and her men moved faster. Xiaoguding has only cut three holes now, only eight feet away from the stone wall. When it is higher, she will have to help take care of it, so that he will not accidentally fall down, and the two of them may have to be little widows.

Shifeng is bare and the stone road is long. It is also not fun to go to the Xiafeng barbecue to get water. The sixth princess only wanted to see Xiaoguding for the time being because she was angry, so she didn't want to be embarrassed, so she got this hardship.

Straight down the stone path, there are a few dwarf trees sparsely, and occasionally one or two stubborn varieties whose roots are exposed to the rocks are growing strong and unyielding.

A few miles, just under ten miles, it is a green and dense forest with streams and a variety of birds and beasts. There is no need to worry about eating and drinking.

The mountain road is extremely steep and slippery, and it is easy to get down, but it is very difficult to go up.

The sixth princess looked back at the top of the mountain shrouded in the clouds, shook her head and sighed. She was still unwilling to do useless things like this, but she could only get into the bamboo forest.

First, take off the bamboo tube that became a little blue and white at the waist and stretched out on a cliff wall, then the cold and clear stream that flowed down, took half a tube, and drank with satisfaction.

After drinking, the sixth princess filled the three bamboo tubes around her with sweet streams, then put them on the rocks and muttered, "I'll go back later on purpose. I'm thirsty to death. Look at your stubbornness!"

Suddenly, she thought that Xue Yueer was also beside her and said, "I don't know if my senior sister will be surprised? Oh, don't care. Hunt a few wild animals first and then you'll be full. Let you offend me!"

Leaving the bamboo tube, the sixth princess packed up her clothes, and the long sword in her hand came out of the sheath. In addition, she took a few small stones in her hand and got into the woods.

Xue Yueer sorted out three extremely crude stone seams for sleeping, regardless of the fact that it could not stop the rain or the sun. She opened the package and took the tent under the leather and pressed it with a few boulders. Three gray-white ugly earth bags appeared on the top of this bare stone wall in an hour.

After cleaning up and stopping slightly, Xue Yueer wiped the sweat on her forehead, took out a flying steel hook from the package, walked to the stone wall of the small bone to cut the stone road, and whispered, "Brother, the mountain road is slippery and dangerous. Let's tie this rope first."

"Be careful!"

Throw the sharp and dark steel hook at her feet and make a crisp sound. Xue Yueer gently threw up the rope in her hand, not worrying that Xiaoguding would not answer.

When Xue Yueer made a sound, the dagger of Xiaoguding's right hand stopped for a moment. Hearing the sound of the wind, he immediately put the dagger into his sleeve, like an eye on his back. He grabbed the rope with his backhand and quickly tied it around his waist. Then his hand turned over, and the stone and stone powder fell again.

From beginning to end, the small bone sticking to the stone wall like a big gecko, and there is no turning back at all.

One hole, two holes...

One foot, two feet...

After Xue Yueer advised Xiaoguding to come down and rest first and let himself replace it unsuccessarily, Xiaoguding also gritted his teeth and insisted on chiseling the stone wall.

Looking up, the slightly poisonous sun had been slightly deflected from the sky, and the sixth princess who had been down the mountain for nearly two hours had not returned.

"Brother, come down first. My sister hasn't come back yet. Will anything happen?"

Xue Yueer's neck was sore, and she twisted and continued to stare at the gecko on the stone wall. At this time, she couldn't help persuading each other.

The little bone Ding, who had been silent for a long time, snorted, "If you want to go, you don't have to worry about it here!"

Xue Yueer frowned and said, "How can I rest assured if you don't come down?" Won't the junior sister really go down the mountain, or have she met a horror?

Xiao Guding still said coldly, "It's better to go back down the mountain, so that I don't have to worry about it!" If you want to look for it, you can look for it, and you don't have to stay here anymore.

Xue Yueer stamped her feet restlessly like a little girl and frowned, "There is no worry on either side. I'm worried to death!"

I wanted to find the sixth princess, but I didn't dare to leave because of the safety of the little bone in front of me. Xue Yueer stood beside the stone wall and walked back and forth like ants on the hot pot, stamped her feet from time to time.

Looking up at the sky again, Xue Yueer said anxiously, "Brother, you have been busy on it for so long, and you must be tired and hungry. Come down and rest first. Let's find some water and food first."

The little bone is still like a gecko sticking to the stone wall, and the stone debris on the top of his head falls from time to time. When the mountain wind blows, a gray-white pink fog floats up.

Xue Yueer, standing under the stone wall, did not know when she wore a dark helmet, was also covered with a thick layer of gray-white stone powder, and the colorful old floral robe, followed by a layer of gray-white. At first glance, it really looked like a stone carving.

"Please help me do it. I want to climb it earlier. You don't have to worry about my safety. The rope hook can be tied to a big rock.

He sighed gently, and Xiaoguding's tone softened a lot, as if he persuaded him.

He is also a competitive child. He can't breathe and doesn't want to give up easily. At this time, he is just holding his neck. If Xue Yueer hadn't been guarding below, he would have jumped down and rested several times, and now he would have slept well in the woods under the mountain.

These days, when I play around, I am tired and lazy. If I can not suffer, I will definitely not cause trouble for myself, even if I find something boring to do like now.

Xue Yueer's face was a little happy, and the little bone was safe and sound. There was a rope added to her body. There should be no accident, but the sixth princess had no news at all. She almost couldn't tell which was more important, and she secretly said that she was dizzy.

Hurryly tied the rope in her hand to a big stone connected to the stone wall, and Xue Yueer said carefully, like running down the mountain.

Only half a column * husband, Xue Yueer ran out of ten miles, and her nostrils came with a sweet barbecue smell, which should be the most common pheasant.


The belly that had been so hungry that her chest was against her back screamed. Xue Yueer stroked her belly with a wry smile. Although she didn't see anyone, she guessed what was going on and scolded in a low voice, "You naughty girl!"

Maybe they were angry. This scolded very naturally, completely forgetting that they were dressed as old savage women at this time.

After passing through and counting breaths, Xue Yueer saw the sixth princess sleeping peacefully in the grass by the stream, and the barbecue next to her was wrapped in clean leaves and placed there.

What made Xue Yueer cry and laugh most was that the girl really made a uniform breathing sound. Looking at the look and state, she is sure that the angry crazy girl is really asleep!

Shaking her head, Xue Yueer did not lighten her steps. In addition to the gray helmet, she first went to the stream to wash her handle, opened her mouth and went straight to the stream flowing from the stone wall to drink. She was really thirsty, busy and persuasive. Her throat was as dry as smoke. Xue Yueer took ten sips in one breath, and her throat was endless, and even Pu Pu's colorful robes were wet.

After drinking enough, Xue Yueer wiped the drops of water and said to the sixth princess, "Ok, don't sleep anymore. It's too much!"

The sixth princess opened her eyes and said with a smile, "Isn't this afraid of senior sister's scolding? Just pretending to sleep well. When the senior sister eats the barbecue, she will be embarrassed to scold me again."

"There are a lot of ghost ideas!"

Xue Yueer laughed and scolded, grabbed two bags of barbecue and said, "Let's go!" It's time to go back."

The sixth princess got up and hugged her and said, "That won't work. You must let the madman come down by himself. We can't compromise like this. Usually, I blame my sister for following him too much and developing his instructive temper.

Xue Yueer smiled and said, "Isn't this talking about yourself?"

The sixth princess hugged her tightly, but she didn't let go. She shook coquettishly and said, "Sister, you must help me this time!"

Xue Yueer said, "But he is extremely dangerous in him. Let's help keep an eye on him."

The sixth princess said, "Don't worry, he is crazy, not stupid, and won't think it's a long life. Just relax and wait here. Let's see how hungry he is dizzy and running with a dry mouth. This time, my senior sister must help me! Otherwise..."

Xue Yueer said, "Okay, okay, I can't help you!"

The sixth princess immediately laughed and said, "This is my good sister who share joys and sorrows! Come and eat this barbecue to fill your stomach. After eating enough, you can sleep beautifully. I'm so angry with that conscienceless guy!"



After about two hours, Xue Yueer was dragged by the sixth princess to sleep in the temporarily sorted out grass, and still couldn't sleep. She was watching the splash of water splashing on the water of the stream. There was a sound of not calm footsteps in her ear, but the little bone came down the peak.


The two sat up at the same time and looked at the little bone Ding, who was gray. Except for being eaten by the wind, there was no trace of beating at all. They looked indescribably embarrassed and funny, as if they had just emerged from the mud.


She looked embarrassed, her footsteps were frivolous, and she heard a faint gasp. The sixth princess laughed at her relieved words, and her tears were laughed out.

Xiaoguding stared at them and didn't care about them. He climbed to the side of the stream and drank enough of the stream. He wiped his face and drilled into the woods.

The sixth princess's laughter stopped suddenly. Looking at Xiaoguding's back, she was a little at a loss. Xue Yueer rushed forward, took the barbecue next to her, stuffed it in his hand, and whispered, "Don't forget what you promised the fourth princess."

Xiaoguding was shocked all over and looked at her for a long time. Then he looked at the sixth princess with a miserable expression and shook his head. Suddenly, he smiled and patted his head and said, "Isn't this madness! Whoever asked you two not to help, and deliberately angry with me!"

The sixth princess felt sad, and tears came out of her eyes. She reached out and wiped it, turned her head and said leisurely, "After climbing this stone peak, I want to go back to my house to rest for a while."

Xiao Guding's expression was still, and Xue Yueer sat directly back beside her and hugged her and persuaded her, "Don't be angry, my brother didn't mean it."

The sixth princess said, "I was wondering why I was anxious to marry him. I thought I knew more than ordinary people, like an adult, but it turned out that it was not at all. I think the reason why I promised to go out with him is mainly because it's easy and fun. But the so-called feelings are not like that at all, but the facts these days are unexpected. It's okay to be hard and scared all the way. Gradually, I find that there is less fun, but more quarrels and troubles. I'm tired and want to go back to rest for a while and calm down. After a while, my husband is willing to come and look for it, just send me a letter.

Xiaoguding opened his mouth and finally said nothing. Ren Xueyueer persuaded him. Looking back, I feel that I'm really sorry for the sixth princess all the way. Even after the four princess warned me, it's hard to hide the worry in my heart. In addition, I really don't know much about this so-called feelings, so I just treat them as my own sisters.

nodded, and Xiaogu Ding said, "May well be crazy. If you go back home, I will hide here for a while, and I will definitely come to you."


In the next division of labor, Xue Yueer and Xiaoguding rotated, and the sixth princess was only responsible for eating and drinking water.

During the break, how did Ren Xueyueer enlighten her? This time, the sixth princess was so determined that she didn't let go at all. It seemed that she really wanted to spend a while.

When fun things become bondage and annoyance, then it is not far from separation.

And the little bone Ding followed angrily. The sun rose and the moon rose endlessly. It took him three days to climb the nearly 400-foot bare stone wall and tied all the rope hooks of the three people together, which was barely long.

"Oh, there is also a beautiful star twinkling here!"

"So close! Shall we take it off?"


Xiao Guding and Xue Yueer climbed the narrow stone top of the mountain wind one after another. Suddenly, they looked at the same scene as on the top of Xuanbing Peak in surprise, swept away the depression of the past few days and shouted to vent the depression in their hearts for a long time.