Chasing Fairy Bones

Chapter 443 Ascension, Green Insects Eat


The fire gradually became strong, and the blue and white smoke became smaller, drifting crooked towards the sky and disappeared.

Xiaoguding picked out a green insect from the skin bag with a cold iron dagger and passed through it with an early cut branch. Looking at the disgusting green, green, gray and white juice that emerged when the green insect was passed through by the wood. Xiaoguding stubbornly ignored it and began to barbecue on the fire.

If there is something good enough like the previous wire, it won't be so ugly!

The little bone shook his head and watched the green worm in front of him burn on the red flame for a while and then disappeared. It gradually turned gray and white, and there was a slightly burnt smell, and a faint smell of meat mixed with the smell of dead leaves. In short, it didn't smell very good.

I'm afraid it's not very delicious!

Xiaoguding frowned, looked at the place where Xue Yueer disappeared in the distance, looked at the slightly burnt and white roast worm in front of him, and looked at the white air that kept steaming.

Starving to death, timid to death, fighting!


The small bone bites directly, whether it tastes good or not.

The bite is tender and crispy, but the taste is light, which is no different from all the cooked food, but it is not very delicious, and it is not enough to fill the hunger in the belly of the small bones.

Like all *, there is no smell of pain for the time being. After chewing this extremely small roasted green worm, the small bone did not continue to add dead grass. The dead grass is flammable and turns into a pile of tiny ashes in an instant, and the faint flames disappear.

The breeze continues, but it can't blow the dust hidden at the bottom of the grass.

After all this, Xiaoguding did not dare to continue to barbecue and eat on the premise of not being sure whether the bug was poisonous or not. He climbed back to the cave and continued to rub the snow silk rope and prepare to arrange the mechanism.

Looking at the movements that used to be extremely skilled, now it has become extremely clumsy. It took two or three hours to make two or three rough and loose snow silk ropes.

Looking outside into a dark night, Xiao Guding knew that he could not arrange a mechanism today, that is to say, under the habit of being like a beast, it is impossible to catch prey tomorrow.

Alas, it's so far that the belly is empty and uncomfortable, but the grass is extremely unpalatable, which is really terrible.

While Xiaoguding was shaking his head, two clumsy footsteps came from outside. Looking up, Xue Yueer and Xiaoguding came back, and they had long been without the light and silent footsteps of those years.

After a few greetings, the two women saw that it was not early, and their bellies were empty but swollen. They didn't want to learn from rabbits and sheep anymore. They sat down for a while and immediately lay down and fell asleep. This time, they did not plan to sleep in the same tent with the little bone Ding. They said that they could not be with this lazy and dirty guy to avoid staining this hard-won refreshing feeling. .

Before going to bed, the abdomen is empty. If it weren't for extreme fatigue, the two women might not be able to sleep.

The sky is dark, and the sight is inconvenient. Coupled with the extreme fatigue of sleep, the little bone can only sleep sloppy and clothes. He is ready to continue to prepare for tomorrow and start hunting and survival in this strange place.

Tomorrow will be better!

Listening to the toss and turns of the two women next to him, Xiaogu Ding kept repeating this sentence to himself in his heart.

People with empty stomachs get up earlier because of hunger. Therefore, the first of the three people to rise is still the snow moon with the most work yesterday.

Looking at the gray outside the cave and the little dew on the grass in front of her, Xue Yueer touched her still bloated but hungry belly and shook her head helplessly. She didn't know whether she should continue to eat this indigestible grass and sat there for a while.

After a while, the sixth princess woke up, and then she was dressed in a sloppy little bone.

Last night, the reason why the two women came back very late was to keep their bodies temporarily refreshed. It was because I walked very slowly and had enough rest on the road that I came back so late.

Xiaoguding stretched out, patted his hungry belly, looked at the faint white fog in the sky, and knew that it was another sunny day. The third morning when they entered here was another fresh and cool sunny day, which was a little luck in misfortune.

Because of the side effects of bloating, the three of them don't want to jump down to eat grass at this time and starve here.


The sound of untimely silence made the three people blush.

At this time, Xue Yueer and the sixth princess really blushed, and there was a shy blush on the snow white. They no longer changed their faces, but they were still extremely ugly!

The two women returned to their original appearance and did not wear masks, but added some black and gray "pleson" and other decorations on their faces, making the original snow-white and delicate face a little rough and ugly.

This is the premise of Xiaoguding. Under the premise of not being sure about the safety of yourself and others, you have to try to hide your original beautiful appearance.

It turns out that beauty is sometimes a sin! This is the heartache that they endure pain to cover up their refreshing appearance.

At this time, Xue Yueer's face was stained with several large gray-black dots, like a painter's wrong ink, staining a large pink face very ugly. In addition, the nose widened a little and became flat and ugly. In short, the whole face is no longer the image of a beauty.

The sixth princess Song Mengyao's current appearance is so ordinary. The gray spots on her face are extremely thin, so she gathers in the front of her face. She can see it at a glance and looks disgustingly.

The little bone suddenly saw a streak of black grass and wood ash burned yesterday, and then thought that he had eaten a roast green insect that was not very bad. After that, nothing happened overnight. He couldn't help laughing and said, "Since everyone doesn't want to learn from cattle and sheep to eat grass, let's eat insects as a bird."

Xue Yueer said uncertainly, "It's not good. Didn't you mention that under unknown circumstances, you can't eat things indiscriminately. Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years."

Xiaoguding smiled and said, "I don't know. Anyway, I ate a roasted green worm last night."


The two women exclaimed at the same time. After their faces were slightly shocked, they turned happy. Xue Yueer asked nervously, "How are you feeling now?"

The sixth princess asked excitedly, "How does it taste?"

The little bone still spread his black hands, shrugged his shoulders, and smiled, "It's easy to bite and eat, but it's tasteless. It doesn't seem to be poisonous, at least there is no sign of poison now."

"It's okay now, and it's definitely okay in the future. Anyway, I won't starve to death and won't eat the ugly and indigestible grass!"

The sixth princess muttered excitedly and rushed back excitedly to put forward the skin of the little bone Ding with green insects.

Xiao Guding said funnyly, "Now the sun has not risen, and the dry grass leaves are stained with water mist. How can you light it?"

The sixth princess smiled and said, "It's not difficult for me. At worst, use these fur to make a fire!"

The sixth princess refers to the fur on a very thin and soft snow fox leather sweater brought by the three people. The tent is made of leather, and there is no hair. Only this plush snow fox leather coat is lighter and does not take up a place when fold together, so regardless of some trouble, she insists on bringing it out.

Xue Yueer smiled and said, "Are you willing to do this? At the beginning, you were reluctant to ask you to stay, but now you are willing to cut your hair to catch fire?"

"Bur it. Anyway, it may not be used here."

The sixth princess said stiffly, but she just looked at the package in leather clothes and didn't pick it up.

"Then you burn it. I'll catch bugs first so that I don't have enough to eat."

Xiaoguding smiled and turned out of the cave. He felt that there should be nothing wrong with this low cave, so he jumped boldly.


The little bone supported his hands and feet on the ground and fell into the dust awkwardly. When he sat up, he kept slapping some painful places, feeling the same as jumping down from several feet high before.

"How are you? Are you all right?"

The two women quickly crawled down nervously and gathered around.

Xiao Guding shook his head with a wry smile and said, "It's okay, it just hurts a little. It's still careless. It should be better in a few days. Help me get up. Let's find some bugs first, and then take some time to get better.

Before the water mist dissipated, the three began to look for the fat cyan worm that Xiaoguding had previously caught in this knee-high grass, regardless of the dew and wet clothes. This is a food plan that can fill the stomach, and it can't be sloppy.

Among the three skins, there are the thin-leaved grass that the green insects have been installed first. Then when they encounter the green insects, they put the mouth of the skins under the insects. The cold iron dagger pulls over and collects the insects, and there is a shout of excitement from time to time.

The grass is extremely high, and the three of them walk slowly and laboriously in it. It feels no different from shuttling through the thorny forest in the woods, and the sticky water-stained trousers tube. In short, it is not very comfortable.

But in order to fill their bellies, the three of them put up with it.

After more preying, the three of them found that this cyan worm only gnawed on the narrow grass with extremely small leaves, and most of the grass they walked through was as green as oil, and there was no trace of worm gnawing.

However, they are eager to prey on green insects and ignore this for the time being.

At the beginning of the sun, the soft sun shone on the drops of water that had not yet evaporated and emitted colorful light, making the original ordinary drops look like valuable pearls and gems at this moment.

Although this grassland is large, it is now difficult for the three of them to travel through. There are not many such cyan worms. The three of them have worked hard to find about 20 or 30 fat green bugs for more than half an hour, which is not enough.

So, when the three of them saw the sun gradually warming, but their stomachs felt more and more hungry, and the green insects caught in their skin bags were pitifully rare, they felt extremely uncomfortable.

Slowly roundabout, Xiaoguding found a more suitable place in the grass, cut open an open space with a cold iron dagger like cutting a forest, and grabbed the dead grass prepared last night from his arms.


The yellow-red spark flashed, and the flames of weak flowers slowly swayed and gradually spread into a vigorous bonfire, which could ignite the dead grass with some water and start grilling food.

The six princess and others in the distance are a little strange. Obviously, the dead grass around them is still not dry enough, but how did the little bone ignite the dead grass? When he came out, he didn't seem to bring the fox fur he brought.

With this puzzled suspicion and speculation, the two gathered to the fire with some excitement. Anyway, it is their top priority to fill their bellies first.