Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 436 Crossing the Channel


There are boulders tied, and small bones are pulling. In just dozens of breaths, Xue Yueer climbed up this steep stone wall of nearly 400 feet.

"Why is it gone?"

When Xue Yueer saw the little bone on the cliff, the first sentence she jumped up and said was like this.

Because she knows very well that if this light spot disappears again, I'm afraid it will have to make Xiaoguding crazy again. Maybe it will really make him crazy. She dare not imagine such a situation at all. As soon as she heard Xiaoguding's panicked roar, she turned pale with fear. She almost fell down and ran up with a breath.

When asked this question, she looked up nervously.

The little bone turned around and looked up.

Hua? What's the situation? Isn't the light spot like a firefly in the sky flashing normally? Where has disappeared?

Xiaoguding opened his mouth in astonishment and rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

"Is it fun to lie to us like this?"

Xue Yueer exhaled and stared at Xiaoguding angrily. What she saw was his unbelievable face.

So she didn't wait for the stimulated little bone to answer and asked in an uncertain soft voice, "Didn't you really see this 'star' just now?"

Xiao Guding nodded and said, "Really, I just looked at it carefully and really didn't find this 'star'. Is it fun for me to lie to you about this kind of thing?"

For fear that she would not believe it, she said with her finger, "If I lie to you, I won't..."

A dark and cold thin palm covered his mouth and said softly, "I believe you don't have to do this."

Seeing that his eyes were full of gentleness, Xiaoguding said eagerly, "What I said is true. I really didn't lie to you!"

Xue Yueer continued, "I said, I believe you."

He looked at his chest thoughtfully, where there was a thing shining with the 'star' above his head, emitting a soft light that the little bone could not perceive.

Is it really because of this double screw pendant?

This is indeed the only possibility. Listening to the sixth princess's anxious questioning under the stone wall, Xue Yueer bent the corners of her mouth slightly and shouted, "Don't worry, this treacherous guy is teasing us! All right, you tie the stone first.

Xiaoguding's mouth was bitter and whispered, "I really didn't lie to you."

Xue Yueer smiled and said, "I know, but she still doesn't know. It's very troublesome to explain. This statement is the simplest. Anyway, you haven't been a villain for a day or two, and it's okay to continue to be a few more times.

Sure enough, when she heard Xue Yueer's smiling answer, the sixth princess began to curse Xiaoguding angrily. She repeated the treacherous old man, the unscure old man and so on, as if she wanted to scold all the evil in her heart and scolded her to be happy to worry about this conscienceless guy just now.

Little bone Ding looked at her smiling black face and listened to the low curses below. Suddenly, she felt that after following herself and the sixth princess for too long, Xue Yueer also became a little sinister and cunning, which was a bad phenomenon!

Xue Yueer shook her hand, bowed her legs, and pricked her posture. After hearing the hint of the sixth princess, her hands alternated with a difficult time and began to pull the rope.

"I'll help you, two together!"

Xiaoguding shook his head, threw away his mind, rushed up and stood behind Xue Yueer, followed her movements, pulled and collected together. The speed suddenly increased a lot, and it became extremely relaxed.

Xue Yueer was overjoyed, holding back her intention to speak, and pulled the stone up quickly in one breath.

The two of them exerted their strength at the same time to pull a stone of the same size, which is much easier and faster. It is not comparable to a person pulling a stone at all.

It turns out that the strength of the two people is not necessarily a simple double!

Xue Yueer pulled a stone alone and felt very deeply about it.

Therefore, she gasped for a while and shouted under the stone wall, "Sister, take our strength to get a big stone of about 100 catties first."

She had a good idea. No matter how small the stones are, they have to be tied with ropes after all. It's not safe. It's far from a whole stone.

Perhaps, with the suppression of this stone, there is no need for human support at all, so the idea of three people rotating alternately can also be realized.

When the sixth princess heard this, she found a big stone halfway. She took the strength to breastfeed, shook it step by step, moved to the foot of the stone wall, and then sat down to the ground, unable to tie the stone.

After a long rest, she got up and tied the stone and asked Xue Yueer to drag them up.

The rope became tighter and tighter, and the sixth princess slowly picked up the stone until she raised it over her head, and slowly relieved her strength and pulled it up by the two of them.


The dull impact echoed in the valley again, and the big stone shook and pulled up.

This time, Xue Yueer felt that it was as laborious as she pulled a stone up, so the two had to rest for a while before dragging a stone up.

All the stones were pulled up, and the sixth princess followed.

On the stone wall, those stones have been firmly mounted on the bamboo frame. The three brackets have a huge stone weighing more than 100 catties, and small stones are tied there and connected with ropes.

The sixth princess climbed up and tried. She didn't need help, and it was much safer to climb up. Of course, swaying was inevitable, because of the continuous mountain wind and because the dead bamboo was too high and too thin.

It's early at this time, and there is still some time before lunch. Except for the sixth princess, the three are better, and the little bone is so tired that they are about to collapse. The sixth princess can only try first and continue to try with the deformed dagger.

At the moment when the aperture closed, the sixth princess gently stirred the aperture with the crescent moon and took off the dagger that would fall naturally.

Take off the dagger and take a look. Sure enough, it's just squeezed like a knife at the light spot, and it doesn't matter how long it is.

proves this, and the three of them are much relieved and hopeful.

Because if this is the case, it is only possible to survive if a guy like the rock lion enters, and the three of them will definitely be crushed into meat and bone powder, and the end will be extremely miserable.

In order to go to the fairyland, they can overcome all fears and don't think about whether they will encounter such a situation if they are in it.

The three of them have tried all over the countermeasures discussed yesterday, including Xue Yueer trying their best to open a hole the size of a basin.

This hole also only stayed for about ten hours, no longer than the bucket-sized hole, so it also exabited the idea that they could get into it more and more easily.

Of course, they are not sure that after this aperture, there will be something in the blurred white fog and any unknown danger. They dare not exhaust their strength.

No matter when, it's right to leave a bottom card to save your life.

Seeing that the hope of time travel is getting bigger and greater, the three of them took turns to test. Although they were exhausted, they grinned and kept giggling, as if they had seen many fat and big Xiantao that could live long after eating them waiting for them to pick.

The strength was exhausted, and some ideas were tested. They simply went down to the peak early to rest, had lunch early, packed up the tent, and prepared to cross this strange light spot and enter the clouds that may be the fairyland.

Climbing down excitedly, Xue Yueer and the Sixth Princess began to pack up their simple but convenient tents and some personal belongings. Xiaoguding is responsible for today's hunting and barbecue.

After several days of barbecue, they ate a little greasy, but in this forest, there are no iron pots and porcelain pots to cook. Otherwise, it's good to get some wild vegetables and taste the meat soup.

As long as I get to the fairyland and there are fairy fruits to eat, I'm still complaining about what barbecue is unpalatable? What a mess!

Xiaoguding shook his head with a bitter smile, silently, and continued to hunt for today's lunch like a dexterous cat in the dense jungle.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and his footsteps became lighter. He circled to the direction of the wind and behind a hare eating grass leaves.

The hare was extremely vigilant. While nibbling on the leaves of grass, he slapped his pointed ears twice, and sometimes looked around at the dangers that might occur, because there were too many animals that wanted to hunt for it to eat. The eagles flying in the sky, the beasts running in the world, and even some snakes and rats regarded it as food. Naturally, it could not be eaten from time to time. Be vigilant.

However, what he didn't realize was that the shadow of a flower touched it forward with a lighter foot than a spirit cat, five feet, four feet, to three feet.

The hare finally realized the coming of danger and smelled the smell of death. His legs suddenly stretched out, more than six feet in length, bringing the sound of a low grass leaf.

"I still haven't got any closer. Forget it, I won't play anymore!"

"Flower cat" muttered, followed by three feet. When the hare was still in mid-air, a small white light flashed, followed by a splash of blood. The hare continued to take a few steps forward with soaring blood, and his legs propped a few times, and there was no movement.

I haven't seen it, and no one has ever thought that hunting rabbits is not with arrows and stones, but with a dagger that is only a few inches long, and he grasps the proportion so well. He sneaks forward, jumps up, and seals his throat with a sword, which can be called a top killer.

After having fun, the next hunt was much faster. Either the stone opened the way or the dagger flew away. I easily cleaned up today's lunch and reserved a meal.

Because of the white piece, you can't see anything clearly, which really makes the little bone not very reassuring. If you are prepared, you can save a meal of dry food first.

Seeing Xiaoguding coming back with an obviously more than two meals, Xue Yueer asked the reason in astonishment and began to slaughter the barbecue with a smile.

Because if the little bone is lazy and fast, he only needs to hunt a large beast to come back, but these small things accumulate into the weight of two meals, which means at a glance.

A beautiful meal, drinking water, dry food, wrapping, and getting ready. The little bone looked at the dense shallow holes he had chiseled out above his head and went straight into the clouds. He shouted excitedly, "Fairy, I'm coming!"

Xue Yueer smiled and advised, "Take it easy, save some energy, and don't be too excited."

Xiao Guding nodded vigorously and wanted to go first with empty hands.

Xue Yueer suddenly remembered the accidental disappearance of the "star" in the morning. She was afraid that Xiaoguding would repeat the roar and said first, "I'll do it. Look at your excitement, I'm a little worried."

The little bone that had been held in the first hole was pulled down by Xue Yueer. He was obviously a little surprised, and then teased, "You are really overexcited. Well, let you be the vanguard!"

Still wrapped in a bright red headscarf, dressed in colorful clothes, Xue Yueer, who was as dark as a wild old woman, grabbed the rope, bent her body gently vertically, jumped onto the first hole, used both hands and feet, and soon drilled into the white clouds blocked on the stone wall.

Jump to the top of the stone wall, fortunately, the flashing "star" is still there.

As for whether it is because of the "talisman" she wears, she dares not try it at all to prevent the little bone to be suspicious.

After Xue Yueer went up, Xiaoguding tied the three heavy packages together and let Xue Yueer pull them up at one time.

The three of them closed the rope nearly 400 feet long, untied them into three sections, tied the steel hooks, restored them into three rope hooks for rock climbing, and put them into their respective packages.

Everything was ready. The three put the package aside and continued to sit and adjust their breath, recuperating the strength they had just lost.

Since you have decided to do it, you must adjust your state to the best to be foolproof.

Xue Yueer has the highest internal strength, and naturally she is the first to recover. Opening her eyes, seeing that the two were still closing their eyes and breathing, she smiled and looked at them until they opened their eyes one after another.

Stand up, and the upcoming journey of the three begins!

After reinforcement, the three have tried. The three stood on the bamboo frame at the same time and stirred the aperture hard. Except for the violent shaking, which is extremely scary, there is no possibility of falling apart.

At this time, from weak to strong, the delicate and weak six princess stood in front of the bamboo frame with a big package on her back, followed by small bones, and finally Xue Yueer.

With a gentle insertion of the crescent moon that removed the scabbard, the sixth princess clenched her teeth and stirred slowly and laboriously.


The horrible sound sounded below again, which made the three people still have a trace of worry in their ears. Although they fell from a height and would not die, it was unlikely that they would fall off a cliff in the most central place.

But when this sound comes, you will instinctively feel scared.

However, the three people at this moment have been attracted by the increasingly large aperture in front of them, and the instinctive fear in their hearts has become much smaller.

The thick aperture of the bucket was finally formed, and the six princess's hand holding the dagger was shaking. Xiaogu Ding whispered, "Don't be stubborn, don't worry about going in."

The sixth princess quickly withdrew her hand and handed the crescent moon to the little bone. I gently pushed through the unknown white fog after passing through the aperture above my head.


The bamboo frame shook violently and shook even more fiercely, scaring the three people. At this time, he couldn't help the sixth princess push or maintain the size of the aperture, so the development of things was a little horrible.

It was not until then that he regretted it. If he had known this, he would have directly used hard wood to build a frame without this hollow dead bamboo!

When the sixth princess flew up, her face also changed slightly, because she felt that the bamboo frame was too swaying because of her, but she could no longer look back at this time!

After all, it's a hundred and one sparse!

Don't fall off at this time!